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M (sorry mahina record)  [note: Q&A unedited] on the fact that there is a previous declaration of nullity but on
 There is psychological incapacity in case of a woman who lives a the nature of the ….
lie at the start of the marriage  The SC in Morigo distinguished that case from Sarciano? vs Tan in
 She had to write letter to herself, she had to invent personal the sense that n Morigo: there is no ceremony and that there is
circumstances and it affected the performance of her marital no marriage to begin with although the SC said you cannot
obligations. determine for yourself the nullity of the marriage (not matter
 SC said, she is psychologically incapacitated WON void or voidable)

2. A marriage between first cousins is void for being contrary to public 6. A valid bigamous marriage shall be auto terminated upon the
policy. reappearance of the spouse.
 TRUE. Article 38(1) of the FC states that marriages between  FALSE. Article 42 of the FC states that “valid bigamous marriage
collateral blood relatives whether legitimate or illegitimate, up to shall be automatically terminated by the recording of the affidavit
the fourth civil degree, shall be void for reasons of public policy. of reappearance of the absent spouse, unless there is a judgment
annulling the previous marriage or declaring it void ab initio.”i
3. The marriage of the Filipina and an American in the PH facilitated by a
mail order bride operation is not valid? 7. Pregnancy of the wife before the marriage by one other than the
 FALSE. Although the operation of such business is prohibited by husband is a valid ground for annulment.
RA 6955 (Anti Mail-Order Bride Law), the validity of the marriage  FALSE. As provided by Article 46 of the FC, it is the concealment of
will not be affected as long as the elements of a valid marriage are pregnancy before the marriage by a man other than her husband,
present. and not merely the fact of such pregnancy, which constitutes as
ground for annulment.
4. A policeman who killed X, a drug pusher, ….can validly marry the widow
of X. 8. Fraudulent misrepresentation of the one regarding the salary of one is a
 TRUE. The marriage may be valid provided that the killing was not valid ground for annulment of marriage.
for the purpose of marrying the widow of X, as stated in Article  FALSE. Instances of fraud as a ground for annulment are limited to
38(9) of the FC. those enumerated in Article 46 of the FC.

5. The accused in the ……nullity of his previous marriage…  [note: Q&A 9. The grounds for annulment of marriage are exclusive to those specified
unedited] by law.
 FALSE  TRUE. No other grounds may be assailed except those which are
 While jurisprudence states that the nullity of a previous marriage specified by law.
will not allow a party thereto to contract another subsequent
marriage without a judicial declaration of nullity of the previous 10. A woman abandoned by the husband since 1995 may marry without the
one judicial declaration of presumptive death.
 SC said if he/ she gets married again, he/ she is risking a  FALSE. As discussed in the case of Navarro vs Domagtoy,
prosecution for bigamy. regardless of the number of years, failure of the present spouse to
 BUT, EXCEPTIONALLY in the case of People vs Morigo, where the institute a summary proceeding for the declaration of
marriage was annulled or declared void from the beginning. The presumptive death shall render the subsequent marriage
SC acquitted the accused BUT the acquittal was not really based bigamous, and therefore void.
16. The insane spouse may seek the annulment of his marriage to another
11. The nullity of the subsequent marriage because of psychological insane person
incapacity is prejudicial question in a bigamy case.  TRUE. Article 47(2) of the FC states that annulment of a marriage
 FALSE. As discussed in the case of Tenebro vs CA, RPC penalizes due to unsound mind may be commenced by the insane spouse
bigamy as the mere act of contracting a second or a subsequent during a lucid interval or after regaining sanity.
marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage. 17. One single slap to the face can be a ground for legal separation
 Although the judicial declaration of the nullity of a marriage on (Unchanged)
the ground of psychological incapacity retroacts to the date of the  TRUE
celebration of the marriage, the marriage may still produce legal  Repeated violence BUT if the husband is 6ft tall and he wife is
consequences, such as incurring criminal liability for bigamy. 4’11, one slap in the face could be fatal
 Under Article 55 a ground of legal separation is Repeated physical
12. The rules of triennial cohabitation is absolute violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the
 FALSE. It merely raises the presumption that the husband is petitioner, a common child or a child of the petitioner
impotent should the wife still remain a virgin after living together  This could be grossly abusive conduct
with the husband for three years.
18. The insistence of the husband to have dog-style sex every other day can
13. Impotency may be relative be a ground for legal separation
 TRUE. Relative impotency is where a person is impotent with  TRUE
respect to his or her spouse but not with another woman or man. - A ground for legal separation is sexual infidelity or
 Under the FC, relative impotency may be invoked as a ground for PERVERSION
annulment of marriage in view of the physical incapability of one - As long as there is no condonation of such acts of sexual
party to consummate said marriage with the other. perversion then it could be a ground for legal separation

14. A man who can only have an erection by drinking “makahiya” is 19. Continued support given by the aggrieved husband to the adulterous
impotent wife is considered as condonation.
 FALSE. As discussed in the case of People vs Austria, impotency is  TRUE
the physical inability to have sexual intercourse, characterized by
the absence of complete power of copulation. 20. Recrimination must refer to a common ground for legal separation
 By drinking “makahiya”, the man can still have erection and  FALSE
therefore perform sexual intercourse.  Different grounds or else it will end up in pari delicto

15. In a marriage that is voidable for lack of parental consent, the mother of 21. A legal separation decree does not become final
the 23-year old husband may seek the annulment of the marriage  FALSE
 FALSE. Article 47(1) of the FC states that it is the party whose  Procedurally it does become final
parent or guardian did not give his or her consent, within five  When the decree of legal separation is issued, the finality of the
years after attaining the age of 21, who should file for annulment separation is complete after the lapse of the period to appeal the
of marriage. decision to a higher court even if the effects, such as liquidation of
the property, have not yet been commenced nor terminated.
(Macadangdang v. CA)
26. After legal separation the custody of the 6 years old child shall be
22. The wife may revert to her maiden name after the decree of legal awarded to the innocent husband
separation  FALSE
 FALSE  Under the Maternal preference rule embodied in Article 213 of
 In a legal separation case, the marriage ties are not severed. the FC “No child under seven years of age shall be separated from
the mother, unless the court finds compelling reasons to order
23. The reconciling spouses may adopt a property regime different from otherwise”
what they had prior to the legal separation  EXCEPTIONALLY for a child below 7, the law states that the child
 FC = Revival of former property regime (ART 66, 67 of FC) SC must be in the custody of the mother UNLESS it can be shown
Circular = May choose another property regime that the mother is unfit
 Substantive law will govern over SC Circulars
27. The offended spouse in an action for annulment shall be disqualified in
 The FC refers to the revival of the previous property regime
inheriting from the innocent spouse by intestate or testate succession.
meaning they have to go back to what they had prior to the legal
(Unchanged, medyo Malabo yung question)
 BUT the SC in its CIRCULAR, provides that the spouses may revert
back OR they can adopt a new or diff prop regime BUT it is still in  In the case of legal separation, the provision which provides that
the FC that if the spouses will agree on the prop regime it must the will shall be revoked by operation of law does not foreclose
begin at the precise moment of marriage the possibility of
 An agreement of a property regime to begin in the future is VOID
28. The … of the marriage under Art. 40 of the FC shall be governed by the
 On the basis of SUBSTANTIVE LAW, it is NOT possible
regime of absolute community of property… (Unchanged)
 But if considering the SC circular, it may happen
 Atty. Delson (personally, I would prefer substantive law)
29. A void marriage under Art. 36 of the FC shall be governed by Art 148 of
24. Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the petitioner is a valid ground
the same code.
for legal separation
 Article 147 “When a man and a woman who are capactitated to
 It is the respondent
marry each other, live exclusively with each other as husband and
 Under Article 55 (5) A petitione for legal separation may be filed
wife under a void marriage…. Their properties shall be governed
due to Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the RESPONDENT
by the rules on co-ownership
 Governed by Art. 147 (3 requisites stated above are present) Art.
25. A lesbian may not petition for legal separation against her gay husband
148 if any of the requisites are absent
whom she caught having sex with their driver. (Unchanged)
 Art. 36 Psychological incapacity is not a legal impediment to a
marriage (passes the first requirement of “capacitated to marry
 Does it mean that if the spouses are homosexual, they can no
each other”
longer fila an action from legal separation? NO
 Even if the man is homosexual but after finding true love he
30. In the event of adverse judgement in a petition for legal separation, the
forgot about his homosexual ways it would be unfair.
wife may appeal or file an MR
 MR first before one can file for appeal. Cannot appeal without she has full knowledge of the husband’s guilt, her consent should
filing a MR operate as a pardon of his wrong.”
 F*CK (“for unlawful carnal knowledge”) refers to adulterous
31. Upon the declaration of nullity of subsequent marriage, Art. 40 of the sexual relations, if with the wife, it is not f*cking but
FC, a donation propter nuptias in favor of a party in bad faith may be love/romance
revoked by court action.
 TRUE 35. The decree of legal separation must be published once in a newspaper
 There is an apparent inconsistency between Art 43 and Art 86 of general circulation if the whereabouts of the respondents are
because in Art 86 it made donation propter nuptias revocable by unknown
court action. In Art. 43, it is supposed to be revoked by operation  FALSE
of law.  Why service of summons may, if the party or the respondents is
not in the place of is last residence, he cannot be located or if his
32. The petition for legal separation may be filed in the family courts in the whereabouts are unknown, the publication or the requirement of
province or city where the marriage was celebrated. publication of the decree will apply only when service of
 FALSE summons was done by publication
 According to section 2 [c] of A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC The petition of  If at the start of the proceedings, you know where the respondent
legal separation shall be filedi n the Family Court of the province is but thereafter he went missing is there a need for you to
or city where the petitioner or the respondent has been RESIDING publish the decree of legal separation? NO, if you have acquired
for at least six months prior to the date of filing or in the case of a the jurisdiction over the person by means of service of summons,
non-resident respondent, where he may be found in the then there is no need to publish the decree
Philippines, at the election of the petitioner  It is only in the case where the summons is served thru
 It must be in the place where either party resides (determinant of publication that the decree of legal separation must also be
the venue of the action – Rules of Court) published

33. The respondent in a legal separation case may … verbally abused 36. X purchased the very old Spanish house he was renting from a friend
(Incomplete question) with the intention of demolishing it once he receives his retirement pay
 TRUE or 2 years from the sale and construct his dream house thereon. The
 It is part of the pretrial …… building is personal property.
34. In all cases, sexual intercourse is an implied condonation in a case for  Intent will not determine the classification of the real property by
legal separation incorporation
 FALSE  The building here is not personal property it is real property
 Not in all cases, because sexual intercourse can be forced  Remember the classification of real property under Art. 415
 If it is forced upon the woman, that is not condonation. i. By nature – those which cannot be moved from place to place
 In Shackleton vs. Shackleton, 48 N. J. Eq. 364; 21 Atl. 935, it has (ex. Land while it is forming part of the earth; land on a dump
been held that “condonation is implied from sexual intercourse truck cases to be land which is immovable by nature and
after knowledge of the other infidelity. Such acts necessary becomes a personal property but if you put it back to form
implied forgiveness. It is entirely consonant with reason and part of the greater mass of the earth it reverts back to an
justice that if the wife freely consents to sexual intercourse after immovable by nature)
ii. By designation – it is placed in an immovable in a fixed  Evangelista v. Alto Surety & insurance co.
manner to be an integral part thereof, like buildings…
iii. By incorporation – things which can be moved from place to 40. A house built in the middle of the street is not a real property
place but they are immobilized by incorporation; so it is the  FALSE. Article 415, Par. 1: The following are immovable property:
attachment to the ground/ immovable that determines the (1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds adhered to
classification of the property (permanent or superficial) if the soli;
permanent, it becomes real property without any other
consideration even if it does not form part of the land/even if 41. A cash register of a restaurant is a real property
it is a nuisance YES PROVIDED it is incorporated or attached to  FALSE
the land permanently. (if it is made up of strong materials –  Remember the elements for a machinery to be immobilized under
permanent; as opposed to those made up of light materials - par 5 of Art 415
temporary)  One requirement is that the machinery should cater directly to
iv. By purpose or by destination – intent of the owner is material the needs of the industry or business, meaning that it must be
and not the manner of attachment essential to the operations of the industry and not merely an
37. A concrete house on rented lot is personal property  Essential meaning, that the work or industry cannot be operated
 FALSE. Article 415, Par. 1: The following are immovable property: without such machinery
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds adhered to  If the industry can be operated even without the machinery then
the soli; it is not essential

38. A concrete house on rented land may be the object of a chattel 42. The beds of the hospital is personal property
mortgage  FALSE, if it is immobilized under par 5 of Art 415, it is real property
 While it is a real property, SC said that the parties may agree to 43. The machinery to be immobilized by destination may be owned by the
classify it as personal property for purposes of contract - chattel owner of the tenement
mortgage  TRUE
 The obligations arising from the contract shall be the law between  Par 5 of Art 415 does not expressly require that the one who
the contracting parties placed the machinery must own the same
 Standard Oil CO. of NY v Jaramillo: The parties to a contract of  What is important in par 5 is that the one who placed the
chattel mortgage may, by agreement, treat as personal property machinery is the owner of the land
that which by nature would be real property such as buildings.  But for the owner to intend the machinery to be part of the real
property it presupposes that he is the owner thereof
39. The house mentioned above may be auctioned as chattel mortgage  So if he rented the machinery or if he borrowed the machinery for
 FALSE the use of his industry it cannot be considered as immobilized
 The SC said however that the classification of the parties of a under Art 415 (5)
house as a personalty will only be valid between them, if it will
affect third parties, it is still real property. So the procedure 44. A statute may be immobilized.
governing the foreclosure, auction or sale of the property shall be  FALSE
that of a real property.  A statute is a law may not be immobilized
and is outside the commerce of man. It is not capable of private
45. A machinery placed by the lessor on rented property for an industry appropriation
operated by the lessee is real property
 TRUE. Article 415 does not distinguish. The important fact is that 50. The Roppongi lot in Japan, when no longer intended for public service
it is intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry which shall form part of the patrimonial property of the PHL
may be carried on in a building  TRUE or FALSE
 In the case of Laurel vs Garcia, the SC said that Art. 422 does not
46. A portable liquid container may be classified as real property under automatically apply. The suggestion is that there must be an
Article 415 affirmative act from the State as in the form of a law by the
 TRUE. So long as attached and immobilized under Article 415. It legislative branch that would reclassify the property from pubic
may fall under paragraph 3 and 5 dominion particularly by withdrawing it from public service or
public use and classifying it as patrimonial but substantially Art
47. A St. Peter’s fish in a fishpond may be donated orally 422 provides that if the property is no longer for public use, it
 TRUE shall form part of the patrimonial property
 The inclusion of the animal in Art 415 (6) as real prop will arise if
the animal is considered as an integral part of the animal house 51. A health facility acquired and operated by the City of Manila using funds
 If the animal is treated separately with the animal house, it is not donated by ... is patrimonial property
classified as real property  FALSE
 So the taking of a fish from the fish pond is not considered as  The only patrimonial property of the State is the property that is
usurpation of the real property, it is qualified theft. acquired using its patrimonial funds. If the purpose is for
 So if you donate the animal not including the animal house, it is governmental purposes, then it has the characteristics of
considered as a personal property. Thus, you can donate it orally. properties for public use/service
 Art. 423. The property of provinces, cities, and municipalities is
48. A vintage car placed by Mr. X in his living room as a permanent divided into property for public use and patrimonial property.
ornamentation may be subjected to a writ of replevin in favor of Y, the (343)
true owner
 TRUE 52. The aircon unit of Jollibee Baguio is real property
 The car was not immobilized by destination because the owner of  FALSE
the tenement is not the owner of the car  Aircon is not necessary to Jollibee
 Art. 415 paragraph 4  Art. 415 (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
 The object will not attain the character of immovable unless such intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or works
person acts as an agent of the owner, Davao Sawmill v. Castillo which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
49. Without exception, the strip of land between the high and low water works;
marks of the sea cannot be registered under the Torrens system
 TRUE Manese v. Velasco states that It is part of the alienable land 53. The printing machine of a newspaper company installed inside its
of the public domain and may be disposed of only by lease and building is a real property
not otherwise. Foreshore land remains part of the public domain  TRUE
 Art. 415 (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements (6) It is an elastic right since the power included therein may be
intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or works reduced in quantity or quality without affecting the nature of
which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and the dominion.
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
works; 57. Ownership maybe limited by the nature of the property owned.
54. A machinery bolted on a platform at the backyard (residential lot) of Mr.  Art. 428. The owner has the right to enjoy and dispose of a thing,
X is personal property without other limitations than those established by law.
 Art. 415 (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements 58. The doctrine of self-help may apply to an immovable property
intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or works  TRUE. Art 429 does not qualify.
which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and  Art. 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has the right to
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said industry or exclude any person from the enjoyment and disposal thereof. For
works; this purpose, he may use such force as may be reasonably
necessary to repel or prevent an actual or threatened unlawful
55. Exceptionally, a municipality may lease a portion of the town plaza to physical invasion or usurpation of his property.
raise money for charity
 Last years answer: TRUE 59. The doctrine of state of necessity cannot be invoked if all the elements
 My answer*** FALSE for the application of self-help are attendant.
 Town plazas are properties of public dominion, to be devoted to  TRUE
public use and to be made available to the public in general They  Art. 434. In an action to recover, the property must be identified,
are outside the common of man and cannot be disposed of or and the plaintiff must rely on the strength of his title and
even leased by the municipality to private parties. (Espiritu vs. not on the weakness of the defendant's claim.
Municipal Council of Pozorrubio)
60. Without exception, Article 448 will apply only if both parties acted in
56. Ownership is elastic good faith.
 TRUE  FALSE. Also applicable if the parties are both in bad faith
 Characteristics of ownership:
(1) It is a general right over all utilities of a thing subject to the 61. An owner who does not know the exact metes and bounds of his land
limitations of real rights of others. cannot be a builder in good faith
(2) It is an independent right since it can exist without the  FALSE. Negligence does not equate to bad faith. SC says you can
necessity of any other right. still invoke good faith even if you do not know the exact boundary
(3) It is an abstract right because it can exist distinct and of your property.
independent of its constituent parts.
(4) It is an exclusive right for there can only be one ownership but 62. An accretion automatically belongs to the owner of the land adjoining
there may be two or more owners. the banks of the river.
(5) It is generally a perpetual right and is not usually limited by  TRUE.
time and may last as long as the thing exists.
 Owner of the land is the riparian owner, but does not
automatically include the title to the property, registration is still 67. A government recognition issued to a school operated by a stock
required. corporation is property.
 Art. 457. To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers  TRUE/FALSE
belong the accretion which they gradually receive from the effects  The recognition is supposed to be a privilege granted by the State,
of the current of the waters. not property (strictly)
 However, if there is an issuance from CHED saying that if another
63. There can be co-ownership between X and Y over 2 eggs of the same party will acquire the school, the recognition given by the State to
size. the school shall be included.
 Last year’s answer: TRUE  Property in a limited extent as long as it is acquired together with
 My answer (please check!): FALSE. Art. 484. There is co-ownership the school. But the fact that it can be acquired by another makes
whenever the ownership of an undivided thing or right belongs to it a property.
different persons.
68. Properties of a municipality for the public use are under the control of
64. An agreement to subdivide the property terminates co-ownership. Congress.
 FALSE  TRUE. Not patrimonial property of the municipality. The
 Actual partition terminates the co-ownership municipality is holding such property as administrator for the
 Art. 500. Upon partition, there shall be a mutual accounting for public or for the State.
benefits received and reimbursements for expenses made.
Likewise, each co-owner shall pay for damages caused by reason 69. A lot donated by a private corporation to the city of Manila for the
of his negligence or fraud. opening a street is patrimonial under the street is actually constructed
 FALSE. Property of public dominion are those intended for public
65. A co-owner becomes the owner of a parcel of land 40 years after he use, public service and for development of national wealth. The
causes the cancelation of the old title in the names of the co-owners purpose is not the actual use, so if the property is intended for
and the issuance of a new one in his name even if he did not tell his co- public use it is of public dominion, even if the mean time it is not
owners about the cancellation. used as such.
 For a co-owner to acquire a property by acquisitive prescription, 70. A possessor of a parcel of land may file an action for forcible entry or
one of the requisites is that there must be a renunciation of the unlawful detainer against a party claiming to be the owner of the same
co-ownership which must be known to the other co-owners.  FALSE. The tenant can deprive the possession of the property
 Knowledge of the co-owners can be by actual information or by even against the lessor
constructive notice. SC said that the issuance of a title to one co-  So if the lessor through force or violence, dispossesses the tenant,
owner can be considered as constructive notice to the whole latter can file an action for forcible entry. For unlawful detainer,
world that there is liquidation of ownership. the possessor has rightful possession by virtue of a contract or
some other legal right, but after it is terminated and he retains
66. X and Y caught a monkey-eating eagle in the forest. A and Y own the possession.
bird in equal shares.
 FALSE. 71. An artificial lake constructed in the property of Mr. X was destroyed by
 They cannot own the bird. a magnitude 7 earthquake inundating the land and damaging the plants
of his neighbor. Mr. X is liable for damages because the owner of a lawful processes, the ownership of the land has been separated
property cannot make use thereof to injure the rights of a third person from the ownership of the building Art. 448 can be applied ‘by
 FALSE. The earthquake is a fortuitous event. analogy’.
 In the case where the building is used as a collateral and the
72. The sperm of Pedro, a bulldog, extracted through manual inducement is building was acquired by a third party in a public auction, as a
a natural fruit result the land belongs to the original owner and the building
 TRUE. Natural fruit includes the young or other products of the belongs to a third party. The purpose of the rules on accretion is
animal even if by manual intervention or scientific process. Ref: to avoid a case of forced co-ownership where the accessory is
Paras, Book II of Civil Code owned by one and the principal is owned by another.
 Both the principal and the accessory should be owned by only one
73. Canned sardines from a cannery are fruits person, so in that case Art. 448 can be applied
 FALSE. Industrial fruits do not include canned goods or
manufactured products. 78. Article 448 cannot apply where a co-owner builds on a land owned in
Ref: Paras, Book II of Civil Code common
 FALSE. In Ignao vs. IAC, Art. 448 was applied when a co-owner
constructed a land owned in common but after partition of the
74. The compensation paid to X who executed a mortgage over his land to co-ownership, the building encroached upon the share that was
secure the loan of another person is a civil fruit given to the other co-owner.
 FALSE. Civil fruits do not include bonus granted as a reward or as
compensation to a person who mortgaged and thus risks his land 79. To avoid unjust enrichment, the builder in Article 448 must pay rent
to secure the loan of another party. (Bachrach Motor Co. vs. during the period of retention
Talisay-Silay Milling Co.)  FALSE. The builder in good faith cannot be forced to pay rent
during the period of retention
75. Article 448 may apply to an improvement introduced by a usufructuary
on a parcel of land 80. In industrial accession, a landowner in bad faith may not only lose his
 FALSE. Art. 448 does not apply when there is a contractual property but could even be held liable for damages
relation between the parties (Spouses del Campo vs. Abesia)  FALSE. In industrial accession, the land owner cannot lose his
property/land, but the land owner in bad faith may pay damages
76. The landowner may avail of demolition as a first option under Article and value of the improvements.
 FALSE. In Ignacio vs. Hilario, the Court ruled that the owner of the 81. If the landowner elects to sell the land to the builder, the price must be
land is entitled to have the improvement removed when after fixed at the market value at the time of taking or introduction of the
having chosen to sell his land to the other party (builder in good improvement of the land
faith), such party fails to pay the same.  FALSE. In Batallan vs. CA (1999), it was ruled that in the event the
 SAMPLEX ANSWER: TRUE. It is the last option (?) landowner elects to sell the land to the builder in good faith, the
price must be fixed at the prevailing market value at the time of
77. Without exception, Article 448 applies only when a person builds, plants payment.
or sows on the land of another
 FALSE. There is an exception, even if the land and the building
used to be owned by only one person, if by contractual or by
82. The buyer who builds on a land after an action for annulment of the sale  False. Art 458 refers to ponds and lagoons and has no application
is a buyer in bad faith regardless of the result of the litigation. to lakes.
 FALSE. There is bad faith on the part of the landowner whenever
the act was done with his knowledge (Art. 453). If there is no 88. In no instance will the rule of accretion apply if sedimentary deposits
knowledge of the action for annulment, there is no bad faith. are accumulated because of artificial works
 However, if the seller sells the property knowing that there is a  True: Art 457 excludes ALL deposits caused by human
pending litigation or a case on the said property then there is bad intervention. Alluvion must be the EXCLUSIVE work of nature
faith (Vda. De Nazareno vs CA 1996)
 False: exception: if the special manmade works were done to
83. A planter in bad faith may demand reimbursement for irrigation protect his property from the destructive force of the waters of
expenses the river and the accumulation is merely incidental - alluvion
 FALSE. Irrigation expense is not a necessary expense for the applies (Republic vs. CA 1984)
preservation of the land.
89. Uprooted trees on segregated land should be claimed within six months
84. A builder in bad faith may demand reimbursement for real property  False. Trees are considered accessions of the land and hence, they
taxes on the land may be claimed within 2 years (Payatas Estate vs Tuason)
 TRUE. The builder in bad faith is entitled to reimbursement for
the necessary expenses of preservation of land. Although taxes 90. The rule on natural change in the course of a river does not apply to
are not exactly expenses for the preservation of the land, they are navigable rivers
still considered in the category of ‘necessary expenses’.  False. Art 461 does not distinguish. Hence, it applies to both.

85. A planter in bad faith may claim reimbursement for litigation expenses 91. Islands formed through alluvion on rivers and lakes belong to the state
against the landowner  False. Navigable river and lake: belongs to the state or patrimonial
 FALSE. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's fees and expenses prop (article 464)
of litigation, other than judicial costs, cannot be recovered, except  Non-navigable: belongs to nearest riparian owner or if in the
when there is malicious prosecution, act or omission has middle, half belongs to each riparian owner (465)
compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to incur
expenses to protect his interest, or gross and evident bad faith in 92. Plumbatura is the adjunction of the same metals
refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable  False. Plumbatura: accessory and principal objects are different
claim. Planter in bad faith does not fall among exceptions. metals

86. The in pari delicto rule applies to industrial accession 93. Gold, united by soldering to platinum, is the principal
 False. In pari delicto states that since the parties are all in bad  False. Platinum of greater value (468)
faith, they have no affirmative relief. However, in the case of
industrial accession, if all parties acted in bad faith, they are 94. Tejido shall be governed by the rules on co-ownership
considered to have acted in good faith. Hence, they have available  False. Tejido (weaving of threads belonging to diff owners in
reliefs under Art 453 making textile) - adjunction and not mixture applies hence co-
ownership doesn't apply
87. The rule on accretion applies to lakes, non-navigable rivers and shores
95. In adjunction involving three or more things belonging to different
owners, there could be two principal things
 False. There is only one principal object, the rest are accessories
(Art 467)

96. The owner of a diamond set on a ring may remove the same even if the
ring may suffer some injury
 True - art 469 2nd paragraph

97. Sentimental value is not relevant in industrial accession involving

inherited land
 True. 475 only applies to personalty or immovable.

98. A fictitious contract of sale, sale by an agent without authority, and a

voidable contract of sale are examples of cloud over title to property

99. All co-owners must agree to bring an action for ejectment

 False. Any one of them can bring an action for ejectment (art 487)

100. A co-owner may demand at any time the partition of the property
owned in common
 True. Art 494.

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