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21-Day Spring Cleanse: Part 1

With Amanda Webster, RYT-500 ERYT-200 & Certified Ayurveda Counselor


PRINCIPLES OF AN AYURVEDIC CLEANSE .................................. 2-3

CHECKLIST (PROCEDURE) ................................................................ 4-5

FOOD COMBINATIONS TO AVOID ....................................................... 6

THE DIRTY DOZEN ................................................................................... 7

DOSHA-SPECIFIC FOOD LIST .......................................................... 8-16

WEEK 2 RECIPES ............................................................................... 17-18

SHOPPING LIST ........................................................................................ 19

ABOUT AMANDA...................................................................................... 20
A cleanse is typically completed during the transitions between seasons in order to eliminate the
accumulation of “excess elements” characteristic to the most recent season and prevent
imbalance in the upcoming season. For example, going into spring we eliminate excess
congestion and cold left over from the winter and address any dosha-specific imbalances. An
Ayurveda-based cleanse should not establish balance in one system at the sacrifice of another.
However, if you feel tired, make sure you are eating enough and getting plenty of rest during
this cleanse. Taking high-quality care of yourself is essential! Read more about Ayurveda on
Amanda’s blog at, especially if you need to determine your
constitution (“dosha” in Ayurveda).

Goals of a Cleanse:
• To increase health and vitality

• To reverse or eliminate the roots of chronic or severe disease

• To balance all three doshas

• To reduce the effects of daily stress.

Three Phases of a Cleanse:

1. Preparation (Week 1): establishing the routines and self-care practices that will pave the way for the
more intensive practices of week 2.

2. Purification (Week 2): includes a kitchari- or soup-and-vegetables-based monodiet and cleansing

herbal supplements. The herbal supplements recommended in this cleanse DO NOT interact with other
medications that you may be taking. However, as a precaution, do not take turmeric capsules if you are
on blood-thinners.

3. Tonification (Week 3): includes post-purification therapies used to strengthen and rejuvenate the body
and integration of dosha-specific practices for long-term implementation and health.

Contra-indications to Cleansing:
1. Pregnancy or lactation

2. Menstruation: Wait at least 3 days after your period to begin a cleanse; if you know you will start your
period during the cleanse, postpone the cleanse.

3. Cancer, auto-immune diseases or weakened immune system; HIV/AIDS

4. Emaciation, anorexia; or extreme obesity

5. Heart conditions such as hypertension, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure

Guidelines During the Cleanse

1. Get plenty of rest! Be in bed by 10pm (all doshas!) and up by 6am. If you feel tired or like you are
“trying to catch up on sleep”, take naps during the day OR go to bed between 8 and 10pm…this is
especially true for Vata types.
a. Vata Types: Up by 6am
b. Pitta Types: Up between 5 and 6am
c. Kapha Types: Up between 4 and 5am; especially important for you to exercise for at least 10-
30 minutes as part of your morning routine several times per week.
2. Exercise daily: see checklist.
3. Meal Etiquette: “Eat breakfast like a prince, lunch like a king and dinner like a pauper!”
a. Avoid multi-tasking!
b. Turn off TV, avoid checking email, working, reading newspaper, etc.
c. Sip water as needed but try to drink AFTER the meal; only water or warm tea should be taken
with meals.
d. If possible, enjoy meals with a loved one.
e. Avoid eating between sunset and sunrise each day.
f. DO NOT skip meals; eat enough at meals so you do not need to snack in-between.
4. Avoid these foods during the cleanse to fully cleanse and strengthen digestive tract:
a. Leftovers
b. Packaged, canned, or frozen foods.
c. Non-organic; at least avoid the “Dirty Dozen” (see handout)
d. Dairy
e. Meat
f. Nuts
g. Refined sugar
h. Oily or fried food
i. Incompatible Combinations (see handout)
5. HYDRATE: determine your body weight in pounds, divide by 2, then drink that number in ounces of
water each day.
6. Refer to your dosha-specific food lists but remember that in the spring months your dosha may be
more influenced by Kapha characteristics, and if this is the case may want to eat from the Kapha
food list.
7. WEEK ONE: implement suggestions above, practice self-care according to charts below, plus eat only
from your dosha “favor” column. Focus on eliminating caffeine, processed foods and habits that bring
imbalance (such as not getting adequate sleep or exercise).
8. WEEK TWO Monodiet Cleanse Options: These all begin in week two. Remember it is better to
adhere to the suggestions the best you can (100%!) but if you stumble, DO NOT QUIT or beat yourself
up! Even if you do these things 51% of the time, you are making a positive change!
a. Strong Path: kitchari is the ONLY thing you eat for 5-7 days. No caffeine.
b. Moderate Path: Kitchari, soup and roasted vegetables from a limited palate (ex, the same five
vegetables for the duration of the cleanse) comprise all meals for 5-7 days. No caffeine.
c. Mild Path: kitchari is the main dish at lunch, breakfast is fruit or other foods from your dosha
list; lunch is supplemented with roasted vegetables or soup; and dinner is light, also from your
dosha list. Length of cleanse is 3-5 days long. 1 cup of coffee/black tea per day if needed.

Week 1: Morning Routine Checklist

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Wake & set Wake & set Wake & set Wake & set Wake & set Wake & set Wake & set
intention intention intention intention intention intention intention

Scrape tongue Scrape tongue Scrape tongue Scrape tongue Scrape tongue Scrape tongue Scrape tongue

Neti pot Neti pot Neti pot Neti pot Neti pot Neti pot Neti pot

Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz Drink 8 oz

lemon water lemon water lemon water lemon water lemon water lemon water lemon water
with 1 tsp with 1 tsp with 2 tsp with 2 tsp with 2 tsp with 3 tsp with 4 tsp
coconut oil coconut oil coconut oil coconut oil coconut oil coconut oil* coconut oil*

Bowel Bowel Bowel Bowel Bowel Bowel Bowel

Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement

5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes of 5-10 minutes
exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise, of exercise,
pranayama or pranayama or pranayama or pranayama or pranayama or pranayama or pranayama or
meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

Take a probiotic Take a probiotic Take a probiotic Take a probiotic Take a probiotic Take a probiotic Take a
with breakfast** with breakfast** with breakfast** with breakfast** with breakfast** with breakfast** probiotic with

*This will have a mild to moderate laxative effect, so if you have plans on Saturday, clear your schedule for
the evening and drink around 5pm. If no plans, you may drink in the morning as usual. If a smaller amount
of coconut oil induced diarrhea, do not increase the amount of oil each day and contact me at (808) 209-
7979 or for personalized instructions. If you are constipated on the last day,
dissolve 1 ½ tablespoons of Epsom salt in 1 cup of warm water instead of drinking 4 tsp of coconut oil. Add a
squeeze of lemon juice for taste then drink the mixture. You should have a bowel movement within 30 minutes.

**If you are taking Ashwagandha, you should take it in the morning with breakfast, too.

Afternoon Routine Checklist

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Largest meal of day between 12 & 4pm; no multi-tasking

Vata & Kapha: Take Trikatu supplement following lunch

Avoid overly-intense physical & mental activity

Take a nap if possible OR engage in 15 minutes of pranayama or meditation.


Evening Routine Checklist

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Moderate Light dinner Moderate Light dinner Moderate Light dinner Light
exercise or BEFORE exercise or BEFORE exercise or BEFORE dinner
yoga asana sunset yoga asana sunset yoga asana sunset* BEFORE
dinner Gentle walk dinner Gentle walk dinner Gentle walk
after dinner after dinner after dinner Gentle walk
Light dinner OR Light dinner OR restorative Light dinner OR after dinner
BEFORE restorative BEFORE yoga BEFORE restorative OR
sunset yoga sunset sunset yoga restorative
Vata & Pitta: yoga
Vata & Pitta: Vata & Pitta: Vata & Pitta: self-massage Vata & Pitta: Vata & Pitta:
self-massage self-massage self-massage before self-massage self-massage Vata &
before before before shower/bath* before before Pitta: self-
shower/bath* shower/bath* shower/bath* shower/bath* shower/bath* massage
Kapha: dry before
Kapha: dry Kapha: dry Kapha: dry brush or Kapha: dry Kapha: dry shower/bath*
brush or brush or brush or loofah during brush or brush or
loofah during loofah during loofah during shower/bath loofah during loofah during Kapha: dry
shower/bath shower/bath shower/bath shower/bath shower/bath brush or
Triphala loofah
Triphala Triphala Triphala before bed Triphala Triphala during
before bed before bed before bed before bed before bed shower/bath
5 minutes of
5 minutes of 5 minutes of 5 minutes of reflection 5 minutes of 5 minutes of Triphala
reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection before bed
5-10 minutes
5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes of 3-part 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 5 minutes of
of 3-part of 3-part of 3-part breath (“belly of 3-part of 3-part reflection
breath (“belly breath (“belly breath (“belly breath”) breath (“belly breath (“belly
breath”) breath”) breath”) breath”) breath”) 5-10 minutes
In bed by of 3-part
In bed by In bed by In bed by 10pm In bed by In bed by breath
10pm 10pm 10pm 10pm 10pm (“belly

In bed by

*Vata types should use sesame or almond oil during massage; Pitta types should use coconut.

Incompatible Food Combinations

When different foods with various tastes, energy, and post-digestive effects are eaten
together, it overloads the digestive system. Each type of food, such as carbs, fats and
proteins, requires a different enzyme to break down, resulting in weakened agni when
taken together. Thus, some food combinations should be avoided:

Avoid mixing proteins, especially meat and milk proteins.

Avoid ice or extremely cold beverages, this weakens digestion.

Milk: bananas, fish, meat, melons, curd, sour fruits, kitchari, yeast bread, cherries, citrus, sour
cream, yogurt, and cheese.

Melons: grains, starch, fried foods, cheese—“Melons should be eaten alone or left alone!”

Starches: eggs, milk, bananas, dates

Nightshades (tomato, potato, chilies): milk, yogurt, melon, cucumber

Yogurt: milk, sour fruits, melons, hot drinks, meat, fish, mangoes, starch

Eggs: milk, meat, yogurt, melons, cheese, fish, bananas

Mangoes: yogurt, cheese, cucumbers


The Dirty Dozen: Should purchase these organically grown.












Sweet bell peppers


Dosha-Specific Food Lists


Vata Pitta Kapha

* Indicates foods to be eaten in moderation.
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Dried fruit Sweet & Sour Sour Sweet & Sweet & Sour Astringent
Raw apples Apricots Apples (sour) Astringent Avocado Apples
Cranberries Avocado Apricots Apples Bananas Apricots
Pears Bananas Berries (sweet) Coconut Berries
Persimmon Berries Cherries Apricots Currants* Cherries
Pomegranate Cherries Cranberries (sweet) Dates Cranberries
Prunes Coconut Grapefruit Avocado Figs (fresh) Figs (dry)
Watermelon Currants Grapes (green) Bananas* Grapefruit Green papaya*
Dates Currants* Berries Grapes* Mango
Figs (fresh) Kiwi* (sweet) Kiwi Peaches
Grapefruit Oranges (sour) Coconut Lemons* Pears
Grapes Peaches Dates Limes* Persimmon
Green papaya Pineapple Figs Mangos* Pomegranate
Kiwi (sour) Grapes Melons Prunes
Lemons Persimmon (sweet) Oranges Raisins
Limes Plums (sour) Green Papayas Strawberries
Melons (sweet) Rhubarb papaya* Pineapple
Oranges Strawberries Mango Plums
Papaya Melons Rhubarb
Peaches Oranges Watermelon
Pineapple (sweet)
Plums Papaya *
Raisins (soaked) Pears
Rhubarb Lemons*
Strawberries Limes*
Plums (sweet)


Vata Pitta Kapha

Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Frozen,dried or raw Cooked Pungent Sweet, bitter & Sweet & Sour Bitter, pungent,
astringent astringent or raw
Arugula* Acorn squash Beets Acorn squash
Beet greens* Artichoke Beet greens Bok choy Artichoke* Arugula
Bok Choy* Asparagus Carrots (raw) Broccoli Butternut squash Asparagus
Broccoli* Beets Daikon radish* Brussel sprouts Cucumber Beet greens
Brussel Sprouts Bell pepper Eggplant Burdock root Olives Beets
Burdock root Butternut squash Garlic Butternut squash Parsnip* Bell pepper
Cabbage Carrots Horseradish Cabbage Potato (sweet) Bok choy
Cauliflower Cucumber Green olives Cauliflower Pumpkin Broccoli
Celery Daikon radish Leeks (cooked)* Celery Rutabagas Brussel sprouts
Chili pepper* Fennel Mustard greens Collard greens Spaghetti squash Burdock root
Collard greens* Green beans Onions (cooked)* Corn (fresh) Tomatoes Cabbage
Corn (fresh)* Leeks Onions (raw) Cucumber Winter squash Carrots
Eggplant Mustard greens Peppers (hot) Fennel Zucchini Cauliflower
Jicama* Okra Peppers (red)* Green beans Celery
Kale* Olives Pumpkin Jicama Collard greens
Leafy greens* Onions (cooked) Radish Kale Corn (fresh)
Lettuce* Parsnip Spinach Leafy greens Daikon radish
Mushrooms Potato (sweet) Sun dried tomato Collards Eggplant
Onions (raw) Pumpkin Tomatoes Lettuce Fennel
Parsley* Radish Turnip Mushrooms Garlic
Peas Rutabaga Turnip greens Okra Green beans
Peppers (red)* Summer squash Olives (black) Horseradish
Potato (white) Watercress Parsley Jicama
Spaghetti squash* Winter squash Parsnips Kale
Spinach* Zucchini Peas Leafy greens
Sprouts* Peppers (green) Leeks
Sun dried tomato* Potato (sweet) Lettuce
Tomatoes Potato (white) Mushrooms
Turnips Rutabaga Okra
Spaghetti squash Onions
Sprouts Parsley
Zucchini Peas
Peppers (red)
Potatoes (white)
Summer squash
Sun dried tomato*

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Cold, dry, puffed Amaranth Amaranth* Barley Oats (cooked) Amaranth*
Couscous Buckwheat Couscous Pasta Barley
Cereal Oats (cooked) Corn Oats (cooked) Rice (brown) Buckwheat
Barley* Pasta Millet Pasta Rice (white) Corn
Buckwheat Rice (all) Oats (dry) Rice (basmati) Spelt Couscous
Corn Spelt Granola Rice cakes Wheat Millet
Granola Tapioca Oat bran* Rice (white) White flour Oat bran
Millet Wheat Oat Spelt Oats (dry)
Oat bran Wild rice Quinoa Tapioca Quinoa
Oats (dry) Rice (brown)* Wheat Rice* (basmati,
quinoa Rye Wheat bran spiced)
Rice cakes White flour Rice cakes*
Rye Rye
Wheat bran* Wheat bran*
White flour Tapioca


Vata Pitta Kapha

Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Black beans In moderation: None Aduki beans Black lentils Aduki beans
Black-eyed peas Black beans Brown lentils Black beans
Brown lentils Aduki beans Black-eyed peas Kidney beans Black-eyed peas
Chana dal Black lentils Black lentils* Soy beans Chickpeas
Chickpeas Lentils Brown lentils Soy milk Lima beans
Kidney beans Mung beans Chana dal Soy cheese Mung beans
Lima beans Red lentils Chickpeas Tempeh Navy beans
Navy beans Soy cheese Kidney beans Cold tofu Pinto beans
Pinto beans Soy milk Lima beans Puy lentils
Soy beans Tofu Mung beans Red lentils
Soy flour Yellow split mung Navy beans Soy milk (hot)*
Soy powder Pinto beans Split peas
Split peas Red lentils* Tofu (cooked)*
Tempeh Soy beans/products White beans
White beans Split peas Yellow split mung
White beans
Yellow split mung

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Cheese (hard)* All ok in Butter (salted) Almond milk Butter Ghee*
Cow’s milk (powder) moderation Buttermilk Butter (unsalted) Buttermilk Goat’s milk
Goat’s milk (powder) Cheese (hard)* Cheese (mild, soft) Cheese (any) Yogurt(diluted)
Yogurt (frozen) Buttermilk Feta cheese Coconut milk Cream
Cow’s milk Sour cream Cottage cheese Cow’s milk
Cheese (soft) Yogurt Cow’s milk Ice cream
Cream Cream Panir*
Ghee Ghee Sour cream
Goat’s cheese Goat’s milk Whey
Goat’s milk* Ice cream* Yogurt
Ice cream* Panir
Panir Whey
Whey Yogurt (diluted)
Yogurt (spiced) Coconut milk

Pittas should seriously consider a vegetarian diet.

Vata Pitta Kapha

Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Lamb Beef* Beef Buffalo Beef Chicken (white)
Pork Buffalo Duck Chicken (white Chicken (dark) Eggs*
Turkey (white)* Chicken Lamb meat) Fish (saltwater) Fish (freshwater)
Venison Duck Pork Egg whites Lamb Shrimp
Eggs Salmon Fish (freshwater)* Pork Turkey (white)
Fish Sardines Shrimp* Salmon venison
Seafood Seafood Turkey (white Sardines
Turkey (dark) Tuna meat) Seafood
Turkey (dark) Venison Tuna
Turkey (dark)


Vata Pitta Kapha

Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Almonds (with Almonds Almonds (with Almonds (soaked, Almonds (with Almonds (soaked,
skins) (soaked, skins) peeled) skins) peeled)
peeled) Brazil nuts Coconut Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts* Cashews Cashews
Cashews* Hazelnuts Coconut
Coconut Macadamia Walnut
Walnuts Peanuts Macadamia
Hazelnuts Pecans Peanuts
Macadamia Pine nuts Pecans
Peanuts* Pistachios Pine nuts
Pine nuts Walnuts Pistachios

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Popcorn Flax Sesame Flax Sesame Flax
Psyllium* Hemp Hemp Hemp Popcorn (no salt
Pumpkin Popcorn (no salt or or butter)
Sesame butter) Psyllium*
Sunflower Psyllium Pumpkin*
Pumpkin* Sunflower

The same oils listed for each dosha, but from a store’s health section are good for abhyanga (self-massage).

Vata Pitta Kapha

Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
None All oils are Almond Avocado Apricot In moderation
fine, Apricot Canola Avocado
especially Corn Coconut Coconut Almond
ghee, olive Safflower Olive Safflower Canola
and sesame. Sesame Sesame Sesame Corn
Soy Soy Flax
Sunflower Walnut Ghee
Walnut Sunflower

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
White sugar Barley malt syrup Honey* Barley malt Barley malt syrup Fruit juice
Honey* Brown rice syrup Jiggery syrup Brown rice syrup concentrate
Fructose Molasses Brown rice syrup Fructose (especially apple
Fruit juice White sugar Fructose Jiggery and pear)
concentrate Fruit juice Maple syrup* Honey
Jiggery concentrate Molasses sucanat Stevia
Maple syrup Maple syrup Sugar cane juice
Molasses Stevia White sugar
Stevia Sucanat
Sucanat Sugar cane juice

Herbs & Spices

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
None All spices Ajwan Fresh basil* Almond extract Ajwan
beneficial Allspice Black pepper * Tamarind Allspice
Anise Cardamom* Anise
Ajwan Asafetida Cilantro Asafetida
Allspice Basil Cinnamon* Basil
Almond extract Bay leaf Coriander Bay leaf
Anise Caraway* Cumin Black pepper
Asafetida Cayenne Curry powder Caraway
Basil Cloves (mild) Cardamom
Bay leaf Curry powder Dill Cayenne*
Black pepper Garlic (raw) Fennel Cilantro
Caraway Ginger Mint Cinnamon
Cardamom Horseradish Orange peel* Cloves
Cayenne* Mace Peppermint Coriander
Cilantro Marjoram Rose water Cumin
Cinnamon Mustard seeds Saffron Curry powder
Cloves Nutmeg Spearmint Dill
Coriander Onions (raw) Turmeric Fennel
Cumin Oregano Vanilla* Fenugreek*
Curry powder Paprika Wintergreen Garlic
Dill Poppy seeds* Ginger
Fennel Rosemary Mace
Fenugreek* Sage Marjoram
Garlic Savory Mint
Ginger Star anise Mustard seeds
Mace Tamarind Nutmeg
Marjoram Tarragon* Orange peel
Mint Thyme Oregano
Mustard seeds Paprika
Nutmeg Parsley
Orange peel Peppermint
Oregano Poppy seeds
Paprika Rosemary
Parsley Rose water
Peppermint Saffron
Poppy seeds Sage
Rosemary Savory
Rose water Spearmint
Saffron Star anise
Sage Tarragon
Savory Thyme
Spearmint Turmeric
Star anise Vanilla
Tamarind Wintergreen

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Chili pepper* Black pepper* Black sesame Black pepper* Black sesame Black pepper
Ginger (dry)* Chutney seeds Chutney (sweet) seeds Chili pepper
Ketchup Coconut Chili pepper Coconut Chutney (hot)* Coriander leaves
Mayonnaise* Coriander leaves Garlic Coriander leaves Coconut Daikon radish
Onion (raw) Cottage cheese Ginger Cottage cheese Cottage cheese* Garlic
Radish* Grated cheese Horseradish Ghee Grated cheese Ghee*
Sprouts* Garlic Kelp Lettuce Kelp Ginger (dry)
Ghee Ketchup Mango chutney Ketchup Horseradish
Ginger (fresh) Lemon/lime Mint leaves Lemon/Lime Lettuce
Horseradish Mayonnaise Sprouts Mango chutney Mint leaves
Kelp Mustard Mayonnaise Mustard
Lemon/lime Onions (raw) Pickles sprouts
Mint leaves* Pickles Salt*
Miso Relish Seaweed
Mustard Salt* Sesame seeds
Onions (cooked) Seaweed* Soy sauce
Pickles Sesame seeds Tamari
Salt Soy sauce
Seaweed Tamari*

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Alcohol* Almond Alcohol Almond Alcohol (in Aloe vera juice
Apple juice Rejuvenative Berry juice Aloe vera juice excess) Caffeine*
Caffeine drinks (sour) Apple juice Almond milk Carob
Carbonated Aloe vera Caffeine Apricot juice Banana smoothie Juices:
drinks juice Carbonated Banana smoothie* Carbonated Apple
Coffee Banana drinks Berry juice (sweet) drinks Apricot
Cold dairy drinks smoothie Carrot- Mixed vegetable Coconut milk Berry
Cranberry juice Chocolate vegetable juice juice Chocolate Carrot
Ice cold drinks Coconut milk Carrot juice Carob Coffee* Cherry
Pear juice Hot dairy Chocolate Coconut milk Dairy drinks Cranberry
Pomegranate drinks Coffee Dairy drinks (cool) Grapefruit juice Grape
juice Milk (spiced) Cranberry juice Goat milk Ice cold drinks Mango
Salted drinks Ice cold drinks Grape juice Lemonade Mixed vegetable
Herbal teas: Soy milk (hot Lemonade Mango juice Licorice tea Peach nectar
Blackberry & spiced) Orange juice Peach nectar Orange juice Soy milk (warm &
Hibiscus Sour juices & Pear juice Soy milk (cold) spiced)
Jasmine* Juices: teas Soy milk
Red Clover* Carrot Pungent teas Salted drinks Herbal teas: Herbal teas:
Carrot-ginger Salted drinks Licorice Chamomile
Grape Herbal teas: Fennel*
Grapefruit Herbal teas: Chamomile Ginseng*
Lemonade Ginger Fennel Jasmine
Mango Ginseng Jasmine* Peppermint
Mixed Yerba mate Licorice
vegetable Lotus
Orange Peppermint
Papaya Saffron
Peach nectar Spearmint
Sour juices

Herbal Tea:
Elder flowers

Vata Pitta Kapha
Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor Reduce/Avoid Favor
Barley green Aloe vera juice Bee Pollen* Aloe Vera Juice Vitamins A, D & E Aloe Vera Juice
Brewer’s yeast* Amino acids Copper Amino Acids* Amino Acids
Bee pollen Iron Barley Green Barley Green
Royal spirulina Royal Jelly* Brewer’s Yeast Bee Pollen
Chlorella Spirulina Brewer’s yeast
Chlorella Royal Jelly
Vitamins: Spirulina
A, B, B12, C, D, Vitamins: Chlorella
E A, B, B12, C, D, E
Minerals: Minerals: B6, B12, C
Calcium, Calcium, Zinc,
Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Minerals:
Magnesium, potassium Calcium, Copper,
potassium, Iron, Magnesium,
Zinc Potassium, Zinc

Note about references: Much of this information has been compiled throughout my study and certification in Ayurveda through the
American Institute of Vedic Studies, created by Dr. David Frawley. Lists such as these are found in many Ayurveda books, though I
most frequently reference the works of Dr. John Douillard and the book Eat. Taste. Heal by Thomas Yarema, Daniel Rhoda, and
Johnny Brannigan.

Week 2 Recipes

Basic Recipe for Kitchari

Prep time: 30 minutes

Servings: 3

1 cup basmati rice

1/2 cup split mung dahl beans (whole, soaked overnight)
6 cups boiling water
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1 cup chopped vegetables from your dosha list
1 teaspoon ground cumin, coriander, or any other spices you choose from dosha list

1. Combine the rice with the mung beans and wash twice.

2. Place rice and beans into boiling water, add the turmeric. (Or use crockpot)

3. Cook over medium heat until the water is mostly absorbed.

4. Add one more cup of lukewarm water, vegetables, and optional spices if you're using them. The final dish
should be a stew with a very moist and soft consistency.

Ayurveda for Women: A Guide to Vitality and Health
(Healing Art Press, 2000), by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda

Dr. John Douillard’s Soup:

1 c split yellow mung beans

2 c basmati rice

1 inch fresh ginger, chopped

1 small handful of cilantro leaves, chopped

2 tbs ghee (clarified butter)

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tsp whole cumin seeds

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp sea salt

7-10 cups of water

Wash beans and rice together until water runs clear. In large pot on medium heat, mix ghee, mustard seeds,
turmeric, ginger, cumin seeds and powder, coriander, and stir together for a few minutes. Add rice and beans,
stir again. Add the water and salt, bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Turn heat to low, cover pot, and
continue to cook until rice and beans become soft (30-40 minutes). Add the cilantro just before serving.

Shopping List for Cleanse

Neti pot

Saline for neti pot

Tongue scraper

4-5 Lemons

Organic coconut oil

Basmati rice

Mung dahl beans OR lentils

Ground turmeric


Coriander (or other spices from dosha “favor” column)

Pitta: Turmeric capsules

Vata & Kapha: Trikatu capsules

Vata & Kapha: Ashwagandha capsules, optional

Pitta: Brahmi (also known as Gotu Kola) capsules, optional

Probiotic (any brand)

Triphala supplement

*Vegetables and grains from your dosha “favor” column

Amanda Webster, RYT-500 ERYT-200 & Certified Ayurveda
Founder of Shivatree Yoga & Shivatree Yoga School

Amanda Webster is a registered yoga teacher and Certified Ayurveda Counselor, through
the American Institute of Vedic Studies which was founded by well-known scholar Dr.
David Frawley. She has been practicing for over eight years and teaching for more than
five, with more than 8,000 teaching hours.

Both yoga and Ayurveda resonated instantly and deeply, inspiring Amanda to commit to
lifelong study of these sciences. They were the first systems that scientifically created a
complete picture of mind-body-spirit health, whereas her college-level studies of psychology, medicine, and
community health seemed incomplete. She now leads frequent workshops and retreats, consults at and leads
teacher trainings, and offers 1:1 Ayurveda-based lifestyle counseling. She has an intuitive, down-to-earth
approach to teaching, practicing, counseling, and exemplifying yoga through her lifestyle and is known for her
ability to establish a strong community. Her mission as a teacher is to help others recognize that mindfulness
can take many forms and may be cultivated in a myriad of ways, such as yoga, martial arts, meditation, self-
care, or by simply (simply…ha!) being present in everything that you do! Her specialty is encouraging you to
OWN your practice (and your life) as it needs to exist in each breath without comparing yourself to the person
next to you, trying to live up to your previous practice, or shutting down when something challenges you.

Big Island Schedule:

Mondays & Wednesdays: Flow from 4-5:15pm at Yoga Centered in Hilo

Wednesdays: Yang/Yin 5:30-6:45pm at Yoga Centered in Hilo

Saturdays: Flow from 9:30-11am at Yoga Centered in Hilo

Last Saturday of each month: Yoga Nidra from 5:30-6:45pm

Oahu Schedule: Monthly workshops listed at

Various workshops and weekly classes available between April 22nd and May 8th.

Regular retreats, group and private teacher trainings available by request and as
scheduled in 2016. Email or call 209-7979.

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