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Robust H fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with
multiple time delays
Feng-Hsiag Hsiao
Department of Electronic Engineering, National University of Tainan, No. 33, Section 2,
Shu Lin Street, Tainan 700, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Version of record first published: 14 Jun 2007.

To cite this article: Feng-Hsiag Hsiao (2007): Robust H fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with multiple time delays,
International Journal of Systems Science, 38:4, 351-360

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International Journal of Systems Science
Vol. 38, No. 4, April 2007, 351–360

Robust H1 fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with

multiple time delays


Department of Electronic Engineering, National University of Tainan, No. 33,

Section 2, Shu Lin Street, Tainan 700, Taiwan, R.O.C.

(Received 22 January 2004; in final form 12 December 2006)

A robustness design of fuzzy control via model-based approach is proposed in this article to
overcome the effect of approximation error between multiple time-delay nonlinear systems
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

and Takagi–Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy models. A stability criterion is derived based on Lyapunov’s
direct method to ensure the stability of nonlinear multiple time-delay systems especially for the
resonant and chaotic systems. Positive definite matrices P and Rk of the criterion are obtained
by using linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimization algorithms to solve the robust fuzzy
control problem. In terms of the control scheme and this criterion, a fuzzy controller is then
designed via the technique of parallel distributed compensation (PDC) to stabilize the
nonlinear multiple time-delay system and the H1 control performance is achieved at the same
time. Finally, two numerical examples of the chaotic and resonant systems are demonstrated
to show the concepts of the proposed approach.

Keywords: Resonance; Chaos; Fuzzy control; T-S fuzzy models

1. Introduction references therein). In general, the introduction of

time-delay factor complicates the analysis, and hence
Stability analysis and stabilization of dynamic time- convenient methods to check stability have long been
delay are problems of considerable theoretical and sought after.
practical significance that have been attracting the It is important to overcome the difficulty of dealing
interest of some investigators for several years (Li and with nonlinear systems (Khalil 1992). Due to the
de Souza, 1997; see Su 1984, Chen et al. 1995, for complexity of designing a general control scheme for a
examples). Time delay is often encountered in various nonlinear system, a simplified model for the aforemen-
engineering systems (Lee et al. 2000), such as structure tioned purpose is proposed here. In the past few years,
control of tall buildings, large-scale structure systems, fuzzy-rule-based modeling has become an active
hydraulic, or electronic networks. Its existence is research field because of its unique merits in solving
frequently the source for poor performance and complex nonlinear system identification and control
instability of control systems. Consequently, the problems. In an attempt to attain more flexibility and
problem of stability analysis of time-delay systems
more effective capability of handling and processing
has been one of the main concerns of researchers.
uncertainties in complicated and ill-defined systems,
Numerous reports in regard to this subject have been
Zadeh (1973) proposed a linguistic approach as the
published (see Ikeda and Ashida 1979, Mori et al.
model of human thinking, which introduced the fuzzi-
1981, Su 1984, Chen et al. 1995, Li and de Souza 1997,
Lee et al. 2000, Cao and Frank 2000a and the ness into systems theory (Mohammad et al. 1998).
Unlike traditional modeling, fuzzy rule-based modeling
is essentially a multimodel approach in which individual
rules are combined to describe the global behavior of
*Email: the system (Yen and Wang 1999).
International Journal of Systems Science
ISSN 0020–7721 print/ISSN 1464–5319 online  2007 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00207720601170859
352 F.-H. Hsiao

In the past few years, fuzzy control has attracted criterion is derived to guarantee the stability of the time-
a great deal of attention from both the academic and delay system. Next, a robust design of a fuzzy controller
industrial communities. Nonetheless, past traditional via the technique of parallel distributed compensation
fuzzy control, of which the result was just discussed, (PDC) is proposed to overcome the influence of
does not put emphasis on the description of theoretical approximation error and stabilize the nonlinear multiple
problems in controller design (see Yeh et al. 1996, time-delay system. Finally, two numerical examples of
Chiang et al. 2000, for examples). Recently, there have resonant and chaotic systems with simulations are given
been many basic issues that remain to be further to illustrate the results, and the conclusions are drawn.
addressed. Stability analysis and systematic design are
certainly among the most important issues for fuzzy
control systems (see Tanaka et al. 1996, Wang et al. 2. System description
1996, Ma et al. 1998, Tseng and Chen 2001, for
examples). All of them, however, neglected the modeling Consider a nonlinear time-delay system N described as
error between nonlinear system and fuzzy model. follows:
Existence of the modeling error may be a potential
source of instability for control designs that have been X
based on the assumption that the fuzzy model exactly _ ¼ fðxðtÞ, uðtÞÞ þ
xðtÞ gk ðxðt  k ÞÞ þ ðtÞ ð1Þ
matches the plant Cao and Frank (2000b). Recently, k¼1
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

Kiriakidis (1998), Chen et al. (1999), Cao and Frank

(2000b) and Cao and Lin (2003) have proposed novel where f and gk are the nonlinear vector-valued functions,
approaches to overcoming the influence of modeling x(t) is the state vector,  k (time delay) K ¼ 1, 2, . . . , N are
error in the field of model-based fuzzy control for positive real numbers, u(t) is the input vector and (t)
nonlinear systems. denotes the external disturbance.
Not only the stability but also the control perfor- Definition 1 (Khalil 1992, Chen et al. 1999): The
mance of nonlinear systems is important issue for solution of a dynamic system is said to be UUB if
control design. Hence, a fuzzy control design with there exist positive constants  and , and for every
guaranteed control performance has been introduced  2 (0, ) there is a positive constant T ¼ T(), such that
for nonlinear systems in this study. However, to the best
of our knowledge, the stabilization problem of robust    
xðt0 Þ <  ) xðtÞ  , 8t  t0 þ T: ð2Þ
H1 control via fuzzy control for nonlinear multiple
time-delay systems in resonance and chaos remains an
open area. Local linear input/output relations of nonlinear
Moreover, we often encounter the problems of systems using fuzzy dynamical models have been
resonant or chaotic systems in civil and structure developed primarily from the pioneering work of
engineering field. The phenomenon of resonance Takagi and Sugeno (1985). Accordingly, the system F
occurs when the frequency of the structure is close is approximated by a T-S fuzzy model of which is
to that of the external force (Clough and Penzien described by fuzzy IF–THEN rules. The main feature of
1987). The magnitude of dynamic magnification T-S fuzzy models is to express each rule by a linear state
factor Dmax influences the degree of failure of the equation, and the ith rule of this fuzzy model is of the
structure and we know that the phenomenon will following form:
induce a severe damage to the structure. Besides, to
predict the behavior of chaotic system is hard due to Rule i: IF x1 ðtÞ is Mil and    and xg ðtÞ is Mig
its unpredictability and irregularity Joo et al. (2000).
In many cases, the reason that the chaos should be X
purposely controlled or avoided is that chaos could _ ¼ Ai xðtÞ þ
THEN xðtÞ Aik xðt  k Þ þ Bi uðtÞ þ ðtÞ
lead systems to undesirable performance-degraded k¼1
situations. In brief, the objective of this article is to ð3Þ
derive a stability criterion to guarantee the uniformly
ultimately bounded (UUB) stability of nonlinear Where xT ðtÞ ¼ ½x1 ðtÞ, x2 ðtÞ . . . , xg ðtÞ 2 R1g denotes
systems with chaotic and resonant characteristics. the state vector, uT ðtÞ ¼ ½u1 ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞ, . . . , um ðtÞ 2 R1m
This article is organized as follows. First, the Takazi– denotes the control input, T ðtÞ ¼ ½1 ðtÞ, 2 ðtÞ, . . . ,
Suglno (T-S) fuzzy model is briefly reviewed and the j ðtÞ 2 R1j denotes the unknown  disturbances
system description is presented. Then, robust and a known upper bound up ðtÞ  ðtÞ. i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r
optimal H1 performance design via fuzzy control is and r is the number of IF–THEN rules; Aik, and Bi
described. Based on Lyapunov’s approach, a stability are constant matrices with appropriate dimensions;
Robust H1 fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with multiple time delays 353

Mip ( p ¼ 1, 2, . . . , g) are the fuzzy sets, and x1(t)  xg(t) where i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r. The final output of this model-
are the premise variables. The final state of this fuzzy based fuzzy controller is
dynamic model is inferred as follows:
Pr Xr
 i¼1 wi ðtÞKi xðtÞ
Pr PN uðtÞ ¼ r ¼  hi ðtÞKi xðtÞ: ð7Þ
i¼1 wi ðtÞ½Ai xðtÞ þ
k¼1 Aik xðt  k Þ þ Bi uðtÞ þ ðtÞ i¼1 wi ðtÞ i¼1
_ ¼
xðtÞ P r
i¼1 wi ðtÞ
r X
N Remark 1: If the state is not available, the state
¼ hi ðtÞðAi xðtÞ þ Aik xðt  k Þ þ Bi uðtÞÞ þ ðtÞ observer can be introduced to resolve the problem of
i¼1 k¼1 unavailability of the state variables (e.g., see Ma et al.
ð4Þ 1998, Teixeira et al. 2003, Hamzaoui et al. 2004 and the
references therein).

wi ðtÞ 4. H1 Control design via fuzzy control

wi ðtÞ ¼ gp¼1 Mip , hi ðtÞ ¼ Pr ð5Þ
i¼1 wi ðtÞ
Stabilizing the closed-loop nonlinear systems and
in which Mip (xp(t)) is the grade of membership of xp(t) attenuating the influence of the external disturbance
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

in Mip. In this article, (t) on the state variable x(t) (Lin and Byrnes 1996,
Pr it is assumed that wi(t)  0,
i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r;Pand i¼1 wi ðtÞ > 0 for all t. Therefore, Chen et al. 1999, Cao and Frank 2000b, Lee et al. 2000,
hi(t)  0 and ri¼1 hi ðtÞ ¼ 1 for all t. Tseng and Chen 2001) are the objectives of this article.
The influence of (t) will worsen the performance of
fuzzy control system. In order to guarantee the control
performance by eliminating the influence of (t) is a
3. Parallel distributed compensation significant problem in the control system. Hence, in this
work, not only is the stability of fuzzy control system
The concept of PDC scheme illustrated in figure 1 is that achieved but also the H1 control performance is
each control rule is distributively designed for the satisfied as follows:
corresponding rule of a T-S fuzzy model. The fuzzy
Z tf Z tf
controller shares the same fuzzy sets with the fuzzy T T
xðtÞ QxðtÞdt  xð0Þ Pxð0Þ þ  2
ðtÞT ðtÞdt ð8Þ
model in the premise parts (Tanaka et al. 1996). Since 0 0
each rule of the fuzzy model is described by a linear state
equation, linear control theory can be used to design the where tf denotes the terminal time of the control, P is a
consequent parts of a fuzzy controller. The resulting positive definite matrix,  is a prescribed value which
overall fuzzy controller, nonlinear in general, is achieved denotes the effect of (t) on x(t), and Q is a positive
by fuzzy blending of each individual linear controller. definite weighting matrix. The physical meaning of (8) is
Hence, the jth fuzzy controller can be described that the effect of (t) on x(t) must be attenuated
as follows: below a desired level  from the viewpoint of energy
Rule i: IF x1 ðtÞ is Mi1 and    and xg ðtÞ is Mig Chen et al. (1999).

THEN uðtÞ ¼ Ki xðtÞ, ð6Þ

5. Robustness design of fuzzy control

Fuzzy model Fuzzy controller

In this section, the stability of the nonlinear multiple
time-delay system F is examined under the influence
Rule r Rule r
of approximation error. In subsection 5.1, the issue of
approximation error is addressed and the guarantee of
Rule 2 Rule 2 stability of F is given in subsection 5.2.
Rule 1 Rule 1

5.1 Approximation error

Linear controller design technique
Substituting equation (7) into equation (4) yields the
Figure 1. Parallel distributed compensation (PDC) design. closed-loop nonlinear multiple time-delay system F
354 F.-H. Hsiao

as follows: where kil k  1, for i, l ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r. From

equations (13–14), we have
" #
r X
X r X
( )T
_ ¼
xðtÞ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ þ Aik xðt  k Þ r X
X r
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1 T ðtÞðtÞ  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞ
i¼1 l¼1
N ( )
þ ðtÞ þ fðxðtÞÞ þ gk ðxðt  k ÞÞ r X
X r

k¼1  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞ

" # i¼1 l¼1
r X
X r X
N ( )T
 hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ þ Aik xðt  k Þ X
r X
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞil HxðtÞ
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1
i¼1 l¼1
( )
ð9Þ r X
X r
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞil HxðtÞ
i¼1 l¼1
" # " #
r X
r X
r X
¼ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ þ Aik xðt  k Þ ¼ x ðtÞH T
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞTil
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1 i¼1 l¼1
" #
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

r X
þ ðtÞ þ eðtÞ þ   k Þ
eðt ð10Þ  
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞil HxðtÞ
k¼1 i¼1 l¼1
X r Xr X r X r 
where  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞil  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞil 
 i¼1 l¼1  i¼1 l¼1 
fðxðtÞÞ  fðxðtÞ, uðtÞÞ with uðtÞ ¼  hi ðtÞKi xðtÞ  T  

HxðtÞ , ð15Þ

" # that is to say, the approximation error ðtÞ is bounded

r X
X r
by the specified structured bounding matrix H. 
eðtÞ  fðxðtÞÞ  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ , ð11Þ
i¼1 l¼1 Remark 2 (Chen et al. 1999): The procedures for
determining il and H are described by the following
simple example. Assuming that the possible bounds for
r X
X r
  k Þ  gk ðxðt  k ÞÞ 
eðt hi ðtÞhl ðtÞA ik xðt   k Þ all elements in Hil are
i¼1 l¼1
r " #
¼ gk ðxðt  k ÞÞ  hi ðtÞA ik xðt   k Þ ð12Þ h11
il h12
Hil ¼
i¼1 h21
il h22
and ðtÞ ¼ eðtÞ þ N   k Þ denotes the approx-
k¼1 eðt where "rs  hrs rs
for some "rs, r, s ¼ 1, 2 and
il  "
imation error between F (10) and its fuzzy model i, l ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r.
((4) þ (7)). One possible description for the bounding matrix
Suppose that there exists a bounding matrix Hil Hil is
such that
" #" #
  11 0 "11 "12
   Xr X r  Hil ¼ il
¼ il H

ðtÞ    0 22 "21 "22
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞ ð13Þ il
 i¼1 l¼1 
where 1  rr il  1 for r ¼ 1, 2. It is noticed that il can
for the trajectory x(t), and the bounding matrix Hil be chosen by other forms as long as kil k  1. Then, we
can be described as follows: check the validity of equation (13) in the simulation.
If it is not satisfied, we can expand the bounds for all
elements in Hil and repeat the design procedures until
Hil ¼ il H ð14Þ equation (13) holds.
Robust H1 fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with multiple time delays 355

Remark 3: The approximation error ðtÞ between rewritten as follows:

the nonlinear model F (10) and the T-S model ((4) þ (7))
depends on how the T-S model approximates the X
nonlinear model. It can be bounded by a matrix, and WATi  ðBi Yl ÞT þ Ai W  Bi Yl þ WR 1
k W
the size of the bound depends on the approximation k¼1
error. X
þ Aik R k ATik þ WH T H W þ  1 I þ  1 I

5.2 Stability in the presence of approximation error þ WQ 1 W < 0, ð17Þ

In the following, a stability criterion is proposed to
guarantee the stability and control performance of the for i, l ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r. Moreover, based on Schur comple-
closed-loop nonlinear multiple time-delay system F ment (Chen et al. 1999, Cao and Frank 2000a, Tseng
described in equation (10). Prior to examination of and Chen 2001), it is easy to find that the matrix
 a useful concept is given below.
stability of F, inequalities in equation (17) are equivalent to the

2 3
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

6 ^ T 7
6 ðHWÞ ðÞ1 I 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 W 0 ðQ 1 Þ1 0 0 0 7
6 7
6  1 7 < 0; for i, l ¼ 1; 2; . . . , r ð18Þ
6 W 0 0 ðR1
1 Þ 0 0 7
6 7
6 .. 7
6 7
4 W 0 0 0 . 0 5
W 0 0 0 0 
ðR1 1

following LMI’s:
Lemma 1 (Zhou and Khargonedkar 1988, Li and de
Souza 1997): For any A, B 2 Rn and for any symmetric
positive definite matrix G 2 Rnn or R, we have
2A B  A GA þ B G B: T 1 i ¼ WATi  ðBi Yl ÞT þ Ai W  Bi Yl þ Aik R k ATik
Theorem 1: The trajectories of closed-loop nonlinear þ  1 I þ  1 I:
multiple time-delay system F are UUB and the H1
control performance can be achieved, if there exist
Therefore, Theorem 1 can be reformulated into the
symmetric positive definite matrices P, Rk and positive
linear matrix inequality (LMI) problem and efficient
constants ,  and the feedback gains Kl’s shown in
interior-point algorithms are now available in Matlab
equation (7) are chosen to satisfy:
toolbox to solve this problem.
ðAi  Bi KÞT P þ PðAi  Bi Kl Þ þ Rk þ PAik R1 T
k Aik P
k¼1 k¼1
 6. Examples
þ  H T H þ  1 P2 þ  1 P2 þ Q < 0 for i,l ¼ 1, 2, ... ,r
We will design a T-S fuzzy controller for a simple
nonlinear mass-spring-damper mechanical system.
Proof: See appendix. œ Resonant system is considered when the frequency
of the external force is the same as that of the system
Remark 4: Equation (16) can be reformulated into
and duffing equation is considered for a large
an LMI by the following procedure.
displacement (Khalil 1992). The objective of this
By introducing new variables W ¼ P1, Y ¼ Kl W, section is to design a fuzzy controller such that the
Q ¼ Q1 and R k ¼ R1
k , equation (16) can be nonlinear multiple time-delay systems F described as
follows are stable.
356 F.-H. Hsiao

System 1 (resonant system) namely x1(0) ¼ 0.3, x2(0) ¼ 0.48 (thick line) and
x1(0) ¼ 0.304, x2(0) ¼ 0.484 (thin line). Figure 4
> x_ 1 ðtÞ ¼ 2:5x2 ðtÞ shows the phase-plane trajectory of the same simulation
> x_ 2 ðtÞ ¼ !2 x1 ðtÞ  0:01x21 ðtÞ þ 0:01x1 ðt  0:01Þ result with x1(0) ¼ 0.3, x2(0) ¼ 0.484.
< Nevertheless, how do we design fuzzy controllers to
þ 0:01x21 ðt  0:01Þ þ 0:01x2 ðt  0:01Þ
stabilize two cases of the above systems F with ! ¼ 1,
> þ 0:01x1 ðt  0:02Þ þ 0:01x21 ðt  0:02Þ ¼ 0, f1 ¼ f2 ¼ 4.5?
> þ 0:01x2 ðt  0:02Þ  2 !x2 ðtÞ
: Solution: We can solve this problem according to the
þ sinð1:581tÞ þ f1 uðtÞ following steps.
Step 1: Establish a T-S fuzzy model for each nonlinear
interconnected subsystem by the same technique of local
System 2 (chaotic system)
linearization as that in (Wang et al. 1996, Chen et al.
8 1999). To minimize the design effort and complexity, we
> x_ 1 ðtÞ ¼ 2:5x2 ðtÞ
>  3 try to use as few rules as possible. Hence, the subsystems
> 1 1
> x_ ðtÞ ¼  x ðtÞ  x1 ðtÞ  0:1x2 ðtÞ (19–20) are approximated by the following fuzzy
> 2
< models:
þ 0:01x1 ðt  0:015Þ þ 0:01x21 ðt  0:015Þ
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

> T-S fuzzy model of system 1 and system 2
> þ 0:01x2 ðt  0:015Þ þ 0:01x1 ðt  0:02Þ
> Rule 1: IF x1(t) is M11
> þ 0:01x21 ðt  0:02Þ þ 0:01x2 ðt  0:02Þ
þ 25 cosð1:29tÞ þ f2 uðtÞ X

ð20Þ _ ¼ A1 xðtÞ þ
THEN xðtÞ A 1k xðt  k Þ, þ B1 uðtÞ,

where ! denotes the frequency of the system, denotes

the damping ratio, u(t) denotes the control force, f1 and 2.5

f2 denote the constant coefficient of control forces. 2

In a resonant system, the possible response of the 1.5

system with no control force are (a) ¼ 0, (b) 0 < < 1, 1

(c) > 1 simulated in figure 2. However, due to external 0.5

x1 0
force the state of the resonant system would oscillate for
a long time. In the same way, there exist many sets of
harmonic solutions in a chaotic system. When a given
initial condition produces a chaos solution, then an
arbitrary initial condition will make the state of a −2.5
nonlinear system chaotic. In chaos, the system output is 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Figure 3 shows Time (s)
the responses of the system with no control force Figure 3. Chaotic behavior of a nonlinear system with no
corresponding to two almost identical initial conditions, control force.

(a) Dmax = ∞ 2
x1 0.5
x2 0

−5 (c) −1
(b) Dmax = 1.16 −1.5
−10 −2
0 5 10 15 −2.5
Time (s) −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Figure 2. Response (a) ¼ 0, (b) 0 < < 1, (c) > 1 of the
resonant system with no control force. Figure 4. Phase-plane trajectory of the chaotic system.
Robust H1 fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with multiple time delays 357

Rule 2: IF x1(t) is M21 Step 3: In accordance with Remark 2, two bounding

matrices are chosen as
_ ¼ A2 xðtÞ þ
THEN xðtÞ A 2k xðt  k Þ, þ B2 uðtÞ:
k¼1 0:01 2
System 1: H ¼ ,
System 1 0:001 0:3
0:01 2
xT ðtÞ ¼ ½x1 ðtÞx2 ðtÞ, 1 ¼ 0:01ðsecÞ, 2 ¼ 0:02ðsecÞ, System 2: H ¼ ,
    0:001 0:3
0 2:5 0 2:5
A1 ¼ , A2 ¼ , il ¼ I for i, l ¼ 1, 2: ð24Þ
1 0 1:01 0
0 0 0 0
A 11 ¼ , A 12 ¼ , Step 4: For the purpose of guaranteeing the H1
0:01 0:01 0:01 0:01 control performance, the matrices Q’s in equation (16)
0 0 0 0 are chosen to be positive definite. At first, based on
A 21 ¼ , A 22 ¼ ,
0:02 0:01 0:02 0:01 equation (21–24) and equation (18), we can obtain the
    common solutions W, Yl, and R k (k ¼ 1, 2) via Matlab
0 0
B1 ¼ , B2 ¼ ð21Þ LMI optimization toolbox with  ¼ 0.9,  ¼ 0.22 in
4:5 4:5
system 1 and  ¼ 0.7,  ¼ 0.37 in system 2.
and the membership functions for Rule 1 and Rule 2 are
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8 0:4171 0:1554
> 1 System 1: W ¼ ,
> M11 ðx1 ðtÞÞ ¼ x1 ðtÞ þ 1 when  2
 x1 ðtÞ  0 0:1554 15:981
< 2
1 94:262 12:295
> M11 ðx1 ðtÞÞ ¼  x1 ðtÞ þ 1 when 0 < x1 ðtÞ  2
R 1 ¼ ,
> 2
12:295 45:082
M11 ðx1 ðtÞÞ ¼ 0 otherwise, 68:646 7:421
R 2 ¼
M21 ðx1 ðtÞÞ ¼ 1  M11 ðx1 ðtÞÞ: 7:421 27:829
0:3012 0:3488
System 2 System 2: W ¼ ,
0:3488 13:562
25:68 1:5106
xT ðtÞ ¼ ½x1 ðtÞx2 ðtÞ, 1 ¼ 0:015ðsecÞ, 2 ¼ 0:02ðsecÞ, 
R1 ¼ ,
    1:5106 58:912
0 2:5 0 2:5  
A1 ¼ , A2 ¼ , 115:53 45:083
0:8 0:1 0:81 0:1 R 2 ¼
    45:083 41:984
0 0 0 0
A 11 ¼ , A 12 ¼ ,
0:01 0:01 0:01 0:01  
    System 1: Y1 ¼ 10:83 312:67 and
0 0 0 0
A 21 ¼ , A 22 ¼ , Y2 ¼ ½ 5:7041 173:03 ,
0:02 0:01 0:02 0:01
    System 2: Y1 ¼ ½ 2:632 214:49  and
0 0  
B1 ¼ , B2 ¼ ð22Þ Y2 ¼ 0:8943 99:543 :
4:5 4:5
Then, the following positive definite matrices P(¼W-1),
and membership functions for Rule 1 and Rule 2 are
Rk(¼ R 1 -1
k ), and feedback gains Kl(¼YlW ) can be
the same as the system 1.
obtained such that the equation (16) is satisfied:
 two model-based fuzzy
Step 2: In order to stabilize F,
controllers designed via the concept of PDC scheme are    
2:4065 0:0234 0:011 0:003
displayed as follows. System 1: P ¼ , R1 ¼ ,
0:0234 0:0628 0:003 0:023
Fuzzy controllers of system 1 and system2  
0:015 0:004
R2 ¼
Rule 1: IF x1(t) is M11 0:004 0:037
3:422 0:088 0:039 0:001
THEN uðtÞ ¼ K1 xðtÞ, System 2: P ¼ , R1 ¼ ,
0:088 0:076 0:001 0:017
Rule 2: IF x1(t) is M21  
0:0149 0:016
R2 ¼ ð25Þ
0:016 0:041
THEN uðtÞ ¼ K2 xðtÞ: ð23Þ
358 F.-H. Hsiao

1.8 0.5
1.6 X1
1.2 0

1 x(t)
−0.5 X2
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (s)
Time (s)
Figure 7. The state reponse of system 1.
Figure 5. The plots of kðtÞk (dashed line) and
k 2i¼1 2l¼1 hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞk (solid line). (system 1)

2.5 0.5 X1
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

2 x(t) 0

1.5 −0.5
1 −1

0.5 −1.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 8. The state response of system 2.
Time (s)

Figure 6. The plots of kðtÞk (dashed line) and

k 2i¼1 2l¼1 hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞk (solid line). (system 2). 3

System 1: K1 ¼ 33:378 19:889 and
K2 ¼ 17:776 11:000 , u(t)
System 2: K1 ¼ 27:822 16:533 and
K2 ¼ 11:820 7:644 : ð26Þ 0.5

P the assumption of kðtÞk  −0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
k ri¼1 rl¼1 hi ðtÞhl ðtÞHil xðtÞk is satisfied from the illus-
Time (s)
tration in figures 5 and 6 with x1(0) ¼ 0.5, x2(0) ¼ 1 in
system 1 and x1(0) ¼ 0.75, x2(0) ¼ 1.2 in system 2. Figure 9. The control force of system 1.
The inequality (16) is satisfied. Therefore, based on
Theorem 1, the T-S fuzzy controllers (25) can stabilize
fuzzy control. To ensure the stability of nonlinear
two cases of nonlinear multiple time-delay systems F
systems, a stability criterion is derived from
and the H1 control performance is guaranteed.
Lyapunov’s direct method. According to this criterion
Simulation results of each system are illustrated
and the control scheme, a robust model-based fuzzy
in figures 7 and 8 and control forces are showed in
controller is designed to overcome the effect of
figures 9 and 10.
approximation error and stabilize the nonlinear multiple
time-delay system. In addition, the H1 control perfor-
mance can be guaranteed in the mean time. Finally, two
7. Conclusions numerical examples about second order nonlinear
systems are given to illustrate the concepts discussed
The main contribution of this article is the integration of in the article and the feasibility of the proposed
nonlinear time delay systems, PDC, H1 control, and approach.
Robust H1 fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with multiple time delays 359

 xT ðtÞRk xðtÞ  xT ðt  k ÞRk xðt  k Þ
r Xr
¼ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞxT ðtÞ
−1 i¼1 l¼1
u(t) " #
 ðAi  Bi Kl Þ P þ PðAi  Bi Kl Þ þ Rk xðtÞ
−3 k¼1

r X
X r X
N h
þ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ xT ðt  k ÞATik PxðtÞ
−5 i¼1 l¼1 k¼1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 i  
Time (s) þ xT ðtÞPAik xðt  k Þ þ T ðtÞPxðtÞ þ xT ðtÞPðtÞ
Figure 10. The control force of system 2.
  Xr X
r X
þ T ðtÞPxðtÞ þ xT ðtÞPðtÞ  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1
 xT ðt  k ÞRk xðt  k Þ ðA2Þ
The authors wish to express sincere gratitude to Based on Lemma 1 and equation (A2), we have
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:49 20 April 2013

Professor Peter Fleming for his help and the anonymous

r X
reviewers for their constructive comments and helpful
suggestions, which lead to substantial improvements of  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞx ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞT P þ PðAi  Bi Kl Þ

i¼1 l¼1
this article. 
N r X
X r X
þ Rk xðtÞ þ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ
Appendix k¼1 i¼1 l¼1 k¼1
 xT ðtÞPAik R1 T T
k Aik PxðtÞ þ x ðt  k ÞRk xðt  k Þ
Proof of Theorem 1  
þ T ðtÞðtÞ þ  1 xT ðtÞP2 xðtÞ
Let the Lyapunov function for the closed-loop nonlinear  
multiple time-delay system F be defined as þ T ðtÞðtÞ þ  1 xT ðtÞP2 xðtÞ
r X
r X
X k  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ xT ðt  k ÞRk xðt  k Þ ðA3Þ
V ¼ xT ðtÞPxðtÞ þ xT ðt  ÞRk xðt  Þds: ðA1Þ i¼1 l¼1 k¼1
k¼1 0 
r X
hi ðtÞhl ðtÞxT ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞT P þ PðAi  Bi Kl Þ
We then evaluate the time derivative of V on the i¼1 l¼1
trajectories of equation (10) to get T
þ H H þ  1 P2 ðfrom equation ð15ÞÞ
  XN X
V_ ¼ x_ T ðtÞPxðtÞ þ xT ðtÞPxðtÞ
_ 1 2
þ þ PAik R1k P þ  P xðtÞ þ  T ðtÞðtÞ
N   k¼1 k¼1
þ xT ðtÞRk xðtÞ  xT ðt  k ÞRk xðt  k Þ
( " #
r X
r X
¼ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ þ Aik xðt  k Þ Based on equation (16) and (A4),
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1 r X
X r
N V_  hi ðtÞhl ðtÞxT ðtÞfQgxðtÞ þ þT ðtÞðtÞ
þ ðtÞ þ eðtÞ þ   k Þ
eðt PxðtÞ i¼1 l¼1
k¼1  xT ðtÞQxðtÞ þ  up ðtÞ ðA5Þ
r X
T According to Definition 1, this demonstrates that the
þ x ðtÞP hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ ðAi  Bi Kl ÞxðtÞ
i¼1 l¼1 trajectories of the closed-loop system (10) are UUB.
N Integrating (A5) from t ¼ 0 to t ¼ tf yields
þ Aik xðt  k Þ þ ðtÞ þ eðtÞ þ   k Þ
k¼1 k¼1 Z tf Z tf
r X
r X
N Vðtf Þ  Vð0Þ   xðtÞ QxðtÞdt þ  ðtÞT ðtÞdt:
þ hi ðtÞhl ðtÞ 0 0
i¼1 l¼1 k¼1 ðA6Þ
360 F.-H. Hsiao

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Feng-Hsiag Hsiao was born in Tainan, Taiwan. R.O.C., in 1960. He received the BS degree in
electronic engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli, in 1983, the MS degree in
electrical engineering from Tatung University, Taipei, in 1985, and the PhD degree in electrical
engineering from National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, in 1991. Currently, he is a Professor
and Head of Department of Electronic Engineering, National University of Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan,
R.O.C. His research interests are in the area of fuzzy control, neural networks, large-scale control,
and the dither problem.

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