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Interviewer: Bethany Jane Mascardo

Interviewee: Meca Batausa Mascardo

Date and Time: September 14th 2019, 9:00pm


Bethany: Good evening, can I ask you a few questions about how you see contraceptives?

Meca: Good evening. Actually, never in my mind to use contraceptives because I been hearing a lot of
reports that it has many negative effects. Suddenly, after I gave birth to my first daughter, Asheycah
and then my second daughter, Rophekah, I deter because their age gap is very short. That’s why I
tried to attempt using contraceptives but after using it for months I observed that there is no changes
or side effects.

Bethany: What are contraceptives for?

Meca: It is for birth control. I used it because I don’t want to bear another baby after I got pregnant.

Bethany: Is there any physical changes like losing weight?

Meca: Other woman experience losing or gaining weight and some are experiencing mood swings
that’s why I never tried using one after I gave birth to my first daughter, Asheycah.

Next question.

Bethany: Since you tried using contraceptives, what are your other experience while using it?

Meca: You want to know more about my experience? After the birth of my second daughter, I started
using contraceptives for almost 2 years. But in that period of time, I’ve been experiencing rashes and
hair loss but I don’t know if it’s the effect of the pills or I been experiencing imbalance.

So, I stop using it. But when I end it, I eventually got pregnant to my little boy Asher. But I’m not sure
if that’s the effects of taking pills but that is what I observed.

Bethany: Okay, but why did you stop it when you’ve been using it for so long?

Meca: I end it because I thought it’s the reason why rashes starts appearing in my skin and
experiencing hair loss. But when I research about it, I found out that there are really side effects of
taking contraceptives.

Bethany: Have you observe that there are physical effects in using it?

Meca: well, there’s none. I’m still the same.

Bethany: Which contraceptive did you try using?

Meca: I used Trust pill but I tried Diane pills once because it for beautification purposes and they said
that it can nourish your skin but I didn’t see any effects because I just used it once and it’s very
expensive.That’s why I used Trust pills for a long time because it’s affordable.

Bethany: Is there any physiological effect you noticed?

Meca: None.

Bethany: If you are using oral contraceptives, were you still experience sexual arousal or sexual
Meca: Yes, I feel so dry and I don’t like to have intercourse with my husband. But there some opposite
effects in other women because they will long to their husbands. But if my husband wants, then it’s
okay for me but not to the extent that I long for it.

Bethany: Thank you so much for taking time in this interview.

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