Final Dr. BR Ambedekar Chair 2018-1

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DR. B. R.

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

Proposal Submitted to
The State Government of Punjab

Guru Nanak Dev University

The nation celebrated 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar from April

2015 to April 2016. Reports of celebration came from all over the world.

Government of India declared 14th April the birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as

‘Rashtriya Samarsta Diwas’. The Government of India also declared 26th

November as ‘Constitution Day’. Various programmes by Ministries/

Departments/State Government’s were celebrated throughout the country and

Indian Missions abroad.

The country recently celebrated 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R.

Ambedkar in 2015-2016, therefore, setting up of Chairs in various

Universities/Institutes in his memory is a befitting tribute to this illustrious Son

of India. In continuation of 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar,

Punjab State Government is also continuing with the highest tradition of paying

tribute to one of the tallest national leader of the country and has decided to

establish Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair in universities of Punjab.

Guru Nanak Dev University is a premier university of North India with a

score of 3.51 on a 4 point scale by NAAC and also has been conferred with the

status of “University with Potential for Excellence” by University Grants

Commission, New Delhi. As on today, Guru Nanak Dev University has earned

highest distinctions of being ranked 54th as per NIRF 2017 Rankings; and 5th

best among State Universities; and only Category-I University in north India.

The Guru Nanak Dev University, since its inception in 1969 has always

maintained the strongest traditions of spreading the message of first Guru of

Sikh religion of ending of all forms of discrimination within the society, the

message which was also the ideal for Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and those very ideals

are rightfully enshrined within the various provisions of Indian Constitution.

Soon after India’s independence in 1947, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first

prime minister of the country got Dr. B.R. Ambedkar inducted into his cabinet

as Law Minister of the country, who was also then an elected a member of the

Constituent Assembly. A few weeks later, Dr. Ambedekar was also assigned the

task of framing the Indian Constitution on behalf of the Constituent Assembly

as Chairman of the Draft Committee. Later, this committee elected Ambedkar

as its chairman. It was after two years, eleven months and seventeen days of

hard work that got the Indian Constitution readied under his chairmanship. He

always had a final word in all debatable matters pertaining to the Constitution

before the assembly. To many members of the assembly, he was a genius,

whereas, many others hailed him as ‘Modern Manu’(Law-giver). Going through

the available records of the Constituent Assembly debates, it was Bharat Ratna

Babasaheb only, who guided and steered the proceedings of the assembly and

got the task of Constitution writing completed.

Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a great national leader

of the twentieth century and his thoughts and ideas continue to remain relevant

even in the twenty first century world. He was an intellectual, scholar, man of

highest integrity and statesman and dedicated his entire life towards the nation

building. The countrymen remain indebted to him for the long passionate and

relentless struggle he carried out until his death in 1956 for the elimination of

tyranny and oppression of downtrodden (dalits) in the country. Bharat Ratna

Babasaheb provided dynamic leadership and led a number of movements for

emancipation of millions of downtrodden masses and to secure human rights to

millions of depressed classes. Dr. Ambadekar has left an indelible imprint

through his immense contribution in framing the Modern Constitution of India.

He stands as a symbol of struggle for achieving the Social Justice.

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in Mhow in central India in

1891, he was the fourteenth child of parents who belonged to a low caste Hindu

family. He was an outstanding person with stellar qualities and men of his time,

and the journey of his life is the story of how extraordinary talent and

outstanding force of character succeeded in defeating the forces of evil and

overcoming all obstacles that an unjust and oppressive society has ever placed

in the way of the individual.

Country of more than a billion populations acknowledges Bharat Ratna

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as a man of versatile genius, noted economist,

constitutional expert, social reformer, social and political thinker, a messiah of

downtrodden and above all a great humanist. Throughout his life, he stood for a

society based on the basic principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for

every citizen of the country. He spent most part of his life for achieving of these

goals through various provisions enshrined in Indian Constitution for

upliftment of downtrodden. It is the fruits of Dr. Ambedkar’s struggle against

the evils of Hinduism based upon the philosophy of ‘varna system’ that millions

of Indians belonging to marginalised sections of the society (SCs/STs

population) stand empowered in the 21st century India. His entire life was of

great struggle and relentlessly worked for emancipation of the exploited people.

He had taken utmost care to draft the Indian Constitution, guaranteeing every

citizen of the country an exhaustive list of fundamental rights without any

discrimination on the grounds of caste, colour, and creed, place of birth,

religion, or sex.

As Dr. B. R. Ambedkar himself belonged to a low caste family and had

experienced caste based discrimination in the society, he had thereby learnt

from bitter personal experience that working for the emancipation of the

depressed classes was not merely an economic problem, but one largely related

to social equality, removal of their inferiority complex and enabling them to

possess pride and self respect. His fight was linked to his basic belief in human

equality, parliamentary democracy, legal redress and undefined cultural unity of

India. Most visibly successful work of Dr. Ambedkar was the awakening of a

sense of indignation and organisation among the untouchables.

Punjab has witnessed the impact of a powerful movement of the

depressed classes, the Ad Dharm movement which was started in 1920s, Its

leaders evolved an ideology that the untouchables were a distinct group. The

Ad Dharm was considered a separate religion, free from castes, a religion of the

people. It underlined the salience of struggle for social change in a religious

form. It has regenerated in recent years in the form of Ravi Das deras. They

also carried an identity of being Ravidasias. As on date, the lower castes

exercise a lot of social and political influence within Punjab state. Their grip

over electoral politics is considerable as they stand organised under Bahujan

Samaj Party (BSP), a political party which draws its support among the lower

caste people, who constitute around 1/3 of Punjab’s total population as per

latest census of 2011. No major political party in recent years has succeeded in

forming a government in Punjab without the support of the followers of

Ravidasias sect.

Punjab has a history of having experienced several centuries of foreign

invasions and upheavals. The Hindu society based ‘varna system’ did not

become so deeply entrenched here as in remaining parts of India. The spread of

Sikhism and teachings of Sikh Gurus also resulted into creation of a society

with weaker presence of Brahminical structures of Hindu society. The history

suggests that a strong Arya Samaj movement did contribute in a significant

manner for setting up of a society free from all forms of social discriminations.

Despite all, the lower castes have suffered humiliations and oppressions at the

hands of upper castes. There are still cases of caste based conflicts taking place

in this part of the country even in 21 st century and it has taken multiple forms

and character.

It was expected that with passage of time and implementation of

constitutional provisions in post independent India, the rigid structures of

Brahminical society would get diluted and a complete harmony would prevail

among different sections of the society. The caste rivalries are coming to the

forefront more frequently and at times have posed greater difficulties for the

administration. Punjab has presented a unique picture at societal level as being

largely an agrarian state; it has witnessed the prosperity on part of rich upper

castes landlords on account of Green revolution in late seventies and early

eighties. At the same time, it has brought the lower caste peasantry directly into

conflict with landlords over their assertion of their economic and political

power, more so as a reaction to the organised political mobilisation and

assertion of the lower caste groups has forged new structures of oppression.

Even during the days of militancy in mid eighties and early nineties, Punjab

witnessed manifestations of religion, caste, and ethnicity based hatred within the


As on today, these manifestations are on the verge of becoming more

sharper and intense because of the tendency of mass international migrations

from certain districts of Punjab and reassertion of those groups because of the

changes in the citizenship laws of the country and creation of a new category of

Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) and Persons Belonging to Indian Origin

(PIOs). Influx of remittances and indirect interest in local politics on part of

OCIs/PIOs/NRIs has led to greater demand for share in political power and

made the situation much more complex. All these developments need more

intensive studies and researches need to be undertaken for better understanding

of these transformations taking place with in Punjab.

In light of above, a more planned scientific research is needed. The

School of Social Sciences and Political Science Departments have carried out

studies pertaining to SC politics and voting behaviour in recent years. It would

therefore be appropriate that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair is established in School

of Social Sciences of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. This may ensure a

considerably fruitful utilisation of the facility and the resources for teaching and

research exclusively focussed on the scheduled castes in the changing context of

social, economic and political landscape of 21st century Punjab. The University

takes pride for being chosen for award of Chair for dissemination of

knowledge and ideals of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for ushering into a real social

revolution in the country as a befitting tribute to 125 th birth anniversary of Dr.

B. R. Ambedkar.


The main objective of having a Chair set up in name of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in

School of Social Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, as per U.G.C.

guidelines, will be to provide well-equipped Centres of learning to

intellectuals, academicians and students to undertake studies and research on

founding father of Indian Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s social and political

thought with an intention to understand, assess and disseminate ideas and

thoughts of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar particularly on subjects like Economics,

Political Science, Women Studies, Guru Nanak Studies, Indian Philosophy,

Constitutional Comparative Studies, Education, Social Work, Human Rights,

Sub-Altern Studies, Social Movements as well as other disciplines considered

relevant for realisation of our National Constitutional Goal of Social Justice as

enshrined in the Indian Constitution. In each of these disciplines the focus of

research and teaching will be the study of deprived/marginalised sections of

Indian Society.

In achieving this objective, the Chair at Guru Nanak Dev University,

Amritsar will also undertake research and higher studies concerning the socio-

economic and cultural life of the deprived/marginalised groups and other

weaker sections of the society. The Chair would strive to develop appropriate

methodologies to translate Dr. Ambedkar’s ideas into practical propositions and

policy instruments.

On being awarded with the Chair, the Guru Nanak Dev University shall

deem it to be its pride privilege and national duty to work on the given theme

i.e. ‘Social Justice’ focusing on the issues concerning exclusion, inclusion, sub-

alternism, marginalisation, disadvantaged sections etc. The Department

entrusted with the task of managing/governing Chair’s mandate shall strive for

generation of a number of quality publications, capacity building and value

adding workshops, memorial lectures’, national seminars/conferences, dialogue/

discussion, awareness and extension programmes, inter-chair collaborating

programmes shall be organised regularly within.

The activities/events will be based upon Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s work and

philosophy, issues relating to socio-economic and cultural life of scheduled

castes, scheduled tribes, minorities, backward classes and other weaker sections

of the society. This chair shall have a special significance being at an University

named after the first Guru of Sikh religion whose teachings/preaching’s

emphasised creation of a society based completely on principles of equality and

social justice similar to the philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedekar.


Broadly the Chair will serve as Centre of learning and research not only on the

subjects concerning Dr. Ambedkar’s Works and Philosophy, but also on the

issues concerning the socio-economic and cultural life of Scheduled Castes,

Scheduled Tribes, Minorities, Backward Classes and other Weaker Sections of

the Society. In pursuance of these objectives, the Chair will undertake research

for understanding and disseminating the ideas of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr.

B.R. Ambedkar. These objectives shall be achieved not only by conducting

research and teaching, but also by organizing Seminars, Symposia, Workshops

and other similar academic activities.

 To engage in research and, in turn, contribute to the advancement of

knowledge in the area of the study.

 To strengthen the role of university/academics in public policy making.

 To design and execute short-term capacity-building programmes for

teachers in higher education focused towards the designated discipline of

the Chair.

 To provide a forum for inter-university/inter-collegiate Post Graduate and

Research level dialogues, discussion meetings, seminars/summer &

winter schools.

 To publish articles/research papers/reports/books/ monograms.

 To participate in teaching and Ph.D programme of the Department or

School in which it is located.


To carry out the above mentioned objectives and to discharge the functions

assigned to proposed Chair being set up at Guru Nanak Dev University,

Amritsar shall be required to have the following staff as per the U.G.C. revised

guidelines ( XII Plan 2012-2017) for setting up of a Chair in any of the

universities of the country:-

S.No Name of the post No. Pay Scale* Amount Durati

. Of on/
post Remar
s ks
1. Professor (Full time 01 Rs. 37,400-
Professor, equivalent to 67,000 +
Professor of the University) G.P. of
*(Will have to be
revised after the
implementation of
the 7th Pay
2. Research Officer ( in the rank 01 Rs. 15,600-
and pay equivalent to 39,100 +
Lecturer in the University) G.P of Rs.
*(Will have to be
revised after the
implementation of
the 7th Pay
3. Stenographer (Grade ‘C’) 01 Rs. 9,300-
34,800 +

*(Will have to be
revised after the
implementation of
the 7th Pay
4. Peon 01 Rs. 5,200 –
20,200/- +
G.P of
*(Will have to be
revised after the
implementation of
the 7th Pay
Total 50,00,000/-
1. Research Work (Long/short 5,00,000/-
2. Travel local and national 2,00,000/-
3. Organization of 3,00,000/-
Seminar/Workshop**, etc.

4. Lectures** (including Dr. 2,00,000/-

Ambedkar Memorial
5. Publication of 1,00,000/-
Books/Articles/Journals ##

6. Awareness/Extension/Trainin 1,00,000/-
g Programme(s) **

7. Participation in Seminar 1,00,000/-

8. Purchase of 1,50,000/-
Material ##
9. Discussions/Dialogues ** 50,000/-

10. Inter-Chairs Collaborative 50,000/-

11. Phone/Internet/Stationery 1,00,000/-
12. Contingency (towards hiring 1,50,000
assistance for fieldwork/ data
collection & analysis/office
Total 20,00,000/-
Grand Total A+B 70,00,000/- 10 Years Rs. 7
per annum crore
** Topics for the research projects, seminars/ workshops, lectures, discussions, training programmes etc. may
be decided in consultation with the Foundation before the commencement of the next financial year.

## Related to given thrust area

Against each of the above refereed posts persons shall be recruited in

accordance with the Statutes, Rules and Regulations followed by GNDU,

Amritsar and State Govt norms in this regard keeping in view the conditions

stipulated under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered between

Punjab State Government and the GNDU University. The posts of Professor,

Research Officer, Stenographer and Peon will be permanent/contractual and

hence the persons working against each post will be treated on par with regular

staff in the University/ Educational Institution for all purposes.

Further, in respect of service matters, the staff functioning under the

Chairs shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations and Statues followed by

the university/Institution in this regard. The staff working under the Chairs shall

be eligible for all benefits such as HRA, CCA and all other allowances/benefits

which are available to the rest of the staff working under GND University.


Appointment to the posts of Professor and Research Officer shall be made by

following the same procedure as followed in respect of regular Professors and

the Asstt. Professors in GND University. The Selection Committee shall include

a representative from the Punjab State Govt.. The persons appointed against the

posts of Professor and Research Officer of Dr. Ambedkar Chair shall be treated

as regular/contactual staff members of the GND University. Professors so

appointed shall be eligible for all the privileges, which are available to the rest

of the Professors such as Membership of the Senate, Syndicate and various

Academic and other Bodies/Councils of the University/ Institution.

(a) Professor

Only a person adequately qualified in the relevant discipline(s)/subject shall be

appointed as the Professor of the Chair. He/she shall be appointed by following

the same procedure which is applicable for selection of a full time Professor in

the concerned University/Institution. No superannuated person shall be

appointed to the Chair. Academic qualifications, experience, age limit etc. to be

followed in this regard shall be similar to those which are applicable for

selection to the post of a Professor in GND University. The Professor shall

posses adequate knowledge and working experience on Dr. Ambedkar’s

thoughts and works and should possess proven commitment to the cause of

Social Justice. As far as possible, persons belonging to Scheduled Castes,

Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes or those belonging to other Weaker

Sections of the society may be preferred while selecting as Professor and

Research Officer under Dr. Ambedkar Chair by the GND University.

(b) Research Officer

A Research Officer in the rank and scale of Asstt. Professor to University shall

be recruited and appointed by following the same procedure, which is

applicable for recruitment to the post of Asstt. Professor in GND University.

All the terms and conditions applicable in service matters to Asstt. Professor in

GND University shall also be applicable to Research Officer. The Research

Officer shall function under overall supervision of the Professor of the Chair.

(c) Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and Peon

Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and Peon shall be selected by following the procedures

as laid down under the Rules of the GND University for such posts.


For regular monitoring and periodic review of the work of the Chairs, the State

Government might set up two Committees, as follows:-

(i) A Performance Appraisal Committee - for regular monitoring and

(ii) A Review-cum- Evaluation Committee - for periodic evaluation Indicative

details of the two Committees are as follows:-

(i) The ‘Performance Appraisal Committee’ will keep a regular watch over

various programmes to be conducted by the Chairs on behalf of DAF. It would

perform concurrent review of the Chairs with a view to taking timely

correctives steps. It would consist of 3 retired Vice-Chancellors or persons of

similar academic eminence or as per MOU.

(ii) A ‘Review-cum-Evaluation Committee’ will be set up to assess the overall

functioning of the Chair w.r.t. its objectives over a period of time. It would be

set up at intervals of 3-5 years, and will consist of five members including 3

academicians and scholars, nominated by Chairperson, DAF, a nominee of

UGC, and a representative of DAF, nominated by the Chairperson.



The Chair shall publish Annual Report highlighting the activities undertaken in

various fields in terms of the Memorandum of Understanding as well as the

Scheme every year. It will also submit Annual Report to the State Government

showing the utilization of the funds released to them. Accounts and financial

transactions of the Chairs shall be audited in the same manner as the accounts of

University are audited once in a year and a statement showing the detailed

audited account shall be submitted to the Foundation as soon as the accounts are


The Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar shall submit the Utilization

certificates issued by a Chartered Accountant, as interim documents, for

facilitating early release of the grants to the Chair. The Chair at Guru Nanak

Dev University, Amritsar shall also submit the necessary progress report to the

State Government before releasing the grant. The Chair shall submit necessary

details covering all topics for the research projects, seminars/ workshops,

lectures, discussions, training programmes etc. may be decided in consultation

with the Punjab State Government.


An amount of Rs. 70.00 lakh per year and a total of Rs. Seven Crore for next

ten years would be needed as grant-in-aid to Chair established at Guru Nanak

Dev University, Amritsar to carry out activities as per revised U.G.C.

Guidelines/Memorandum of Understanding between parties. The Chair will be

financed out of the grant received from the Punjab State Government. The funds

shall be released in advance every year and the Chair at Guru Nanak Dev

University, Amritsar is bound not to divert these funds for any purpose other

than for running the affairs of the Chair as shown in the annexure to this

Scheme. The Chair will come into effect after the Professor is appointed.

To facilitate establishment of the Chairs one time grant of Rs. 2.00 lakh shall be

required by the Chair at a the time of initial establishment of each Chair. This

grant of Rs. 2.00 lakh shall be utilized for procuring the necessary equipments

like typewriters, furniture, cupboard, Internet, Computer, books etc. The broad

heads/items under which the annual grant Rs. 70.00 lakh shall be spent and they

are shown in Annexure to the Scheme. As far as possible utilization of the

funds should be restricted to the limit prescribed under each sub-head unless

and otherwise warranted by special circumstances. The Chair shall function for

next Ten Years subject to the grants being made available by the State



The scheme of establishment and management of Dr. Ambedkar Chairs shall be

administered by the Punjab State Government (Ministry of Social Justice and

Empowerment, Govt. of Punjab). Instructions and guidelines issued from the

Punjab State Government from time to time shall be binding and strictly

followed in carrying out the affairs of the Chair by Guru Nanak Dev University.

The Chair will function as an integral unit of the Guru Nanak Dev

University/Department under which it is set up. For all day-to-day

administrative and academic purposes, Professor heading Dr. Ambedkar Chair

shall report to the Head/Chairperson of the Department of the Guru Nanak Dev

University, Amritsar under which it is established. The Guru Nanak Dev

University, Amritsar will also set up an Advisory Committee consisting three

persons in the concerned Department under the Chairmanship of the Head of

the Department to advise the activities of the Chair.

The Scheme will come into force with immediate effect after the receipt of



The Chair would be located in one of the departments/ Schools of the Guru

Nanak Dev University and shall be provided all the academic, administrative

and logistic support extended to other Professors of the school/department.


Details of Heads/Sub-Heads under Chair the annual grants will be utilized by

the Chair

Head Scale of Pay Emoluments/Grants


1. Professor Rs. 37,400-67,000 + G.P. of Rs.10,000/-

Total =Rs. 25,00,000/- per annum for post no. 1 only.

2. Research Officer Rs. 15,600-39,100 + G.P of Rs. 5,400/-

3. Stenographer Grade ‘C’ / Computer Operator

Rs. 9,300-34,800 + G.P. Rs.4,200/-

4. Peon Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + G.P of Rs.1800/-

Total =Rs. 25,00,000/- per annum for posts no. 2, 3 & 4.

Total of A= for posts no. 1 to 4= Rs. 25,00,000+Rs. 25,00,000=

Rs. 50,00,000 per annum. (A)


1. Research Work (Long/short term)** 5,00,000/-

2. Travel local and national level =2,00,000/-

3. Organization of Seminar/Workshop**, etc. =3,00,000/-

4. Lectures** (including Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Lecture) =2,00,000/-

5. Publication of Books/Articles/Journals ## =1,00,000/-

6. Awareness/Extension/Training Programme(s) ** =1,00,000/-

7. Participation in Seminar (s)/Conference(s) =1,00,000/-

8. Purchase of Books/Journals/Source Material ## =1,50,000/-

9. Discussions/Dialogues **= 50,000/-

10. Inter-Chairs Collaborative Programmes= 50,000/-

11. Phone/Fax/Stationery =1,00,000

12. Contingency (towards hiring assistance for fieldwork/ data collection &
analysis/office expenses): =1,50,000
Total Rs. =20,00,000/- per annum ( B)

Grand Total ( total of A + B) Rs. 70,00,000/- X 10 Years= Rs. 7 crore.

** Topics for the research projects, seminars/ workshops, lectures, discussions, training programmes
etc. may be decided in consultation with the Foundation before the commencement of the next
financial year.

## Related to given thrust area


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