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Primal Movement

Starter Workouts

Six Intro Workouts

for Strength, Mobility, and Sustainable
A Sustainable Approach to Movement & Fitness
In recent years, there has been somewhat of a renaissance in fitness - a return to more
functional and practical movement training. This is exciting, but I know it can also be
overwhelming. Everyone has their own journey and part of that is sorting through all
the noise out there to find what actually works best for you.

Movement || Life aims to provide you with sound information and simple strategies for
better movement and a higher quality of life. I believe your fitness should not only
lead to great results, but also creating a better relationships with your body & stronger
commitment to your health.

For me, this all started when my focus started to shift away from top-end performance
to longevity & sustainability. This shift was set in motion when I was noticed that my
training was leaving me feeling beat down and uninspired. Grinding it out just wasn’t
making sense anymore.

I believe fitness should be a balance of strength, mobility, and athleticism. I also

believe in the power of movement to heal the body and maintain functionality for a
lifetime. “Primal training” is a style that goes by many names and looks (IMO some
good, some bad). To me, it simply represents an emphasis on mindful connection to
basic human movement.

This PDF is a short collection of primal-style movement workouts that you can use to
bring more balance to your fitness. These are bodyweight workouts and for the most
part require no equipment other than a comfortable open space. Each session is
broken down into 4 parts: Check-in, Combo, Core, and Stretch Out.

The Check-in is a short mobility warm-up lasting about 10-15 minutes (but could be
longer). The purpose is to literally check-in with your body through a set of movements
that will prompt you to explore your range of motion and sync up with your breathing. I
urge you to take this time to be present and observe the sensations that arise. Through
checking-in you can determine your current physical status and be more intentional
about how intensely you want to train.

The Primal Movement Combo is a set of movements to challenge your strength &
mobility and practice basic movement patterns. Each movement is linked to a short
demonstration video and has some suggested sets and reps. Modify these movements
to meet your current ability level. They can be performed as a circuit, intervals, or as
individual sets. Play with the template to find what works best for you.
The Core section is dedicated core work. Most of our movements begin with core
stability and are driven through our shoulders and hips. When it comes to core training,
a little mindful movement goes a long way. Focus on performing these few movements
with skill and intention. This core work is nice for “feeling the burn” but also fostering
the internal connections that drive better movement.

Lastly, the Stretch Out is a series of movements to finish each practice. It’s not
necessary to stretch after each movement workout, rather it serves as a way to slow
down and check out. Just like the workout, stretching should be performed mindfully.
There are no exact sets here, but at a minimum take 10-15 minutes to stretch. If you’re
pressed for time, it may be better to stretch out at a different point in the day, even
taking 10-30 minutes to stretch as part of an evening routine.

Fitness is a journey towards growth. The ways we move become the habits that
influence how we live. I hope that through these workout templates and my videos that
you’ll stay curious about the ways you can more and how you can better take of
yourself. Best wishes to you in your training and feel free to reach to me via e-mail at if you have any questions or feedback.

In movement & health,

Kellen Milad

The information contained in our website, blog, guest blogs, e-mails, programs, services and/or products is for educational and
informational purposes only, and is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you
engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these
activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge KJM Consulting LLC from any and all claims or
causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of KJM Consulting LLC.

Copyright KJM Consulting LLC, 2019. All rights reserved. 

Session 1

2 rounds.
1. Side Bent Sit Swivels: 20x
2. Figure Four Rock Up: 10x
3. Tripod Get Ups: 8x

Primal Movement Combo

4 rounds.
1. Foot Hand Crawl 40 steps
2. Bodyweight Squats 20x

3. Active Hang 30-45 seconds

3 rounds.
1. Tuck Ups 15x
2. Plank Knee Tucks 20x alternating

Stretch Out
1. Shoulder Dislocates
2. Prone Spinal Extension
3. Side Bent Sit Stretches

Session 2

2 rounds.
1. Supine Bridge March: 20x
2. Crawl Pass Under Transitions: 10x
3. Multiplane Lunges: 20x

Primal Movement Combo

4 rounds.
1. Inverted Crawl 40 steps
2. Step Ups 8x each side

3. Active Hang 30-45 seconds

3 rounds.
1. Supine Cross Crawl 40x
2. Side Tuck Ups 8x each side

Stretch Out
1. Prone Spinal Extension
2. Foot Hand Crawl Lunges
3. Side Bent Sit Stretches
Session 3

2 rounds.
1. Crawl Pass Under Transitions: 20x
2. Half Kneeling Get Ups: 10x
3. Step Overs: 10x / side

Primal Movement Combo

5 rounds.
1. Side Bent Sit Hip Switches 20x
2. Push Ups 15x

3. Foot Hand Crawl Lunges 10x

4. Rolling Squat Get Ups 10x

4 rounds.
1. Rotational Rocking 4 revolutions

2. Supine Hip Presses 12x

3. Plank Knee Tucks 12x

Stretch Out
1. Forward Fold to Deep Squat + OH Reach
2. Knee Hand Spinal Articulation
3. Kneeling Rotation Reaches

Session 4

2 rounds
1. Side Bent Sit Swivels: 20x
2. Knee Hand Spinal Articulation: 10x
3. Kneeling Step Outs: 20x

Primal Movement Combo

4 rounds.
1. Crawling Kick Thrus 12x
2. Crawl to Deep Squat 6x

3. Bodyweight Squats 12x

4. Lateral Leg Swing Jumps 24x
5. Active Hang 60 seconds

3 rounds.
1. Supine Cross Crawl 40x
2. Long Rolls 10x

Stretch Out
1. Cross Sit & Long Sit Reaches
2. Half Kneeling Stretch

Session 5

2 rounds.
1. Figure Four Rock Ups: 10x
2. Inverted Crawl Reaches: 20x
3. Plank Shifting: 10x

Primal Movement Combo

4 rounds.
1. Tripod Get Up 6x
2. Squat Shifting 12x

3. Sprawls 6x
4. Prone Lying Spin 6x
5. Foot Hand Crawl 40 steps

3 rounds.
1. Rotational Rocking 6 revolutions
2. Crawling Kick Thrus 20x

Stretch Out
1. Supine & Seated Reaching
2. Prone Spinal Extension
3. Knee Hand Spinal Articulation

Session 6

2 rounds.
1. Inverted Crawl Reaches: 10x
2. Crawl Pass Under Transitions: 20x
3. Kneeling Step Outs: 10x

Primal Movement Combo

4 rounds.
1. Figure Four Rock Ups 8x
2. Foot Hand Crawl 30 steps

3. Push Ups + Knee Tuck 8x

4. Inverted Crawl 30 steps
5. Rotational Rocking 4 revolutions

3 rounds.
1. Crawling Kick Thrus 20x
2. Hanging Knee Tucks 10x

Stretch Out
1. Knee Hand Rotation Reaches
2. Side Bent Sit Stretch
3. Supine & Seated Reaching

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