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Name: Bethany Jane C.

Mascardo Understanding the Self- 8:00-9:00am

Course: BPE Date: September 8, 2019





The Filipino culture is one of the factors in creating the self-concept of every Filipino. It
also has an interesting story that presents the nation’s journey through the history. Reflecting the
history of the people, their faith or belief systems, disposition to nature, and celebrations are
packed up in the culture of Filipino.
The heart for the family makes the Filipino different from other Asian countries because
Filipinos are known to be family oriented people. They will do everything they can even if
there’s something to be sacrificed in order for the family to have what they need and want. This
goes to show that Filipinos are hardworking people.
Another culture of Filipino is the trait of being hospitable whether to the people they
know or not. They show kindness and goodness to everyone despite the situation of
economically challenge. They will do their very best to make the visitors or foreigners
comfortable and not regret of visiting their place.
Religiosity and celebration are also cultures of Filipino that are correlated. Perhaps, the
annual calendar of the Filipino is packed with festivals or celebration that is related to their
devotions of what they believed and many of which combine costumes and rituals even if it cost
their lives which is from the nation’s pre-Christian past with the Catholic belief and ideology of
the present day.
Filipino earns respect because they show respect from other people especially to the
elderly. Saying “Mano Po” is one of the ways of showing respect to other people whether you
are a child or an adult. If you will not do this to your parents or to the people whose age is older
than yours, you will be called disrespectful or in Filipino “walang galang’.
Difference between Western and Eastern

Western Eastern

The Leaders The Leaders

While in the western cultures, the concept of In the eastern cultures, the leader assumes
equality is taken more seriously and a leader is supreme status. He has a great bearing on the
just one among the rest. He is not looked as general public. This comes from the fact that in
above and over the general public. eastern cultures a technically greater man is
often elevated to God-like status irrespective of
his worth.
Individual Worth Individual Worth
In the western civilization, the self is given The relationships in the eastern cultures are
preference over family and hence decisions on family centric. Couples for example need to
priority and relevance of relationships are of pass through family approvals before taking
the individual. It the step towards something as personal and
important as marriage. This is also one of the
reasons why arranged marriages are still very
much pertinent to the eastern societies.
Culture Culture
Western culture is based mostly on Eastern culture is based on the main schools of
Christianity, scientific, logical, and rational Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam,
school and has a linear view of the universe Taoism, and Zen and has a circular view of the
that is based on the Christian philosophy that universe that is based upon the perception of
everything has a beginning and an end. eternal recurrence 
Beliefs Beliefs
In Western, individualism is stronger, Eastern believes that a human being is an
believing that a human being has an integral part of the society as well as the
individualistic and is an independent part of the universe and practices collectivism.
society and the universe.
Education Education
In the West, the focus is very much on In the East, every student is equal and has the
individual achievement and fostering natural same chance of academic success as the next
ability. Students are encouraged to think for student. Hard work is the way to attain success.
themselves. Participation is key. Students are n Eastern schools, discipline can outweigh any
expected to challenge their lecturers. Tutors academic problems the students might face.
want to pique their student’s interest and get There are no other reasons for a student to fail.
them curious about their subject. In Western However, if they do, it’s certainly not the
schools, students are contributors to their own school’s fault. More likely it’s down to the
education. They are not merely recipients of an parents or the student themselves.
education. If a student fails, the school or
institution is blamed.


Janey Davies, Learning Mind

Nabanita Dhar,

Do you agree the differentiation between the West and the East? Where can you find the
Philippines in the distinction? What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different
from other Asian neighbors? Is there also a difference between regions and ethnolinguistic group
in the Philippines?
First things first, I agree that there are differences in West and East because both are
geographically located in different places so it means that it has distinct cultures, society,
individuals, priorities in life, belief systems, educational systems, etc. I can find the Philippines
in the Eastern culture and somehow in the Western Culture because there are cultures in the East
that is likely similar to the Filipino Culture just like following their family decision about
marriage, preferring relation, religion and job opportunities are limited. On the other side,
Filipino culture has a little mixed of Western culture just like the belief that one’s future is
unknown and that it is determined by God. However, there are lots of factors that make the
Philippines similar or different from other Asian Neighbors like the countries of Thailand,
Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, etc.

All the cultures of the country stated above are very family oriented; they’re all also quite poor
compared to rich countries, which means there’s a lot of poverty, dirt, trash in many places.
Pollution in big cities is another thing they share. They all like karaoke, they turn a blind eye to
prostitution, and they sometimes treat animals badly. They are all extremely corrupt and very
often utterly incompetent. Food quality is often terrible and rice and seafood are the most
prominent, but they all have good food available widely if you’re in large cities.

However, I believed that there are differences in region or ethnic group of the Philippine just like
the Eastern and the Western Country because every ethnic group or region has its own language,
culture, tradition and society. There are seventeen administrative regions in the Republic of the
Philippines. There are also as many as 175 “distinct” ethnic groups and an equal mumber of
“distinct” languages spoken in the Philippines. The reason why I say “distinct” is because all
~175 languages (except for two, one being Chavacano, a creole of Spanish and Lan Lang Oe, a
creole of Hokkien) spoken in the Philippines belong to the same second-class subfamily of the
Austronesian language family.

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