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Thanks so much for offering to look after my dog while I´m away. I really
appreciate it. I know that Bonzo will love staying with you and be really well
looked after. Just to confirm- I´ll be away from 11-14 August.
Thanks again

Hi Sam,
Thanks for your email, i apologise for the delay in replying to you. But I´ve been
very busy preparing for my last exams.
Unfortunately, I am extremely sorry but I can´t look after Bonzo because I have
to do an interview in Madrid so I will have to spend that week there.
Perhaps, I can find another person who is reliable to look after the dog. I´d
imagine that its difficult to leave your dog with strange people. But if you don´t
mind, I can ask my cousin who lives nearby. She has a big house with a wide
garden where bonzo will be comfortable.
I don´t feel well, but I think we have enough time to find someone who can do
it, so let me know if you are happy with this idea. Besides if you have any
questions, don´t hesitate to call me, because I´ll be glad to answer them.
I am very sorry.
Best wishes
Sheila cobas.

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