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“What from vengeance yet restrains me?” 109 General consternation. Alico, Alice. Luey and leads her to « seat) Ea - —gar-do! On Ed-gar! Bide-the-Bent. on ter | ror! Day of | woe! Oh ter - ror! Day of woel Chi mi fre - nain tal mo-mo - to? chi tron Whatfrom ven - geance yet re-strains me, Words suf- Henry. (aside) ———— . Chi raf-fre - nail miofa- ro - re, e la Larghetto. ‘What from ven - geance yet re-strains_me, Will he ‘Strineagier. 110 & fel-Ti-refl cof - so? Il suo duo- lo, il fice not to up-braid thee,Ebnthe ter - ror that thus en- chainstheeProvesthat —_ a > 3 man chealbran-do cor- se?Del-la mi-se-ra in fa-vo - re nel mio - mad - ly daze up-braid her?Ab,she Greadsme, and dis-dains me,Nev- er t=”. pro - vason Ia pro-ra dun fi- mor - f0!Maqual ro - eaina-ri - Tulse = Iyprovesthat falsely thodstbe-tray mel Asa” rose "mid tempest Seva pet- to un gri - do sor - se! mio san - gueThotra- more will I thus per - suade her!Day of wrath, what willbethy Se =! di - ta, el-la sta framortee vi - tal [o son vin - to, son com - ending, Griefand guilt —thyheartare rend-ing, Thy des pair - inglooksdis - =~ i tal El-la sta_—framor-tee Vi- tal Ah! che spe - gne-re non end ing!Far-ther grief maybe im- pend-ing! Her des-pair - inglooks a - ts0>. ee oe £ fh , sa0a7 Lucy. Baga > Igor 2, oo mos - so! ta- main - gra - mo, ta-moin-gra-ta, ta — arm me,Faith-less maid-en, faith-less maid, ~ las, I love thee Henry. mala ony folth-loss malts aN pos - so i ri-mor-si del mio co- re,del_ mio larm me, Name-less ter - rors, name-less fears my bo - som Bide-the-Bent. (Aside) Qual ter- Oh, may chea me la vi. -ta tromeka-ves- -sjl' mio spa- that death wouldhide me From a doom —of shame and —_ thio san - gue 7 Ahyshe dreads me, dis- ri- Edgar. cor, si, ta - mean-cor! Jove thee,love thee still! Arthur. On, mor - sit Ant Ant ti - grein pet - teil cor. vert im-pend - ing ill. a o- Like eee ter - ri- bi-le may heav'n in mer - a 4 2 mio san- —-gue, day of | wrath, _ what: rose vor - ref None to mo-men - to, cy guide us, =< The_tra- be_ thy 145 ai = tl el- ia sta fra mortee vi - ta, end ing! Purther grief may be im- pend - ing, —, Chi per lei On may heavn—_ Tp bm pos = Ss cSinage Eom per lei mon 6 com may —heavn with cour - age ven - to par Mie, ot calando 14087 118 Vor ~ rei pian - ge-re, None to coun-sel:me, = gue, Thotra - di - ta,— wrath, whatwillbe thy end - ingj— ‘chi per ‘non Oh may heavn— with 14087 ing— looks dis - arm ___ chi per lei non '@ —cdm-mos- 60 ha ing, Thy despair ing looks a-larm me, Name - ah, Her ‘4087 : ow moar set i pian - to_an- cor, il plan > to Oh love, give me_ strength, oh help__ me, abt in pet-toil cor, and im-pending i) ___ a cor, i, iy fe-moamcor, stil, T Iove thee still A ha di ti-greinpettofl cor, ha di ti-greinpettojl oor, Name-lessfears my bo-som fill, name-lessfears my bosom fill, +e ie a tempo in- gra~ ta, fa- meen -cor, Un-grate-ful maid, 1 love, a tempo ah spe-gner non Ii pos - New grief may be im- pend -

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