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TEACHER: Alain Cossio Bejarano. DATE: September 15 of 2020
GOAL: To recognize and learn about the importance of the foreign language skills in some jobs
1. Este taller debe ser trabajado de manera individual y solucionado digitalmente y en hojas de block,
(según sus posibilidades) bien organizado y presentado (relacione las preguntas con sus respuestas) y
entréguelo a través de la plataforma ciudad educativa y físicamente (los estudiantes del campo que no
tengan acceso a conectividad) hasta el 29 of September of 2020.

2. Apreciado estudiante, recuerde que solo con su esfuerzo y responsabilidad en la elaboración y entrega
de las actividades logrará desarrollar las habilidades para afrontar con éxito los futuros retos. Evite
copias o plagios. Be original!

3. Tenga en cuenta repasar la temática trabajada (Verbos regulares e irregulares adverbios, estructuras
básicas, entre otros) para la aplicación correcta de esta, en la elaboración de sus actividades.
4. Read and answer the following activities:
1. Look at the pictures. Match them with the fields of work.


1. C. Marketing
2. E. Airline Industry
3. A. Computer game design
4. B. Hospitality
5. D. Information technology

Answers: Written in each point

3. Read and learn more vocabulary

4. Read the text again. Answer the questions (from two to five lines only).

a. Because when we are able to communicate with them in their own language they feel at home, and
we are showing to them that we know and accept an important part of their culture and their country,
such as: their language.
b. A lot of Information Technology companies have their headquarters in the United States, there are
more than 525,000 software and IT services companies. Some studies think the best IT companies to
work in, are located in the USA.
c. Computer games need to be translated into different languages because they are sell all over the
world. For example, if some Chinese boy buys a new computer game, he will need to understand
what the computer game says, so he needs it to be translated in Chinese.
d. Air traffic controllers have to speak English. English is the official language and also if the pilot
decides he wants to speak another language besides English, he can choose the language of the
country he’s flying in.
e. Some companies sell their products internationally, for example a cellphone can be sold in the
United States, or in Colombia, or in Russia. That’s why the advertising campaigns have to be created
in lots of different languages, because the companies sell their products all over the world.
Answers: Written in each point.

Answers: written in each point.

a. Foreign language teacher
b. Interpreter
c. Translator
d. Tour guide
e. Researcher
f. Manager
g. Doctor

A) Being a doctor is a job that requires skills in many fields. A doctor must be ethical, compromised, and
attentive and also in order to be able to research and to keep himself updated with the medical advances,
he has to speak English. Most of the medical books and journals are written in English, also, medical and
pharmacological conferences are dictated in English. Doctors must be able to keep themselves updated
and also to communicate properly with every patient, no matter if it’s in another language, such as

B. LET’S REFLECT: write a text in English, reflecting about the importance of these
activities in your life (text from 6 to ten lines only)

Thanks to this week workshop guide, I reassured my thinking about foreign language skills at work. If I
know a foreign language, I will surely have many advantages within the job field. I’d give the
opportunity to any enterprise to expand its horizons. Also I’d like to be able to work in New York,
because I want to study Economics and in this city is located the most important stock exchange: The
New York Stock Exchange. And order to work there, I’d have to speak English fluently. Speaking,
listening and writing perfectly. This guide showed me that in almost every job, I can have advantages at
the moment of applying for a job if I have foreign language skills. And also, if I want have a good
performing at my job, possibly I’ll have to speak another language.

 Many successes

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