Pref - 6 - Vocabulary 3.6 - Revisión Del Intento

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24/5/2020 pref_6_Vocabulary 3.

6: Revisión del intento



Comenzado el domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020, 18:48

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Finalizado en domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020, 18:51
Tiempo empleado 3 minutos 17 segundos
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24/5/2020 pref_6_Vocabulary 3.6: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 100,00
Here is some vocabulary that is commonly used when talking about university. Do you recognise these words? Study their
sobre 100,00 meanings and then see them in use in the sentences below!

graduation ceremony (n)

the formal presentation of the award or certi cate

received upon completion of your studies.

alumnus (alumni - plural) (n)

a graduate or former student of a school, college

or university.

freshman (n)

(slang - freshy/fresher) the rst year student of a

school, college or university.

undergraduate (n) 

the studies a student undertakes at university in

order to complete their rst degree.

bachelor’s degree (n)

a degree awarded to a person who has

successfully completed undergraduate studies at

faculty (n)

a department in university that looks after a

particular area of education.

scholarship (n)

a nancial grant or some kind of help given to s

student in order to help them complete their

lecture (n)

a speech or presentation given to a class or

audience about a particular subject. (v) to give a
speech or presentation to a class or audience. 2/3
24/5/2020 pref_6_Vocabulary 3.6: Revisión del intento

dissertation (n) 

a written essay or presentation that you must do

at the end of your rst degree or master’s degree.

professor (n)

a highly ranked or expert teacher in college or


Now, let's practice:

Choose the best option to complete each sentence:
1. Sandy was awarded a schoolarship  for university after she won the essay contest.

2. The 2nd year students must look after the   freshmen   during their rst few weeks of university.

3. I felt so proud when I was awarded my degree certi cate at my   graduation ceremony  .

4.  I nearly fell asleep in the   lecture   this morning because the teacher was so boring.

5. I am an   undergraduate   student at Yale University and I will graduate after 3 years of study.

6. The   alumni   of Cambridge University usually meet up at least once a year.

7. Professor Baggins teaches biology in the  Faculty   of Science at my university.

8. I have only 2 weeks to nish my  dissertation  ! I hope I can nish it in time.

9. One day I hope to be a  professor  of English at Oxford University. 

10. Stephen hopes to graduate with a  bachelor's degree   in engineering next year.

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