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NAVSEA 0901-LP-884-0008

9880.4032 SUBMARINES IN COMMISSION 4. The compartments shall be tested in accorĆ

dance with the schedule of tests built-in tanks and
To maintain the watertight integrity of the hull, compartments.
compartments, and tanks, periodic testing shall be
conducted on all submarines in accordance with their 5. Strength test and completion tests may be
schedule of tests built-in tanks and compartments. combined as indicated in applicable notes on ships inĆ
This schedule enumerates all compartments on the dividual test plans.
submarine that are to be tested for watertightness and 9880.4034 PERIODIC TESTS
specifies the kind of test required for each compartĆ
1. Periodic tests are conducted in accordance
ment. Completion of the specified tests will constiĆ with the ship tests built-in tanks and compartments
tute a full determination of the watertight integrity of schedule.
the submarine.
2. Main ballast tanks not fitted with flood
9880.4033 TESTS BUILT-IN TANKS AND valves must be examined for leakage before docking.
COMPARTMENTS Where leakage is indicated, the tanks must be tested
1. A schedule of tests built-in tanks and with internal air pressure during the drydocking periĆ
compartments is provided for submarines as deterĆ od and after the leaks have been repaired. Install
mined by NAVSEA for use by the ship force in mainĆ blank flanges as required.
taining a test record after the submarine goes into serĆ 3. All fuel ballast tanks and main ballast tanks
vice. that are fitted with flood valves must be tested with
2. Two types of tests are specified for periodic internal air pressure to determine if leaks exist and
testing as follows: again after the leaks, if any, are repaired.
a. Strength Tests. Each tank or compartĆ
ment noted in the schedule under strength tests using 1. Strength tests must be conducted whenever
air pressure or a head of liquid as a test medium shall the boundary has been violated for the following reaĆ
be periodically scheduled for testing. sons.
b. Completion Tests. Each tank or a. When repairs or modifications are
compartment noted in the schedule under compleĆ made.
tion tests using air pressure or a head of liquid as a
test medium shall be periodically scheduled for testĆ b. When hot work as defined below has
ing. been performed, except in the following case: A
strength test is not required for hot worked tanks subĆ
3. The schedule is prepared with column headĆ ject to hydrostatic pressures less than 125 psi.
ings as follows :
2. All tanks bounded by the pressure hull shall
a. STRENGTH TESTS be tested by the medium indicated and to the presĆ
sure equivalent to the seawater head in accordance
(1) Compartment Number
with the submarines individual test plan prior to subĆ
(2) Frame
mergence, except if a tank has known deficiencies,
(3) Capacity
the tank shall be tested to the established restricted
(4) Test Number
pressures and not to the design test pressures which
(5) Detail Spec Test
are indicated on the submarine individual test plan.
(6) Type of Test
(If doubt exists as to the proper test pressure to be
(7) Duration
used, the question should be referred to NAVSEA
(8) Date of Test
for resolution.)
(9) Remarks
b. COMPLETION TEST 3. Hot work referred to above is defined as
(1) Test Number work involving welding, flame cutting, use of open
(2) Type of Test flame equipment, or other work involving heating the
(3) Pressure metal to or above 450 degrees. The following are conĆ
(4) Duration sidered exceptions and are excluded from the above
(5) Allowable Drop definition of hot work providing the welding requireĆ
(6) Inspection for Service Date ments of chapter 074 volume 1 (9920), Welding and
(7) Remarks Allied Processes, are invoked.


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Digital Database NAVSEA 0901–LP–884–0006 Complete thru Change 8

reading occurs on the pressure gauges or a relief consult the cognizant industrial hygienist, a list
valve opens. is provided in OPNAVINST 5100.19A, Naval
Safety for Forces Afloat.
h. Before applying pressure, the test memo
shall be signed by the shipyard and ship per- j. Air test sets shall not include mercury ma-
sonnel in charge of the test, signifying com- nometers. Ships whose air test equipment con-
pliance with the requirements set forth in para- tains mercury manometers should requisition
graphs 9880.4037.1.a. through 9880.4037.1.f. replacement gauges for each manometer. Req-
uisitions may be against NAVSEA COSAL
i. Determine if the source of compressed air outfitting funds under provision of the NAV-
for the air test is certified breathable. If the air SEA Outfitting Manual, T9066–AA–
is certified, personnel may be stationed inside MAN–010, 29 March 1986 citing this chapter,
the space to inspect for and temporarily seal section and paragraph of the Naval Ships Tech-
leaks. If it is not, inspection for leaks shall be nical Manual as funding authority. The stock
made from the surrounding compartments. number for replacement gauges is
The compressed air supply which provides air 9G–6685–00–953–9090. The AEL for air test
for personnel in enclosed spaces shall meet the equipment is 2–870004053. When you receive
minimum purity requirements for Type I Grade your gauges forward them with a 4790.2K to
D air as specified in the American National SIMA Norfolk or SIMA San Diego for the
Standards Institute (ANSI) Publication. This installation of a compartment test set adapter
includes shipyard, naval base, shipboard or kit (1/2–inch to 1/4–inch adapter and special
portable compressed air units. For assistance dial face) and recalibration.

CHANGE 7 10 


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