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Chapter 3: Expressing Intention

Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Name :
Class :
Look and read the dialog below. Then, pay attention to the Expressing Intention.
A : Have you made any vacation plans?
B : Well, I've decided on one thing - I'm going to go camping.
A : That's great! For how long?
B : I'm going to be away for a week. I only have five days of vacation.
Do the exercises below.

Activity 1
Before you do the Activity, look at the example below first.
Example: You plan to do the Biology project at the library after school. You ask your
classmate, Rina, to do it together with you.

Lala : I am going to do my biology project at the library after school. Rina, are you
going to do that today, too?
Rina : Yes. I am going to do it today. The sooner we finish it the better. We can go to
the library together.

Make up a short dialog for the situation below. Use the expression of Intention you have
learnt before.
1. A friend is absent because she/he is sick. You and your classmates plan to visit
her/him this afternoon. However, one of them makes an excuse for not going.
2. School holiday is coming soon. You plan to go to your grandma’s house in the
country. You want to find out what your friend is planning.

Your dialogs:
1. A: ...........................................................................................................
B: ......................................................................................................
A: ......................................................................................................
B: ......................................................................................................
2. A: ...........................................................................................................
B: ......................................................................................................
A: ......................................................................................................
B: ......................................................................................................

Activity 2
Make a paragraph of formal speech consist of 8 sentences. Use the Expression of Intention
for your speech. For example.
Hello, let me introduce you myself. My name is ... . If am elected as the president of the
student organization, I will .... . I am going to ... . I would like to ... . etc.


Imagine that you are running for the president of the student organization and you are
preparing a campaign. You introduce yourself first then you say your promises.

Your formal speech:


Activity 3
Look at this example below.

“would like to ...”

+ I would like to bake cookies with Riri

- I would not like to bake cookies with Riri
- Would you like to bake cookies with Riri?

“be going to ...”

+ Roby and Danny are going to go to fishing tomorrow
- Roby and Danny are not going to go to fishing tomorrow
? Are Roby and Danny going to go to fishing tomorrow?
Make 2 sentences using ‘would like to’ and 2 sentences using ‘be going to’ like the examples above
with your own sentences.
Would like to
1. (+) ………………………………………………………….



2. (+) ………………………………………………………….



Be going to

1. (+) ………………………………………………………….



2. (+) ………………………………………………………….



-Good Luck-

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