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DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150

Investigation of Fireball Temperatures in Confined

Thermobaric Explosions
Lotfi Maiz,*[a, b] Waldemar A. Trzciński,[a] and Jzef Paszula[a]

Abstract: New composite metalized explosives were stud- influence of the structure of the macroscopic granular com-
ied. The explosives consisted of two different types of mac- posite, the charge type (pressed charge or layered charge
roscopic granular multi-component RDX-based formula- with an RDXph core), oxygen availability (air or argon at-
tions. In a 0.15 m3 explosion chamber, fireball temperature mosphere) and aluminum particle size on the fireball tem-
histories for numerous cylindrical pressed and layered perature and the combustion of the aluminum powder
charges made from the composites were determined using were determined. The measured temperatures were com-
optical spectroscopy. For comparison, charges consisting of pared with the theoretical ones calculated by assuming dif-
simple mixtures instead of the composites as well TNT and ferent activity of the aluminum fuel.
RDX phlegmatized (RDXph) charges were also studied. The
Keywords: Confined explosions · Thermobarics · Composite explosives · Fireball temperature · Aluminum afterburning

1 Introduction

To increase the heat effect of explosion, chemically active tures in high explosives. Recently Ogura et al. [7] used two
metals mainly aluminum and magnesium are added to con- four-color pyrometers to study fireballs temperature gener-
densed explosives. Despite that the combustion rate is not ated upon the explosion of 1–100 kg of TNT. It was shown
fast enough to enable these metals to take part in the reac- in Ref. [8] that pyrometry techniques alone may be not
tions occurring in the detonation zone; they may react enough to properly determine temperature of aluminized
with detonation products and oxygen from air and signifi- formulation fireballs.
cantly increase the explosion energy [1]. When detonated In fact, in optical pyrometry, temperature is estimated
in closed spaces, shock wave reflections, and mixing of the from Wien’s relation using the measured intensities (radi-
metallic fuel with detonation products and air enhance ance) at two different wavelengths under the assumption
more the afterburning reactions. Thermobaric explosives that grey body type radiation are emitted from the fireball
(TBXs) and enhanced blast explosives (EBXs) belong to this [5, 7–9]. However; if the explosives are metalized such as
type of explosive formulations. The detonation of such ma- thermobaric formulations, strong absorption lines may
terials in a closed space is accompanied by two stages, the appear on the continuous spectrum. Moreover, sodium and
first short anaerobic stage and the second long combustion less frequently potassium emission lines were also ob-
stage. This latter, lasting tens of milliseconds, is character- served from emission spectra recorded from homogeneous
ized by the reaction of the metallic fuel with detonation high explosives fireballs [5, 10, 11]. Consequently, erroneous
products and oxygen from air. The result is a long lasting results and conclusions may be derived if one (or more) of
pressure and thermal effects, which increase significantly the pyrometer’s working wavelengths coincides with such
the fireball temperature [1, 2]. In this case, the fireball tem- emission or absorption lines of the gaseous spectra. Gor-
perature is one of the measurable parameters to evaluate oshin et al. [11] used time integrated spectroscopy to assist
the combustion effectiveness. in the choice of the working wavelengths when using
To date, only non-intrusive optical techniques based on
the observation of radiant emissions from the fireball [a] L. Maiz, W. A. Trzciński, J. Paszula
permit the experimental quantification of fireball tempera- Military University of Technology
ture, and next, when and where the metallic additives burn Advanced Technology and Chemistry
Kaliskiego 2
(using direct in situ measurements of explosive fireballs is
Warsaw 00 908, Poland
difficult because of the short time scales and the extreme *e-mail:
environments of high temperatures and pressures) [3–5].
[b] L. Maiz
The use of optical methods to determine temperature Ecole Militaire Polytechnique
dates to 1958, when Gibson et al. [6] used electro-optical UER Chimie applique
methods in an attempt to determine detonation tempera- BP 17, Bordj-el-Bahri, Algiers, Algeria

DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &1&
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Full Paper L. Maiz, W. A. Trzciński, J. Paszula

a three color optical pyrometer. Fireball temperature histor-

ies of homogeneous charges (TNT and sensitized NM) and
heterogeneous charges (NM/Al, NM/Mg and MN/Zr) have
been estimated. It was found that after tens of miliseconds
fireball temperatures of metalized explosives were about
700 to 800 K higher than temperature of the corresponding
homogeneous explosive, these differences were attributed
the burning of the metallic fuel. The influence of confine-
ment on temperature history at a late stage of explosion of
TNT and a RISAL thermobaric explosive (RDX/isopropyl ni-
trate/Al/aerosol 29/53/14.5/3.5 wt-%) was also investigated
by B. E. Gelfand et al. [12]. The RISAL fireball explosion tem-
perature increased by 500 K compared to free field detona-
tion. Unlike the thermobaric formulation the influence of
confinement on the TNT afterburning was insignificant. Un-
fortunately, just limited numbers of papers dealing with
such investigations have been published and a lack of fire- Figure 1. Schematic of the investigated pressed charge:1 – com-
ball temperature data is noted in the literature. posite or mixture, 2 – detonator.
In the presented work the data collected from emission
spectroscopy are directly used to estimate fireball tempera-
tures of classical explosives and a number of new thermo-
baric composite formulations in confined explosions. These
temperature results are obtained by a polychromatic fitting
method [13]. The effect of several parameters on the fire-
ball temperature history is also determined using optical
spectroscopy results. An attempt was undertaken to esti-
mate the activity of the metallic fuel contained in the ther-
mobaric explosives from the experiment data and thermo-
chemical study.

2 Experimental Approach
2.1 Characteristics of Charges
Layered and pressed cylindrical charges containing differ- Figure 2. Schematic of the investigated layered charge: 1 –
ent composite formulations were used in the study. Cross RDXph, 2 – composite or mixture, 3 – paper tube, 4 – detonator.
sections of the pressed and layered charges are shown in
Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. The composite formula-
tions used for charges elaboration were in a form of macro-
scopic multi-component energetic granules prepared by
using so called “wet method” [14, 15]. As shown in
Figure 3, these granules have homogeneous or core-shell
structure (A or B) and contain cyclo-1,3,5-trimethylene-
2,4,6-trinitramine (RDX), ammonium perchlorate (AP), alumi-
num (Al) and Viton. Moreover, layered and pressed cylindri-
cal charges containing simple mixtures of these compo- Figure 3. Structures of the macroscopic multi-components gran-
nents were prepared (C). For comparison, pressed TNT (tri- ules prepared by the wet method: A – homogeneous configura-
nitrotoluene, with a density of 1.53 g cm3) charges and tion, B – core-shell configuration.
pressed RDXph (RDX phlegmatized by 6 % of wax) charges
with a density of 1.69 g cm3 were made. Compositions and
characteristics of each composite heterogeneous charge tween 44 and 149 mm) and symbol a corresponds to a type
are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. of composite configuration or mixture (A, B, or C). All
Pressed charges are named hereafter as TBX-x1-a, and tested charges, namely composite pressed, composite lay-
the layered ones as TBX-x2-a, where symbol x denotes ered, pressed TNT and pressed RDXph had the same mass
a type of aluminum (1 – fine Al (Al1) with particles size of 43 g. The diameter of pressed charges was 25 mm. The
below 44 mm or 2 – coarse Al (Al2) with particle sizes be- cylindrical layered charge consisted of a core of RDXph and

&2&  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150
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Fireball Temperatures in Confined Thermobaric Explosions

Table 1. Composition and characteristics of cylindrical pressed charges.

TBX-11-A TBX-21-A TBX-11-B TBX-21-B TBX-11-C TBX-21-C
Constituent [wt-%]
RDX 50 50 50 50 50 50
Al 30 (Al1) 30 (Al2) 30 (Al1) 30 (Al2) 30 (Al1) 30 (Al2)
AP 10 10 10 10 10 10
Binder 10 (Viton) 10 (Viton) 10 (Viton) 10 (Viton) 10 (Viton) 10 (Viton)
Composite/mixture granules A granules A granules B granules B mixture mixture
Density [g cm3] 1.87 1.90 1.73 1.74 1.76 1.79

Table 2. Composition and characteristics of cylindrical layered charges.

TBX-12-A TBX-22-A TBX-12-C TBX-22-C
Constituent [wt-%]
RDX 50 50 50 50
Al 30 (Al1) 30 (Al2) 30 (Al1) 30 (Al2)
AP 10 10 10 10
Binder 6.6 + 3.4 (Viton + wax) 6.6 + 3.4 (Viton + wax) 6.6 + 3.4 (Viton + wax) 6.6 + 3.4 (Viton + wax)
Core/layer RDXph/granules A RDXph/granules A RDXph/mixture RDXph/mixture
Density [g cm3] 1.69/1.23 1.69/1.23 1.69/1.21 1.69/1.22

an external layer containing the composites or mixtures, tests were carried in air atmosphere under normal pressure
the diameter d of the core was 16 mm, the external cylin- of about 0.1 MPa and at ambient temperature. Then TBX-A
der was a paper tube having a thickness of about 2 mm charges were selected for tests in argon under the same
and an external diameter D of 30 mm. conditions. In both air and argon atmospheres, at least
three tests were performed for each investigated charge.
Light from the fireball was collected by the reinforced optic
2.2 Experimental Site
fiber sensor and later sent to a spectrometer via an optic
Experiments were performed in a closed explosion cham- fiber cable. Data were transferred from the spectrometer to
ber of 0.15 m3 volume. Dimensions of the explosion cham- a laptop computer and treated using the manufacturer
ber are shown in Figure 4. The tested charge was hung in software. Taking into account results of previous works
the center of the chamber. A reinforced optic fiber was [10, 16–18], the first light intensity spectrum was recorded
placed in the wall of the chamber in such away to be di- one millisecond after the electrical ignition signal to the
rected to the charge. An electrical standard detonator was detonation (hereafter denoted as t = 0) from a distance of
enough to detonate all layered charges, pressed TBX-A, about 29 cm and the following spectrums approximately
TNT and RDXph charges, however, a booster consisting of each 3 ms. Also, spectrums were collected in the visible
5 g of pressed RDXph was necessary to initiate the detona- and infrared range of wavelengths (from 300 nm to
tion of TBX-B charges and TBX-C pressed charges. First 1100 nm). According to the manufacturer, the used type of
fiber reaches a constant transmittance of about 85 % from
500 nm wavelength to more than 1000 nm

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Fireball Spectra
Features and global shape of the recorded fireball spectra
(but not the intensities) were found to be mainly depen-
dent on the chemical composition of the explosives (TNT,
RDXph or aluminized charges) and the oxygen availability.
Indeed, these spectra were independent from the charge
type (namely pressed or layered charges) and the type of
the used aluminum. Under the same conditions, the spec-
Figure 4. Schematic of the 0.15 m3 semi-closed bunker (side view): troscopic results were reproducible for each charge (three
1 – explosive charge, 2 – fiber optic sensor, 3 – spectrometer, 4 – shots). Exemplary fireball spectra are shown in Figure 5.
external trigger, 5 – computer. The spectra from charges detonation in air exhibit several

DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &3&
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Full Paper L. Maiz, W. A. Trzciński, J. Paszula

emitters in the fireball. The fiber optic transmittance does

not reach yet its maximal constant value bellow 500 nm
and very noisy data were collected in the region above
950 nm, the signal intensities were almost in the same level
as the electronic background. Consequently, the wave-
length interval was taken between 500 to 950 nm during
calculations. Firstly, the spectral radiation intensity (or radi-
ance) was obtained from the raw signal collected by the
spectrometer. The sensitivity curve was determined using
a tungsten halogen standard calibration lamp. By multiply-
ing the experimental recorded intensity by the spectrome-
ter and the sensitivity corresponding to each wavelength,
values of the real radiances were determined (similarly to
Ref. [18]). Wien’s relation relates the radiance Ll to tempera-
ture and is expressed as follow

where a is a constant if grey body-type radiations are as-

sumed to be emitted from the fireballs and C2 = hc/k =
1,439  104 mm K, h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of
light, and k is the Boltzmann constant. Equation (1) is valid
only for small values of lT, that is for exp(C2/lT) @ 1. This re-
lation is accurate to within 1 % for lT less than 3000 mm K
with Planck equation [13, 19]. Both sides of Equation (1) are
positive and the equation is equivalent to:

Figure 5. Typical collected light-intensity spectrum at about 4 ms Hence, temperature can be simply deduced by a linear
after detonation in the chamber filled with air and argon. approximation using Equation (2) to fit the experimental
variation of ln(Ll l5) in function of 1/l (see Figure 6, adjust-
broad emission lines with very small intensities (probably ed correlation coefficient R2 is 99.97 % which means that
be the sum of the contribution of several species) as well
as very sharp intense lines at 589, 766, and 769 nm. These
lines are contributed to Na (sodium) and K (potassium) im-
purities, respectively [5, 10, 11].
Moreover, aluminized charges show a double atomic
band at 520 and 525 nm contributed to the gaseous mo-
lecular AlO (B2 + S!X2S + ) [5, 11]. Unlike detonation in air,
when detonated in an argon atmosphere, all recorded
spectra were continuous and free from any emission or ab-
sorption peaks approaching grey body radiation behavior
(probably not enough energy is available for the species to
emit because part of detonation energy is absorbed by
argon). Also, no light was collected from five RDXph (43 g)
trials in the argon atmosphere.

3.2 Fireball Temperature Estimation

The continuous part of the fireball spectra of each explo- Figure 6. Linear polychromatic fitting of the spectral intensity to
sive was used to derive temperature of the condensed Wien’s law.

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Fireball Temperatures in Confined Thermobaric Explosions

a is constant and grey-body radiations type were veritably

emitted from the fireballs). Value of the slope b = C2/T is de-
termined and temperature can be calculated in Equation (3)

The fireball temperatures for all charges detonated in air

and argon atmospheres are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8
respectively. Optical methods can be used to estimate tem-
peratures only during the period where the heat trans-
ferred by radiation is predominant. This duration corre-
sponds exactly to the time of lightning of the explosion
fireball. This is why the temperature results were obtained
for different period of time depending on the charge. It
can be observed also that fireball temperatures drop quick-
ly during the first period of registration and tend to more
or less a constant value with time. In fact, a few millisec-
onds after detonation, temperatures are high due to the
shock waves reverberations from the chambers wall and
the reactions between detonation products, aluminum and
air (if it is present). But due to turbulences inside the cham-
ber some equilibrium state is attained with time and the
temperature tend to equalize in the entire volume of the
chamber. This late time temperature can be considered as
the final fireball temperature.
Aluminum powder size, charge type, and composite
structures (A, B or mixtures C) affect the measured temper-
atures. In fact, the fireball temperatures of pressed charges
with big aluminum particle size are clearly higher than
those with smaller aluminum particles by a minimum
200 K. This difference is very small in the case of layered
charges where temperature profiles are similar. This means
that kinetic and probably mechanism of aluminum reaction
are different in the case Al1 and Al2 particles. The latter
probably moves far from the center of the chamber and
can react more effectively with oxygen from air. If it comes
to comparison between the charge types, pressed compo-
site charges generate higher fireball temperatures than lay-
ered charges and this is true for both aluminum particle
sizes. The explosion process of pressed charges inside the
confined explosion chamber provides better conditions for
the combustion of aluminum particles, probably during the
Figure 7. Temperature profiles of the charges detonated in the ex-
anaerobic explosion stage, in which the aluminum reacts
plosion chamber filled with air derived from the continuous spec-
with the detonation products (better mixing, better contact tra.
between the chemical species in the early time). This in-
creases the temperature and makes the aluminum powder
ready to react with oxygen from air after mixing in the last by the spectrometer for all shots (3 shots for RDXph and 6
aerobic stage. When layered charges are detonated the shots for TNT). This means that the afterburning reactions
macroscopic particles move quickly into air and the second of the detonation products were not able to sustain an ex-
combustion stage, which prepare the aluminum to react plosion fireball in the absence of oxygen. Concerning alu-
with oxygen is shorter. Temperatures could not be mea- minized charges detonated in argon, the values of the mea-
sured for homogeneous charges when detonated in an sured fireballs temperatures are smaller than those mea-
argon atmosphere, simply because no light was recorded sured in air (about 700 K and 200 K lower for pressed and

DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &5&
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Full Paper L. Maiz, W. A. Trzciński, J. Paszula

Figure 8. Temperature profiles of the charges detonated in the ex- Figure 9. Dependence of the theoretical temperature on the alu-
plosion chamber filled with argon derived from the continuous minum activity for the charges detonated in the explosion cham-
spectra. ber filled with air or argon.

layered charges respectively) because of the lack of served that all experimental temperatures are lower than
oxygen. Unfortunately, comparison of the obtained results the theoretical calculated for 100 % active aluminum but
with similar works available in the literature was not possi- significantly higher than those estimated under the as-
ble because no data concerning the confined explosions of sumption of non-reactivity of aluminum particles. This indi-
similar formulations are available. cates that aluminum from the compositions reacts with
detonation products and air in the chamber resulting in an
additional heat, which increases temperature of the gas-
3.3 Thermochemical Calculation
eous mixture. This conclusion is confirmed by the analysis
Thermochemical calculations were made to estimate the of the solid residue recovered from the chamber after deto-
theoretical equilibrium temperatures in the explosion nation of aluminized explosives [14, 21]. Aluminum oxide
chamber filled with air and argon. The constant volume ex- was the main component of this residue. However, the pre-
plosion state was determined for an explosive charge and cise determination of the reaction degree of aluminum
gas closed in the chamber. Several values of equilibrium from Figure 9 on the basis of the temperature measured in
temperature were determined assuming an aluminum ac- the chamber is not possible due to the changing of the
tivity varying from 0 to 100 % (percent of aluminum, which latter in time. Calculated equilibrium temperatures for TNT
can participate in reaction). CHEETAH code with modified li- and RDXph detonated in the air filler are 2758 K and
brary was used for this purpose with the set of values of 2423 K, respectively. The latter is higher of about 300–400 K
the BKW parameters: a = 0.50, b = 0.40, k = 10.86 and q = than the temperature measured during the first 20 ms after
5441 [20]. The fuse explosive (PETN) was included in the the detonation, while in the case of TNT charge these tem-
calculation. For TBX-11-B, TBX-21-B, TBX-11-C, TBX-21-C, the peratures are comparable.
5 g RDXph booster was also taken into consideration. The Afterburning reactions in the chamber filled with argon
dependence of calculated temperatures on the percent of are quickly stopped and the liberated energy is small as
active aluminum is presented in Figure 9. Concerning alu- prove the experimental results of temperature. However,
minized charges; obviously, the temperature inside the despite the effect of argon, the measured fireballs tempera-
chamber increase when the percent of active aluminum in tures are higher than the equilibrium temperatures calcu-
the composition increase. It is worth to notice that, even lated for inert aluminum. This means that aluminum takes
the heat generated from aluminized charges detonated in part in the anaerobic afterburning reactions with the hot
air is much higher than in argon (lack of oxygen from air), detonation products and the AP decomposition products.
surprisingly, the gap in the calculated theoretical tempera- In this case, aluminum oxide and aluminum nitrate are
tures is relatively small. This results from the differences in present in the calculated explosion products as well as in
heat capacities of the gases filling the chamber. For the the solid residue from the chamber [14, 21].
temperature range from 298.5 to 3000 K the heat capacity
of argon in the chamber is constant and is equal only to
72.8 J K1, whereas the heat capacity of air increases from
4 Summary
129.3 to 181.6 J K1.
When the fireball temperatures measured in the chamber Fireball temperature histories of new composite thermobar-
filled with air are compared to the calculated ones, it is ob- ic formulations were determined in confined explosions

&6&  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150
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Fireball Temperatures in Confined Thermobaric Explosions

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DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600150  2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &7&
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L. Maiz,* W. A. Trzciński, J. Paszula
&& – &&
Investigation of Fireball
Temperatures in Confined
Thermobaric Explosions

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