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ED 101- Child and Adolescent

Learners and Learning Principles

Application No. 3

Complete the sentence.

With regard to the nurture-nature, continuity-discontinuity and change-stability controversies, the wiser stand is

 I think the wiser stand in the  three theoretical issues in human development is change-stability simple

because during our growing up and development stages we can get different changes just like in our
attitudes, character, and skills and as well as our weakness change into strength. On other hand we are
also change physically, emotionally and mentally meaning to say that every each of us are still
developing and still in the process of changes. Moreover we already change a lot in our believes that
can use as our guide in order to have a stability in life and that kind of stability can proves that we
already go through to the proper process in life, this is also signifies of all achievements and fulfilments
in our life. Changes and stability also portraits different results according to the actions and choices in
our life either it is positive or a negative effects and impact to us depending to the changes that they
choose to be. This is also give the real meaning in life that changes is the only permanent in this world.
Stability is also the evidences that in our gateways and experience we encountered different changes in
terms of maturity in different situations and challenges in order to be responsible individual or a human
being that is contribute to the development of society and environment.

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