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1A Pau Street

PO Box 296
Lithgow NSW 2790

P: (02) 6352 1422

F: (02) 6353 1081
Promoting Excellence In A Caring Educational Environment E:

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support at this difficult time. The Lithgow High School staff are
working hard to transition to an online learning environment, which sadly may
continue for some time.
To further ensure that we maximise social distancing to prevent spread of the
COVID19 virus we continue to encourage students to stay at home wherever
possible. From Monday we will only provide minimal supervision by teachers on
site. Staff will be available online for questions
Year 7-10 Student Daily activity:
Each day students are to log into the Sentral timetable and check their lessons for
each period.
In the timeframe for each period, students are to access the online site for that
particular subject. The class teacher will have placed work for students to access
and complete. The class teacher may not always be live in the lesson, but will
respond to any query that a student posts during that time frame, as the teacher
may also be supervising other students actively at school. They may reply a little
There will be times that the teacher is live in the lesson.
If a student is unable to go online for that lesson, they can access the content at
any time and post questions for the class teacher to respond to.
We are encouraging all students to follow the timetable as it presents in Sentral
each day when possible, but the work is available online at all times.
Completed work will be given feedback from the class teacher in a timely fashion.
If a student is unable to get online, a physical work package is available for
completion. Please contact the school or email and the school will organise to
deliver work packages and collect completed work.
Senior students:
All Year 11 and 12 teachers will be available online during their timetabled classes,
unless they are unwell or on leave. Questions can be requested via Google or email
outside of these times. While the school remains open senior students, particularly
those with internet issues, can attend the library and use the school internet. The
library will be supervised but curriculum delivery will be online.
For seniors students with significant internet issues please contact the school and
we will provide paper work packages.
The advice from the Department Secretary Mark Scott is clearly for senior students
to keep working and that an HSC will be delivered this year.
6352 1422

Yours sincerely,

Ann Caro

Lithgow High School

27th March 2020

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