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Juan Carlos Casso Lopez

Biotech Revolution

The humanity is passing through a historic transition, from the age of discovery, to the age
of scientific mastery, an age in which it could be possible to determine the destiny of life.
This is the bimolecular revolution, one who promises a god like abilities to manipulate life
at the most fundamental level, it will enable humanity to make lab-grown organs; the
human body could be repaired as easily as a car. We could change our genetic heritage or
even change the evolution of mankind; this is the era in which humans hold the future of
the humanity in their hands

The simply act of going to a doctor for a health diagnosis has changed with all the
revolutionary technology that came up with the past century.

The first stage of this mastery of life, is that it will allow doctors to eliminate main diseases
and maybe to prolong life by decades, because we can have all our genetics in a CD, like
having our bodies manual.

Once in a generation the scientific breakthrough changed the entire scientific landscape, in
the 1940 it was the Manhattan project, in 1960 it was the race to the moon, and now is the
human genome.

Medicine has been through three principal stages, the firs stage is the introduction to the
gene theory, better sanitation, in the second stage we have antibiotics and modern
surgery, but the third stage is the most profound of all, the genetic medicine.

Genetic medicine, a part of giving health to people, it also changes personal life of
persons, for example parents that have a sick kid of skid, they have to take care of the son
all their life, but genetic medicine, is making that certain people has their life back; and this
new way of medicine has been accepted by the society very well.

But let’s go with the big ones, Cancer, VIH, and all that viruses that we all are afraid of,
those ones that get exponential human deaths in a year; the genetic medicine has already
created a map of life without cancer, the Atlas cancer. This helps to know how a gene is
working in a cancer tumor and if it’s wrong, they can repair it, and also to know all the
cancer tumors and how to control them.

So how can we do this? We can do this because of the computer revolution, computers
that can understand genetic problems in just few seconds, because human would take
years to do what computers can in one second, and this way of using the computers is
transforming science, into digital science. So health will turn into programs and in the
future it’s going to be like reprogramming computers to health cancer, making all our
medicinal methods irrelevant to the medical future written in our genes.
But although all this revolution of genes, knowing our genes its only the first step of the
human mastery in life; bimolecular revolution will not only be able of making us to prevent
or cure any disease, it will enable us to repair any tissue or organ we have in our body.
Human will be repaired like cars, with replacement organs that Scientifics are making in

In the future people will have their own organ deposits that decreases the risks of
accepting an organ that someone have in a transplant, because those organs will be
exactly like the originals.

Also with all this medical revolution, we are going to be able to live longer, and longer; we
will be able to live till our 120 years. We are going to be a kind of immortals.

So if we can control our own biology, what are we going to be capable of in the future?

Well, we can do a lot of things, what can you imagine? Cloning? They have already make
it, and not once with dolly the sheep, they have made it with several animals, and not one
clone, they already have clones of clones of clones. So if the medicine has already
reached those levels, in the future a lot of the percentage of the human in the world will be
clones, or super humans.

At the end it’s our choice how humanity could change, it’s up to us to decide how to use all
this bimolecular revolution, so are we getting the god paper with our god like abilities?

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