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There is - there are -

1. There is
Use "there is" (there's) for a noun - singular.

2. There are
Use "there are" for a noun - plural.

There is a mouse in the bag.
There are four girls in a team.

Complete the sentences with There is or There are .
Match them with the pictures by writing the correct number.

There are
1. groceries in the cart.
There are
2. presents under the tree.
There is
3. candle on the cupcake.
There is a
4. bear in the cave.
There is a
5. rabbit in the hat.
There are
6. cookies on the plate.
There is a
7. frog on a log.
There are
8. birds in the nest .

4 6 1 4

6 8 7 2
Look at the picture and complete the questions using Is there or Are there.

1. Is there a lamp on the bedside 2.Are there pictures on the wall?

3. Is there a wardrobe in the room? 4. Are there
pillows on the bed?
5. Are there chairs in the room? 6. Is there a computer in the room?
7. Is there a drawer under the bed? 8.Are there clothes in the wardrobe?


The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would.
The modals are used to do things like talking about ability, asking permission
making requests, and so on.

1. Ability:
We use can to talk about someone’s skill or general
abilities: She can speak several languages.
He can swim like a fish.
They can’t dance very well.
We use can to talk about the ability to do something at a given time
in the present or future:
You can make a lot of money if you are
lucky. Help. I can’t breathe.
They can run but they can’t
hide. We use could to talk about past
She could speak several languages.
They couldn’t dance very well.
We use could have to say that someone had the ability/opportunity to do something,
but did not do it:
She could have learned Swahili, but she didn’t have
time. I could have danced all night [but didn't].

2. Permission:
We use can to ask for permission to do something:
Can I ask a question, please?
Can we go home now?
could is more formal and polite than can:
Could I ask a question please?
Could we go home now?
may is another more formal and polite way of asking for permission:
May I ask a question please?
May we go home now?
We use can to give permission:
You can go home now if you like.
You can borrow my pen if you like.
may is a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
You may go home now, if you like.
We use can to say that someone has permission to do something:
We can go out whenever we
want. Students can travel free.
may is a more formal and polite way of saying that someone has
permission: Students may travel free.

3. Instructions and requests:

We use could you and would you as polite ways of telling or asking someone to
do something:
Could you take a message please?
Would you carry this for me
please? Could I have my bill please?
can and will are less polite:
Can you take a message please?
Will you carry this for me please?

4. Suggestions and advice:

We use should to make suggestions and give
advice: You should send an email.
We should go by train.
We use could to make suggestions:
We could meet at the weekend.
You could eat out tonight.
We use conditionals to give advice:
Dan will help you if you ask him.
Past tenses are more polite:
Dan would help you if you asked him.

5. Offers and invitations:

We use can I… and to make offers:
Can I help you?
Can I do that for you?
We can also use shall I …
Shall I help you with that?
Shall I call you on your mobile?
We sometime say I can ... or I could ... or I’ll (I will) ... to make an offer:
I can do that for you if you like.
I can give you a lift to the station.
I’ll do that for you if you like.
I’ll give you a lift to the station.
We use would you like (to) ... for invitations:
Would you like to come round tomorrow?
Would you like another drink?
We use you must or we must for a very polite invitation:
You must come round and see us.
We must meet again soon.

Who would make these requests?

1. Could you tell me how much it costs?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) a customer to a sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) a policeman to a prisoner

2. Could you say that again please? I didn't understand.

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

3. Could you tell me if the price includes sales tax?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a hotel receptionist to a visitor
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

4. Could you fix us two black coffees please, Barbara?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect
5. Could you please speak more slowly? I didn't understand.
a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

6. Would you mind opening that suitcase?

a) a customs officer
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

7. Would you mind telling me who your present supplier is?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) sales person to customer
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

8. Would you mind spelling your name please?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) somebody answering the phone
c) a visitor to a company
d) a customs officer

9. Could you tell me how to pronounce "specialisation"?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

10. Would you mindworking late tonight?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

11. Could you tell me where Mr Brown's office is?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect

12. Could you tell me if you have any in stock?

a) a boss to a secretary
b) customer to sales person
c) a visitor to a company
d) somebody whose English is not perfect


You already know the workers at Imaginary Hotel. Let’s now talk about the facilities
there. Read carefully to solve the exercise below. Say Right, Wrong, or I don´t know.
Justify your answers.
-Imaginary Hotel is near the beach. WRONG, because there are no beaches. _

-There´s a swimming-pool in the

- There are two bars by the swimming-
pool RIGHT, THERE ARE 02 BARS ( a poolside and a lobby bar).
- There is a private bathroom in all the
- The disco is near the restaurant.
-There is a post office near the hotel.
-The restaurant offers Creole cuisine
WRONG, the restaurants offers International cuisine.

Where the sun always shines

Imaginary Hotel is located in the center of the island, and there are no beaches,
mountains or rivers near by. There is, however, a swimming pool with fresh, clear

There is also a restaurant that specializes in international cuisine. There are two bars (a
poolside bar and a lobby bar) and a disco where you can dance to the rhythm of
traditional and international modern music.

The hotel has forty rooms, all furnished with a telephone, satellite TV and private
bathroom with running hot and cold water.

There isn’t a post-office in our hotel, but there is one next to it, just twenty meters from
the main entrance.
If you come to the Centre, come to Imaginary Hotel. Satisfaction guaranteed. Many big
firms have lots of different sections and it can be helpful to know which part of the
company does what. Look at the following company departments. Which department
does which job?

Activity.- Write an email to the secretary of a hotel doing a hotel


TO: Imaginary Hotel


Subject: Booking 2 nights next week

Dear Imaginary Hotel,

I would like to reserve an accessible single room for two nights with breakfast on the 22 and
23 of December. Could I have a quiet room with a view if possible, please?

I will arrive at about 10 p.m. and I have an early meeting the next morning, so please could
you leave an iron and ironing board in the room?

I will go alone, so there aren’t problems with the package, I will bring just necessary things..
Please can you confirm that it is £80 per night with breakfast included?

Please could you confirm the booking? Let me know if you need any further information.

Thanks a lot.
With kind regards,

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