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Portfolio Task – BMI and Lifestyle Plan

Name: _Jade Edrian D. Gelito_ Section: _Overhand Knot_ Date: _20/10/20_

1. BMI
Weight = 56kg
Height = 154cm

= weight (kg) / [height (m)] ²

= [56kg / (154cm / 100)] ²
= (56kg / 1.54) ²
= 23.6

2. BMI Category
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight = 25 – 29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Normal weight = 23.6
3. My daily activities

Exercise Diet Routine

Sunday -Morning jogging (7- -3 meals a day -Waking up early

10km) around 4:30-5:00 am
-Breakfast (egg, bread, for morning jog.
Monday -Rest for about 30min
-Close-Grip Push-Ups oats, and fruits)
then take a shower.
(25 reps, 2 sets, 10- -Fix my bed then eat
Tuesday 15sec rest) -Lunch (lean protein, breakfast.
whole-grain -Exercise (either in
-Planking (1-2min) carbohydrates, and the morning or
Wednesday fruits and vegetables.) evening)
-Bicep Curls (50 reps, -School works
-Eat lunch
6-10lbs) -Dinner (contain
Thursday -Back to school works
protein, fiber, and a -Rest for an hour ang
-Sit-Ups (25reps, 2 healthy fat.) hang-out with my dog
Friday sets, 10-15sec rest) -Finish up then
prepare for bed

Saturday Rest Day Rest Day

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