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Time Management

By: NMorgan

Table of Content Page

Chapter 1…..…..Create an action Plan …………. ….…...….3

Chapter2……..…Be Punctual …………………………….…4

Chapter 3…..……Charter Your Schedule……………..…….5

Chapter 4…….…..Keep Things Organised………….……….6

Chapter 5……… .Maximise Office Hours…………….…….7.

Chapter 6……….Make the Most of Your Traveling…………8

Chapter 7………..Practice Multitasking……………………...9

Chapter 8………..Delegate Responsibilities….……………..10

Chapter 9 ………..Avoid Distractions in the Workplace ……11

Chapter 10……….Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks…………….12

Chapter 1__________________


The first step to being an effective time manager is to schedule and prioritise
your work. Creating an action plan can structure your thoughts, organisation
and ultimately yourself. You start by first mapping out your schedule ahead of
time, prioritising tasks according to the time that it may require. Planning your
work at night that you have to perform the next day will allow your
subconscious mind to ponder over it and generate new ideas to perform your
task in an optimised manner. Maintaining a schedule of your daily work will
allow you to sleep more soundly and eliminates the likes of overthinking.
Moreover, by making a habit of this, you can get a clearer picture of each task
and the time consumption so that you can plan your other engagements
accordingly. Always start with the highest priority to the lower one and make an
idea of the estimated time that each work will require.


Chapter 2_____________________

Be Punctual
Behind every successful entrepreneur, there is a common secret of starting their
day early in the morning. In fact, according to Brian Tracy’s Eat the Frog,
spending 10 to 12 minutes to plan your day activities will help you save 2 hours
of wasted time later on. Waking up earlier provides you with more time to think
about your short-term and long-term goals, reassess your progress, and plan the
future of your business day. It helps you assess whether your day-to-day tasks
are helping you move forward or dragging you down, and make the necessary
adjustments even before you get to the office.

The office opens promptly at 8am Mon to Fri and each task given is expected to
be completed within the time allotted to each task, and submitted on time to the
CEO and or relevant superior.

Chapter 3__________________

Charter your schedule

It is important to start each day with a clear direction hence planning the course
of your day is of highest importance this helps to distress and release of all
anxiety, it is a great way to maximise your time and prohibits you from
nonessentials. IMON office has specific functions and you should be able
charter your course to suit the mission and vision of IMON and the services
provided. Electronically and physically you can make full use of the software
provided, such as Cloud and emails, Skype and other tools are available, for the
implementation of a tracking system. Log books and other reporting tools are

Using outlook to its full capacity can enable you to track your process and to
keep you on top of your schedule. Goggle calendar is a great tool to correspond
with each other whiles on the move.

Chapter 4_________________

Keep Your Things Organised

Don’t waste your time finding things that have been misplaced. Keep all of the
stuff that you need on a daily basis, for example, inventory, filing documents
applicable to the daily running of the office and having it at your hand reach and
set the books, logs in an easy to reach location. Keeping your desk clean and
clear of clutter

You can make it a habit to prepare important documents and compile them near
a special filing system that can temporary hold the files until you have time with
that specific day to file to its correct location.

Chapter 5_____________

Maximise Office Hours

Efficiency and time management goes hand in hand to be productively
motivated, focus and level headed you should be goal oriented Figure out your
working prime time, a period in a day where you find yourself most
comfortable, focused and productive towards your targets and make the most of
it completing more work within this stage. You just need to figure this out and
schedule your most important job within that time to achieve flawless goals. It’s
also a good idea to use a reliable time tracking software to see how you spend
your time during the day. This will provide you with valuable insight as to how
you can optimise your work hours.

IMON offers you the time to think plan and to brain storm ideas with
professional help from the team.
Chapter 6______________

Make the Most of Your Traveling

Studies proved that one hour of uninterrupted work while traveling is equivalent
to three hours of office work. It helps to keep you focus and prevents erroneous
work. Before leaving for a journey, you should consider planning your work
and organising your task while you travel. You see many people reading a
newspaper while traveling; this is because reading and doing your job while
work allows you to be more attentive and results-oriented. Staffs that travel to
the interior regions you can check and test equipment make, note and schedule
your point of contacts regarding location personnel.

Chapter 7____________________

Practice Multitasking
Multitasking requires exceptional focus whereby you can get things
simultaneously done to be able to internalise and coordinate your thoughts well
in order to successfully complete more than one tasks to be done more.

IMON has a number of areas of work and deadlines sometimes clashes but you
must be able to iron out the details and work around the challenges using one
common mode of operandi, because not everyone is blessed with the gift of
being efficient at multitasking and plenty of professionals actually advise
against it because while it lets you get things done faster, it often results in
erroneous outputs but at an available time you can focus on completing one task
at a time.

Chapter 8____________________

Delegate Responsibilities
The role of delegation requires accessing the specific needs to be delegated and
how much should be delegated and to whom it should be delegated to. Having
internalise the task at hand and the process you should be able to delegate

IMON projects require a great deal of delegation. The working roles and
responsibilities in the workplace should be well-defined. You are responsible
only for those tasks that are assigned to you by your superiors. You should not
do those tasks that others are doing hence your interference can be harmful or
help if it’s on a team basis that team requires intervention. By this mechanism
everyone is given due benevolence of the completion of the task. This
methodology creates an efficient time management ecosystem to its achieve
goals and objectives. No matter what job you have, time management plays a

pivotal role in the development of any organisation to make it even more
productive and efficient. It helps you to be goal oriented.

Chapter 9________________

Avoid Distractions in the Workplace

Time wasting is a common problem in workplaces and social media has been a
significant contributing factor also chattering with colleagues instead of task
completion. You can take control of your time and your mind ending the time
wasting by addressing the problem forthwith. If you are skilled enough to avoid
distractions surely, you can be a productive resource to the organisation.
Distractions may lead you to compromise performance and incompletion of
your task that will cost you. IMON provides tools you can use such materials to
read and tasks that is critical of tracking and completion. STAY FOCUS.

Chapter 10_______________________

Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks

You should eliminate all unnecessary tasks, start by prioritising your task and
schedule this enables you to better manage your time. Avoid breaking down
your Task according to how you feel you should execute but according to the
level of importance. Moreover, only assign time slots for each task so that it is
easier to tell whether you are spending the right amount of hours on a particular
activity and adjust your pace accordingly; once completed all task should be
submitted to the relevant person within the lines of communication assigned
indicating the level of importance to each task.


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