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Merchandising process for Stoppers Shop:

Traditional Method Merchandising Suggestion to Shoppers Stop

Effectiveness in each part of the system will yield in

High returns for Shoppers Stop.

Merchandising Decision:

1. Do Not forecast, we cant.

a. Our strategy should be to go for
b. Start with simple Inventory
c. If some Item goes below a certain
number, we will replenish.
2. Buying Raw material
a. We will have the main Raw material

We should focus on Cost cutting on this part, The Inventory turns will eat up the cost saving easily in
less than 15 days. In fashion, Demand is unpredictable.

Visual Merchandising:

Shoppers Stop’s Spectrum of Options

Desired Position for

Pure Market Place Shopper’s Stop
Company Website

(Low Control, High Reach) (High Control, Low Reach)

Hence the Marketplace model is very Important for beginning as we create loyalty, we can venture
into Pure Website based model.

Main Aims for this Visual Merchandising Online Portal:

1-2 months: 1. Provide the Reach to the customer saying that we have Variety.

Long term: Consolidate fan following through own website.

Technological Solutions:

Image Credit: IIMA casebook.

Major tech Requirement is to know what is the Good Solutions lie with Vendors like
Inventory which is producing throughput and
Salesforce, Google Etc.,
Produce more of it.


1. Do-not Focus on Short-term cost cutting, Focus on Inventory turn. Produce what is selling.
2. To know What is selling Use 2-pronged approach,
a. Use fast experimentation Online – Use technology to increase sales.
b. Use fast replenishment Offline – Use technology to manage Inventory.
3. If something reduces your swiftness to market buy it or rent more of it
a. Examples:
i. If Shipping from Bangladesh takes 2 weeks, use a plane.
ii. If time from box to shelf is high, Hire people.

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