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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1986)24:140--143 Applied

© Springer-Verlag 1986

Short contribution

Wine-making by cell-recycle-batch fermentation process*

Gianfranco Rosini
Istituto di Biologia Vegetale Sezione di Microbiologia, University of Perugia, Borgo XX Giugno no. 74, 1-06100 Perugia, Italy

Summary. In order to check the overall validity fermentation" (CRBF), whose principal innova-
of more efficient fermentation systems to reduce tion is the multiple successive use of the same
wine-making costs, we carried out an off-skins yeast starter in different batch fermentations
fermentation of clarified Trebbiano toscano (Jones et al. 1981). Unlike continuous systems, the
grape-juice, making use of a non-conventional C R B F does not require radical changes in the wi-
"cell-recycle-batch fermentation" process. The re- nery procedures nor does it imply capital invest-
suits showed that the process causes a reduction ment in new equipment. In fact, yeast cells to be
of the fermentation length as well as an improve- recycled can be recovered through natural sedi-
ment in ethanol productivity and yield and can be mentation, or by filtration or centrifugation with
conveniently applied to the production of ordi- machines already present in most wineries. The
nary table wines. objective of this work was to examine the overall
effects of repeated cell reuse in an off-skin natural
grape must fermentation.

Materials and methods
Wine-making is generally carried out by coven-
tional batch fermentations. In fact, despite their Microorganism. A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain selected for
name, continuous wine-fermentors in Italy and in wine-making and labelled for not producing hydrogen sul-
phide (H2S-) was used as fermentation starter.
other European countries are not used in order to
optimize fermentation kinetics but to increase the Fermentation conditions. Green grape juice of the cultivar
extraction of pigments from red grape skins (Kun- Trebbiano toscano (sugar content 180 g / l ; p H = 2.9) was clari-
kee and Goswell 1977). fied with a rehydrated commercial powder (micronized potas-
Since in conventional batch fermentations sium caseinate; food grade animal gelatine; bentonite 3 × ;
colloidal soil) and treated with 200 mg/1 sulphur dioxide.
ethanol productivity is rather low, various new After clarification (48 h at 8 ° C) it was stored at 6 ° C. A sche-
techniques of fermentation have been proposed in matic diagram of the cell-recycle batch culture is shown in Fig.
order to maximize efficiency in the ethanol indus- 1.
try as well as in the production of beer and other The precultured S. cerevisiae (H2S-) was inoculated into
a 14-1 Chemap fermentor (working volume 10 1) to give an ini-
alcoholic beverages (Jones et al. 1981; Maiorella
tial cell concentration of 0.32 g/1 (dry wt.). After the first batch
et al. 1981). Continuous systems are not em- culture, the fermented medium was thoroughly discharged and
ployed, since they would require a complete re- the cells were recovered by centrifugation (3000 rpm at 5°C
versal of traditional wine-making procedures. for 15 min), washed in sterile water and reused as fermenta-
More acceptable appears to be another non- tion starter.
All batch cultures were carried out at 27°C under gentle
conventional technique, the "cell-recycle-batch agitation, and centrifuged wines were stored at 27 ° C up to the
end of fermentation.
* This work was supported in part by a grant from the Italian
Analyses. Cell concentration was measured as dry weight. For
C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
dry weight determination the sample was filtered on pre-
Offprint requests to: Gianfranco Rosini weighed filters (millipore membrane; pore size 0.45 Ixm),
G. Rosini: Fast fermentation in wine-making 141

1/!, Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the cell-recycle-batch cul-

ture system
1, grape juice reservoir; 2, feed pump; 3, fermentor; 4,
centrifugal apparatus; 5, centrifuged wine; 6, cell mass
reused as fermentation starter

washed with distilled water and dried at 100°--105°C for of a single fermentation. Analytical characteristics of the wines
24 h, to constant weight. were determined according to the Italian Official Methods for
Sugar content was determined by the method of Dische Wines and Vinegar (1958).
(1955), ethanol concentration by the technique of Rebelein
(1980). Other fermentation characteristics were evaluated ac-
cording to the indications of Fiechter (1981)• Results and discussion
The presence of wild yeasts was checked by replica-plat-
ing the colonies from an isolation culture on Malt-Agar onto
Difco Batco ABY (Acid Bismuth yeast agar medium -0636) Grape juice clarification treatment produced a
where labelled starter colonies are white and those of wild substrate without substances in suspension and
strains are black• The frequency of white over total colonies consequently an easy cell mass recovery was pos-
was evaluated after incubation at 25 °C for 48 h (Rosini 1984). sible. Throughout all the fermentations carried
The presence of bacterial contamination was checked by mi-
croscopic observation. out in this work no wild yeast and no bacterial
The percentage of new cells (Xo/o)was determined by the contaminations were detected. In Fig. 2 A - - C the
ratio between biomass produced and final cell mass at the end concentrations of sugar, ethanol and the evolu-



10 ~

i •
• ~J
, I
0 10 20 30 5 0 5
Culture time ( l)


Fig. 2 A - - D . Profile of wine
making by cell-recycle-batch fer-
A Typical batch culture; B 4th
batch culture; C 7th batch cul-
ture; D ethanol production by re-
cycled cells.
Symbols: • ethanol; • sugar; •
cell mass
0 20 40 60 80
Running time (h)
142 G. Rosini: Fast fermentation in wine-making

tion of cell mass in the 1st, 4th and 7th batch cul- Analyses carried out on wines after the end of
tures are indicated. In the 1st cultures (Fig. 2A) the fermentation showed (Table 2) the absence of
(typical batch) the time required to produce 80 ml any detectable differences in alcohol content and
ethanol was 31 h, due to the low cell mass concen- total acidity compared with wines produced by
tration (7.60 g/1 dry wt.). The cell concentration traditional batch fermentation.
increased progressively up to the 7th cycle, where However, wine-making by "cell reuse" re-
a final cell concentration of 28.40 g/1 dry wt. was suited in a reduction of SO2 content and in a
observed. higher quantity of volatile acids, not caused by
Fermentation length was consistently reduced bacterial contaminations.
at higher cell concentration (Table 1, Fig. 2D); The above results confirmed the possibility of
after the 6th batch culture, the time required for obtaining better fermentation kinetics by the use
one operation was 7 h. of the cell-recycle batch fermentation process as
The rate of ethanol production was also in off-skins wine-making. The rate of sugar trans-
greatly improved under these conditions. In fact, formation and consequently the ethanol produc-
during the steady state of the operation, reached tivity are favourably affected. Fermentation costs
after the 6th batch, alcohol productivity was could be considerably decreased due to an etha-
11.44 g/1 per hour, approximately five times the nol productivity which is five times that of a batch
rate of a traditional batch fermentation (lst cycle). fermentation process. In fact, for the same work-
This improved ethanol yield with our CRBF sys- ing capacity a winery would reduce capital invest-
tem may be due to a lower rate of new cells pro- ment and probably also management costs as a
duction (Xo/o), a low cell biomass yield (Yx) and a consequence of more rational utilization of wi-
growth rate reduction (Ix). nery equipment and labour. Thus the cell-recycle-

Table 1. Effect of cell-recycle-batch culture on different kinetics parameters of fermentation

Fermentation Fermentation cycles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fermentation time (h) 31.5 13 11 9 8.5 7 7

Presence of labelled yeast (%) 100. 100 100 100 100 100 100
X0= Starting cell mass (g/l) 0.32 5.26 11.12 16.18 20.70 25.08 25.20
Xt = Final cell mass (g/l) 7.60 10.96 17.12 21.78 26.90 27.58 28.40
Xp = Cell mass produced (g/l) 7.27 5.70 6.00 5.60 6.20 2.50 3.20
X0/0=Percentage of new cells (%) 95.65 52.00 35.05 25.71 23.05 9.06 11.26
S = S u g a r utilized (g/l) 156.30 135.00 153.30 165.00 161.30 165.00 155.00
Eth= Ethanol produced (ml/l) 77.10 72.50 79.90 88.90 84.90 84.70 80.10
YE~h= Ethanol yield (ml/g) 0.49 0.54 0.52 0.54 0.53 0.51 0.52
QEth = Ethanol productivity
( m l / l h - 1) 2.45 5.57 7.26 9.87 9.98 12.10 11.44
# = Growht rate (h - ~) 0.077 0.061 0.042 0.040 0.045 0.016 0.018
(9--22) a (1--13) (0--5.5) (1--6) (1--3.5) (1--7) (1--7)

a Time period of/.t calculation

Table 2. Analytical characters of wines obtained by cell-recycle fermentation systems

Analytical Wines
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ethanol (% vol) 8.5 9.2 9.3 9.1 9.0 9.2 9.1

Volatile acidity (g/l) 0.24 0.31 0.42 0.42 0.50 0.52 0.52
Total acidity (g/l) 9.37 9.30 9.00 9.16 9.22 9.37 9.20
Total SO2 (mg/1) 121.18 88.00 86.96 87.14 87.36 73.92 72.96
Free SO2 (mg/1) 3.10 2.88 2.56 2.54 2.56 2.24 1.60
pH 2.83 2.82 2.91 2.94 2.90 2.93 2.96
G. Rosini: Fast fermentation in wine-making 143

batch fermentation process could be a more con- Jones RP, Pamment N, Greenfield PF (1981) Alcohol fermen-
venient method for the production of ordinary ta- tation by yeasts: the effect of environmental and other var-
iables. Proc Biochem 16:42--49
ble wines a n d / o r wines for compulsory distilla- Kunkee RE, Goswell RW (1977) Table Wines. In: Rose AH
tion, even if they require the use of highly clad- (ed) Alcoholic beverages. Academic Press, London New
fled musts. York San Franciso
Ministero dell'Agriculture e delle Foreste (MAF) (1958) Me-
Acknowledgements. We thank F. Maccarelli for his technical todi Ufficiali di Analisi per mosti, vini ed aceti. Istituto
assistance. Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma
Maiorella B, Wilke CR, Blanch HW (1981) Alcohol produc-
tion and recovery. Adv Biochem Eng 20:43--92
Rebelein H (1980) Alcohols. In: Amerine MA, Ough CS (eds)
References Methods for analysis of musts and wines. Wiley, New
Dische Z (1955) Naphthol colorimetric sugars determination. Rosini G (t984) Assessment of dominance of added yeast in
Methods Biochem Anal 2:313--358 wine fermentation and origin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fiechter A (1981) Batch and continuous culture of microbial, in wine-making. J Gen Appl Microbiol 30:249--256
plant and animal cells. In: Rehm HJ, Reed G (eds) Bio-
technology, vol 1. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, pp 453--
505 Received September 6, 1985/Revised December 2, 1985

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