Ignite February 2011

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PHOTOS: gary hisaoka

WORDS: mike sharpe

iPad Update!!!
Michael Sharpe

The latest software update from Apple

brings several new features that will let you It was a little over a year ago when the new I.T. staff at NHCC installed campus-
do even more on your iPad. All you have to wide WIFI and new cables through the walls and ceilings in an effort to bring the
do is make sure you have iTunes on your college up-to-date technologically. However, after handing out iPads to all the
computer, then connect your iPad to your new students last fall, the on-campus network quickly became bogged down.
computer and iTunes will do the rest. In no Network crashes and disconnects became an everyday problem.
time you will be caught up with the rest of
the iPad fanatics. The average student on campus now has an iPad, a smart phone, and
many have a laptop as well. All of these devices connect to the campus
This latest update is a must have, so make network and use available bandwidth. The connection from the campus
sure you download yours today! to the outside world has been relying on old copper wiring that was
installed over 20 years ago. The only way to upgrade NHCC to a faster
network would be to install a new fiber-optic data line that could provide
significant bandwidth improvements. This started out to be literally an
uphill battle since Qwest, the local provider of fiber-optic internet, only
went as far as 18th Ave at the bottom of Bailey Hill Road. It was also not
on Qwest’s timeline to bring fiber up the hill until 2012 or later. So with a
Jasmine Pasion
lot of prayer and negotiations between our I.T. team and representatives
Have you ever wanted to move a docu- from our current provider, RIO Communications, we were able to convince
ment from your computer to your iPad Qwest to run the fiber early.
with a click of a button? Well, we’ve
got the solution for you. Dropbox is a While Qwest was busy tunneling up the hill through the rock, under
great tool to assist you in sharing folders driveways and sidewalks, our facilities and landscaping team worked
from one device to another. With just a overtime to dig a trench from the apartment buildings down to the edge
click of the save button in your Dropbox of our property where Qwest planned to connect us to the fiber.
folder, your computer, iPad and mobile
devices are synced and your files are When the fiber project is complete, around the second week of February,
available anywhere you may need them. our internet bandwidth on campus will go from an average of 6.5 Mbps
To download Dropbox, head to dropbox. (megabits per second) to 15 Mbps, with the option to increase to 100
com or go to the app store on your iPad Mbps any time we need the extra bandwidth. Besides the speed
and download it for free. increase, the reliability increases as well. With fiber there is
almost no downtime.

We look forward to getting this needed dose of fiber into our lives. It
might just be what the doctor ordered!

BY: Laura Adams

This month, New Hope Christian College students will travel to Hawaii
to participate in the Simply Jesus Conference.

Simply Jesus is New Hope Oahu’s annual conference formerly known

as Doing Church as a Team (DCAT). President Wayne Cordeiro and
Francis Chan, author of the popular Christian book Crazy Love, are
the plenary speakers. Larry Powers, director of Theology, and Gary
Matsdorf, executive director, will be teaching a workshop.

“The theme of ‘Simply Jesus’ is all about ratcheting back to the

Lord,“ said Matsdorf. “As we strive to extend our ministries and
reach the world for Christ we need to get back to the roots of our

In addition to attending the conference the students will read and

write reports two books by Cordeiro, Simply Jesus and Doing Church
as a Team.

“Live like your life depended on Jesus. It’s time to turn back to the
You may have seen him on the Cordeiro Court during games. You may have seen
him in classes, greeting people with a friendly smile. His name....Dominique
Watson! A transfer student from Lane Community College, he came this
year to play for the New Hope Christian College basketball team.

Through the efforts of basketball coach Jim DeGroot, Watson was

contacted by NHCC’s athletic department during this past summer
to play for the team.

However, Watson did not come to play Basketball, but to be


“God opened my eyes and changed me a lot,” said Watson, who just
recently was reinstated to the team after miraculously completing an
impossible amount of academic requirements.

Watson was raised in the Church, growing up listening to his

uncle’s sermons and participating in the choir. But on the other
side of things, was a heavy influence of gangs and drugs pulling on
Watson’s life. One day while spending time at his cousins house,
Watson describes how he watched his cousin get gunned down in
front of him when he answered the door. After that Watson realized
this was not the life for him and began looking for a way out.

Before coming to NHCC, Watson felt God’s calling to give his life back to
God and follow God’s plan for his life. After the events of meeting his fiance,
the birth of his new daughter, and meeting DeGroot, it was, “my life changer
for me,” he said.

“Coach DeGroot has been such an influence and a mentor to me,” says
Watson. Through learning the important values of life through playing
basketball and taking classes at NHCC, Watson will be able to fulfill
God’s plan for his own life. Watson said, “I felt God’s calling for my life
has always been to be a teacher or youth pastor.”

A transformed life indeed.



M eet Mark Holmes, the new volunteer assistant

coach for Deacon Basketball! Mr. Holmes, a local
Nike Representative, brings a lot to the table in terms
of sports experience and coaching. In addition to
playing college basketball at Lin Benton Community
College, and contributing as a player on the back to
back 1998-1999 National Championship teams at
Northwest Christian University, Holmes spent the
past ten years working with student athletes at Crow
High School and has coached several AAU teams.
The Deacons are enjoying this experience and put-
ting it to good use as Holmes contributes to the team
with insights and game-planning strategies. But
Holmes is interested in more than just seeing the
Deacons become a great basketball team: “I love to
be around the guys and help them grow, as players
and as people. Basketball can be a great tool to help
strengthen young men and women in their Christian
walk.” Holmes also acknowledges all of the great
things happening here at NHCC as an institution. “I
am just happy to be involved,” he says. And we’re
happy to have him. With the deacons above .500 and
picking up momentum in the second half of the sea-
son, we’re all looking forward to a great finish, and
continued success in the program. Not only because
of the hard work and dedication of all the talented
players, but also because of the great coaches who
pour their hearts into the team.
Ashley Franks



T he most difficult thing is getting everyone together and organized

and on the same page! I don’t know what I would do without my fractal
leaders, I couldn’t do it without them! They communicate with all of the
people in their specific group. That is the most difficult thing because
there are so many people in the teams all with completely different
schedules. We have to have rehearsals, meetings, and debriefings so
it’s hard to make sure that everyone knows what is going on and to get
everyone there at rehearsal. Communication is so important and it’s
something that all of us are working on.

The best thing is seeing the chapel come together. Even through all of
the chaos and craziness of rehearsals and communication lapses, seeing
the chapel come together smoothly is absolutely the best feeling. Seeing
everyone drop their pride, and giving the chapel to God is the best thing to
see in people and all of our chapels have gone off so well.

The response was absolutely incredible. It was the second part of

the best thing because not only did we get the message we wanted
across that God gave us, but people were touched and God showed
up and changed hearts! I honestly think that the response is the most
important thing. My chapel team could run things every week but if
we aren’t listening to God and doing what he wants then he wont
show up and we would not be getting the responses that we have
been getting after our chapels. It has been so great to see and experi-
ence God working through us!

I learned that I don’t matter and communication is key. Not everyone

sees things the same way that you do. Giving things to God is the best
feeling and has the best possible outcome. Standing up for yourself
and what you believe in and standing up for what God has spoken to
you is so crucial. Don’t let little things get to you. And overall, God is
always in control no matter how hard that you try to be in control. More
full-team practices and rehearsals would create more communication.

The student chapels are so beneficial. Of course everyone having

different schedules is a huge downfall but besides that, they are
so beneficial because we are getting real experience working with
people and still trying to minister at the same time. This is real stuff
right here.

“Even through all of the chaos and craziness of rehearsals

and communication lapses, seeing chapel come together
smoothly is absolutely the best feeling!”
Everybody has one. It may be lying undiscovered or as yet
undetected, but everybody has one. It could be broken,
undeveloped or hidden beneath the rubble of past mistakes,

Everybody has one.

It might be imprisoned by faulty character or it could be paralyzed

by others’ disdain. Still, everybody has one.

Everybody has...

A dream.

This dream is a hope of what we can be for God. It was divinely

installed at His moment of choice. Like the crystalline keys that
revealed Clark Kent’s true identity as Superman, so too this
God-deposited seed in each of us contains our assignment, our
DNA, our potential and our ordained destiny. Hidden within lies
the blueprint for becoming all that God planned for us.

His dream placed intentionally inside you is like a seed. Within

that seed’s protective shell is contained all the latent possibilities
of producing an expansive orchard or a great forest. It holds the
ability to feed a city. It can yield warmth in winter or it can produce
houses for new families. But unless that potential is recognized
and released, it remains richly unproductive, helplessly filled with
hope and powerfully impotent.

But once discovered, it becomes a honing device, an invisible

guide that navigates us through the precarious passages of life.
It tethers us to our destiny long before we arrive. Granted,
much is bound to take place in the interim - but this honing
device locks us in on God’s plan and pinpoints our destination.

- An exerpt from Wayne Cordeiro’s The Dream Releasers

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