E-Portfolio Reflection Nonverbal Messages

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Mykell Arviso-Yazza

Jaime Johnston
Communication 1010
E-Portfolio Reflection: Nonverbal Messages

1. What types of nonverbal behaviors do you succeed at?

● I believe that I succeed in facial expressions, posture, eye contact, and gestures
while speaking to others when it comes to nonverbal communication. I have a job
where I am working with children for 8 hours a day so I think that those are the
most important behaviors that I have. Since I wear a mask everyday I still think
that it is important to smile, you can alway tell by the eyes what a person is
feeling. Working in the dental world I am always showing children and parents
how to properly brush and floss their teeth, that’s where eye contact becomes key
as well, it’s a way for me to tell that they are listening.

2. What types of nonverbal behaviors do you need to work on? What might you do to
● One thing that I can work on is my tone of voice in certain situations, I find that
when I am upset or frustrated that my tone changes and people can tell.
Sometimes appointments don’t go as planned. Sometimes, the child could be
noncooperative or the parents are not very friendly. I find that when they don’t
match my energy I am usually put into a bad mood and the parents and children
can hear it in my tone. I need to work on keeping a positive and happy tone when
dealing with the situations, most of the time things can be changed in an
appointment that is not going well if I am still sounding positive.

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