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September 2019


The Rego Park School

93-06 63rd Drive

Rego Park, NY 11374

Phone (718) 459-1044
Fax: (718) 997-8639

School Leadership Team


Natalie Perez-Hernandez, Principal

Jennifer Ling, P.A. President

Theresa Smith, UFT Chapter


Sasha Cruz, Parent

Adam Hinz, Parent

Lorina Ladrillono, Parent

Marina Pinkhasova, Parent

Barbra Robinson, Teacher

Jeannie DeCicco, Teacher

Kathleen Murphy, Teacher

Ratified November 2020

P.S. 139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws


Page No.
Article I. NAME.......................................................................................... 3
Article II. OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................... 3
Article Ill. TEAM COMPOSITION ....................................................................3
Article JV. ELECTION OF TEAM MEMEBERS ............................................. 4
COMMITTEE OFFICERS ................................................................ 4
Article VJ. TEAM MEETJNGS ............................................................................ 5
Article VJJ. DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES ................................................. 6
Article VJII. COMMITTEES OR TASK FORCES ................................................. 7
Article IX BYLAWSANDAMENDEMENTS .................................................... 7

P.S.139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws

Article l. NAME

The name of the team shall be the P.S.139Q School Leadership Team.


In accordance with the Chancellor's Regulation A-655, the objectives of the P.S.
139Q School Leadership Team are to:
1. Create and assess the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) of P.S. 139
2. Develop the CEP that is aligned with the school-based budget.
3. Serve as a parent/staff forum for school community relations.


Section 1. Membership
1.1 Membership on the team shall have a minimum of 10 members. The team
should always be comprised of one-half parents and one-half staff.
1.2 Mandatory members of the team are the principal, the UFT chapter chair and
the Parents' Association president. or their designees composition.
1.3 In addition to parent and staff members, community-based organizations
may be granted a seat by School Leadership Team (SLT) consensus for a
team to be determined by consensus of that team.
1.4 The term of office for team members will be two (2) years. There are no term
1.5 SLT Staff members should include as many grades as possible, from early
childhood to upper grade teachers.

Section 2. Expectations of Team Members

2.1 Every SLT member is expected to attend each meeting. Two or more
consecutive unexplained absences from regularly scheduled meetings
without good cause are grounds for removal of said member, based on team
2.2 All team members must be available for ongoing professional development
that may include, but is not limited to, educational planning, budgeting, use of
analysis of data, use of technology to support team activities, team
participation, using consensus decision making effectively, conflict
resolution, problems solving, strategic planning, and goal setting.

P.S. 139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws

2.3 Approved SLT meetings minutes will be posted after each meeting and made
available to the school's staff and parent body. The PA president and the UFT
chapter chair will be responsible for updating their constituencies at their
regularly scheduled meetings.


Section 1. Election Process of Team Members

SLT elections will be held on or before June 30th, after the PA elections in the spring
to comply with Chancellor's Regulations. Elected team members will assume office
on July 1st. All team members will be elected by their constituency (i.e., parent
members of the PA vote for parent members of the SLT and school staff members
vote for staff members.) An alternate from both the staff and parent bodies will be
selected from the candidates with the next highest number of votes received in the
elections. Alternates will serve only in the event of a vacancy caused by attrition, or
removal of a member.
Section 2. Vacancies

In the event there are no qualified alternates, vacancies shall be filled by a new
election of the constituency. This should be done before the next meeting, if
Section 3. Procedure for Removing a Team Member

Removal of a chair or member of the team will be by team consensus. Removal is

warranted for two consecutive absences without good cause, for not meeting with
or representing their constituency, or for neglect of duty.
Section 4. Stipend

The Annual Renumeration (stipend) of $300, SLT members must complete 30 hours
of service and attend the mandatory training offered each year. Team members who
attend training but do not complete the 30 hours of service may receive prorated



Section 1. Roles

1. The chair shall call to order and preside at all meetings, and shall formally
close all meetings. The chair shall be responsible for the preparation of a
collaboratively developed agenda. All agendas should have a new business
category for new concerns and information arising since the last meeting.

P.S. 139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws

Chairs shall be responsible for clarifying issues before consensus is sought

When every effort has failed to resolve an issue and consensus cannot be
reached, assistance will be sought from the District Leadership Team or from
the Community Superintendant.
2. Additional responsibilities of the chair include creation of agendas,
notification of meetings, monitoring of constituency feedback, and keeping
the team on task.

Section 2. Procedure for Election of Chairperson {or Co-Chairs)

By consensus, the team will choose the chair or co-chairs to serve in that capacity
for a term of one (1) year. If additional responsibilities of Chairperson are needed,
they can be distributed among elected Co-Chair.

Section 3. Procedure for Removing a Chairperson (or Co-Chair(s))

By consensus, the team can remove a chair or co-chair(s), based on inability to
serve. (See Article IV, Sec.3.)

Section 4. Responsibilities of Secretary

The secretary, chosen by team consensus, shall keep a written record (minutes) of,
and attendance for, each team meeting the note taker shall post approved minutes
in designated areas of the school. The note taker shall keep a copy of the bylaws, a
list of members' names and contact information, a list of unfinished business, and a
copy of the agenda. The note taker shall make copies of the minutes available to the
chair and the team for review and approval at each meeting. The note taker shall
keep an original copy of the approved minutes in the official SLT file. The SLT may
opt for public recording. (These responsibilities may be delegated to other team
Section S. Stipend Coordinator
One member of the team shall assume responsibility for distributing and collecting
SLT Reimbursement forms and submitting the completed forms to the school's
operation liaison for entry on-line. Forms will be distributed at the May meeting and
collected at the final meeting.


Section 1. Schedule of Meetings
1. A minimum of ten (10) meetings shall be scheduled annually.
2. The chair, with the approval of at least four (4) team members, can
schedule emergency meetings.

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P.S.139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws

3. Any member of the school community may approach the chair, at least
three (3) days prior to a scheduled SLT meeting, to request speaking time.
Approval of speaking time will be determined by team consensus.

Section 2. Notice of Meetings

Notice of meetings will be posted ten (10) days prior to schedule meetings, in
designated areas for each constituency.

Section 3. Attendance and Speaking at Meetings

1. Each person present at a team meeting will sign the attendance sheet
2. All school SLT meetings are open to the public to attend.
3. Any member of the school community may approach the chair, at least
three (3) days prior to a scheduled SLT meeting, to request speaking time.
Approval of speaking time will be determined by team consensus.

Section 4. Quorum
Six team members constitute a quorum, as long as there are at least two members of
each constituency present. An emergency decision can be made with a quorum, if the
entire team is not present ,
Section 5. Minutes

The designated secretary shall record the minutes of the meeting, and shall highlight
key points and document any decisions made by the team. Approved minutes will be
posted in designated areas of the school and made available to the parent body.

Section 6. Team Meetings

Monthly meetings will be conducted on the third Friday of the month in the
mornings at 7:00 AM prior to the school day or afterschool hours according to
parent SLT members priority scheduling. A tentative schedule will be set at the first
meeting of the year.


All decisions will be reached by consensus. In the event that consensus is

unattainable, the District Leadership Team {DL1) Coordinator will facilitate (in
accordance with Chancellor's Regulation A-655, Sec. XII) until a decision is reached
that is acceptable to all. Members blocking consensus must explain their position,
including why they cannot accept a given proposal, and present a proposal that they
feel meets with the needs of their constituency.

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P.S. 139Q School Leadership Team Bylaws


Section 1. Standing Committees

Grant Writing will be a standing committee. Its function will be to seek training in
writing applications for grant money, support of the CEP and to assist in aligning
the school budget to serve the mission of the school.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees/Task Forces

2.1 Where an issue or situation arises that necessitates the establishment of a

committee or task force, an ad hoc committee or task force may be formed,
by consensus, and dissolved when the need no longer exists.
2.2 Each committee will select its own chair by consensus of the committee.
2.3 The Chair's responsibilities will include scheduling meetings, notifying
committee members, and reporting back to the entire team.


1. Bylaws must be reviewed at least biennially.

2. Recommendations for bylaw amendments must be discussed at an SLT
meeting. These bylaws may be amended by consensus from a quorum of team
members, provided that the amendment has been presented, in writing, to all
members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. Amendments are effective
immediately, unless otherwise stated in the motion.
3. A copy of the amended By Laws must be sent to the superintendent within ten
(10) days of revision.

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