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Castlevania Timeline

Konami's Castlevania series made its debut in 1986 Japanese Famicom Disk System
game Akumajo Dracula, which would soon become known as Castlevania in North
America. The plot behind the series was at first rather simple: a descendent of the
Belmont clan of vampire hunters would take a legendary whip (known as the Vampire
Killer) and seek out the "Prince of Darkness" (Dracula), whosfdfdge influence threatens
all of Europe. Later versions of the game had deeper, more involved storylines.

In 2002, just before the release of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, Konami posted
a chronology of the Castlevania series on the official Japanese Harmony website. [1]
The list conspicuously omitted several games in the series, including: Castlevania
Legends, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, and
Castlevania 64. The release of Portrait of Ruin, however, re-instated Circle of the
Moon, Legacy of Darkness, and Castlevania 64 and the theme of why the Belmonts
"proper" were absent during these games is focused on. The official timeline released
with this game now includes these games, but it still does not include Legends. One
reason why these games were reinstated may be because many of the team members
who worked on those games also worked on Portrait of Ruin (they hadn't worked on
Lament of Innocence).

In the fan community, there has been much debate over the changes, why they occurred,
and how they have affected the series. Fans speculate that the changes were made in
order to "clean up" the timeline by removing new games whose stories/placement in the
timeline conflicted with the older games.

Konami of America recognized the four games current series producer Koji Igarashi
removed until November 2005, when they released the Castlevania Xtreme Desktop
Timeline (based on the revised Japanese timeline). Konami of America may still have
acknowledged Circle of the Moon; their newer timeline mentioned Morris Baldwin in
passing and the game was still available for purchase at the company's online store.
Since the release of Portrait of Ruin, only Legends is non-canon.

Main Timeline Edit

11th century Edit

• 1094: (The events of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence) The 11th century was a
time of knighthood, when the medieval monarchs were waning due to feuding
lords and knights. The Catholic Church was undergoing many reforms upon
which it was investing upon the land, and of course, as a result, the Crusades
became a political scapegoat for their actions.

Two of the courageous knights fighting during this period were Leon Belmont and
Mathias Cronqvist, who together with Leon's exceptional combat experience and
Mathais' skills as a tactician led one of the strongest companies in the realm. Their
fighting led them to never suffer a single defeat, even when they were called off to fight
in the Crusades by the Church. Yet, Mathias suffered one major loss upon their return
from the Crusades when he was informed about the sudden death of his wife,
Elizabetha. She had become very ill and had died. He himself became overcome with
grief, and was ill to the point of being bedridden a year later. Leon led the company into
battle and they continued to do well. Yet, a band of monsters attacked their realm,
pouring from an area known as the Forest of Eternal Night. The Church, not
sanctioning combat without political cause, would not permit Leon to order the troops
to fight back, so he had to personally deal with the matter. Mathias informed him that
the lord of the forest, Walter Bernhard, a very powerful vampire, had kidnapped his
betrothed, Sara Trantoul. Leon rushes to the woods, committing treason by doing so,
and meets up with Rinaldo Gandolfi, a man who informs him that Walter does this as a
game, since he gets bored as an immortal and wants entertainment. He gives Leon a
powerful weapon called the Whip of Alchemy (Rinaldo is an alchemist), and Leon enters
the castle, having been informed that he must defeat five guardians before reaching
Walter (which he does). Leon defeats a Golem, Medusa, Succubus, and even an Undead
Parasite on the path to Walter, who laughs at him but returns his beloved after he
defeats the vampire Joachim Armster and Leon learns that Walter possesses the Ebony
Stone, one of two supernatural stones that can grant extraordinary powers. Rinaldo
informs Leon, however, that Sara has been vampirized and that there is really no hope
for her, but perhaps if she sacrifices herself to the whip, it will become strong enough to
destroy Walter. In the end, not wanting to live as an undead, she does so, and the whip
is henceforth known as the Vampire Killer, harnessing the power of her sacrifice and
her vampiric aura. Leon uses it to destroy Walter, only to discover that Death would
enter the room and stop Walter from bragging, sucking his life-force from him and
taking the stone away. He said he served the one who possessed the Crimson Stone,
who walks into the room and identifies himself as none other than Mathias. He says that
he became immortal through the stone's power in order to defy God, who he cursed
every day since his wife's death. He thought that he could use Leon to gain the other
stone and increase his power and that perhaps Leon would join him in immortality now
that he had lost everything as well. Leon, not agreeing with his friend's logic, tells him
that though he is sorry for his loss, he cannot curse God and that he knows God has
nothing to do with it. Mathias knows that the two cannot get along, and he says: "Death,
he's all yours!" Death stands in the way and teleports Leon and himself to a chaotic
world where the two fight, but Leon gets the upper-hand and wins. Mathias assumes bat
form and leaves through the window. He then travels to an obscure country, continuing
to curse God, and eventually becomes the Lord of Vampires, Prince of Darkness. It has
been confirmed that he is Dracula. He would not be seen for almost four hundred years.
As for Leon, he barely escapes the castle when it collapses, yet the forest returns to day
once again and then he picks up the pieces of his life, vowing that his family will hunt
the night.

12th-14th centuries Edit

• 1XXX:(The events of Castlevania: The Arcade, presumably between the 12th-

14th centuries because of Dracula's hair color) A Vampire Hunter, a Lady
Gunner and a Little Witch join forces to fight the forces of evil. And together
they go to Dracula's Castle and beat every evil that stands in their way until they
reach the Dark Lord, Dracula.
It is unknown exactly what happens in the official timeline during the years between
1100-1400 AD. Though Dracula is currently hiding in foreign lands. He did not show
himself until after Lisa was killed, the dating of which is uncertain (see below).

15th century Edit

• Early to mid 15th century: Lisa, Dracula's second wife, was condemned to
death by Inquisition. Dracula's grief and hatred was profound. He blamed this on
all of humanity, and hated humans. In 1476, his war with the humans and the
Belmonts began. (Konami places Lisa's death in 1470. However, the manual for
Symphony of the Night states Alucard's age to be around 400 years, placing his
birth around 1397. Assuming that Lisa had a normal mortal lifespan, she would
have been in at least her late teens when Alucard was born, placing her own
birth round about 1380; since her natural life would probably end around 1450,
it seems likely that her execution took place some time between 1400 and 1450.
This is consistent with the dating of Legends, even though Legends is no longer
part of the timeline. However, the SOTN manual also stated Dracula's age to be
approximately 800, placing his birth around 997, while Mathias Cronqvist
(being 32 in 1094) was born in 1062. Assuming an error of at most 65 years
either way in both cases, Alucard's birth could have taken place any time
between 1332 and 1462. Considering that Alucard was old enough to remember
his mother's last words, he would probably have been no younger than 5 at the
time of Lisa's execution (although vampires may learn at an accelerated rate),
placing Lisa's death any time between 1337 and 1467.)

Note: the following (in italics) was retconned from the official timeline. It is
"Another Story". 1

• 1450: (The events of Castlevania Legends possibly non-canon)Seventeen year

old Sonia Belmont, takes up the Vampire Killer whip and swears to avenge her
grandfather after he is killed by Dracula's minions. During her search, she
meets and forms a strong bond with her enemy's son, Alucard. After vanquishing
the Count, Sonia vows that if Dracula returns after her lifetime, others will take
her place and defeat him. (The game's creators intended Sonia to be the first
Belmont to battle and defeat Dracula.)

• 1476: (The events of Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse) Dracula's war with
humanity began. The people cry out for a champion. However, the Belmont clan
had been feared for their supernatural powers and exiled from Transylvania, but
with the new threat of the evil count, and the impending danger on his
hometown of Wallachia, Trevor Belmont is not too far away to answer the call
to duty. Picking up the Vampire Killer whip bestowed to him by the Poltergeist
King (according to the game manual), Trevor goes to battle against the forces of
darkness, meeting up with three companions along the way- Grant DaNasty,
Sypha Belnades, and Alucard, the dhampir son of Dracula. Because Trevor was
the first person to ever destroy Dracula, the Belmonts were welcome again in
Wallachia. Sypha and Trevor fall in love, and have children. The magic power
of the Belnades is inherited by future Belmonts (Juste Belmont, for example).
• 1479: (The events of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness) Though defeated at the
hands of Trevor Belmont, Dracula's curse still ravages the countryside of
Europe, bringing with it disease, mob violence, and heresy. Amidst this chaos is
Hector, a Devil Forgemaster who had formerly worked in the service of
Dracula. Yet Hector grew weary and disgusted of the count's brutal methods and
left Castlevania to live with humans, but when his human wife was killed and
his fellow forgemaster, Isaac, is implicated in the deed, Hector sets off for
Dracula's stronghold to settle the score with him. At the end, it revealed that
Isaac made Hector regain his devil forging powers so that Castlevania would
return to the human world. But, what Isaac didn't know was that he himself was
being used by Death, Dracula's right-hand-man. Death believed that Hector
would kill Isaac, and that Dracula's Curse would take control of him, with his
body becoming a vessel for Dracula's safe return to Earth. However, Hector
realized that his drive for vengeance was caused by Dracula's Curse. Hector did
not kill Isaac, but Death killed Isaac anyway and summoned Dracula through
Isaac's body. Hector killed his former master, and performed the "Final Forging"
where he summoned the essence of the curse and destroyed it. But a mysterious
man named Saint Germain, who Hector had met earlier, believes that the war
will never end and even when all evil is destroyed, there will still be ones who
will claim evil's mantle again.

• 14XX: (The events of the Castlevania Pachislot game) Dracula's early

resurrection is completed and it is up to Trevor Belmont to take him down again,
this time, with a new ally called Angela.
• 14XX: (The events of the Castlevania Pachislot 2 game, after the events of
Castlevania Pachislot) Dracula rises once again and enslaves Angela, and
makes her an enemy to Trevor Belmont, and its up to Trevor to save Angela and
defeat Dracula.

16th century Edit

• 1576: (The events of The Castlevania Adventure) After a century of a deep

slumber, the evil Count Dracula rises to wreak havoc once again on the
landscape of Europe, but this time, Christopher Belmont, great-grandfather of
Simon Belmont, rises to the occasion with the legendary Vampire Killer and
vanquishes the evil Prince of Darkness, destroying his evil minions and restoring
peace to the land once again.

• 1591: (The events of Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge) Though Christopher

Belmont had defeated the evil count Dracula fifteen years ago, he did not
manage to destroy him, as the count turned himself into mist and managed to
escape, building up his energy and biding his time over the years. As
Christopher's son came of age, a ceremony was being held in Warakiya to confer
the title of Vampire Hunter upon him, so that a father-son team would be
formed, but after the ceremony had been completed, Dracula used his powers to
turn Solieyu Belmont into a demon, and then made four castles appear.
Christopher vowed to destroy Dracula and return his son to normal, and in the
end, he defeated the evil count, restored his son, and the land was returned to its
normal balance once again.
17th century Edit

• 16XX: (The events of Castlevania: Order of Shadows, possibly non-canon) The

Belmonts find the hideout of The Order, which has been responsible for the last
several reincarnations of Dracula, and attempt to stop them before they can
revive the count. Desmond Belmont defeats the leader of this group, Rohan
Krause, which only serves as a catalyst for Dracula's return. He then defeats
Dracula, but a mysterious force or powerful being keeps Dracula's Castle from
• 1666: (The events of Castlevania: Resurrection, possibly non-canon if not had
been cancelled)"The year is 1666. Dracula has returned to threaten the mortal
world! Summoning all of the power of Hell, the dark countess of Castlevania
has created a portal allowing Dracula to re-enter the material plane.
Accompanied by foul creatures of the nether world anxious to do their bidding,
Dracula and his lover intend to join forces with the goal of final victory over the
Belmonts and absolute dominion of the world! Their actions, however, have not
gone un-noticed...The twisting of reality by the Countess has upset the balance
between good and evil, creating a rift that will ultimately plunge the mortal
world into eternal chaos unless it can be sealed! To counter this, the forces of
light decide to turn this power back summoning heroes from the Belmont clan
from the very halls of time.... One from the from the future! The
powers of light summon Sonia Belmont; legendary Belmont heroine drawn from
the past and well suited to stand, not just against the sinister wiles of the
Countess, but Count Dracula himself! Sonia has already been successful in
defeating Dracula in the past. Can she defeat the combined power of both

From the future of the 1800's, the powers of light summon Victor Belmont! A
wandering gambler and soldier of fortune, Victor chose not to accept the Belmont
legacy as a Vampire hunter by running away from home at an early age. During his
travels, Victor learned not just the art, but the science of warfare, all the while
attempting to avoid his true destiny in the petty politics of 19th century Europe. But the
blood of the Belmont clan cannot be ignored forever, and Victor would eventually
return to the land of his birth, a rebel and outcast. It is here that Victor is given the quest
by the guardian of light to prove himself worthy of the name Belmont by battling
Dracula and his evil mistress!"

• 1691: (The events of Vampire Killer, Haunted Castle, Castlevania, Akumajō

Dracula X68000, Castlevania Chronicles, Super Castlevania IV) After a Black
Mass, the evil Count Dracula rose once again to plunge the European landscape
into a state of total darkness. The count's legions grew like a plague, infesting
the land like a disease everywhere they went. Simon Belmont, great-grandson of
Christopher Belmont, rose to the cries of the citizenry, and took up the legendary
Vampire Killer, setting off for Castlevania, the ancestral home of the evil Prince
of Darkness. In the end, Simon had a one-on-one battle with the count and
proved victorious, sending him once again to his dark grave and saving the
world from his torment.
• 1698: (The events of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest) After Simon Belmont's
defeat of Dracula, he began to notice the effects of the count's curse were still
taking hold of the land. Seven years later, the land was still rotting from the
effects of the Dark Lord's black magic. Then, Simon had a vision from a maiden,
who told him that unless he were to find the five body parts of the count and
burn them in his ancestral home, the curse would remain permanent, plaguing
the land, and Simon would die from his wounds. Thus, Simon set out, exploring
Transylvania, defeating fiends who possessed these parts, interacting with
townspeople who helped him, and in the end, resurrected the count, defeating
him one last time, putting him down again and stopping the curse before it
consumed him and the land once and for all.

18th century Edit

• 1746: Maxim Kischine left on a self-training expedition in order to cope with his
own self-doubt after Juste Belmont was chosen to receive the legendary whip,
Vampire Killer.
• 1748: (The events of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance) Two years later,
upon his return from training (wounded and scarred), Maxim tells Juste some
terrible news- a childhood friend of both theirs, named Lydie Erlanger, had been
kidnapped, and also, Maxim had lost memory of the events of the past two years
(or most of the events). Even so, he was able to lead Juste to the site of the
disappearance, where they encountered a castle that hadn't been there
previously. Juste hurried into the castle as Maxim recuperated in the entry way,
promising to join Juste later. Juste discovers that Maxim, in a horrifying attempt
to emulate the actions of Simon Belmont (of 50 years earlier), has collected the
body parts of Dracula in an attempt to resurrect the Dark Lord to prove himself
by defeating the wicked count. Yet, the count's spirit ends up possessing Maxim,
and knowing this, Juste sets out to collect the remains himself and put an end to
this foolishness once and for all. Juste recovers the remains and Lydie, and after
defeating Maxim, Dracula escapes and materializes into a physical form.
However, Juste managed to defeat the count, and without his presence, the castle
crumbles, so the three escape and watch the ruins collapse from a hillside in the

• 1792: (The events of Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood and

Castlevania: Dracula X) Once again, the dark prince is revived prematurely, this
time by a fanatical cult. Lead by the dark priest Shaft, the cult sacrifices a
woman, and her blood is just the evil touch needed to bring him back to the
world of the flesh. Dracula had learned many things over the centuries, and this
time, he decided to put them to use. The current vampire hunter in the land was
Richter Belmont, so the count spent some time observing Richter, his girlfriend
Annette Renard, her sister Maria Renard, and several other villagers. Then, as he
had done in the past, he kidnapped those individuals and swept them away to
Castlevania, his ancestral home, after having his minions attack and burn the
town. So, Richter was called into action, picking up the Vampire Killer whip to
bring justice to the count. Once he had rescued Maria, she used her unique skills
to fight the count's forces as well. In the end, the two rescued the villagers and
defeated Dracula, though he turned into an ethereal mist when defeated and
escaped through a window, vowing to return again. Still, the count's words
resounded in Richter's head: "I am not the one who is evil. I am summoned by
the evil nature of mankind to wreak havoc and do their bidding."
• After 1792:(The events of Castlevania The Bloodletting, cancelled): Richter
and Maria are called into action again and have to contend with a rival vampire
hunter, whose motives are unknown.
• 1797: (The events of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) Four years after
Richter Belmont's encounter with the dark lord, the dark priest Shaft brought the
count out of hiding and augmented his powers, restoring him to his normal, true
self once again. His motives? Shaft wanted true and unmatched power and felt
that Dracula was the one force he could receive it from. Yet, one man would
stand in his way - Richter. Thus, he placed a powerful curse on Richter,
managing to side him with evil, and this shift in the forces of darkness caused
Alucard to awaken from his slumber (that he had placed on himself to rid the
world of his cursed bloodline). Alucard went to Castlevania to seek those that
delved in the dark arts. He encountered the grown Maria Renard several times,
defeated Shaft (bringing Richter to his senses), and in the end, defeated the
prince of darkness, restoring order to late-18th century Europe...

• 1798: (The events of Castlevania: Nocturne of Recollection radio drama) One

year after Alucard's defeat of his father, an incubus named Magnus causes
trouble for Alucard, Maria, and Richter.

19th century Edit

• 1800's: (The events of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia) In the 1800s, the

Belmonts mysteriously dissapear. In their place, several organizations are
formed to try and find ways to prevent Dracula from returning. The most
prominent of these is the Order of Ecclesia. Their source of magic comes from
magical symbols called Glyphs, which are drawn on the users body. Barlowe,
Ecclesia's leader, creates Dominus, the greatest Glyph of all, which should be
able to stop Dracula. Shanoa, an Ecclesia member, has been chosen to be the
bearer of Dominus, making Albus, another Ecclesia member, jealous because he
was supposed to be the bearer of Dominus. As Shanoa is about to absorb the
three Dominus pieces, Albus attacks and steals them and Shanoa's memory.
Barlowe tells Shanoa that she must get Dominus back and stop Albus before it's
too late. After pursuing Albus, he leaves behind a map to the village of Wygol.
Shanoa travels there, where she meets Father Nickolai, who tells her that Albus
has captured all the other villagers. Shanoa goes and rescues them and confronts
Albus at Mystery Manor, where she kills him and gets the last Dominus piece.
When she absorbs it, Albus's spirit comes to her and tells her that the reason he
stole Dominus was because he loved Shanoa as a sister and didn't want her to
suffer this horrible fate and warns her not to use Dominus. When Shanoa returns
to Barlowe, she tells him everything. Barlowe reveals his true intentions to
revive Dracula. He and Shanoa battle, but he sacrifices himself to summon
Castlevania. Shanoa heads to the castle and confronts Dracula. After an intense
battle, Dracula says that Shanoa's powers can't stop him, but Shanoa says
Dominus can. She uses Dominus and destroys Dracula. Shanoa is about to die,
but then Albus comes and sacrifices himself to Dominus and saves Shanoa. She
safely escapes the castle as it collapses.

• 1820: Dracula is sealed by Morris Baldwin and the parents of Nathan Graves
(according to the story of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon).

• 1830: (The events of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon) In an old Austrian castle,
the worshippers of Chaos attempt to resurrect the dark lord. Vampire Hunter
Morris Baldwin and his apprentices, Nathan Graves and Hugh Baldwin, rush to
the castle in an attempt to stop the resurrection, only to arrive a moment too late.
Camilla, one of Dracula's minions, has just revived the Count and kidnaps
Morris; the two apprentices then plummet down into the depths of the castle.
Hugh urges Nathan to leave while he finds his father, but Nathan sets out to
defeat the minions and then finds that Hugh was taken hostage. In the end,
Nathan defeats Camilla, rescues Hugh and Morris, and defeats the dark lord,
Dracula. Dracula promises that he will return as long as people hold dark desires
in their hearts. Nathan retaliates by saying that as long as people such as he are
around, Dracula will always be defeated.

NOTE: in Circle of the Moon, Nathan uses a whip called "The Hunter's Whip" It is not
the same thing as Vampire Killer, although it seems to have the same properties.

• 1844: (The events of Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness) Once again, the evil
desires of mortals bring the dark lord Dracula into the plane of the living...This
time, Dracula's minions seek to burn down villages in the search for sacrifices to
augment his powers- the Count is not yet up to full strength. One of the girls
taken is Ada, the sister of Cornell, a man-beast who is off on ascetic training.
Cornell returns to find the town under attack; he rushes off to Castlevania to
fight Dracula and his minions, saving the people from the Dark Lord's curse, but
the Count would return a mere eight years later.

• 1852: (The events of Castlevania 64) Eight years after Cornell defeated Dracula,
a man of Belmont lineage named Reinhardt Schneider and a woman named
Carrie Fernandez (descendent of Sypha Belnades) are called to search for the
missing children of the local village(s). All of the signs point towards
Castlevania, and additionally, Henry, who was but a young boy in 1844, is now
on a mission from the Church to go to the count's dark abode in search of the
children. In the end, they save the children and have a showdown with the dark
master, defeating him once again.

• 1897: According to Bram Stoker's Dracula, it was in 1897 when the count rose
again by unknown means and Jonathan Harker was invited over to his castle as
his guest. In a final showdown, Harker, Van Helsing, and Quincy Morris stake
the count with a knife, killing him, but Morris dies from a gash inflicted on him
by gypsies under the count's spell. Not mentioned in the book, however
(according to Konami), is the fact that Quincy Morris actually was the one who
killed Dracula with a wooden stake, while John Morris (Quincy's son who is
born in 1895) witnessed the showdown with the count and his father's death
(Note: The truth of this last statement is in question as official information states
that John would have only been two years old at the time of his father's death).

20th century Edit

• 1917: (The events of Castlevania: Bloodlines) Twenty-years (according to the

manual of the game) after the death of Quincy Morris, a witch practicing dark
magic delves into the dark arts and revives Elizabeth Bartley, the niece of
Dracula. The vampiress, once raised from the underworld, uses her powerful
magic to plunge the already war-torn landscape into darkness, and, in turn,
revives her uncle Dracula. Not about to allow his father's death to be in vain,
John Morris, along with his childhood friend Eric Lecarde, sets out to put an end
to the madness. Oddly, the game references the real-life death of the Archduke
Franz Ferdinand of Austria, suggesting that his death was ordered by the
countess Bartley.

• 1944: (The events of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin) The world is in chaos. The
Second World War has claimed millions of lives, leveled cities, destroyed
nations. The souls of the war's dead blanket the planet, lost, hurt, and angry.
Their anguish summons an accursed castle of legend. It had appeared many
times throughout history, bringing with it evil and darkness. The castle of
Dracula, the Lord of Evil. It arrives in man's darkest hour, to push us over the
brink, into ruin. Jonathan Morris, weapons expert, and Charlotte Aulin, magic
expert, must enter the castle and face a new foe, Count Brauner. They discover
that Brauner trapped Dracula in the Throne Room to prevent him from taking
back his castle. When he is defeated, the Count is free and our heroes must face
him and Death in a two-against-two battle.

• 1999: (The Demon Castle War) It was foretold that this would be the year when
the war between Dracula and the Belmonts would come to an end. Dracula was
resurrected, but Julius Belmont, possibly Adrian Tepes (In his ending of
Castlevania Judgment, it says that he enlists the services of a Priest) and most
likely a relative of Yoko Belnades managed to defeat him. Apparently, a family
member of Mina Hakuba was also involved (who performed the ritual to achieve
the effect stated below). The ending of Castlevania Judgment implies that Aeon
or someone in his service was also involved, but this is speculation. Castlevania
along with the soul of it's master was sealed in an eclipse that occurred at the
time of his death. After the battle, Julius lost his memory. The ending of
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness makes it seems to reference it as well. See also;
Gamesradar interview.

Those who were born on the same time as Dracula's death would be born with special
powers and become "Dark Lord Candidates".

21st century Edit

• 2035: (The events of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow) Thirty-six years after Dracula
was sealed in an eclipse, high-school exchange student Soma Cruz and his friend
Mina Hakuba visit the Hakuba Shrine and are sucked into a warp leading to the
infamous Castlevania. There he encounters Graham Jones, a cult leader who
wishes to assume the powers of the soul of Dracula for his own. He also meets
up with Genya Arikado (Alucard), who defeats a group of demons and explains
to him his ability to absorb monster souls. Soma must stop Graham, but realizes
that he, in fact, is the reincarnation of the now completely destroyed Dracula,
and this is why he has assumed all these powers. He manages to stop Graham's
plans, but confronts Julius Belmont, though the two in the end do not kill each
other. Ultimately, Soma destroys the Chaos present within the castle and gets the
soul of Dracula under control without letting Dracula become dominant within
him, and he and everyone else escape the castle.

• 2036: (The events of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow) A year after Soma Cruz was
awakened to his powers and realized that he was the reincarnation of Dracula, a
cult that sought the power of the count returned, this time building their own
castle strikingly similar to the count's former ancestral home of Castlevania. The
cult members were Celia Fortner, the leader, Dario Bossi, who held power over
fire, and Dmitrii Blinov, who held the power to copy any ability and counter-use
it. Celia's belief was that for the ultimate good to exist in the world, the ultimate
evil must also exist. Dario and Dmitrii were known as the two "Dark Lord"
candidates, who both had the possibility of becoming the Dark Lord himself.
Through the cult's evil actions, they managed to once again draw Soma to them
for yet another battle. In the end, Soma defeated both candidates and destroyed a
monster called Menace before it could be released into the world. The castle
crumbling, everyone safely escaped to live another day.

• 2037: (The events of the novel Akumajo Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku,

non-canon?) - Julius Belmont's protege Curtis Lang battles against the rogue
vampire Olrox, who wishes to conquer the forces of both humanity and chaos.

10th millenium Edit

• (Boku Dracula-Kun (NES), non-canon parody) - Kid Dracula awakens after a

ten thousand year nap to be challenged by Galamoth. He sets forth to put an end
to Galamoth's ambitions and keep the takeover of the world for himself.
• (Kid Dracula (Game Boy), non-canon parody) - Galamoth returns after being
defeated. Kid Dracula has forgotten most of his skills since then, but Death
allows him to borrow some of his father's items to defeat Galamoth once again.
• (Time Reaper's native era in Castlevania Judgment)The era of Galamoth and the
Time Reaper. Galamoth sends his servant the Time Reaper from this time period
to harvest the time period when Dracula reigned as Dark Lord, in a bid for
Galamoth to gain Dracula's position.

Lords of Shadow Timeline Edit

• 1047: The events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which occurs in a separate
timeline as the rest of the series) A great evil has befallen the land which
prevents the spirits of the dead to leave the Earth and countless monsters to roam
the land. Gabriel Belmont, armed with the ancient Combat Cross and a member
of the Brotherhood of Light, seeks the power of the God Mask to revive his dead
wife, Marie. Gabriel is the supposed son of a Conqvist, which makes a direct
link to Lament of Innocence.
• Modern Times: (Ending of Lords of Shadow) Gabriel has become Dracula and
hid in a chapel for an unknown period of time. Zobek finds him and asks for
help. Satan's followers prepare his return to take revenge on both of them. The
exact year of these events is unknown but it is hinted that it may be 1999,
leading to the Demon Castle Wars.

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