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What are the Four Agreements?

Please write at least one page about each.

Which agreement(s) did you resonate with most strongly?

What was it that you connected with or recognized in yourself?

How do you view yourself?

How would you like to view yourself?

Which agreements can help you on this journey?

How will they help?

Please list at least 6 examples for each with details of recent instances when you:
Said something to someone in a way you later regretted.
What did you say, how did you say it, what was your intention, what did
you regret?
Who did you lie to, what was your intention, do you now regret it?
Gossiped about someone.
Who did you talk about, what was your intention, did you later regret it?
Spoke harshly to yourself.
What did you say to yourself, what feelings came up afterwards?
Is this a pattern for you?
Criticized yourself.
What did you say to yourself, what feelings came up afterwards?
Is this a pattern for you?
Spent time “what if-ing” and worrying about the future.
What did you “what if” about, what feelings arose?
Spent time ruminating about things in the past that cause sadness and/or fear.
What were you dwelling on, what feelings arose?
Said something nice to someone you don’t know that well.
What did you say, what was your intention, did you sense any change in
yourself afterwards?
Purposely changed the tone of your voice or the words you were using.
How/what did you change, what was your intention, did you sense any
change in yourself afterwards?
Validated or complimented someone knowing it would make them feel good.
What did you say, what was your intention, did you sense any change in
yourself afterwards?
Told the truth knowing it might create problems for you.
What were you honest about, what was your intention, did you sense any
change in yourself afterwards?
Complimented yourself or validated yourself.
What did you say to yourself, what was your intention, did you sense any
change in yourself afterwards?

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