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Year 10 Ad Astra 
Aspire Project Plan 


Name  Miah Lane  Class   

PROJECT PHASE  Project Goals  Checkpoint 

DEFINE YOUR  What are the issues;  Tuesday, Week 

PROBLEM  ● police brutality is a massive problem much bigger then it  9 T2 
  appears, and it needs to be stopped as it is only a symptom  23 June 2020 
What exactly needs to  of the system which needs to be changed. 
be solved and in what  ● the public needs to be more informed on how much power 
context?  the media has over opinions and information that the public 
reserves and takes on, especially in police matters. 
● body cams need to become a necessity and be used in 
every circumstance as it protects the officers and the 
public. They also allow the public’s sense of justice and 
safety to be restored in the system that they believe has 
failed them.  
● governments need to tighten their laws around police 
behavior, to make sure that officers that violate the trust 
that has been placed by the public are punished 
note: there has been more interest due to the BLM movement 

DISCOVER  Research Questions;  Friday, Week 1 

  ● How are governments reacting to the problem and what  T3 
Research, gather and  measures are being put in place to fix the problems?  24 July 2020 
analyse knowledge  Look at laws being put into action and governments response to 
about the problem  BLM movement 
● What does the media gain form press against the police? 
● What is the importance of media coverage? 
● What are the two sides of the story? 
Find interviews/stats about police opinions about the media and ask 
to find the public opinion about media influence 
How to make people interested - Market 
● Advertise website on social media (either make an account 
to advertise or pay to have an add.) Problems include; 
● Where could I get the money to get an 
advertisement online? 
● How would I make sure that I give constant updates, 
making the project more of a business than just a 
website (am I willing to do that?) 
● Make a poster with QR code 
● There is excitement scanning a QR code because 
you don't know what it is. 
● But it is hard to get interested to scan the code. 

DREAM  Investigate possible solutions  Thursday, 

  ● At the moment, especially in America, each state has its  Week 2 T3 
Imagine and envision  separate laws on police extremes and the punishment  30 July 2020 
possible solutions  towards officers who have crossed the line (and also what 
  the line is) so this causes confusion and panic within the 
public when holding people accountable. So each state 
needs to come together to establish a standard that every 
station needs to operate under, creating unity and an 
understanding of what is acceptable and finally holding 
people accountable. 
● When all laws/standards are the same it will make it 
easier to hold people accountable because other 
states can also intervene because they all 
understand and follow the same laws. 
● There needs to be a culture reset within the police system 
where officers feel safe and secure in coming forward 
about officers who are breaking the rules and crossing over 
that line so that ‘bad officers’ can be dealt with quickly and 
efficiently before they become too big of a problem.  
● Police tactics need to have a modern take because the 
same things have been around for decades. Now that we 
are more evolved we need to eradicate things like the 
chokehold, where an officer puts there foot or another body 
part over the suspect's neck (windpipe) halting there 
● Body cams need to be in every single police department 
whenever an officer in on duty. This will be used as 
evidence for and against the police officers to sort of bad 
behavior and these tapes should be easy access to the 
public unless they are held for privacy purposes or another 
important exception.   
What is reasonable (for me to do) 
● Spread awareness 
● Could do this via ​website​, pamphlets, speech 
● Send emails of reports/essay to people in power 
● E.g prime minister, police chief 
note: this idea is probably less likely, but if I do choose it to do this I would 
submit a draft email as my ‘proof of life’ and any response that I would be 
given. I would also have to plan further action if the email succeeds or 
doesn’t. If I chose to take this idea further I did further research to find the 
best person to email and what the exacts are that I’m going to provide. 
Logistics of the website 
● Make a p​ lan​ f​ or the information and the layout 
● Could either use ​PowerPoint​, paper or canva to 
create a base layout  
● Need to decide whether I’m going to make the website 
public or just accessed by the link 
note: for this project I’ve decided just to share the link until the presentation 
thing in term four where I will make the link available to search on google if 
I feel that the website would be useful and only when I feel it’s two the best 
of my abilities.  
DELIVER  As I am not in a position to single-handedly fix the multiple   
  problems inside the police department my best method is 
Produce and publish  spreading awareness of what is happening and how members of 
your proposed solution  the public, like myself, and help. As more and more people are 
  becoming interested in the BLM movement and the police system 
they must receive the proper information so that their contribution 
is made in the best way possible. 
● Get people to read over the website and get feedback 
● Publish the site to the web 
This project has given me a relatively check as I understand that alone I cannot make extreme changes, 
I need support at the very least. So building this website has allowed me to realize that I am not alone 
and there are millions of young people out there who also want to make a difference and the best way I 
can help is to educate them. The BLM movement has brought out the worst in humanity but also 
shown me that I am not alone, no one is, and that we are ‘all in this together.’ 
I’ve had to improve my website building skills and adapt to tricky situations that are out of my control. 
An example of this is that I was unable to access the Wix website as it had crashed, so I spent this time 
researching and making my plan. This time that I otherwise would have not used in this way turned out 
to be very helpful as it made it easier for me to know what I wanted to do without stuffing around. I 
have had to take initiative as this project was directed by ourselves and I have gained and improved my 
independent learning skills, which I believe will also help my confidence for years 11 and 12. 
To create an informative website for people to gain valuable information from I have needed to 
research both sides of the story and I have gained a new and open perspective on the issues that I am 
so passionate about. My research into the police opinion of the news and how the media portrays them 
was very interesting to discover how much of a toll that it is truly taking on these people who are trying 
to do good. I believe that as a society we need to acknowledge that some officers are definitely in the 
wrong, but just like stereotypes, they are also good cops so the statement “all cops are evil/bad” or the 
popular “F the police” need to stop otherwise we will keep running in circles. 
This task has furthered my interest in becoming a police officer and I am more confident than ever that 
this is what I want to do. I believe that as an officer inside the system I will be in the best position to 
help fix what is wrong, and I get to also be part of the community and help those who need it most.  

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