Trabajo Academico Final Inglés Iii

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Grupo de 10 dossier de 1000 palabras documento legal en castellano traducido

en inglés, el mismo que se utilizará para interpretar documentación legal.


 García Meneses, Marlon Franco 2017131580 Ayacucho

 Asian Chávez Juan Raúl 2015227459 Tarapoto
 Villanueva Calagua Lissette Alexandra 2003135282 Lima
 Huruchi Carita Betty Mery 2017133645 Tacna
 Mamani Chura Juan Carlos 2017122733 Tacna
 Marin Tapia Junior Brayan 2016204717 Arequipa
 Uribe Camargo Italo Junior 2017117461 Huancayo
 Hurtado Flores Xuxa Katyuzca 2016119530 Ica
 Copa Uchani Eva Nancy 2017133722 Tacna


1. A limina: latin phrase, whose meaning is the threshold. It is used in the

law to express the rejection of a demand or a recourse to limine, when its
discussion is not even admitted because it does not agree with the law.
2. A priori: latin phrase that means "before everything" exam.
3. Ab initio: latin phrase that is equivalent to from the beginning or from the
4. Ab irato: latin phrase used in spanish as a synonym for heated, angry
adverbs, that is, driven by anger or ecstasy.
5. Abandonment of the action: the actor, according to escriche, who, after
having responded to the demand, abandons his action, absent or not
appearing in court, may be compelled by the judge, by request to
continue; and in the event that it does not continue, the judge must acquit
the accused of the instance and sentence the actor for the costs and
damages that may have been caused.
6. Abandonment of appeal: when the appeal is filed by both parts of the
process, abandonment can be made by one of them and the process will
continue according to the interest of the other party.
7. Family abandonment: when, without justified reason, he fails to fulfill his
obligation as a father to provide food, health and education to people
who are under his parental authority.
8. Abandonment of instance: withdrawal of one of the parties or both, of
the procedural actions in a trial, which assist it as a certain possibility.
9. Abandonment of appeal: inactivity of the interested party, who omits
the execution of a procedural act within the period established by the
10. Abjuration: solemn and sworn retraction of the error that has been
11. State lawyer: lawyer whose main duties are defending the state in court,
administrative advice and settlement of the real rights tax.
12. sponsoring lawyer: it is said that the lawyer is in charge of defending
the honor, property and patrimony of a client.
13. advocate: defend in court, in word or in writing. Intercede, speak for
14. abolition: the annulment, extinction, abrogation or annihilation of a thing,
especially of a law, use or custom.
15. abolish: cancel a precept to law.
16. Pay: leave as guarantor for one. Enter in the account and reason book
any item received, and also admit into account. Satisfy, pay.
17. Abrogate: to nullify the partial or total validity of a law.
18. absolution: judgment that ends the process and declares the defendant
free of the lawsuit; or to the accused, free from the accusation against
19. Absolution of positions: declaration that is given under oath or promise
to tell the truth.
20. Acquit: grant, resolve or admit absolution of guilt, charge or burden.
Release the inmate or the civil defendant.
21. Abstention: it is the obligation that a judge or magistrate has by his own
initiative to inhibit himself in the knowledge of a litigation to understand
that he lacks impartiality to judge.
22. Acquitted: (criminal law) accused that the judge declares innocent of the
charges and therefore of criminal sanction.
23. Abuse of authority: arbitrariness committed in the exercise of
functional, administrative or hierarchical powers by refusing to make,
delay or exceed the power attributed to their position or function,
damaging those subject to their authority.
24. abuse of law: figure by which a right is exercised outside the economic
and social purpose for which it was conceived, running over a legitimate
interest, not yet legally protected. When the owner of a right exercises it
in order to harm another, not in order to benefit. The name of the figure is
poorly given, since the right does not abuse, but the abuse is configured
by its abusive exercise.
25. Abusus non est usus, be corrupt: latin phrase that equals that equals
that abuse is not use, but corruption.
26. Abusus non tollit usum: legal maxim that indicates that the damage
that can be caused or abused by a thing does not prevent it from being
good in itself.
27. Accesorium sequiter principale: legal apotegma that means that the
accessory follows the main.
28. Plaintiff: the one that appears before the judicial power to exercise the
29. Action (criminal law): human conduct through which the will of the
agent in the execution of a crime is externalized; it can be done through
doing, that is, carrying out an activity, constituting a commission crime
(for example, stealing), or through omission.
30. Action (procedural law): subjective and autonomous public law by
which the person has the power to resort to the judicial authority to
declare the existence of a right and / or provide assistance to its coercive
31. Amparo action: constitutional guarantee that protects liberties other
than the corporal, since this is guaranteed by habeas corpus. This action
then proceeds against acts of power exercised by any authority, official
or person who violates or threatens rights recognized by the constitution,
except that which is protected by the action of habeas corpus, as
established by inc. 2 of article 200. Of the constitution.
32. Compliance action: constitutional guarantee that protects objective
rights, which according to art. 200 number 6 of the 1993 peruvian
33. Habeas corpus action: constitutional guarantee that comes from the
roman interdict homine libero. Exhibiting that it was the procedure in
which the praetor ordered the free man to be exhibited. It is, therefore,
that legal action that protects individual physical freedom and related
constitutional rights.
34. Acceptance of people: it is the action and the effect of favoring some
people more than others, for some particular reason or affection, without
attending to merit or reason.
35. assignee: person who receives rights, assets, credits from the
36. Assignment: transfer of assets, rights, shares or credits between living
37. assignment of rights: (civil law). Form of transmission of obligations,
that is, it consists of a change or substitution of one of the subjects of the
mandatory relationship, that is, the only thing that will change is the
subjective element (the debtor or the creditor).
38. Notarial act: public document that contains the narration of an event and
in which, upon request of a party, a fact is recorded that witnesses or
records the notary.
39. jurisdictional activity: exercise of judicial work. The jurisdictional
activity in the judicial power covers the entire calendar year.
40. Legal act: manifestation of will to which the legal system, by virtue of
private autonomy, gives it the power to modify the legal reality in which
the subject operates, that is, that it can create, extinguish and modify
legal relationships
41. procedural legal act: it is the legal act emanating from the parties, from
the agents of the jurisdiction or even from third parties linked to the
process, capable of creating, modifying or extinguishing procedural
42. actor: in civil proceedings, said to be the subject that triggers the lawsuit.
/ in procedural law, who assumes the personal initiative, acting as the
active part of the civil process. (litigant).
43. actor incumbit probatio: latin aphorism that means: the proof
corresponds to the actor.
44. actore non probante reus est absolvendus: it expresses this aphorism
that when the actor proves his claim, the defendant must be acquitted.
45. Judicial acts: the decisions, orders, orders, proceedings, and any
disposition of a judge in the exercise of his functions.
46. own acts: general principle of law by virtue of which no one can
contradict what he has consistently maintained due to his behavior. / own
acts are those solemn acts that unalterably link and configure the legal
47. judicial actions: these are the different procedures, proceedings and
duly authorized pieces of cars that are documented in the judicial file. /
this is the name of the procedures carried out in trials.
48. actuary: clerk of the court, which vouches for what has been done / in
procedural law, this is the name of the clerk of the court or of the court
that vouches for certain acts and authorizes actions with his signature,
which without their observance lack legal efficacy.
49. Accumulation of cars: meeting of judicial files that due to their similarity
can be decided in the same sentence.
50. accumulation of penalties: summary of the penalties imposed on the
same convicted person in different criminal proceedings.
51. fiscal accusation: (criminal procedural law) written by which, the
provincial prosecutor, after considering the existence of a crime,
formalizes the complaint before the criminal judge, opening the
52. ad effectum videndi: latin expression whose meaning is: in order to
have it in sight.
53. ad hoc: it is that latin adverbial expression, which means “for this”, “for
that matter”, “for this”, “for this”.
54. Ad honorem: latin expression that is used to describe a work done
without compensation.
55. Under warning: judicial expression that warns the application of a
sanction for not performing an obligation provided in a summons,
notification or court order.
56. Forensic ballistics: (criminalistics). Technique that examines evidence
on the use of firearms for specialized clarification of events in which the
police or judicial authorities require ballistic information.
57. Band: organized criminal group, which acts in concert and regularly for
criminal purposes. It constitutes an aggravating circumstance of the
perpetuated crime.
58. Belligerence: right to wage war with the same international guarantees
as those against whom it is contracted. The essential condition is that the
laws of war are respected.
59. Beneficiary: person in whose favor insurance has been contracted. This
is also the name given to any person who receives a right or benefit.
60. Good: it is said of everything that has a measure of value and can be
subject to legal protection.
61. Inalienable asset: that it cannot be sold.
62. Undivided assets: they are those that belong to two or more people and
are unable to be literally identified for each of the owners, by imposition
of the law, agreement of the parties or act of last will.
63. Unattachable assets: assets that the debtor keeps, as they are out of
execution and exempt from any security measure. It has express
prohibitive service, it is restrictive and its exclusion by law must be
provided by law.
64. Bilaterality: what consists of two sides. In law, it applies to contracts in
which both parties are obliged to give, do or not do, which compensates
the provision of the other party with greater or lesser equality.
65. Bona fide: latin phrase that is equivalent to in good faith.
66. Good faith: conviction that you participate in a legal relationship in
accordance with law, that is, respecting the rights of others.
67. Objective good faith or honesty: it is acting with loyalty in a specific
legal relationship.
68. Expiration: mode of extinction of certain rights over time and due to their
lack of exercise. Expiration according to the securities law 16587 is the
non-acquisition of a right by the passage of time.
69. Corpse: body of a man or a woman who has lost his life, by himself, by
another, due to a natural or accidental cause.
70. Cancellation: extinguish an obligation. There may be voluntary
(spontaneous consent) and forced cancellation (against the will). It can
also be domain, mortgage and good. Partial or total cancellation may
occur, depending on its effects.
71. Civil capacity: ability that determines the possibility of a person
participating in a legal relationship / enjoyment capacity: when the person
can passively benefit from the rights that are recognized.
72. Criminal capacity: act consciously and voluntarily, responsible for their
actions or omissions. The punitive exercise is limited to subjects in
conscience, will, of legal age (with the legal exceptions of the case).
73. Procedural capacity: procedural budget that consists of the ability of the
party to appear directly in the process. It is affirmed that we all have the
capacity to be part, but not all of us have the capacity to act directly in
the process.
74. Capture: police act by which a person is detained and placed at the
disposal of the criminal authority in order to generally be held in prison. It
is carried out in the event of a flagrant crime being made available to the
75. Burden of proof: obligation consisting in putting in charge of a litigant
the demonstration of the veracity of his propositions of fact in a trial. The
requirement is the power of the interested party to prove its proposition /
procedural obligation to whom it affirms or indicates.
76. Procedural burden: guarantee of the optional exercise before the
request of a judicial body, which has a double effect: on the one hand,
the litigant has the power to plead as not to plead, to prove as not to
77. Charges: set of debts that weigh on an estate.
78. Judicial career: permanent labor exercise in the instances of the judicial
power. The judicial career comprises the following degrees: 1.vocal of
the supreme court of justice; 2. Member of the superior court of justice; 3.
Specialized or mixed judge; 4. Legal justice of the peace.
79. Judicial power letter: mandate that a person confers in writing to
another to represent him in a special or extensive way, taking his place.
Through it a temporary representation is exercised, revocable only by the
80. Cassation: (civil procedural law). Loc. Lat. “cassare” which means to
break, break or legally break the course of a process, according to
escriche the procedural application of the cassation, implies the action of
annulling and declaring without any value or effect.
81. Act of god: (civil law). An event that cannot be foreseen and, therefore,
82. Casuistry: famous causes of the past that serve as a reference for
academic or legal analysis.
83. Surety: (criminal procedural law). Pecuniary precaution that allows the
provisional release of the defendant, who previously meets some
requirements (non-recidivist, without a criminal record, etc.).
84. Sworn bond: oath taken by which a person agrees to comply with what
is agreed, agreed or ordered by the judicial authority.
85. Causahabiente: (civil law). Person who acquires rights derived from
another, causing or transmitting call, through an act of transmission or
succession. At the bottom is the idea of an act of transfer of transfer of
86. Causal: reason or reason that derives other facts. / origin of the
87. Causative: (civil law). Person who transmits to another, called the
successor in title, a right./ in successions, it is said of the deceased
person of the successor, that is, the person who derives his right to
88. Assignor: person who transfers a right to another.
89. Certificate: document signed and sealed by an official, attesting to the
certainty of an event, fact or declaration.
90. Aggravating circumstances: those that increase criminal
responsibility./ facts that concur to make the perpetrator of a crime
dangerous, due to wickedness or greater harm done, for example:
premeditation, treachery, cruelty, etc.
91. mitigating circumstances: those that reduce criminal liability.
92. exempt circumstances: those that relieve the perpetrator of a crime.
93. Summons: appeal made by the judge or magistrate to one or both parts
of the process or to any person who is not part of the process in order to
attend a specific proceeding.
94. Civilist: jurist with knowledge and knowledge of civil law. Qualified
specialist in civil law.
95. Clan: term that designates a group of relatives of unilinear filiation.
96. Coercion: it is the compulsive force of an individual or the state to
enforce a mandate. / force or violence used against a person to force him
to do or say something.
97. Co-author: author who cooperates with another in carrying out a fact or
98. Prison: property where prisoners usually reside, who have security
measures to guarantee their seclusion.
99. cédula: document that contains the text of the resolutions issued by the
magistrate in the exercise of his functions. / the notification certificate
constitutes a public document.
100. Notification card: means of communication of the judicial bodies
through which the interested party is informed of a resolution or hearing. /
means by which litigants are informed of a judicial decision at their
101. 1.emerging damage: loss suffered by the creditor for the default
of its debtor.
102. .moral damage: hypothetical assessment of the victim's ailments
during their healing, the regret, the affliction or the painful emptiness that
the absence of a person may generate, discredit, etc.
3.damages: in traffic accidents, the general directorate of insurance of
the ministry of finance has been publishing since 1997 a scale to set the
amounts of compensation for death, permanent injuries and temporary
104. 4.forfeiture: loss of ownership of property through legal
prohibition of its possession.

105. 5.decree: it is a judicial resolution used to give impetus to the

development of the process, establishing procedural acts of simple

106. 6.captive defense: it is that defense that a chartered lawyer

assumes in a process, represents the right to freedom to choose without
any kind of coercion the most favorable professional assistance and

7.defense of substance: it is a manifestation of the right of
contradiction, by means of which the defendant contravenes the claim
that is the subject of the process.

8.defense of form: it is a manifestation of the right of contradiction, by
which the defendant questions the validity of the procedural legal
relationship, by default or omission of a procedural budget or a condition
of the action. It is known as an exception.

109. 9.previous defense: it is a temporary legal obstacle to the

continuation of a process, because a previous act has not been complied
with or because an unresolved temporary impediment remains.

10.defender: the one who protects, defends or compares. It is said of
the lawyer who defends the rights of a person in a civil or criminal case.
Sponsor who directs the defense in a judicial process.

11.ombudsman: person appointed by parliament to receive and process
complaints from citizens about the malfunction of the administration.

112. 12.judicial defender: person designated by the judge to defend

and represent the interests of a minor or disabled person.

113. 13.delation: reveal a secret, accusing in a reserved way those

committed to the plan or fact.

14.crime: (criminal law) typical, unlawful and guilty action. Act typified as
such in the law, contrary to law and in which the agent has had control
over the circumstances, that is, that by will has not developed a different

115. 15.guilty crime: the one that is committed by carelessness or lack

of care.

16.intentional crime: the one that is committed intentionally and
17.demand: (procedural law) appear before a judge or court to
recognize the existence of a right./ in a broad sense is any request made
before the judiciary.

118. 18.defendant: person against whom a lawsuit is filed.

19.plaintiff: person who files a lawsuit against another person in court
claiming a right.

120. 20.complaint: act by which the competent authority is informed of

the imminence or perpetration of an act that is considered criminal. The
complaint can be made verbally or in writing.

121. 21.police complaint: (criminal procedural law) act by which the

police authority is informed of the commission of a criminal act, requiring
its intervention.

22.depositor: person who delivers something to another as a deposit.

23.depositary: person who receives a deposit, forcing himself to guard
the material thing of the deposit and to return it, when the depositor asks
for it.
124. set of binding rules in a given society.

25.right to increase: in successions, it is said that the joint heirs have
legal authority over the vacant succession portions, because they have
renounced them or some of them have not been able to acquire them.

26.fundamental rights: basic set of judicially guaranteed powers and
freedoms that the constitution recognizes for citizens of a given country.

127. 27.contempt: ignorance, injury, lack of consideration and respect,

against public authorities, in the exercise of their responsibilities. / crime
committed by the person who offends, threatens or insults a public
official, damaging the dignity of his function.

128. 28.eviction: trial that aims to compel the precarious occupant of a

property to vacate it for the reasons established in the law; sometimes
with the use of public force.

29.eviction: trial to compel a tenant to voluntarily leave the property they

130. relief: figure by which, if the holder of a mortgage

credit dies, his heirs are free of the debt.
31.disinheritance: probate provision by which a person deprives his
forced heirs of the hereditary rights that correspond to them.

132. 32.withdrawal: act of abandoning a right, a claim, a step in the

procedure or the legal action itself.

133. 33.withdrawal of the process: declaration by which the plaintiff

announces his resignation to continue with the process, leaving his claim
safe, which may be the subject of a subsequent process.

134. 34.decriminalization: (criminal law) measure taken when, for

reasons of criminal policy and, because they are not of greater
importance, the quality of crime is taken away from certain acts, for
example, what has happened with the exercise of prostitution and with
the adultery.

135. 35.dispossession: (civil law) to deprive someone of the

possession of a thing, without a court order. Whoever dispossesses a
property or piece of furniture becomes a usurper. Who has been
stripped, is legally assisted by the right of restitution of their possession.

136. 36.detention: preventive deprivation of liberty imposed on an

individual to comply with a court order. No one can be arrested except
by written and motivated order of the judge or by the police authorities in
the event of a flagrant crime. The detainee must be made available to the
corresponding court, within twenty-four hours or within the distance.
These deadlines do not apply to cases of terrorism, espionage and illicit
drug trafficking. In such cases, the police authorities may carry out the
preventive detention of those allegedly involved for a term not exceeding
fifteen calendar days. They must give account to the public ministry and
the judge, who can assume jurisdiction before the expiration of said
term . No one can be held incommunicado except in the indispensable
case for the clarification of a crime, and in the manner and for the time
provided by law. The authority is obliged under responsibility to indicate,
without delay and in writing, the place where the detained person is?
(1993 constitution, art. 2 ap. 24, 1 and 9).

137. 37.opinion: it comes from the latin opinion. Supported opinion

issued by a legal specialist on a matter of fact or law, submitted to their
consideration and opinion; generally this opinion must be in writing.

138. 38.fiscal opinion: (criminal procedural law) opinion sustains that

the superior prosecutor issues accusing a person for having committed a
crime. After this, the superior judgment car is issued.

139. 39.defamation: (criminal law) crime that is held against the

reputation of a person, spreading a false fact, in order to damage his
fame, damage his honor or discredit his record before others. / offense
made against the prestige of a person.

140. 40.dilatory: action that seeks to postpone or defer a procedure or

141. 41.diligence: procedural acts in which the court clerk complies
with the judge's orders or orders. / judicial action carried out by the court

142. 42.judicial district: part of a territory where a judge or court

exercises jurisdiction.

143. 43.divorce: dissolution of the conjugal bond that returns the

spouses to singleness.

144. 44.dolo: in a general sense, malicious, deceptive or fraudulent

intention to achieve an end. / deception through artifice, cunning or
machination, to obtain a manifestation of will which would not occur if the
injured person knew the true reality.

145. 45.eventual fraud: it is the knowledge and prior acceptance by a

person of the possibility that a certain consequence may occur as a
consequence of their action.

146. domicile: it is said that the domicile is expressly

indicated by the parties in a judicial proceeding, as a specific venue for
procedural purposes. The headquarters of the sponsoring law firm is
commonly designated.

147. 47.donation: contract by which a person, called a donor, discards

a good to transfer it free to another, called a donation.
148. 48.procedural economics: (procedural law) principle that
governs the process by which it seeks to obtain the judicial decision
using the least effort of the parties and even the state, with less
pecuniary expense.

149. 49.edicts: judicial resolution that is communicated to an interested

party through the newspapers, official bulletins or the notice board of the

150. 50.returning effect: (procedural law) consequences derived from

the filing of an appeal against a resolution, so that, while it is evaluated
by the hierarchical superior of the one who issued it, the execution of
what is resolved by him is not suspended.

151. 51.suspensive effect: (procedural law) the one that occurs when
the interposition of an appeal that questions a resolution paralyzes its
execution until it is decided on it.

152. 52.execution: (procedural law) comply with the provisions of the

jurisdictional authority in the exercise of its functions. It usually refers to
the sentence. Application of the death penalty.

153. 53.enforcement: (procedural law) firm judgment, which has

acquired the authority of res judicata, that is, against which no appeal
can be brought and can be executed in all its extremes.

154. 54.he who receives the consequences of acting as potr: (civil

law) human beings are understood as such, both individually - from
conception to death - and in their collective or organized form. For the
peruvian civil code of 19984, they are subjects of law: the conceived, the
natural person, the legal person and the non-personified collective

155. 55.embargo: (civil procedural law) precautionary measure

consisting in the subjection of one or more assets of the alleged debtor to
a regime of legal immobilization, which prevents the decrease of the
guarantee that said assets represent.

156. 56.location: (procedural law) request made by mandate of the

jurisdictional authority to the defendant, so that the latter appears within
the indicated period and ideally participates as a procedural subject.

157. 57.alienation: voluntary or legal transfer of ownership of a thing or

its right.

158. 58.enervar: in its legal sense it means to annul, withdraw its force
or neutralize its effects.

159. 59.enrichment without cause: illegitimate increase in individual

wealth. Build wealth by taking advantage of a private or public order,
illegally withdrawing assets or funds from individual assets./ the civil code
uses the name "enrichment without cause".

160. 60.escalation: (criminal law) aggravating theft crime, by which the

agent uses the skill to enter a place using non-designated routes, such
as the window, chimney, climbing adjacent rooftops, etc.
161. 61.escribano: in its historical meaning, the clerk of the court. In
some countries it is synonymous with a notary.

162. 62.public deed: document issued by a notary public that reflects

contracts, declarations or acts of any kind.

163. 63.specification: (civil law) acquisition of the property of a

property by someone who uses others to elaborate it, provided that they
have acquired them or acquire them later.

164. 64.spousal: (civil law) promise to contract marriage that can be

unilateral or bilateral and reciprocally accepted. It does not create a legal
obligation to contract marriage.

165. 65.penal establishment: property conditioned to house in

sanitary and security conditions people detained by court order.

166. 66.rule of law: in constitutional law, it is said of the modern state

whose foundation is the balance and limits of the public and
governmental function, through the independence, responsibility and
mutual control of the three constituted powers: executive, judiciary.
167. 67.scam: (criminal law) crime against the estate, by which the
agent seizes by means of deception or trick the property that the victim
gives him, as a result of the error to which he is subjected.

168. 68.stelionate: crime that has elements of fraud and improper

theft, since goods that are seized, in litigation, taxed or are alien, are sold
or leased, as firm, without nick and with free owner, hiding its unique
legal condition.
169. 69.stipend: amount stipulated in advance by any worker as
payment for his work; derives from stare and pondus, to be or abide by
the weight or the agreed amount for payment.

170. 70.stipulation: contract, agreement, pact./ it is said to be any of

the clauses of a contract.

171. 71.euthanasia: pious homicide./ death requested expressly and

consciously by an incurable patient, who suffers intolerable pain.

172. 72.eviction: (civil law) legal situation by which, who received the
transfer of a good or right, loses it by virtue of a resolution that deprives it
of it, as another holder of a better right.

173. 73.ex officio: loc. Lat. Which means: "by virtue of his trade".

174. 74.ex post facto: loc. Lat. Which means: "after the fact".

175. 75.ex profeso: loc. Lat. Which means: "on purpose".

176. 76.exaction: unfair and violent collection.

177. 77.exception: (procedural law) means of defense that the judicial

summons has to nullify the action or the claim of law. Right that the party
summoned has, tending to challenge and / or annul the action that has
been filed against it.
178. 78.exception of arbitration agreement: (civil procedural law) that
successfully deductible when the parties have agreed to submit the
object of the claim to the decision of arbitrator or arbitrators previously

179. 79.exception of res judicata: (procedural law) a protected

exception when in another process, between the same parties and by
virtue of the same interest to act, a firm judgment has already been
obtained on the same object of the claim.

180. 80.i warrant: communication addressed by a judge to another of

equal or superior hierarchy or to a foreigner, requesting their
collaboration to carry out a diligence of the process.

181. 81.exemption: everything that frees the author of a crime from

criminal responsibility. For example, legitimate defense.

182. 82.file: (procedural law) it is the set of writings, acts and

resolutions where all the procedural acts carried out in a process are
recorded, which are ordered according to the sequence of their execution
on duly numbered pages sequentially.
183. 83.extrajudicial: the acts, arrangements and transactions that are
made without the intervention of the jurisdictional authority. Disputing
parties use it to avoid a process that they consider cumbersome or

184. 84.extrusion: (procedural law) institution by which the judge, ex

officio or at the request of a party and by a duly motivated resolution,
withdraws from the process a legitimate third party that had been initially
as part.

185. 85.official gazette: a gazette, therefore, can be a newspaper or a

weekly where administrative, commercial or other news is disclosed.

186. 86.occupational hazards: discomfort or harm experienced due to

employment or occupation.

187. 87.gain: benefit or advantage that is obtained from a thing.

188. 88.earnings: assets acquired during the marriage, which belong

to the two spouses in equal parts.

189. 89.gangster: he is a career criminal who at one point almost

invariably becomes a member of a criminal organization.

190. 90.guarantor: the figure of the guarantor is used, especially, when

the law punishes a legal person as the material author of the offense.

191. 91.warranty: assurance that something will happen or be done.

192. guarantee: it is the document by which a bank supports

the obligation contracted by a customer. Thus, you agree to respond in
case of non-compliance.

193. 93.sheaf: set of branches or stems joined or tied at its center,

larger than a bunch and smaller than a beam.
194. 94.general law: these are the questions the judge asks the
witness when he is going to start his statement at trial.

195. 95.genocide: systematic and deliberate annihilation or

extermination of a social group for racial, political or religious reasons.

196. 96.gestor: that is in charge of directing, managing or

administering a company, society or other entity.

197. 97.manager: person who by trade is in charge of directing,

managing or administering a company, company or other entity.

198. 98.govern: exercise the direction, administration and control of a

state, city or community.

199. 99.government: group of people and organisms that govern or

direct a political-administrative division (state, autonomy, province,
municipality, department, etc.).

200. 100.kinship degree: links that exist between the descendants and
ancestors of a common parent (example: great-grandparents,
grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren ...)

201. 101.serious emotional damage: those situations in which the

significant subjects on whom the abused depends make him feel bad,
disqualified, humiliated, discriminated, ignoring or belittling his feelings,
submitting his will or subordinating him in different aspects of his
202. - manufacturer. - in relation to civil liability arising from defective
products: that of a finished product, that of any element integrated into a
finished product, that which produces a raw material and any person who
presents himself to the public as a manufacturer, putting his name,
company name, brand or any other sign or distinctive on the product or
on the packaging, wrapping or any other protection or presentation
203. Sentence. - toyota and volkswagen are among the world's largest
car manufacturers.
204. - faction. - side of people who separate from a group for not
agreeing with their thoughts and violently opposing them.
205. Sentence. - progressive faction inside the right wing.
206. - factor. - (commercial law) person linked to the company by an
employment contract, but who has the powers of a representative.
207. Sentence. - their contribution to the committee has been a
208. - factoring. - it is a short-term financing instrument that companies
use to anticípate the collection of their customers´invoices.
209. Sentence. - contract, a factoring company will require signing a
210. - factum. - de facto allegations are relating to the event or facts at
issue, unlike jus or allegations of law.
211. Sentence. - the lawyer was often absent and signed the
investigation records post factum and pro form.
212. - invoice. (tax law) proof of payment delivered to all taxpayers
subject to the igv regime, who require to make use of the tax credit or to
support expenses and/or costs for tax purposes.
213. Sentence. - an invoice should always have the issuing date.
214. - authority. - (general theory of the process). Legal
power/freedom that has the holder to do or not do something.
215. Sentence. - he manager doesn't have the authority to fire you.
216. - fallacy. - whether it's deception, fraud or lying to harm another
as the habit of making falsehoods for someone else's evil.
217. Sentence. - the arguments the author puts forward to support his
hypothesis are just fallacies.
218. - to ruler. - making a decision a court, jury or other authority.
219. Sentence. - the judge ruled against the defendant.
220. - failed. - person who is bankrupt.
221. Sentence. - the bank blocks the card after three failed attempts at
entering the pin.
222. - fault. - (criminal procedural law) final consideration of the judge
in a trial authorized in the judgment.
223. Sentence. - the accident was caused by a fault in the engine.
224. - falseness. - lack of truth or authenticity. Lack of conformity
between words, ideas and things.
225. Sentence. - everything you promised me was a lie. I don't know
how i could have believe you.
226. 13.- falsification. - action and effect of falsifying,
falsifying, adulterating or counter-doing.
227. Sentence. - the falsification of legal documents can
be punished with up to five years in prison.
228. - forger. - author of a forgery; who adulterates, fakes
or counter does a thing.
229. Sentence. - well, if it is a forgery, it could lead you to
the forger.

230. - false testimony. - (criminal law) maliciously false statement,

distorting or misrepresenting the facts subject to the investigation,
committing a crime against the proper administration of justice.

231. Sentence. - the witness was accused of giving false sworn

232. - false title. - fraud or scheme committed by who exhibits
supposedly legitimate documents, which attest to his property on a
foreign property.
233. Sentence. - by using the title of lawyer, rachid mesli
has acted under false pretences and wrongfully claimed a profession
which he does not exercise.
234. - offense. - violation punished with a slight penalty
235. Sentence. - this offense carries a sentence of at
least ten years.
236. - family. - a set of people who, descending from a
common trunk, are united by the bonds of kinship.
237. Sentence. - this is the story of my family, then and
238. - fanaticism. - unmeasured enthusiasm for a person
or group of people to defend an opinion, a religious belief, or a political
239. Sentence. - there are not enough words to condemn
terrorism and fanaticism.
240. 21. - fascism. - a totalitarian and nationalist doctrine
of this movement and other similar ones in other countries
241. Sentence. - many people worry about the possible
resurgence of fascism.
242. 22. - fatal. - unhappy, unfortunate, dismal, nefarious,
evil, non-extendable, such time limits or a point of view in a certain
different way.
243. Sentence. - i feel terrible, sir, for endangering your

244. 23. - factory. - industrial establishment where raw

materials or partially processed objects are transformed into products
that can be used in industry, trade or farming.
245. Sentence. - they occupied their factory until they got
246. 24. - formulate. - established way to explain, ask,
execute or resolve a strictly specific issue
247. Sentence. - the chairman made a statement regarding the
programmer of work.
248. 25. - faith. - concept of notorious legal importance,
because of the influence it has on the validity and nullity or nullity of legal
acts, whether they have been carried out in good faith or bad faith.
249. Sentence. - this provision shall apply only if the
beneficiary has acted in good faith.
250. 26. - date certain. - the one from which private
instruments have effect in relation to third parties or singular successors
of the parties
251. Sentence. - in other legal systems, a writing (even
minimal), a notarization or even registration may be required for a
retention-of-title clause to be effective.
252. 27. - commissioner. - dector of the notary or official
who has the legal powers as a depositary of the public faith, through the
verification and legalization of documents.
253. Sentence. - many countries have requirements of
law for notarization of a document by a notary or attestation by a
commissioner for oath.
254. 28. - irrefutable. - that faith in a judgment, worthy of true credit.
255. Sentence. - the document produced by the lawyer
provides irrefutable proof of her client's innocence.
256. 29. - holiday. - day of rest, partying, resting.
257. Sentence. - election day is a holiday in order to
enable all potential voters to participate.
258. 30. - fetus. - conception, after the third month of pregnancy and
before childbirth.
259. Sentence. - the doctor will follow the fetus very closely until birth.
260. 31. - guarantor. - (civil right) a person who guarantees with his
estate that the creditor will see his belief paid in the event of the debtor's
insolvency obliged to the creditor, together with the principal debtor, to
ensure the execution of the obligation.
261. Sentence. - guarantee in the form of an undertaking
by a guarantor.
262. 32. - security. - (civil right) contract by which, in an obligation
relationship, a third party undertakes to respond to the creditor in the
face of the debtor's insolvency; can still be constituted against the will of
the latter.
263. Sentence. - the security will be refunded to the tenant if there is
no damage to the property.
264. 33. - trust. - it is an irrevocable mandate under which certain
assets are transferred to a person, called a trustee, to dispose of them as
ordered by the transferee, called a trustee, for the benefit of the same or
a third party called a trustee.
265. Sentence. - apparently, she was a very wealthy
woman and left all her property in trust for her nephew.
266. 34. - conjugal fidelity. - the duty of husbands not to have sex
with third parties, non-compliance constitutes an offence of adultery in
some legislation.
267. Sentence. - conjugal fidelity and more in general the
values on which society is founded are called into question.
268. 35. - fiducia. - guarantee obtained by a creditor in a
contract under which this is the apparent acquirer of a good that is
transmitted to him by his debtor, but which will be returned to the latter
when the debt is extinguished.
269. Sentence. - office’ means the office of the court of
justice of the european union responsible for the management of fiducia
270. 36. - filiation. - the filiation is considered to be the
legal link between two persons where one person is descended from the
other, either by a natural fact or by means of a legal act.
271. Sentence. - once the adoption process is finished, the law grants
the filiation between the new parents and their child.
272. 37. - filial. - relative to the child or children,
establishment or church that depends on another.
273. Sentence. - the psychologist wants to strengthen the
filial bond between father and son.
274. 38. - filidium. - death given by a father or mother to
their child. In the spanish penal code, this crime is included within the
generic parricide.
275. Sentence. - filidium in huachipa: subject confessed
that he killed his 11-month-old baby.
276. 39. - philosophy of law. - that branch of philosophy
that aims to knowledge the essence and foundation of particular legal
277. Sentence. - within philosophy of law, i have tackled
the subject of responsibility.
278. 40. - to finance. - provide the necessary money for
a company, pay for the expenses of an activity or work.
279. Sentence. - the ministry of justice has
contributed financially to this work.
280. 41. - public finances. - public resources or income collected and
administered by the state, and invested or directly earmarked by the
state to meet the general needs of the population.
281. Sentence. - adopt and implement a public internal
financial control policy.
282. 42. - to settle. - terminate a trade of money or goods, settle an
account, extend receipt or extinguishing document of an obligation.
283. Sentence. - the parties can settle the case at any
time in the process.
284. 43. - signature. - written representation of a
person's name, put by himself in his or her handwriting. In privately
implemented written acts, the parties are required to sign as an essential
requirement for their existence.
285. Sentence. - sir, i just need a signature to complete
the order.
286. 44. - prosecutor of the nation. - maximum
representative of the public ministry, has authority over all officials.
287. Sentence. - the organizational units of the public
prosecution are: the national prosecutor's office, which forms a
component part of the ministry of justice, the appeal prosecutions, and
provincial and regional prosecutions.
288. 45. - treasury. - the word was used in rome to
designate the prince's treasure, as opposed to the treasury, the public
treasure. It's meant by tax in modern laws, state heritage.
289. Sentence. - the examination of all witnesses is
followed by the closing arguments of the procuratore del fisco and the
290. 46. - flagrant crime. - the crime currently being
carried out, the current moment of execution of a crime.
291. Sentence. - according to the constitution, a person
detained in flagrante crime must, within 48 hours, be brought to court for
the purpose of determining, in the presence of the detainee, the validity
of the detention.
292. 47. - charterer. - whoever hires the charter of a
vessel, who leases a vessel, in whole or in part, for one or more
voyages, for the purpose of transporting goods or a person.
293. Sentence. - this means that the charterer may be
prosecuted if fishing takes place in contravention of the fsa.
294. 48. - freightage. - in america, the rental price of any
means of transport, whether sea or land.
295. Sentence. - the chapter dealing with freight seeks to
address matters currently not covered in any international regime.
296. 49. - sheet. - judicial expression to refer to the
sheet duly numbered.
297. Sentence. - everything's back to zero. Let him
restart the process from a zero foe.
298. 50. - running title. - each of the sheets in a file.
299. Sentence. - the running title of this document is not
formatted correctly.
300. 51. - foment. - modality of administrative action
granting aid directly to expand the area of rights of the subjects to whom
they are addressed.
301. Sentence. - their protection and promotion is the first
responsibility of government.
302. 52. - anchoring. - record of a craft, to inspect its
shipment, recognition of the load of a ship removing up to its fund.
303. Sentence. - in this capacity scott teams with bankers and senior
management to ensure that their funding arrangements are adequate to
comply with their financial obligations.
304. 53. - funds. - money in cash or in banknotes,
credits or securities easily achievable.
305. Sentence. - the agency has discretionary funds for this kind of
306. 54. - public funds. - the active obligations in favor
of the state and the public corporations, like taxes and rights dependent
on payment.
307. Sentence. - i personally am against the use of public funds to
increase private profits.
308. 55. - foreign. - that is or comes of out of the place,
person who lives or is in a place from which it is not nearby or where he
has not been born.
309. Sentence. - the government fosters foreign
investment to gain more money.
310. 56. - forensic. - doctor who is assigned to a court,
acts like expert in criminal and civil causes and he is in charge of
determining the causes that have provoked the death of a person.
311. Sentence. - he forensic scientist examined the
312. 57. - forfaiting. - it is a system of financing of
operations of exportation. It consists of the discount for the exporter of
the recognized letters or notes expressed by the importer like price of the
313. Sentence. - she chose to pay a forfeit rather than
continue with her contract.
314. 58. - formality. - requisite demanded in an act or
315. Sentence. - you have to sign on every page of the
contract. It's just a formality.
316. 59. - formalize. - carry out a procedure according to
the formal requirements required in the case.
317. Sentence. - to formalize the buying and selling in
public writing.
318. 60. - fornication. - born adultery son ancient name
that was given to any son had by fornication, that is to say, out of
319. Sentence. - this judgment teaches us about what is
the main difference between fornication and adultery in our human
320. 61. - forum. - where the courts hear and determine
the cases.
321. Sentence. - both objectives will contribute to the
democratization of this global forum.
322. 62. - fortuitous. - it refers to something that
happens of chance and unexpected form, the fortuitous thing it is what
happens and, frequently, it is considered to be improbable.
323. Sentence. - but you did not do it because of a fortuitous fact.
324. 63. - forced. - it is said about the assent obtained
by force or violence.
325. Sentence. - by the democratic will of the chamber,
mr. Barroso had to withdraw his proposal.
326. 64. - partition of imprisonment sentence. -
(criminal law) exceptional measure of judicial individualization of the
sanction that allows to suffer a sentence pronounced by separate
fractions, when there are serious reasons of medical, professional, family
or social order.
327. Sentence. - another form of punishment is
the partition of imprisonment sentence.
328. 65. - franchising. - (commercial law) organized
form of marketing that seeks to solve mass market problems for
extensive distribution cases.
329. Sentence. - open a business in franchising the
330. 66. - franchise. - exemption in whole or in part from
the payment of taxes provided by law.
331. Sentence. - out have to pay a lot of money in order
to open a franchise of that famous coffee shop.
332. 67. - customs franchise. - (customs law).
Temporary or permanent liberalization for the payment of import taxes,
which may be tariff allowances or territorial duty-free.
333. Sentence. - both parties submitted that all
enterprises in the uae are grante duty free imports of capital goods.
334. 68. - fraticide. - (criminal law), the crime committed
against relatives close to them (not ancestors or descendants, such as
the spouse, the brothers, the adoptive mother, etc).
335. Sentence. - and in no time, the first crime was
committed, the first fratricide.
336. 69. - fraud. - deception, conscious inaccuracy, wilful,
abuse of trust, which produces or prepares harm, usually mater.
337. Sentence. - the tax losses due to fraud are difficult
to assess.
338. 70. - free of charge. In the language of the foreign,
free trade of expenses or obligations; free.
339. Sentence. - cancellation is free of charge and you'll
never lose your money.
340. 71. - border. - (public international law) boundary of
the territory of a state.
341. Sentence. - they are our only line of defense on
the frontier
342. 72. - fructus. - property right attributes on one thing;
that is, the right to perceive the fruits, in the broad sense of the term. V.
343. Sentence. – all fruits belong to the owner. Fruits are
accessory things, since they are subordinate to a main thing: orange to
orange, calf to cow.
344. 73. - frustración. - deprivation of expectations, i'm
scalasing; rejection of the attacker; defeat of the aggressor.
345. Sentence. - frustration because magp iv and the
technical measures were not approved by the council.
346. 74. - fructus. - goods produced regularly and
periodically by things according to their economic fate without altering
their substance naturale fruits are the spontaneous fruits of the land and
the rearing of animals; industrial fruits, those obtained from the work of
man, and civil fruits, those from contracts, such as leases.
347. Sentence. - when the guardian or conservator is
granted all the proceeds from the ward's rent to feed him or her.
348. 75. - forum. - set of privileges or juridical exemptions which a
territory or a person enjoys.
349. Sentence. - the first is more attentive to the external
forum; the second, at the internal forum.
350. 76. - public force. - (civil procedure) effect attributed
to judicial decisions, contentious or voluntary, or to the acts of notaries
and certain acts of the administration, which allows an embargo against
the debtor, or to expel an occupant from a premises, using force, if
351. Sentence. - complete withdrawal of all pólice
forces that have invaded their land.
352. 77. - escape. - (criminal right) an offence involving
the driver of a vehicle after being found guilty of an offence of injury and
injury or manslaughter by recklessness, or even a simple accident, flees
the place in order to prevent him from being identified.
353. Sentence. - the officers couldn't stop the escape of
their troops during the fight.
354. 78. - trick. - cheating or cheating in the game. | caution, cunning
or ability to deceive or sning.
355. Sentence. -
356. 79. - function. - (civil right) there is talk of function when a
person puts his activity at the service of the public, to fulfill a certain task,
already directly, already within the framework of a public or private
collective organization.
357. Sentence. - the main function of our program is the
operational security.
358. 80. - function of the judge. - (civil procedure) the role of the
judge defines its role in the direction of civil proceedings, what its powers
and limits are.
359. Sentence. - well, the judge released him yesterday for lack of
360. 81. - public official. - (administrative right) a person who is part
of the state's administrative system, dedicated to public service to
represent the will of the state.
361. Sentence. - embezzlement, mis appropriation or other diversion
of property by a public oficial.
362. 82. - degree of kinship. - each of the generations
from a common trunk or root of a family to each of the people who
belong to it.
363. Sentence. - apart from the fact that they are
relatives there are no legal or economic relations between these
364. 83. - gratification. - (labor law) sum of money given
by the employer to the staff to show their satisfaction with the work done
or on the occasion of certain family events.
365. Sentence. - the authors received a monthly
bonus for these services.
366. 84. - levy. - burden or obligation imposed on a
property, flow or other property
367. Sentence. - sales tax is a financial levy when goods
are sold.
368. 83. - shackle. - iron arch, with two holes and a pin
behind, for which a bolt passes, and serves to assure a chain to the
ankle of a convict.
369. Sentence. - he woke up in a patrol car, with handcuffs and
shacklees on his legs.
370. 84. - habeas corpus. - (constitutional right).
Guarantees that individual freedom, the right to transit, to be detained
only for good cause.
a. Sentence. - this principle is defended mainly through the
remedies of protection and habeas corpus.
371. 85. - urban qualification. - (municipal law) is the
authorization for the use of land intended for the construction of housing
for residents.
372. Sentence. - the urban enablement process requires free
contributions for public recreation purposes.
373. 86. - habitual. - (criminal law). Reiterating crimes
that reveal a clinical personality, the repeat offender would be the sinner
to which it is necessary to correct.
374. Sentence.- in certain cases, determining the deceased’s
habitual residence may prove complex.
375. 87. - wrongful act. - person who violates the laws.
376. Sentence. - thus the court distinguished between
the actual commission of a wrongful act and conduct of a preparatory
377. 88. - punishable offence. - conduct of a person
that is verified by means of an action or omission, which has a harmful
378. Sentence. - this punishable offence took place on 11 february
2002 in valencia in carabobo state.
379. 89. - heir aparrent. - person who by legal provision, occur in
whole or in part, in the rights and obligations to the person to whom it
happens (children and other descendants, parents and other ancestors
and the spouse).
380. Sentence. - he's the heir apparent, in on everything.
381. 90. - voluntary heir. - person who at the will of the testator,
happens in whole, or partly in the rights and obligations they have at the
time of death the deceased to whom it happens.
382. Sentence. - voluntary heirs can only be left with the portion of
property that is not reserved for the forced.
383. 91. - inheritance. - patrimony that transmits mortis cause (cause
of death) route succession, shaped by goods and rights and also its
charges (assets and debits).
384. Sentence. - he couldn't get his inheritance until he had a title.
385. 92. - heroin. - obtained alkaloid of the morphine
386. Sentence. - in this detoxification center they treat heroin addicts
387. 93. - son. - individual procreated by man and
388. Sentence. - your son could stay in prison for a year, sir
389. 94. - son to feed. - he minor who has not been
recognized and whose affiliation has not been accredited by judicial
means, has the quality of such respect to those who had sexual relations
with the mother in the period of his conception, being favored by a food
390. Sentence. - she's got a growing son to feed.
391. 95. - son out of wedlock. - the born of those who are not
spouses are called illegitimate or natural.
392. Sentence. - it was hard enough telling everyone that i had a son
out of wedlock.
393. 96. - mortgage. - a guarantee that is constituted by
registration with the competent authority, whereby the debtor to assure
the creditor that it will fulfill its obligation commits an property.
394. Sentence. - refinancing is taking out a new mortgage for your
395. 97. - holding. - (commercial law) the company
holding a portfolio of shares of various companies. The industrial assets
remain in the possession of the companies and the shares are taken
over by the holding company.
396. Sentence. - because the company has a minority holding, they
have less authority in the final decision
397. 98. - homicide. - (criminal law). A crime by which a person is
killed by action or recklessness.
398. Sentence. - the detectives didn't have any idea of who could
have committed such a brutal homicide.
399. 99. - fingerprint. - (criminalistic). It is the generally imperceptible
mark that is left to the simple contact of the tip of the fingers on an object
or polished surface, it is also called a fingerprint.
400. Sentence. - police is now trying to identify the fingerprints found
at the crime scene.
401. 100. - theft. - (criminal law). An offense for which, without using
violence or threat, the active subject subtracts a good from the passive
subject, with the intention of obtaining an improper economic benefit.
402. Sentence. - the owner of the store accused the manager of theft.
1) identity of cause: this concept is procedurally
important in that it can serve as a basis for the
petition for the accumulation of shares and orders, as
well as the formulation of an exception.

2) idea: in its third meaning it is defined as "pure,

rational knowledge, due to the natural conditions of
our understanding: justice is an innate idea".

3) language: common language that certain states agree

to adopt for their relations (drafting of treaties,
deliberation in international bodies), in order to avoid
the inconveniences that the use by each of them of
their own language would present.

4) unexcusable ignorance: the ignorance of what has to

be known as elementary or essential in the position
or function that is performed
403. 5)equality before the tax: constitutional principle according to
which equality before the law, of the inhabitants of the nation.

404. 6) imperative: that reigns, commands, orders, forces and

compels. The expression imperative order.
405. 7) imprescriptibbilidad: regarding rights and actions, it is
said that those that are not extinguished are imprescriptible.
406. 8 )direct tax: that established immediately on people or

407. 9 )appeal: (civil procedure) appeal granted to the litigant in a

number of cases:
408. Challenge to jurisdiction filed by the party refusing to abide
by a decision of incompetence that has decided solely on
jurisdiction and not on substance (in this case, an appeal would
have to be made).
409. 10 )challenge in the order to pay procedure: appeal against
the decision that imposes an order to pay the creditor.

410. 11 )identity of actions: for there to be an identity of actions

(not mere similarity) there must be a coincidence, that is, it must be
about the same subjects (actor and defendant), object (petitium)
and cause (foundation).

411. 12 )object identity: identity of the actions.

412. 13) identity of the parties: it occurs when the litigants are the
same in two different processes and hold the same positions (see
gr., actor and defendant respectively). The identity of the parties is
important in relation to the effects of res judicata sentence.

413. 14 )identity of the imputed: it refers to the recognition of the

alleged offender by people who have witnessed the crime or in
some way have seen the alleged self.

a. 15 )judicial identity: the use of judicial identity means to

establish the identity of a person is regulated, from 1983, by

414. 16 )identification: it is the action that allows to determine if a

person is the same as he / she claims to be or, in other cases, if a
wanted person can be recognized in it.
415. 17)identification of criminals: it is a summary proceeding that
aims to investigate the accused. All persons who direct criminal
charges against another must judicially recognize it.

416. 18)identification of the claims: it is the procedure by which

two or more claims are confronted with each other in order to
establish whether it is the same claim or different claims.
417. 19 )ignorance of law: the effect of the legal norm must be
independent of the effective knowledge that the subject submitted
to it has of it.
418. 20)ignorance error and pain: it is the primary objective of our
understanding: to get the truth it tends by nature and in pursuit of
21 )the truth it rests. Man moves towards the truth by impulses of
his own nature in everything he does.

419. 22 )equality: in public law the principle of equality is that

according to which all individuals, without distinction of persons.

420. 23 )procedural equality: essential principle in the processing

of trials.

421. 24) fiscal equality: principle of fiscal policy according to

which the tax burden borne by taxpayers should be proportional to
their income (and for some of their fortune).

422. 25) incident: it is the procedure or set of acts necessary to

substantiate an incidental issue.
423. 26 )identity: in public international law, the principle of
identity or continuity is alluded to in the sense that the legal
personality of the state is always maintained regardless of changes
in its political regime.

424. 27 )inform: find out, communicate, give news, update. File a

report. | offer information.

425. 28 )inventory: enumeration and evaluation of a person's

426. The law makes inventory compulsory in certain hypotheses.

427. 29 )invalidity: permanent incapacity for work of the victim of a

work accident. The incapacity for work of the social insured when
her state of illness no longer depends on health insurance.

428. 30 )inquiry: first statement of the accused before the judge in

order to establish his identity.

429. 31 )instance: each of the stages of the judicial process. In the

judicial power of the city: 1) courts of first instance, 2) chambers of
appeals and 3) superior court of justice
430. 32 ) illicit: what is prohibited by law because of opposing
justice, fairness, reason or good customs.

431. 33 )illegal: any act or act contrary to the law. In principle,

illegal acts are vitiated by nullity unless the law provides a different

432. 34)concurrential illicit: it is the result of typifying conducts

that damage the subjective right of freedom of the market.

433. 35)illegality: anything that is contrary to the law.

434. 36)payment of pension: the one that will stop paying for three
consecutive months or six non-consecutive months any type of
economic benefit in favor of his spouse or his children, established
in a judicially approved agreement or judicial resolution, in the
cases of legal separation, divorce or declaration of nullity of the

1) 37)illegally: contrary to the provisions of the law or

not in accordance with it.
435. 38)illegality: quality of illicit, which is not allowed neither
legally nor morally.

436. 39)contractual objective illicit: whoever breaches a contract

proceeds unlawfully

437. 40)fairness: lack of anticipated design or prevention in favor

or against people or things.

438. 41)judicial fairness: transcendent position of those who

exercise the jurisdiction with respect to the legal subjects affected
by said exercise.

439. 42)impune: what is not punished.

440. 43)imports: as a general rule, the principle of commercial

freedom governs.
441. 44)impossible: what cannot be done materially.

442. 45)impostura: false and malicious imputation.

443. 46)imprevision: all obligations contracted must be fulfilled in

the agreed form (pacta sunt servanda).

444. 47)unreasonable: that it cannot be extended.

445. 48)imprudence: lack of prudence, caution or caution.

446. 49)tax: contribution, lien, load or tribute to be paid, almost

always in money, for the lands, fruits, merchandise, industries,
mercantile activities and liberal professions, to sustain the
expenses of the state and the other public corporations.

1) 50) challenge: objection, refutation, contradiction.

2) 51) imputation: quantitative and qualitative
determination of the portion of a mass of
goods (or of a value) affected by a legal intervention.

447. 52)uncertain: inaccurate, false, contrary to the truth or the

real. | doubtful. | unknown, ignored. | thing whose essence, quality
or quantity is not known. | insecure, eventual.

448. 53)incess: each one of the members that, in the periods,

contains a partial meaning. It is applied in codes and laws to
establish, within the same article, the parts that have or contain a
detailed provision.

449. J

a. 54) head of state: in political law, this is the name of the king,
the president of the republic or the one who, with any other
name, assumes the first magistracy of a nation.

1) 55)trial: controversy that, according to the laws,

occurs between two or more people.
2) 56) judge a quo: one who is appealed to the superior,
who can confirm, modify or annul the previous
450. 57)judge ad quem: the judge before whom you go to revoke,
in whole or in part, the judge's decision a quo.

451. 58)arbitral judge: that of a voluntary nature for the parties that
submit their controversy to the resolution of an arbitrator.

452. 59)dispute judge: the one that arises, is processed and is

resolved between parties that maintain opposing claims, specified
in the lawsuit and in the response that disputes it in whole or in

453. 60)administrative dispute judge: one in which one of the

litigants is the public administration.

454. 61)contradictory trial: it is one in which there is controversy

between the parties. More frequently the expression of contentious
jurisdiction is used in procedural law.
455. 62)jury: court made up of citizens who may or may not be
lawyers and called by law to judge, according to their conscience,
about the guilt or innocence of the accused

456. 63)correctional judgment: it is a criminal trial that is

processed before the judges of that jurisdiction to sanction
offenses or contraventions, and which is adjusted to a verbal and
acted procedure.

457. 64)juridiction: territory in which an authority exercises its


458. 65)hierarchy: in one of the meanings given by the academy,

order or degrees of people and things.

459. 66)administrative hierarchy: principle of administrative

organization structuring the intergovernmental relations of the
public administration by which the superior organ orders the
exercise of the competence of the inferior organ in the same
material scope by means of instructions and orders of service, of
so that the acts of the inferior cannot contradict the acts of the

460. 67)day: the day is a condition of execution of the benefit

relative to the time during which one works, measured in the
framework of an indefinite or temporary contract.
461. 68)retirement: regime established in many laws so that all
workers, or all citizens (according to the adopted system), upon
reaching a certain and variable age according to the countries

462. 69)judicial: all procedures, whether of contentious

jurisdiction or voluntary jurisdiction, in which judges and courts of
justice intervene are called judicial.

463. 70)community judges: they are those who make up the court
of justice of the ec, precisely in number of thirteen, without
prejudice to the six advocates general who attend that court.

464. 71)judge: official of the judicial power in charge of judging

autonomously and impartially the matters submitted to his

465. 72)judge of instruction: (criminal procedure) magistrate of

seat belonging to the court of great instance and that constitutes
the jurisdiction of instruction of the first degree.
466. 73)lego judge: the lay or non-legal judge can, in the
administration of justice, take several forms: a) the legal judge
administers justice independently of any legal influence, applying
the law.

467. 74)natural judge: the guarantee of the natural judge is that

every citizen who accesses civil justice will do so through the
ordinary judge predetermined by law.

468. 75)partial retirement: this is the type of retirement

provided for workers who, meeting the conditions required to be
entitled to a retirement pension, lack the age requirement and are in
the conditions established for hiring on time. Partial.

469. 76)normative hierarchy: it allows establishing the order of

applicability of legal norms and the criterion to solve possible
contradictions between norms of different rank.

470. 77)judication: judging exercise. | dignity or

employment of judge.
471. 78)boasting: action to attribute, out of judgment, a person
capable of being sued, own rights to another person's property or
to affirm the possession of credits against him.

472. 79)chief: superior or head of a body or office. Head or

president of a party or corporation. Person who exercises authority
over a group.

473. 80 )game and bet: they constitute the maximum exponent of

contractual randomness; that is to say, luck or chance does not
only determine the equivalence of benefits.

474. 81)dean judges: they will ensure the proper use of judicial
premises and material means; they will ensure that the guard
service is provided continuously; will take urgent action on matters.

475. 82)judicial: pertaining to the trial.

476. 83)stock exchange and bag transactions to term: the stock

exchanges play a very important economic function facilitating
operations on merchandise and securities and helping to regulate

a. 84)unipersonal or pluripersonal judges: the first instance is

reserved for one-person judges, while the higher courts are
always multi-person; in the procedural systems that respond
to the type of single instance, there is a proclivity towards the
multi-person court.

477. 85)juvenile judge: specialist in childhood problems, has

criminal and civil powers.

478. 86)judge of peace: magistrate in charge, before the creation

of the courts of instance, to administer justice within the framework
of a justice of peace (jurisdiction: canton).

479. 87)delegated judge for marriage matters: pronounces divorce

by mutual consent. After the divorce, you have exclusive
jurisdiction to decide about the custody of the children and about
the modifications of the alimony.
480. 88)judge in charge of following the procedure: magistrate
responsible for the investigation before the court of great instance
during the period 1935-1971.

481. 89)jacobinisimo: in political law, theory according to which

democracy must be imposed by force.
482. K
483. 90)karistrocracia: it means the opposite of aristocracy
(government of the best), that is, government of the worst.

484. 91)kartell: "kartell" sometimes a legal term (like kartell) can

have different forms of written expression. In others, a reference to
kartell is more convenient to raise it from another word.

485. 92)kebars: meeting of notables or important personages

whose meeting forms, in most muslim countries, an assembly that
administers the interests of each group, nomadic or sedentary from
the clan to the tribe.

486. 93)ketovba: act and marriage contract in mosaic law. Arabic


487. 94)kilometer: the usual length measurement in terrestrial

communications and in the determination of the surface of the
states and their various territorial divisions. The kilometer is
defined or described saying that it is equal to 1,000 meters.
488. 95)kilometric: relative to the kilometer as a unit of
measurement. | figuratively, of very long duration; like so many
causes and processes. | rail pass, individual or family, which allows
you to travel with a certain discount, and within the period of
validity, the number of kilometers indicated.

489. 96)keelage: english voice used in foreign trade and in

maritime law to indicate keel or port law.

490. 97)kiting: in commerce, english voice that means "circulation

of checks in short."

491. 98)know how: it is also called an industrial secret or a

business secret.

492. 99)knut: russian name that means whip. It was an ordinary

punishment in russia, from which only the nobility was excepted.
493. 100)konzern: it is defined as the set formed by a dominant
company and one or more dependent companies that are subject to
the unified management of the first.

494. 101)krach: german voice used in economics to indicate the

drop of publicly traded securities, which can cause a financial
495. Letra l
496. - legislator: the legislador explained the new law well.
497. Example: communitey legislador
498. - legitamate: we brought international observeres to legitimate the
499. Example: legitimate business.
500. - injury: he suffered minor injuries.
501. example: pl- ries
502. - law: the law to be against the law
503. Example: by law, law ande orden.
504. - freedom: to set sb free, to release sb, to be released.
505. Example: freedom of speech choice etc.
506. - litieral: since the commission s proposal follo wed the wording of
the directive almost to the litter it received our support.
507. Example: giver the literal nature of this provision and its
systematic positioning it seen clear that its function is to auiod.
508. - litigant: defence in legal procedings it had be exercised through
a legally registered lawyer as well as the.
509. Example: litigantion lawyer freely chosen by the litigante.
510. 8-.dispute: the litigation between the two componies was settled.
511. Example: disputed, in dispute.
512. Letra m
513. 9-. Mob: a mob is a type of criminal gang.
514. Example: drug mob.
515. 10-. Judge: he is highly qualifred in criminal law and procedure,
and has relevant experience as judge and aduocate in criminal
516. Example: reporting judge.
517. 11. - mancipa: the act by which a person placen him/herself into
the hands of god, enabling god to take hold of him, with the result that.
518. Example: further to the information provided in the state party's
report on the programmes developed to empower indigenous peoples
519. 12. - representative: if however the holder (or representative) 
does not receive such unofficialnotice, this does not constitute an excuse
for failure.
520. Example: appointed representative.
521. 13. - mandante: the spokesman must ensure the follow-up of the
project, carry out payments and regularly present mission reports. 
522. Example: guadalupe osuna millán, will spend the final three years
of his term working among pri mayors and a congress in which 13 of the
16 deputies are also pri.
523. 14. - manifest: at customs, the ship's manifest was inspected.
524. Example: manifeste destiny
525. 15. - handling: on the positive side, there were reductions in
emissions of methane from landfills and from coal mining and handling.
526. Example: the work i am creating is direct, practically without
manipulation, except for slight color and contrast correction.
527. 16.-abuse: the association helps child and teenage victims of
528. Example: physical abuse.
529. 17.-marriage: to get ma married.
530. Example: wedding, couple.
531. - frightened: to be frightened of sth sb.
532. Example: the department of health.
533. 19.-migration: maximises the positive effects and minimises the
negative consequences related to migration on these
countries' development.
534. Example: with capability and expertise we perform pre-stack time
migration and pre-stack depth migration depending on the complexity of
the project using depth charge software from landmark-halliburton?
535. - ministry: the ministry of defense.
536. Example: the department of health
537. - minute: hourly rate of the patent agent, and total time
to prepare and prosecute the application.
538. Example: this minute of the brief the pope sent to the
florentine artist on the 1st of september 1535, is particularly interesting.
539. 22.- monarch: the czech president is not an absolute manarch,
nor is he a supreme representative as in the political system of the
former soviet union.
540. Example: monarch butterfly
541. 23.- coin: the  national currency equivalent may be
retained unchanged if the conversion were to result in a decrease in that
equivalent value.
542. Example: foreign currency
543. 24. - monogamy: sexual satisfaction, devotion, even monogamy
and fidelity are properly outside of rights work.
544. Example: marriage shall be conducted according to conditions
determined by law based on the principle of mutual consent between one
husband and one wife.
545. 25. - monopoly: the company has the corner on the electricity
546. Example: state monopoly.
547. 26. - blackberry: it also noted a high number of member in
arrears with payment plans approved by the general conference.
548. Example: moratorium interest.
549. 27. - dwelling: but the royal palace of heaven carried off to
itself their sublime souls.
550. Example: red onion.
551. 28. - motin: of the square in which it is located, which was also to
be the site of the rebellion known as the motin de esquilache.
552. Example: on the 30th kachet will be in aranjuez to assist
technically this event and illuminate the motin recreation which takes
place every year in this city. 
553. 29. - move: you re moved all the furniture.
554. Example i’m going to move, i can’t see a thing here.
555. 30. - dearth: to choke starve etc.
556. Example: to stab sb to death.
557. 31.-municipality: the school is funded by the local municipality.
558. Example: local municipality.

559. Letra n

560. 32.-nationality: this could be the country of common nationality,

but there might be other possibilities as well.
561. Example: dual nationality.
562. 33. - nationalization: for the nationalizatin of oil throughout latin
563. Example: cemex announces that negotiations with the republic of
venezuela to resolve the nationalization of cemex caracas show
constructive progress 
564. 34. - disregard: the driver's recklessness and disregard caused
the accident.
565. Example: gross disregard.
566. 35.-deal: the two companies made a good deal.
567. Example: it’s an excellent deal.
568. 36.-neutrality: the internet, taking full account of the will of the co-
legislators now to enshrine net neutrality as a pol objective". 
569. Example: technology neutrality.
570. 37. - name: write your full name.
571. Example: i can’t remember the name of the town.
572. 38. - boy: a boy of abaut nine.
573. Example their last t child was a boy.
574. 39.-rule: to be against the rules.
575. Example: a rule of thumb.
576. 40. - rule legal: the rule legal system.
577. Example: you can call us for advice and guidance on any aspect
of the business, whether technical, practical or legal.
578. 41.-rule penalty: the first is the need for legislation, because
criminal sanctins can only be imposed when necessary.
579. Example: the increased penalty makes it necessary for
the legislature to be more rigorous in describing the offence. 
580. 42.-notary: such authority or natory shall issue a
certificate authenticating the declaration on oath or the solemn
581. Example: public notary.
582. 43. - notice: the filing of your bankruptcy papers should
automatically stop any collection efforts once the creditor is notified. 
583. Example: at first glance the current debate in australia regarding
the use of penalty infringement notices (pins) for environmental offences
seems to be a rather technical issue. 
584. 44.-nullity: an annulment petition was presented for the main
claim, its acceptance and resolution is still pending. 
585. Example: action for nullity
586. 45.-urborn: t is not known whether  prochlorperazine will   harm
an urborn baby.
587. Example: unborn child.
588. 46. - business: to rum a business.
589. example: we do lot of business with italian companies.
590. 47.-nepotism: a further widespread problem has been extensive
overstaffing, often linked to political patronage. 
591. Example: remembering the fact, the first should be done is
arranging the stipulation and legislation to interdict corruption and
592. 48. - liason: they act as a democratic link between civil society
and the authorities. 
593. Example: the class representative is the liaison between pupils
and teachers.
594. 49.- negligence: ndirectly from using this web site unless this is
caused by   malice aforethought or gross negligence on the part of
touratech ag.
595. Example: maximal travel, mpc, will not be held responsible for any
damages occurred through the blacklisting of an incorrect card number,
unless deemed wilful or gross negligence. 
596. 50. - disclaimers: essentially to vindicate the memory of their
father and to supperss or partially suppress the subsequent broadcast.
597. Example: however, if with the constitutional mandate we are
analyzing, we wish to avoid the trap mosset iturraspe warned against,
then by means of section 332 of the constitution, we can conclude that its
efficacy can only be obtained by exercising the so-called "preventive, of
quiet title or anticipatory actions". 

598. 51. - autopsy: there was a scarcity of personnel for other tasks,
such as frequent cleaning of autopsy stations to maintain hygiene and to
prevent the accidents that did occur. 
599. Example: the scienci.
600. 52. - birth: to give birth
601. Example: she is colombian mexican, etc.
602. 53. - nation: in that they have forgotten that the united states is a
nation constructed by the work of immigrants from all over the globe.
603. Example: experience the life and times first nation’s peoples in a
tour of the rustic longhouses.
604. 54. - mutual: they decide by mutual agreement.
605. Example: a mutual friend interest.
606. 55. - fine: to fine sb.
607. Example: that s fine by withme.
608. 56. - sign: a sign of affection.
609. Example: there was no sign of her.
610. 57.- motivated: based on the information we have on
january 28, 2008 randal echanis was arrested in bago city, negros
occidental on charges that is politically motivated. 
611. Example: our principal motivation is to strengthen the marital
relationships in the quechua christian community. 
612. 58. - microform: achieved by preserving the paper object or, if
that is not feasible, creating a durable surrogate for instance on
613. Example: publish the work in any electronic form, computer
database, microforms editon, cd rom, on the internet, or use the work in
614. 59. - goods: manufactured goods.
615. Example: the boxes stack when full, optimising space utilisation
for distribution.
616. 60.-behaviar: to be on your best behavior.
617. Example: to be commendable, to be admirable.
618. 61. - debit: the a accounting officer shall keep a list of debit notes.
619. Example: debit entry.

620. 62.-mercenary: the alleged mercenary leader sectarian coming

from the youth section of the former communist party that later joined.
621. Example: on the eve of the olympics, the united states, with its
mercanry money, bought alexei ramírez, who had been the leading. 
622. 63. - whore: it is likely that she was a prostitute, a well-known
local whore.
623. Example: the holy fathers ha no objection to frequently calling the
church casta meretrix (chaste and meretrix); so much so that nobody
ever doubted.
624. 64. - market: where to buy market.
625. Example: to do the shopping.
626. 65.-mediator: an even more flexible system comprises the sole
obligation to negotiate, which does not rule out the parties
having recourse to a mediator at a later stage. 
627. Example: the eu can now vindicate its claim to a place on the
world stage by brokering this strategy. 
628. 66.-medicine: i read the latest news in the field of medicine.
629. Example: internal medicine.
630. 67. - forensic medicine: extend the mandate of this mission with
respect to the training of iraqi forces of law and orden and forensic
631. Example: according to the florida medical examiners commission,
autopsies conducted in 2007 revealed that prescription drugs had
caused death in three times as many cases as had all illicit drugs
632. 68. - medicine legal: he later held the chairs of legal medicine
and chemica medicine.
633. Example: it was on that same date that he went to the  forensic
service, but was refused examination.
634. 69. - medical examiner: we may disclose information to
a coroner or medical examiner to identify a deceased person, determine
a cause of death, or as authorized by law.
635. Examples: we may release health information to a coroner
or health examiner.
636. 70. - caution will: applying theprecautionary principle and the
polluter pays principle, undertaking environmental impact assessment
and utilising the best available.
637. Example: caution make sure that you do not leave the match, or
any portion of it (match head, etc.) In the burner area. 
638. 71. - canonical marriage: it was behidn bars where he wrote has
last poems "cancionero y romancero de ausencias" and in the prison
sickbay where he married josefina manresa a few days before his death. 
639. Example: this work constitutes the final installment of the folklore
series begun in 2006. The artist uses everyday situations and
phenomena from popular culture to explore diverse themes related to
history and spanish idiosyncrasies in a highly unorthodox manner.
640. 72. - civil marriage: further, they do not deal with matters such as
testate dissolution of civil marriage succession or insolvency.
641. Example: if it did not, consideration might be given to instituting
civil marriage, since in his view indonesia could not otherwise claim to be
a secular state.
642. 73.-morriage consummated: in the event of fraud
(falsification of document, marriage of convenience, etc,
the application will be rejected.
643. example: that unconsummated marriage is followed in rapid
succession by marriages to kathryn hoard and katherine parr.
644. 74.-marriage illegal bilateral: moreover, there must be
safeguards to ensure that we do not encourage the use of marriage as
an avenue to gain illegal entry.
645. Example: the negotiations on the improvement of bilateral tarde
are currently under way.
646. 75.-marriage illegal unilateral: he acted disloyally in supporting a
unilateral immoral and illegal attack.
647. Example:   the unilateral and embargo which had begun in 1962,
remained in place and not a single measure had been taken to end it.
648. 76.-marriage time: you may experience some discomfort from
having to remain still for a long time. 
649. Example: we do not need to harp on what is past. 
650. 77.-marriage
651. 78.-primogeniture: at the entrance to the locality we can see,
over the vast extensions of cultivated lands, the casa do mayorazgo de
cadaval, also known as casa devesa. 
652. Example: it is located on an old area that expanded next to the
puerta de oliva and the mayorazgo gate. 

653. 79.-mediation: the parties to this agreement agree to attend, in

good faith, mediation with a retired judge or lawyer with at.
654. Example: providing tools to approach, feel and experience art
through mediation 
655. 80.-addictions: i stumbled upon the addictions field when i did my
internship in college.
656. Example: persons with a dual diagnosis at meetings, how.
657. 81.-assassination: i would also ask that we ensure that there is
an international investigation into this assassination.
658. Example: and the failure of the plan a, which was the coup, as
recalled correa said, the plan b wasactivated: the assassination.
659. 82. - ill manager: n short, ltc worx supports project manager
throughout the whole translation management process.
660. Example: feeling sad, grouchy, restless, or tense most of the time 
661. 83.-adhesion: the adhesion shall meet a rating.
662. Example: adhesion strengeth.
663. 84.-ill faith: of course we know that no one can steal
or misrepresent your own personal some people, however, through their
ungodly actions, further the efforts of the
664. example: forces of evil to superess faith goodness between you
and god
665. 85. - fussy: to be obessed with sth.
666. Example: his obsessed with tidiness.
667. 86.-administration: it requires in certain cases a strengthening of
coordination between the regions and the member state.
668. Example: projects originated during the past administration.
669. 87. - manipulation genetic: more processed food (and the
introduction of microwave oven and genetic manipulation).
670. Example: post-amniocentesis activities can be discussed with
your physician or genetic counselor. 
671. 88.-manipulation will: on the positive side, there were reductions
in emissions of methane from landfills and from coal
mining and handling.
672. Example: gimp is the gnu image manipulation program. 
673. 89.-manipulation genetic handing: more processed food (and
the introduction of microwave oven and genetic manipulation).
674. Example: on the positive side, there were reductions in emissions
of methane from landfills and from coal mining handling.
675. 90.-industry: comparing the ratio ofexports to imports across
maquila industries in other countries, we can evaluate el salvador’s
performance in terms of value addition.
676. Example: garments and apparel represent 88 per cent of maquila
677. 91. - marijuana: smoking weed is illegal in many countries.
678. Example: medical marijuana.
679. 92.-matriarchy: at bonoua, in the akan country, the  tradition of
matriarchy exacerbates the problem.
680. Examples: while each of these numerous peoples of the region
has its unique social and cultural gender attributes, from
the matriarchal to distinct patriarchy, the women commonly are
responsible for a great deal of the economy, subsistence, cottage
industry and indigenous market.
681. 93.-admission: admission in regular courses take admission in
distance aducarion correspondence courses.
682. Example: admission of the kingdom.
683. 94.-adoption: the implementation of new security measures was a
684. Example: adoption of agreements.
685. 95.-customs: i went through customs without any hassle.
686. Example: customs broker
687. 96.-adultery: cuoncubinism is lagelized adultery and prostitution.
688. Example: commit adultery.
689. 97.-adulterous: legitimate, natural, adulterous or incestuous
690. Example: adulterous or incestuous relationships.
691. 98. - madness: a fit of madness
692. Example: to be crazy.
693. 99.-adventitious: sourse deliberate or advertitious.
694. Example: minimis theshold for the adventitious presence of
695. 100.-agent: my agent got me a relo in a new film.
696. Example: the customs agent inspected the baggage.
697. Obligation: right of the creditor directed to get from the debtor a
benefit of giving, doing or not doing something and guaranteed with all
the assets of the debtor (obligated). The obligation arises from the law,
from contracts, from quasi-contracts and from unlawful acts and
omissions in which any fault or negligence is established.
698. Sentence
699. the father's obligation is to feed his children.
700. Obsolescent: that is becoming obsolete; which is falling into
701. Sentence
702. the civil code is obsolete
703. Obsolescence: quality or condition of the obsolete
704. Sentence
705. The obsolescence of certain standards is notorious.
706. Undecided: means violently killed, so it is not applicable to a
person who dies from illness or from any other non-violent cause.
707. Sentence
708. The deceased was shot in the head.
709. Offer: a promise made to give, fulfill or execute a thing. Proposal
to contract. Presentation of goods in sales request.
710. Sentence
711. The offer to sell is accepted by the buyer.
712. Holograph: applicable to the testament or testamentary memory of
the testator's handwriting in accordance with the requirements of the law.
713. Sentence
714. Holograph requirements were met
715. Omission: negligence of not doing what the law requires.
716. Sentence
717. The omission of the rules will be punished by law.
718. Option: contract whereby one of the parties grants the other, the
beneficiary of the option, a right to decide, within a time period set by
both, and unilaterally, the conclusion of a certain contract.
719. Sentence
720. Contract options do not satisfy the buyer.
721. Opinion: brief issued by the judge when solving a case. It usually
applies to decisions of the supreme court. When applied to the supreme
court, it is distinguished from "judgment". An opinion of the supreme
court establishes doctrine applicable to any other case of a similar
nature. A sentence on the contrary solves only a particular case and
does not establish jurisprudence. Unlike opinions, judgments are only
published if the court so orders. The supreme court itself determines
when its final determination in a case constitutes an opinion or a
722. Sentence
723. The opinion of the constitutional court dismissed the lawsuit.
724. Order: command to be obeyed, observed and executed.
725. Sentence
726. The search warrant is being executed.

727. Body: each of the dependencies with their own functions into
which the public administrations are divided. They may or may not have
their own legal personality.
728. Sentence
729. The civil court will resolve family claims.
730. Obcecation: mood state characterized by a persistent and intense
obfuscation that inhibits consciousness to a greater or lesser extent and
even the will. This abnormality of the psyche, which can harm both in the
management of their own affairs, without action for rectifications, except
for very special cases, is revealed with a certain legal protection in the
criminal field, where it is valued as a possible mitigating factor, since it
dilutes in to a certain degree the intent and the habitual dangerousness
of the stubborn agent. For the legislator, in such a sphere, obstinacy is
assimilated to outburst or violent emotion, according to technicalities,
more divergent in the lexicon than in the content.
731. Sentence
732. He committed the crime in a state of stubbornness.

733. Grant: consent, condescend or grant a thing that is asked or

asked. Arrange, establish, offer, stipulate or promise a thing. It is usually
said when the notarial faith solemnly intervenes.
734. Sentence
735. He granted her his vehicle for a medical emergency.

736. Award: action to grant an instrument, such as power, will, etc.

Final part of the document, especially the notary, in which it is read,
approved, closed, signed and solemnized by the notary attesting.
737. Sentence
738. The granting of the vehicle saved his life
739. Grantor: the giver.
740. Sentence
741. The grantor is satisfied with his action.
742. Order: brief code of laws enacted at the same time, or collection
of provisions relating to a matter.
743. Sentence
744. The legal system is the basis of the administration of justice.
745. Obligatory: which obliges its fulfillment or realization.
746. Sentence
747. Quarantine is mandatory
748. Ordinance: set of norms or precepts that regulate a thing
749. Sentence
750. all citizens must comply with municipal ordinances.
751. Objection: opposition by a lawyer to ask a defendant a question,
or to the way the question is asked.
752. Sentence
753. No one objected to his excellent writing
754. Obedience: due obedience the one that surrenders to the
hierarchical superior and is exempt circumstance of responsibility in the
755. Sentence
756. he followed orders with blind obedience.
757. Bishopric: hierarchy, dignity and territorial jurisdiction of a bishop.
758. Sentence
759. The bishopric is stained by allegations of sexual rape against
760. Death: death, death
761. Sentence
762. His death caused a lot of pain throughout the family.
763. Obituary: parish book in which the deaths and burials in which the
church intervenes are recorded.
764. Sentence
765. Elders often read obituaries
766. Objectivity: impartial critical attitude that relies on real data and
situations, devoid of prejudice and removed from interests, to conclude
on facts or conduct.
767. Sentence
768. you must evaluate with all objectivity.
769. Object: the one of a contract will be the or the obligations that are
derived from it. That of an obligation, which is incumbent on the obligated
person. The object of legal acts should not be confused with cause or
770. Sentence
771. The object of his contract was the sale of his property.
772. Oblique: figuratively, indirect, as certain attacks or offenses, and
as some procedural defenses; well, oblique action.
773. Sentence
774. oblique strategy of the defendant
775. Obliged: debtor. In the broad concept of the taxable person in an
obligation; one who has to give, do or not do as a volunteer nexus, by
legal mandate or as a result of intent or fault. So forced. In every
obligation there must be an obligor, but all parties can be at the same
time in reciprocal obligations.
776. Sentence
777. He spent an obligatory time in jail while the investigation lasted.

778. To oblige: to subject goods or things to the payment of a debt or

to guarantee one's own obligation or that one guarantees.
779. Sentence
780. The resolution will force you to pay your debt.

781. Bind yourself: formally agree to do something for another. |

voluntary agreement on a legal obligation (v.); become a debtor, in broad
meaning. (v. Obligate.)
782. Sentence
783. Juan is going to be bound with benito in a lease.

784. Mandatory: what must be done, executed, fulfilled or omitted by

virtue of legal provision, private commitment, superior order or mandate
of legitimate authority, and within its powers.
785. Sentence
786. Quarantine is mandatory.

787. Óbolo: more or less modest donation for charitable or social

solidarity purposes with the financially needy or with those who suffer
insuperable misfortune by their own means.
788. Sentence
789. The obol helped the people affected in this crisis

790. Work: how much is done or produced by an agent. | intellectual

production. | manual work. | building that is under construction. | book,
with a certain unit of content, in one or more volumes.
791. Sentence
792. José patented his work.
793. Work: labor that, working the land, a man does in one day.
794. Sentence
795. the man's work fulfilled the requirements of the obligation.

796. Worker: workshop, more or less reduced place in which an

exclusive or predominant manual work is carried out.
797. Sentence
798. He forced himself to repair 100 phones in the telephone shop.

799. Working: manufacturing. | among the indians of america, work

imposed by the colonizers.
800. Sentence
801. The work is in accordance with company policy.

802. Act: perform, do. | to work. | produce effect. | build or build. | find
something in its place. Thus, it is said that such proof works in the
proceedings of a cause or trial.
803. Sentence
804. The work of that subject will take him to prison.

805. Works: location of works.

806. Sentence
807. the works of the municipality are not efficient

808. Obreption: fraudulent exposition of a fact before the authority or

the superior who is to extend a resolution, grant a dignity or discern a
position, when the defect, lack or impediment that affects the validity is
809. Sentence
810. The obrepción of the part you accuse will not go unnoticed.
811. Obrerismo: economic regime founded on the predominance of
workers' labor as an element of production and creator of wealth. | group
of workers considered as an economic entity.
812. Sentence
813. Workers have achieved very good labor rights.

814. Worker person: who carries out a professional activity in which

physical effort predominates over the intellectual, unlike what happens
with the employee or with someone who exercises a liberal profession.
As a general rule, the worker works for others, but he can also do it for
himself, as long as the aforementioned predominance is maintained.
815. Sentence
816. The worker was charged with murder.
817. Obscenity: quality of obscene, impudent, clumsy or offensive to
modesty. The concept has legal importance. In civil law, because it
would nullify those acts whose object would be contrary to morality and
good customs, against which obscenity attempts: in criminal law,
because there are many crimes configured by the obscene element, as
in general terms it can be said that they are, since not all, some crimes
against honesty, and more specifically. Dishonest exhibitions and
abuses, corruption of adults and minors, and pornographic publications.
818. Sentence
819. The obscenity of certain groups alters social tranquility.

820. Obscurantism: it appears defined by the dictionary of the

academy as the systematic opposition to the dissemination of instruction
in the popular classes. It seems an archaic concept, but, unfortunately, it
still has validity in the realm of autocratic, dictatorial, tyrannical or
totalitarian political regimes, because it is a certain fact that in them,
either frankly, as in the case of falangist spain , in which intelligence was
killed, either in a covert way, as it happens in other countries settled in
those systems of government, it is considered that the greater the
inculturation of the proletariat, the easier it must be for the tyrant (person
or group) and his henchmen maintain their public order; that is, the one
that interests and benefits them, even if it is to the detriment of the
821. Sentence
822. Public obscurantism in the country is very large.

823. Gift: donation. | present. | goodwill service.

824. Sentence
825. The donation helped a lot of people in need.

826. Obstruction: what prevents acting or acting. | in the legislative

and other deliberative assemblies, the dilatory attitude that, in the face of
a project with prospects of being approved by the majority, the minority
opposition assumes, lengthening the debates, proposing multiple
amendments, requesting repeated nominal votes and other negative
827. Sentence
828. The obstruction before the investigations did not prevent finding
those responsible.

829. Occasion: opportunity or favorable conjuncture for the action, in

the agent's approach, and without evaluating the goodness or badness
of the act. In criminal matters, a group of aggravating factors is part of
proceeding on the occasion of havoc, such as taking advantage of a fire,
shipwreck or other calamity or misfortune. Occasionally it is said in
commerce for very cheap items that by exception can be purchased.

830. Sentence
831. The criminal took advantage of the situation to steal the wallet.
832. Occision: violent death. Except in action of war, it imposes the
practice of the autopsy.
833. Sentence
834. The occision was the result of a collision with another vehicle

835. Leisure: more or less prolonged lapse in which one does not
work, either as a truce between working days or due to habitual attitude.
836. Sentence
837. He was at leisure, he was the victim of robbery.

838. Occupation: empowerment or taking possession of something. It

is probably the oldest original way of acquiring mastery of a thing when it
has no owner or about which no one makes a claim.
839. Sentence
840. The alleged murderer had no known occupation.

841. Offense: action and effect of offending. Depending on the

offenses, whether they are verbal, written or deed, they take the form of
defamation, injury and slander; in wounds or injuries, damages and
prejudices, in ill-treatment and grievances, in lack of obedience or
respect, in humiliation or displeasure, in rudeness
842. Sentence
843. After the offense, the lawsuit was notified.
844. Bidder: the one who makes an offer or proposal.
845. Sentence
846. The bidder is selling his house.

847. Offer: a promise made to give, fulfill or execute a thing.

848. Sentence
849. The offer to sell your vehicle will not go unnoticed.
850. Officer: made automatically.
851. Sentence
852. The complaint of sexual harassment was made official.
853. Officialism: in south america, the tendency of the ruling party;
above all, the candidate or list of candidates that he / she presents for an
election, with the support in favor that this represents in certain sectors of
opinion or due to the pressure and even fraud that it sometimes implies.
854. Sentence
855. The officialism does a good legislative job.
856. Omission: criminal offense committed for having voluntarily
stopped doing something that the law requires to do.
857. Sentence
858. The accountant made a serious omission not to pay wages.
859. Pact: agreement between two or more people or entities which
are bound to respect it.
860. Sentence
861. That companydid not respect the agreed economic pacts.
862. Promissory note: document of obligation for an amount to be
paid upon presentation or within a specified period.
863. Sentence
864. Today the promissory note you made me expires.
865. Pension: allowance that is given to a person who is not active in
the workplace.
866. Sentence
867. I owe three months of pension.

868. Relationship: link, connection, link by blood or affinity.

869. Sentence
870. my uncle and i have a relationship
871. Parricide: he who kills his father, or his mother, or his spouse. By
extension, a person who kills one of his relatives or those who are held
by parents, in addition to the natural ones.
872. Sentence
873. The parricide pleaded guilty to his crime.

874. Partition: the division of the assets that correspond to a

succession; distribution to the heirs of the property and rights belonging
to the succession.
875. Sentence
876. The partition did not leave the heirs very satisfied.
877. Paternity: quality of father.
878. Sentence
879. He will challenge paternity.
880. Patria: nation, as soon as it has become aware of itself and
achieved a special feeling of adherence from its members.
881. Sentence
882. The accused of illicit trafficking in dredges is from a mexican
883. Patrimony: treasury that a person inherits from their ancestors.
Own assets acquired by any title. Set of assets belonging to a natural or
legal person, or subject to a purpose, subject to economic estimate.
884. Sentence
885. When his uncle died, he inherited the family estate.
886. Patrimonial: belonging to the patrimony.
887. Sentence
888. Public officials file an annual equity statement.
889. Perentoria: it is said of the urgent resolution that is taken in any
matter or of the last term that is granted.
890. Sentence
891. Food supply is a pressing need.
892. Perfection: in legal acts, phase and moment in which, when all the
requirements are met, the rights and obligations are born.
893. Sentence
894. The contract did not present vices or errors, it was perfect.

895. Perfect: complete the requirements for a civil act, especially a

contract, to have full legal force.
896. Sentence
897. Both parties are going to perfect the contract.
898. Peritaje: work or study that an expert does.
899. Sentence
900. An expertise will be done to determine the value of the property.
901. Periti: he who with the title of expert has special knowledge of a
subject and is called by the courts to give his testimony. He who,
possessing special theoretical or practical knowledge, or both, informs
the court under oath on litigious matters related to his specialty.
902. Sentence
903. The report of the experts was favorable.
904. Prejudice: causing material or moral damage or impairment.
905. Sentence
906. Bankruptcy of the bank will harm its customers.
907. Perjuicio: what a person or entity suffers when it is the victim of
908. Sentence
909. The drought has caused serious damage to agriculture.
910. Perjury: perjury is committed by a witness who, under oath to tell
the truth, offers false testimony knowing that it is false.
911. Sentence
912. He was accused of committing perjury.
913. Permute: swap: action and effect of swapping one thing for
914. Sentence
915. They enter into a swap contract.
916. Permuted: exchanging one thing for another, without exchanging
money unless it is necessary to equalize the value of the things
exchanged and the contracting parties reciprocally transfer the domain of
them. Said of two public officials: change between their respective jobs.
See barter.
917. Sentence
918. In the contract they will exchange their home for 3 vehicles.
919. Persecution: (in cases of domestic violence) means to keep a
person under constant or frequent surveillance with their presence in the
immediate or relatively close places to the home, residence, school, work
or vehicle in which the person is, to infuse fear or fear in the mind of a
prudent and reasonable person.
920. Sentence
921. Persecution was necessary to protect her.
922. Person: subject of law.
923. Sentence
924. the person must fulfill his obligations.
925. Pesquisa: a search is synonymous with investigation or
investigation. A person or an organization carries out an investigation to
discover the truth about the occurrence of some events.
926. Sentence
927. The officers proceeded with the police investigation.

928. Petition: written filing with a court or government agency.

929. Sentence
930. Sign a popular petition

931. Plazo: term or appointed time for a thing. Expiration of the term.
932. Sentence
933. If you pay after the term expires we will be charged interest.
934. Pleito: litigation, controversy before the courts between two or
more parties.
935. Sentence
936. The judge ruled the lawsuit in favor of the accused.
937. Power: legal capacity or freedom to make decisions without
consulting anyone.
938. Sentence
939. They gave full powers to the director.
940. Portacion carrying: means the immediate possession or physical
possession of a weapon, loaded or unloaded, on the person of the
bearer, also being understood when a weapon is not being transported in
accordance with the provisions of the law.
941. Sentence
942. I did not have a license to carry the weapon
943. Possession: the act of possessing or having a bodily thing with
the intention of keeping it for himself or for another.
944. Sentence
945. The plaintiff had possession of the property.
946. Precedent: judicial decision in a case that becomes the norm for
subsequent cases that are the same or similar.
947. Sentence
948. His presidency set precedents for how the administration of peace
and justice should be.
949. Property: inheritance, property, land or real estate.
950. Sentence
951. On this property they will build an apartment tower.
952. Priority: an anticipation or preference with which something must
be attended with respect to something else with which it is compared.
953. Sentence
954. Only in such a case can a question of priority arise.

955. Premeditation: it is the deliberation prior to the resolution to carry

out the fact after giving it some consideration for a period of time
956. Sentence
957. The murder was committed with premeditation.
958. Premeditate: reflectively thinking a thing before executing it.
959. Sentence
960. Before making a decision, i want to premeditate your offer.
961. Reward: dying one person before another that is taken as a
962. Sentence
963. If the call to succession rewards the deceased, or resigns, or is
unable to succeed, his descendants take their place in the inheritance.
964. Prescribe: send or order one thing: the law prescribes our rights.
Prescribe a doctor. Losing effectiveness or value of a right, an action or a
responsibility for having passed the time established by law: the period to
demand the payment of this account prescribes five years. Extinguish
criminal liability for the passage of time, counted from the commission of
the crime or offense or from the imposition of the penalty.
965. Sentence
966. The law prescribes fines for violators.
967. Prescription: action and effect of prescribing. It refers to the
acquisition or loss of rights given certain conditions and the extinction of
obligations and criminal liability for the course of the term established by
law in each case. In civil matters, the prescription is distinguished from
expiration because the first one can be interrupted and once interrupted,
the term starts counting again, while the expiration term is irreparable.

968. Sentence
969. Credits must be collected before the statute of limitations expires.
970. Provision: thing or service required by an authority or agreed in a
pact. Rent, tribute or service payable to the employer, the owner or any
entity. Action and effect of lending. Thing or service that someone
receives or should receive from another person by virtue of a contract or
legal obligation.
971. Sentence
972. The obligor complied with the benefit.
973. Presumption: thing that is considered true by provision of the law.
974. Sentence
975. The law assumes if there is no contrary evidence legal
976. Principle: non-legal norm, supplementary to it and constituted by
doctrine or aphorisms that enjoy general and constant acceptance by
jurisconsults and courts.
977. Sentence
978. The principle of procedural economy must be applied by the
979. Probatoria evidence: period granted by the judge to carry out the
tests and present them.
980. Sentence
981. The judge issued the evidentiary date, in the present process.
982. Procedure: way of proceeding in justice, or solemn forms and
procedures with which the claims of the litigants are proposed, discussed
and resolved before the courts or before the administrative authorities.
983. Sentence
984. The legal procedure must be respected

985. Processability: judicial procedure to determine if the mental

condition of a person accused of crime allows him to be put on trial.
986. Sentence
987. The judge demands to verify the defendant's processability.
988. Processing: act of processing. Act by which someone is declared
as the alleged perpetrator of criminal acts in order to open criminal
proceedings against him.
989. Sentence
990. The processing will verify or not the authorship of the alleged
991. Prohibition: impediment to the use or execution of something.
992. Sentence
993. The prohibition of vehicle traffic is general.
994. Property: thing that is the object of the domain.
995. Sentence
996. It cannot happen, it is private property.

997. Prorate: distribute among several according to what proportionally

corresponds to each one.
998. Sentence
999. The board of directors agreed to prorate the shares of a company
1000. Proration: in insurance, proportional distribution of the surplus to
the participation policies.
1001. Sentence
1002. I think you have not done the apportionment correctly, we are
twenty, not eighteen.
1003. Prueba evidence: justification of the truth of the facts debated in a
trial, made by the means authorized by law.
1004. Sentence
1005. The burden of proof is on the part of the prosecution.
1006. Rice. N. (1) an étnica grupo. (2) an elección.
a. Paella is a rice dish prepared with seafood

1007. Rice act. N. A recording act that the first person to record a dedo
to take precedente over oteros who record dedos to the same property
subsequently, even if the first person to record knows of other claims to
the land.
a. The politicians are working on a new act.

1008. Racism. N. Prejudice against members of a particular étnica

grupo or rice.
a. Fascism, racism and xenophobia are faces of the same coin.

1009. Radar. N. A device that uses electromagnetic waves to track the

position, speed, and direction of motion of a vehicle,commonly used by
police officers to detect people driving automobiles faster than the legal
speed limit.
1) he's been on our radar for at least three years.
1010. Radical. Adj. Politically extreme, most often extremely liberal;
supporting extreme change or complete reform of a system of
1011. the more radically and completely we can do this, the better.
1012. Raise. V. (1) to increase; to make higher; to increase the face
amount on a check, usually by forgery. (2) to suggest; to bring up a topic
for consideration; to introduce an issue to the court, as through
pleadings. (3) to collect money, as by asking for donations; to gather
taxes. (4) to care for a child until adulthood. N. An increase in salary or
1013. we've had to raise a bit of money for charity.
1014. Ransom. N. A sum of money or other valuable item demanded for
the release of a prisoner, especially a kidnapped person.
a. My laptop was stolen, and the thief, he demanded a ransom.

1015. Rape. N. The crime of having sexual intercourse with someone

without his or her consent and against his or her will; synonymous with
sexual assault.
a. victim of rape or other form of sexual violence
1016. Rape, statutory. N. The crime of having sexual intercourse with a
person below a statutorily prescribed age of consent, regardless of
whether the victim consented and how old the victim claimed to be.
a. for example rape with particular cruelty.
1017. Ratable. Adj. Able to be estimated; proportional; able to be
measured according to some system of proportions.
a. the museum possesses to ratable collection of important artists'
1018. Ratable estate. N. An estate with a value that can be appraised,
usually for taxes.
1019. i want to bequeath my ratable estate to my niece.
1020. Rate. N. (1) a measure or value relative to some other measure or
value; a proportion. (2) a price; a fee; a charge per unit of service or
goods. V. To measure or assess according to a standard.
1021. the rate of infantile mortality was high, caused by infections.
1022. Reactionary. Adj. Extremely conservative; opposed to social and
political reform; not liberal.
a. the newspaper is known for its reactionary rhetoric.
1023. Real estate. N. Land and the buildings attached to it; see also
property, real.
a. the real estate promotion is more an activity than a sector.
1024. Real estate investment trust. N. An investment company that
invests in real estate, distributes income to shareholders, and is given
special income tax treatment.
a. the first sustainable real estate investment trust called equitas 
b. venture
1025. Real evidence. N. Evidence consisting of actual things that can
be seen and inspected by the jury at trial
a. they must be tested against real evidence. 
1026. Realize. V. To make money from something; to receive profits
from investments.
a. the investor realized the company had potential thanks to the
1027. Reason. N. (1) a cause, motive, or explanation for something. (2)
common sense; mental ability to think, distinguish between right and
wrong, and to discern and interpret facts. V. To think about facts and
form a judgment based on them; to attempt to persuade someone to
think a certain way through the use of evidence and logic.
a. love is the reason why people live.
1028. Reasonable. Adj. Appropriate; based on common sense and
good judgment; fair and just.
a. we accepted the suggestion because it was reasonable.
1029. Rebut. V. To respond to an argument or claim with contrary
arguments and evidence; to refute.
a. The parties failed to rebut this new information.
1030. Recall. V. (1) to revoke; to reverse or cancel a judgment. (2) to
remove an elected official from office before the end of his or her term.
(3) to order an official, particularly a diplomatic official, to come back
home and often to relinquish his or her office. (4) to notify consumers of
a manufacturing defect in a product and allow them to return the product
for repair or replacement.
a. The library is recalling the book.
1031. Recapitalize. V. To reorganize the capital structure of a
corporation; to rearrange the stocks, bonds, and other securities of a
corporation, especially to acquire more capital and reduce debt.
a. the injection of public funds to recapitalize financial institutions.
1032. Recapture. V. (1) to collect tax that was previously claimed by a
taxpayer as a deduction or credit. (2) to take back something that has
been captured by an enemy.
a. the period between tagging and recapture varied from 14 to 31
1033. Receivable. Adj. Due; ready to be collected. N. An amount that is
owed to a business; an account that records amounts due.
a. please send the payment details to accounts receivable.
1034. Receiver. N. A person or business appointed by a court to
manage property owned by an insolvent person or business that is the
subject of a lawsuit, to hold the property and preserve it for the benefit of
those who will ultimately receive it.
a. only the receiver may open this package.
1035. Recess. N. A break in a court or legislative session in which
official proceedings are suspended for a short time.
a. The politicians returned from their summer recess.
1036. Recidivist. N. A repeat offender; a person who habitually and
regularly commits crimes.
a. that provision protects children from the risk of becoming
victims of recidivist offenders. 
1037. Reciprocal. Adj. Mutual; affecting both parties equally; done in
return for something.
a. I believe that it is now our turn to reach a reciprocal agreement.
1038. Reciprocal contract. N. A bilateral contract; a contract in which
each party does something for the other.
a. The reciprocal contract is not otherwise ruled by an agreement of
an associative type
1039. Reciprocal law. N. A law that extends rights and privileges to
citizens of another state in exchange for the other state extending its
rights and privileges to the first state.
a. The rule of law, reciprocal recognition and reciprocal respect for
individual and collective rights will pave the way to achieving
1040. Reciprocity. N. An agreement or relationship between states,
countries, or people, in which the rights and privileges of one are
observed in the other; e.g., an attorney who is a member of a bar in one
state is allowed to practice law in states that have reciprocity with the first
a. Exchanges to which it gives rise shall be arranged in a spirit of
broad reciprocity.
1041. Reck. V. (archaic) to pay attention to something.
a. Progress must be reck-oned in very long periods - for el salvador,
certainly, in periods of up to forty years.
1042. Reckless driving. N. Driving a vehicle without attention to risks,
consequences, or the safety of oteros.
a. Subjected you to reckless driving, forced you off the road.
1043. Recognizance. N. A promise or obligation to do an act required
by law, such as to appear in court on a particular date to answer criminal
a. The two minors were released on recognizance on 10 may 2002.
1044. Recognize. V. (1) to include money earned in taxable income. (2)
to acknowledge; to confirm.
a. the student recognized that he didn't study for the exam.
1045. Reconcile. V. To settle a disagreement; to restore friendly
relations between people, states, or nations; to correct discrepancies in a
document or account.
a. the method of work adopted sought to reconcile the various
opinions and to finalize the text within the allotted time.
1046. Record. N. An official written report about some event or
transaction; written documents, audio and video tapes, and other
documentary information. V. To write an account of some event or
transaction to serve as an official version of what happened.
a. The police said that the thief did not have a record.
1047. Record date. N. A date by which a shareholder must be
registered with a corporation in order to receive dividends and vote in
a. the record date shall not lie more than thirty days before the date
of the general meeting to which it applies.
1048. Recording act. N. A state statute that regulates the recording of
real estate documents such as dedos, mortgages, and leases, with
particular attention to those cases in which more than one person claims
the same property.
a. while there are notice-based intellectual property rights registries,
they mostly use recording act structures or "document
registration" systems.
1049. Record owner. N. The person who is registered as the official
owner of company stock.
a. We need to update our record but the record owner has left our
1050. Recoup. V. To recover; to reclaim something that had been lost;
for a defendant to have a plaintiff’s award for damages reduced through
some claim the defendant has on the plaintiff.
a. they accept the risks if they believe they can recoup their
investment within a reasonable time.
1051. Recourse. N. Assistance in difficulty; a source of help; a right to
demand compensation.
a. this is they only way to get recourse in the case of poor service.
1052. Recourse loan. N. A loan guaranteed by a guarantor or other
endorser who agrees to pay the lender if the borrower defaults.
a. These are financed through non-current non-recourse loan
agreements granted to shareholders
1053. Recover. V. (1) to return to a normal condition, as of a person’s
health or the economy. (2) to regain control or possession of something.
(3) to receive compensation as a result of a lawsuit.
a. I recovered all the data after the system failure.
1054. Recovery. N. (1) a return to normal condition. (2) the act of
recovering something; the restoration of a right or possession. (3) an
amount awarded to the prevailing party in a lawsuit.
a. There are signs of recovery after the economic crisis.
1055. Recrimination. N. An accusation made by an accused person
against his or her accuser, especially in a divorce case.
a. Governments and other stakeholders must avoid mutual
1056. Rectify. V. To correct; to make something right.
a. It is only possible to rectify these pictures by using special
1057. Recuse. V. For a judge to withdraw from hearing a lawsuit
because of self-interest, bias, or other inability to render a fair and
impartial decision; to object to a judge or jury on the grounds that he or
she will not be impartial.
a. If this happens to you, you may want to challenge this decision in
federal court.
1058. Red cross. N. A grupo of humanitarian organizations in several
countries that work to help people in need, such as disaster victims.
a. Aid is coordinated by red cross activists and other humanitarian
1059. Redeem. V. To buy something back; to exchange a coupon or
negotiable instrument for money; to clear a debt, such as a mortgage; for
a corporation to buy back its own stock.
a. I have to redeem my house's loan within three years.
1060. Redemption. N. The act of redeeming; regaining possession of
something by buying it back.
a. The redemption price of shares is high.
1061. Redline. V. To refuse to give someone a mortgage loan based on
the neighborhood in which the prospective borrower lives; to refuse to
insure a dwelling based on its neighborhood.
a. redline is the most advanced instrument for measuring and
classifying planarity defects.
1062. Red tape. N. Excessive bureaucracy; the excessive requirements,
paperwork, and technicalities that are part of doing business with a
a. The company cut red tape in order to streamline its operations.
1063. Redundancy. N. The inclusion of words or arguments that could
be omitted without harming the ultimate meaning; the inclusion of
unnecessary material in a document or pleading.
a. A redundancy is an unnecessary repetition.
1064. Refer. V. (1) to direct attention or allude to something. (2) to send
a matter to some other body; to send a case to a referee for
investigation; to submit a contract to arbitration.
a. last of all, i wish to refer to one matter that was not mentioned.
1065. Referee. N. An officer appointed by a court to hear testimony from
the parties to a case and report his or her findings to the court.
a. I am simply the referee who interprets the rules and, as you will
appreciate, we cannot extend proceedings indefinitely.
1066. Reference. N. (1) a citation; a mention of the source of
information; a book or other document used as a source of information.
(2) a person who provides information about another person, usually to a
prospective employer; a letter from a person providing information about
another person. (3) the act of referring a matter to another body.
a. The book is full of references to other documents.
1067. Referendum. N. A state or local elección in which the voters vote
on an item of legislation or an amendment
a. I would like to make one more important comment on the irish
1068. Refinance. V. To replace an existing loan with a new one, usually
at a lower interest rate; in securities, to issue new bonds to raise money
for the payment of bonds about to mature.
a. You may also want to refinance to shorten the life of your loan.
1069. Reform. V. To correct; to change something to make it better; to
change oneself or another person for the better; to correct a written
instrument under court order.
a. The tax reform will affect many people, notably entrepreneurs.
1070. Reformation. N. A court-ordered rewriting of a contract or other
instrument in cases where the instrument does not say what the parties
intended it to say.
a. I live in the middle of europe and come from the country of the
1071. Reformatory. N. An institution where juvenile criminals are sent
instead of prison, with an emphasis on education and improved behavior;
also called a reform school.
a. The ministers' great reformatory movement must begin in
presenting to fathers and mothers and children the principles of
the law of god.
1072. Refugee. N. An individual who has been forced to flee his or her
home due to war, fear of persecution, or natural disaster.
a. The desperate situation of refugees is unfair.
1073. Refund. N. A return of money paid to some person or institution,
such as to a dissatisfied customer or to a taxpayer who has paid too
much in taxes. V. (1) to return money already paid, such as to a
customer or taxpayer. (2) to refinance; to fund a debt again; to sell new
bonds to pay off a loan.
a. You can return the shirt and get a refund.
1074. Refuse. N. Rejected things; things that have been thrown away,
such as garbage and trash. V. To decline to do something.
a. The company offered me a job but i refused.
1075. Register. V. To enroll; to enter something in an official list or
record. N. Registration. N. (1) an official list; a compilation of public
records. (2) an officer who keeps public records.
a. the guest entered his name in the register when he arrived.
1076. Registrar. N. A person who is responsible for a list of records,
such as the officer who enrolls students at a university; a bank or trust
company that keeps records of a corporation’s securities transactions.
a. The accounting department records all transactions.
1077. Registration. N. (1) enrollment; entry on an official list. (2) a
company’s submission of its financial status to the securities and
exchange commission in order to be allowed to sell securities.
a. I filled in the form to complete my registration.
1078. Registration statement. N. A document that companies selling
securities must submit to the securities and exchange commission,
including information on the company’s finances, the nature of the
business, the purpose of the securities offering, and the identities of the
managers and major stockholders.
a. We hereby consent to the use of this opinion as exhibit 5 to the
registration statement.
1079. Registry. N. A book or record in which information is recorded.
a. It also maintained the civil registry and issued identity documents.
1080. Regular. Adj. Ordinary, usual, or common; conforming to laws or
a. the school board holds regular meetings throughout the year.
1081. Regulation. N. A rule created and enforced by an authority; a rule
created by a government agency to carry out the requirements of a law;
the act of regulating.
a. Companies have to respect commercial regulations.
1082. Rehabilitate. V. To restore a person or business to a normal level
of health, freedom, reputation, dignity, finances, or other capacity; to
improve the reliability of a witness whose credibility has been impeached
by opposing counsel; to help a criminal improve his or her situation so as
to abandon crime in the future.
a. The criminal justice system serves to punish, deter and to
rehabilitate the offender.
1083. Rehearing. N. A second hearing of a matter that the court has
already considered; a retrial or reconsideration by the court in which a
matter was originally heard.
a. If you disagree with the commission decision, you may file a
motion for rehearing within 14 calendar days of the decision.
1084. Relate. V. (1) to be connected, as by blood, marriage, or
causation. (2) to recount; to narrate.
a. The witness related the facts to the judge.
1085. Related. Adj. To be connected to someone or something;
belonging to the same type or family.
a. The experts related their findings with local weather conditions.
1086. Relation. N. (1) a person related to another by blood or marriage;
a relative. (2) a connection or interaction between two people. (3) a
narration of facts or events.
a. There is a relation between time and space.
1087. Relation back. N. A principle in which some action is held to have
occurred earlier than it did in fact occur; e.g., an amended complaint is
still held to have been filed at the time of the original complaint for
purposes of the statute of limitations.
a. The approval of policies in relation to bought-back shares.
1088. Relative. N. A kinsman or kinswoman; a person related to another
by blood or marriage. Adj. In relation or comparison to someone or
something else.
a. Failure is relative: it means something different to everyone.
1089. Relief. N. (1) assistance, especially money or food given to those
in need; an act or benefit that alleviates some hardship or distress. (2) a
replacement for someone who has been on duty.
a. The charity offered relief to those in need.
1090. Remainder. N. Something that is left over; a part of an estate in
land left over after the rest of the estate has been settled; a future
interest in an estate.
a. The remainder are in an advanced stage of the inter-institutional
1091. Remainderman. N. A person entitled to a future interest in an
estate in land; a person who will take the remainder of an estate after all
testamentary bequests are settled.
a. The remainder of his proposals serve to dress the wounds that
this option will cause.
1092. Remand. V. (1) for an appellate court to send a case back to a
lower court for reconsideration. (2) to place someone in custody, such as
a defendant, while a trial is adjourned.
a. Please provide information on proposed new legislation regulating
the duration and place of detention of remand prisoners.
1093. Remedy. N. A means of compensating someone for an injury or
enforcing a right.
a. The president proposed a remedy for the problem.
1094. Remit. V. (1) to refer a matter to some authority for decision; to
send a case back to a lower court. (2) to send money. (3) to cancel a
debt; to refrain from punishing someone for a misdeed; to forgive.
a. The hiring of staff is within the director's remit.
1095. Remitter. N. The process of restoring good title to property to a
person who formerly had good title but currently does not.
a. The responsible party for compliance with anti-money laundering
obligations in the country of origin is the remitter.
1096. Remittitur. N. The reduction of a jury’s excessive verdict or award
of damages.
a. If a collective payment has been made, please indicate the name
of the remitter and attach a list of participants in order to confirm
accurately their individual payments.
1097. Remote cause. N. An action or event that would not necessarily
cause a particular result.
a. God was only a remote cause.
1098. Remove. V. (1) to take off; to take away; to eliminate. (2) to
transfer a lawsuit from one court to another, especially from a state court
to a federal one.
a. The congress removed the president from power.
1099. Render. V. (1) to provide something, such as help or payment. (2)
to pronounce a judgment on a case or matter; to provide a verdict.
a. The president rendered thanks to his advisors.
1100. Renounce. V. To formally abandon a claim or right; to reject or
refuse to support; to give something up; for a wife to waive her rights
under her husband’s will and instead choose to receive a share of his
estate according to statutory rules.
a. The latter should then either renounce to its text or modify it or
present a legislative proposal.
1101. Rent. N. Money or another consideration paid to the owner of
property or equipment for the right to use it. V. To pay for the use of
something; to charge money in return for allowing someone to use one’s
a. I pay the rent for my apartment every month.
1102. Renunciation. N. The act of abandoning a claim or right; a
document expressing abandonment of a claim or right; in criminal law,
the affirmative defense of having abandoned criminal intent before
committing a crime.
a. The renunciation of property was austerely carried into life.
1103. Reorganize. V. To organize something differently; to change the
structure of a corporation or other enterprise, such as when two
corporations merge or a corporation changes its capitalization.
a. It means helping our society and its leaders to reorganize
investments and priorities.
1104. Replication. N. In common law pleading, a plaintiff’s reply to a
defendant’s answer.
a. An indication of the positive effects of the project was the
replication of activities in the surrounding schools.
1105. Reply. N. An answer or response; in pleading, a plaintiff’s
response to a counterclaim raised in the defendant’s answer.
a. The letter needs an immediate reply.
1106. Report. N. An account of something that has happened; a formal
written or oral statement made by an official who has investigated
a. The report contains several strategies to increase sales.
1107. Reporter. N. A published volume of cases decided by courts in a
particular region or by a particular court; a compilation of decisions by an
administrative agency, financial transactions of a company, or other such
material; also called reports.
a. The reporter took notes during the interview.
1108. Represent. V. (1) to act or speak on someone’s behalf. (2) to
allege or claim that something is the case; to make a statement that ellos
the listener to form a judgment.
a. my friend's words represent my thoughts on the topic.
b. Representative. N. A person appointed to speak or act on
someone else’s behalf; an agent; a person who represents a
grupo of people in a legislative body.
c. Each group is sending a representative to the meeting.
1109. 1.tacit .
1110. thus, direct or tacit pronatalism survived because of historically
specific, regional demands for labor.

1111. 2- probe. The process of asking questions and examining facts in

a situation, often in order to discover information that someone may be

1112. 3. Temerity. They became standard partisan antiimages of

ineptitude, selfishness, instinctual behavior, and temerity.

1113. 4. Tenure. Housing associations have been thrown off-balance by

the combination of increased responsibilities, the reduction in the
proportion of funding coming from government, and changed tenures.

1114. 5. Attempt. This indicator aimed to validate teachers' approach to

lesson planning while attempting to link teacher thinking and
administrator thinking through a shared discourse.

1115. 6. Figurehead . A painted model, usually of a person, that in the

past was attached to the front of a ship
1116. Will . The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or
decides upon a course of action: championed freedom of will against a
doctrine of predetermination

1117. Testify- to give testimony in a legal case or before a deliberative

body: witnesses testifying before a grand jury

1118. Title. An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical

composition, or other work.

1119. Court . An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed

by walls or buildings; a courtyard.
1120. . Abbr. Ct. A short street, especially a wide alley walled by
buildings on three sides.
1121. 11.tacit. Not spoken: indicated tacit approval by smiling and
1122. Implied by or inferred from actions or statements: management
has given its tacit approval to the plan.
1123. Tutor. A teacher or teaching assistant in some universities and
colleges having a rank lower than that of an instructor.

1124. Sanction . Authoritative permission or approval that makes a

course of action valid. See synonyms at permission
1125. Sanitation. He study and application of procedures and measures
designed to protect public health, as in the provision of clean water and
the disposal of sewage and waste.
1126. An area separated by walls or partitions from other
similar parts of the structure or building in which it is located: the first
room on the left; an unpainted room.

1127. Sanction. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a

course of action valid. See synonyms at permission.

1128. Aggression to farms . Phrase not found in the dictionary and


1129. Signaling . An indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that

serves as a means of communication. See synonyms at gesture

1130. Pull apart. Want to thank tfd for its existence? Tell a friend about
us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun

1131. 20.separation. The act or process of moving apart or forcing

something apart: the separation of continents from a single landmass;
the separation of railroad cars from a train

1132. Lordship . Often lordship used with your, his, or their as a title and
form of address for a man or men holding the rank of lord.

1133. Appraisal. The act or an instance of appraising.

1134. Questioning. A sentence, phrase, or gesture that seeks
information through a reply.

1135. Legal theology. Some articles that match your query

1136. Fear. A very unpleasant or disturbing feeling caused by the

presence or imminence of danger: our fears intensified as the storm

1137. Precarious tenure. Please try the words separately

1138. 27.testador. Deceased person who has left a legally valid will.

1139. Testify. . To give testimony in a legal case or before a deliberative

body: witnesses testifying before a grand jury.
1140. Witness. One who can give a firsthand account of something
seen, heard, or experienced: a witness to the accident.
1141. Typicity. Typicity
1142. Typicity . French typicité, italian tipicità) is a term in wine tasting
used to describe the degree to which a wine reflects its varietal origins,
and thus demonstrate the signature characteristics of the grape from
which it was produced, i.e., how much a merlot wine “tastes like a
merlot”. It is an important component in judging wine competition when
wines of the same varietal are judged against each other

1143. Title. A title is a prefix or suffix added to someone's name in

certain contexts. It may signify either veneration, an official position or a
professional or academic qualification. In some languages, titles may be
inserted before a last name (for example, graf in german, cardinal in
catholic usage or clerical titles such as archbishop). Some titles are

1144. Process. A process is a set of activities that interact to achieve a


1145. Trough. The lowest turning point of a business cycle

1146. Transfer. The transfer, novel by silvano ceccherini

1147. Court. A court is a tribunal, often as a government institution, with

the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out
the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters
in accordance with the rule of law.[1] in both common law and civil law
legal systems, courts are the central means for dispute resolution, and it
is generally understood that all persons have an ability to bring their
claims before a court. Similarly, the rights of those accused of a crime
include the right to present a defense before a court.

1148. Tax. A tax (from the latin taxo) is a mandatory financial charge or
some other type of levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or a legal
entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state in order to fund
various public expenditures.[1] a failure to pay, or evasion of or
resistance to taxation, is punishable by law.

1149. Guardianship. One who is legally responsible for the care and
management of the person or property of an incompetent or minor.
1150. Tutor. A teacher or teaching assistant in some universities and
colleges having a rank lower than that of an instructor.

1151. Transaction. The act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.

1152. Test. A procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining

the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial: a test of one's
eyesight; subjecting a hypothesis to a test; a test of an athlete's

1153. Written will. Traditional armenian orthography

1154. Write out
1155. Testator. A deceased person who has left a legally valid will.

1156. Penal type. Penal damages

1157. Transcription. The act or process of transcribing.

1158. Sabotaje. The deliberate destruction of property or obstruction of

normal operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in a time of war.

1159. Sabotaje. The deliberate destruction of property or obstruction of

normal operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in a time of war.

1160. Justice room. The penultimate peril

1161. Salary. Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a
regular basis.

1162. Secret. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed: a secret

identity; a secret passageway.
1163. State secret. Military, economic, and political information that is of
great importance to the state and is especially guarded by the state.

1164. In the ussr the list of information considered to be state secrets is

established by the council of ministers in the interests of protecting the
economic power, defense capability, and foreign security of the ussr.
Keeping a state secret is the duty of every soviet citizen to whom such
information is known. In order to prevent the disclosure of state secrets

1165. Senate . Any legislative or governing body considered to

resemble a senate

1166. Separation. Law, either the voluntary agreement of husband and

wife to live apart or a partial dissolution of the marriage relation by court
order. The marriage bond remains, and remarriage of either party is

1167. 53.civil service. Entire body of those employed in the civil

administration as distinct from the military and excluding elected officials.
The term was used in designating the british administration of india, and
its first application elsewhere was in 1854 in england. Modern civil
service personnel are usually chosen by examination and promoted on
the basis of merit ratings. In democratic nations recruitment and
advancement procedures are designed to divorce the civil service from
political patronage.
1168. Simulation. The development and use of computer models for the
study of actual or postulated dynamic systems.

1169. 55.syndication. An association of people or firms formed to

promote a common interest or carry out a business enterprise

1170. 56. Labor unión. An organization of workers formed for the

purpose of serving the members' interests with respect to wages and
working conditions.

1171. 57. System. A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent

elements forming a complex whole, especially

1172. 58. Prison system. A place for the confinement and punishment of
persons convicted of crimes, especially felonies.

1173. 59. Suborner. To induce (a person) to commit an unlawful or evil


1174. 60. Sobornar. To induce (a person) to commit an unlawful or evil


1175. 61. Envelope. A flat paper cover or wrapper: put the letter into an
1176. 62. Overcoat. A flat paper cover or wrapper: put the letter into an
1177. 63. Stipulatio poenae

1178. 64. Auction . A publicly held sale at which goods are sold to the
highest bidder: i made the highest bid at the auction.
1179. Not to be confused with

1180. 65. Auction . A publicly held sale at which goods are sold to the
highest bidder: i made the highest bid at the auction.
1181. Not to be confused with

1182. 66. Subject. The subject in a sentence or clause is the person or

thing doing, performing, or controlling the action of the verb. Only that
which has the grammatical function of a noun can be the subject of a
clause. This is because it is someone or something that is capable of
performing or “controlling” the action of the verb.

1183. 67. Supreme. Greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or


1184. 68. Assumption. The act of taking to or upon oneself: assumption

of an obligation.

1185. 69. Torture. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of

punishment or coercion
1186. 70. Appeal. An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or
1187. 71. Supplicatory. To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying.

1188. 72. Supplant. O take the place of or substitute for (another):

computers have largely supplanted typewriters. See synonyms at

1189. 73. Higher. Above, taller: that mountain is higher than the others.;
a greater amount: prices are higher in the city than in the country.

1190. 74. Supreme. Greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or


1191. 75. Suprema corte de justicia . Greatest in power, authority, or

rank; paramount or dominant

1192. 76. Lay off. To cause to lie down: lay a child in its crib.

1193. 77. Subscription. A purchase made by signed order, as for a

periodical for a specified period of time or for a series of performances.
1194. 78. Suspensión . Something that is suspended or hung; temporary
withholding of a privilege: i got a suspension for yelling at the teacher.;
decision, etc.; interruption, discontinuance, abeyance

1195. 79. Substitution. The act or process of substituting: the

substitution of human workers with robots.
1196. 80. Suspensive. Serving or tending to suspend or temporarily stop

1197. 81. Procedural suspensión.

1198. 82. Suffrage. The right or privilege of voting; franchise.

1199. 83. Suffrage . The right or privilege of voting; franchise.

1200. 84. Event. Something that takes place, especially a significant

occurrence. See synonyms at occurrence.

1201. 85. Successor.

1202. 86. Succession. The act or process of following in order or
1203. 87. State succession. In international law, the transfer of rights
and duties from one state to another in connection with the transfer of
territory or related events, such as the emergence of a new state, the
merger of one state with another, the partition of a state, or secession.
Contemporary international law recognizes state succession only for
lawful territorial changes. In accordance with the principle of
nonintervention, domestic state relations are not an object of state
succession. State succession does not involve state boundaries: the
treaties that established the boundaries and the status of the boundaries
preserve their legal force with respect to the successor state.

1204. 88. Minions . Any of various insects or insect larvae that bore into
and feed on plant tissues
1205. 89. Civil society . Market and economic relations (in contrast with
the activity of the state); a realm intermediate between the family and the
state. More generally, the realm of wider social relations and public
participation, as against the narrower operations of the state or of the

1206. 90. Socialist. Often socialist a member of a political party or group

that advocates socialism.

1207. 91. Simulation. The act or process of simulating.

1208. 92. Symbol. A sign; something that represents something else: a

dove is a symbol of peace.
1209. Not to be confused with
1210. 93. Simple. Having few parts or features; not complicated or
elaborate: a house with a simple floor plan.

1211. 94. Silence. The condition or quality of being or keeping still and

1212. 95. Hidman . Hired murderer.

1213. 96. Sessión . Not to be confused with

1214. 97 . Service. Work that is done for others as an occupation or

business: has done service for us as a consultant.

1215. 98. Signaling. An indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that

serves as a means of communication. See synonyms at gesture.
1216. 99. Null sentence. Refers to the one given against the law in form
or substance, once a judge or higher court declares it so.
1217. 100. Null judgment. That against which there is no interposition of
any appeal, ordinary or extraordinary. And when both parties allow time
to elapse and do not file an appeal. It is protected by the principle of res
1218. Impediment: and orlando guest was proving to be an impediment.
a. Ejem: something that makes progress, movement, or achieving
something difficult or impossible.
1219. Unacceptable:i just want you to know it's completely unacceptable.
a. Ejem: too bad to be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue.
1220. Inability:lack of ability to do something.
a. Ejem:inability to follow a logical train of thought.
1221. Incompetent:not having the ability to do something as it should be
a. Ejem:the legal guardian of a mentally incompetent adult.
1222. Seize: to take something quickly and keep or hold it
a. Ejem:we can't seize the container without probable cause.
1223. Incident:an event that is either unpleasant or unusual.
a. Ejem: he's dealing with the incident quite hard.
1224. Incompatible:not able to exist or work with another person or thing
because of basic differences.
a. Ejem:its existence has become incompatible with the social
conquests of the past.
1225. Incompetent:not having the ability to do something as it should be
a. Ejm:to prevent that, we have to declare him incompetent.
1226. Blame:to say or think that someone or something did something
wrong or is responsible for something bad happening.
a. Ejem:hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
1227. Unworthiness:how suitable someone or something is.
a. Ejem:they are fully conscious of their weakness and unworthiness.
1228. Indissoluble:impossible to take apart or bring to an end, or existing
for a very long time.
a. Ejem:it is difficult to convey the idea of indissoluble unity more
clearly than by these words.
1229. Undivided:existing as a whole, not in separate parts.
a. Ejem: the infinite and the undivided. Planetary expedition.
1230. Induction:an occasion when someone is formally introduced into a
new job or organization, especially through a special ceremony.
a. Ejem:article 318 about inducing a subordinate to commit a
punishable act.
1231. Pardon:special permission not to do or pay something.
a. Ejem:they said that you got me a pardon.
1232. Inefficiency:a lack of organization or skill that wastes time, energy,
money, etc., or methods or actions that waste time, etc.
a. Ejem:i'm not looking for a sermon on bureaucratic inefficiency.
1233. Calumny:a statement about someone that is not true and is
intended to damage the reputation of that person.
a. Ejem:those who were convicted (of calumny?) Lost their goods.
1234. Infanticide:the crime of killing a child.
a. Ejem:there were, however, persons imprisoned for the crime of
1235. Unfaithfaul:having a sexual relationship or experience with a
person who is not your husband, wife, or usual sexual partner.
a. Ejem:you see, his wife has been unfaithful to him.
1236. Infringement:an action that breaks a rule, law, etc.
a. Ejem:even minor infringements of the law will be severely
1237. Ingratitude:the fact that someone is not grateful for something.
a. Ejem:the ingratitude of a young amerindian noticing that father
fafard was still breathing.
1238. Inability:lack of ability to do something.
a. Ejem:inability to close eyelids completely (extremely rare but can
be permanent).
1239. Initiative:a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a
a. Ejem:i took the initiative and compiled a file on him.
1240. Slander:a false spoken statement about someone that damages
their reputation, or the making of such a statement.
a. Ejem:congress should amend the colombian criminal code to
decriminalize the offenses of slander and libel.
1241. Real estate:property in the form of land or buildings.
a. Ejem:we have to go to the investment property.
1242. Inmunity:a situation in which you are protected against disease or
from legal action.
a. Ejem: i can get you immunity if something goes wrong.
1243. Inscription:words that are written or cut in something.
a. Ejem:there's an inscription on the inside band.
1244. Insolvency:the condition of not having enough money to pay
debts, buy goods, etc.
a. Ejem:the country will face insolvency unless the government
adopts cost-cutting measures.
1245. Inspection:the act of looking at something carefully, or an official
visit to a building or organization to check that everything is correct and
a. Ejem:she arrived to carry out/make a health and safety inspection
of the building.
1246. Instruct:to order or tell someone to do something, especially in a
formal way.
a. Ejem:the police have been instructed to patrol the building and
surrounding area.
1247. Interdiction:the act of stopping something or of not allowing
something, or an occasion when this happens.
a. Ejem:efforts would concentrate mainly on illegal drug interdiction.
1248. Interest:the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something
or of wanting to be involved with and to discover more about something.
a. Ejm:i've always had an interest in astronomy.
1249. Interpreter:someone whose job is to change what someone else is
saying into another language.
a. Ejm:she works as an interpreter in brussels.
1250. Interrogation:a process of asking someone a lot of questions for a
long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats or
a. Ejm:i won't sit here and bear this interrogation.
1251. Intimidation:the action of frightening or threatening someone,
usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to
a. Ejm: intimidation, violence, blowing up ships, i don't care about
any of that.
1252. Inventory:a detailed list of all the things in a place.
a. Ejm:i've been looking for someone to manage inventory and
1253. Irresponsability:the quality of not thinking or worrying enough
about the possible results of what you do.
a. Ejm: i forgot how much fun irresponsibility is.
b. -j-
1254. Court: a place where trials and other legal cases happen, or the
people present in such a place, especially the officials and those
deciding if someone is guilty.
a. Ejm:protestors gathered outside the court to await the verdict.
1255. Judge:a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides
how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes
decisions on legal matters.
a. Ejm:a us supreme court judge.
1256. Commitment:a promise or firm decision to do something.
a. Ejm:players must make a commitment to play for a full season.
1257. Equity:the value of a company, divided into many equal parts
owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the
value of a company is divided.
a. Ejm:he sold his equity in the company last year.
1258. To judge:a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides
how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes
decisions on legal matters.
a. Ejm:believe me, it would be a welcome relief not to have to judge.

b. -o-
1259. Trade:the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods
and/or services between people or countries.
a. Ejm:the country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in
the last ten years.
1260. Onerous:difficult to do or needing a lot of effort.
a. Ejm:the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution
1261. Operation:the fact of operating or being active.
a. Ejm:there are several reactors of the type in operation at the
1262. Opposing:competing or fighting against each other.
a. Ejm:opposing factions on the committee are refusing to
1263. Oppression:a situation in which people are governed in an unfair
and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom.
a. Ejm:every human being has the right to freedom from oppression.

b. -p-
1264. Payment:an amount of money paid.
a. Ejm:usually we ask for payment on receipt of the goods
1265. Certificate:an official document that states that the information on
it is true.
a. Ejm:we don't have enough fuel for an early certificate.
1266. Sentence:the judge sentenced him to three years in prison.
a. Ejm:i just learned that the court of appeal has reconfirmed your
1267. Authority: he moral or legal right or ability to control.
a. Ejem:we need to get the support of someone in authority (= an
important or high-ranking person)

b. -u-
1268. Further: subsequent
a. Ejem: on the issue of confidentiality, further discussions are
1269. To kill: finalize to make someone or something die.
a. Ejem: my feet are killing me.
1270. Outrage: an occasion when the law or someone’s rights are
not respected
a. Ejem: the indian penal code for "outraging the modesty" of the
woman (rediff, sharma).
1271. Abuse: rude words said to someone.
a. Ejem: the crowds were shouting abuse at him.
1272. Unilateralism: involving only one group or country.
a. Ejem: it is totally unilateralism in its new concept.
1273. One-sidedness: representing only one aspect of a subject.
a. Ejem: the russian federation cannot agree with such one-
1274. Joing together: socialist union
a. Ejem:the applied to join nato in 1993
1275. Ballot box: a tall vase or other container.
a. Ejem: we have located the ballot box in question.
1276. Habit: a tendency to do the same things that one has always done.
a. Ejem: according to indian custom  
1277. Custom: a habit or tradition.
a. Ejem: the social customs of our time  
1278. Username: a person who uses something
a. Ejem:there is no fee or charge to become a registered user
1279. Usufruct: dividend right share
a. Ejem: for its part, usufruct consists of the use and enjoyment of a
good belonging to others.
1280. Usury: the activity of lending someone money with
the agreement that they will pay back a very
much larger amount of money later.
a. Ejem: the taking of usury from the poor was forbidden.
1281. Loan shark: the activity of lending someone money with
the agreement that they will pay back a very
much larger amount of money later.
a. Ejem: she was in debt with some loan shark.
1282. Usurpation:the act oftaking control of something without having
the right to, especially of a position of power.
a. Ejem: is answerable to the charge of usurpation
1283. Cheat: to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what
you want.
a. Ejem: we can't have kids to cheat and running wild
1284. Usefulness: the quality or state of being useful.
a. Ejem: believe me, i'm not denying its usefulness.

b. -v-
1285. Vacation or holiday: a time when someone does not go to work .
a. Ejem: have you decided where you're going for your holiday(s)
this year?
1286. Vacancy: a space or place that is available to be used.
a. Ejem: there is vacancy in the office.
1287. Vagrancy: the state of being a vagrant
a. Ejem: vagrancy, three weeks, iso-cubes.
1288. Validity: validity and reliability of radiological tests.
a. Ejem: a valid ticket or document is legally acceptable.
1289. Assessment: well, i'd like to hear your assessment.
a. Ejem: an opinion or a judgment about someone or something that
someone has thought about carefully.
1290. Valued: cause i've always valued your opinion.
a. Ejem: regarded as valuable or precious.
1291. Assess: that way, we can assess what information is or isn't
pertinent to their inquiries.
a. Ejem:to decide how good, important, or serious something is.
1292. Value: develop and value our professional team.
a. Ejem: the amount of money something could be sold for.
1293. Ban: we will enforce this ban vigorously and anyone organizing or
taking part in any such event is liable to immediate arrest.
a. Ejem: to officially stop a person or many people from doing
1294. Expiration: upon expiration, the foreign national may apply for
permanent residency.
a. Ejem:the situation in which something that lasts for a fixed length
of time comes to an end or stops being in use.
1295. Avenge: now you will give your lives to avenge this outrage.
a. Ejem: to do harm to or punish the person responsible for
something bad done to you or your family or friends in order to
achieve a fair situation.
1296. Leave: they said that leave 2 times a day.
a. Ejem: to go away from a place.
1297. Sale: we've received documents linking you to the sale.
a. Ejem: a time when a shop sells things for less money than usual.
1298. Lead: the lead did not last long, however.
a. Ejem: to show someone where to go, usually by taking them to a
1299. Verdict: you promised to get us a not-guilty verdict.
a. Ejem: a decision in a court of law saying if someone has
committed a crime.
1300. Verify: we need something of your daughter's to verify our finding.
a. Ejem: to prove that something exists or is true, or to make certain
that something is correct.
1301. Veto:i should like briefly to touch upon the question of the veto.
a. Ejem: a decision by someone in authority to not allow something
to happen.
1302. Way: it's the only way, lieutenant.
a. Ejem: how you do something.
1303. Viatical: with this option, you sell your life insurance policy to a
viatical company that pays you a percentage of the death benefit on your
life insurance policy.
a. Ejem: relating to the sale of life insurance policies sold by a dying
person to someone else at a price lower than the value of the
1304. Vice: let us take negligence, a vice which benedict considers
particularly grave.
a. Ejem:used as part of the title of particular positions. The person
who holds one of these positions is next below in authority to the
person who holds the full position and can act for them.
1305. Force: schemes remain in force for 3 years and thereafter fall to
be renewed.
a. Ejem: physical, especially violent, strength, or power.
1306. Tie: now booth needs more evidence to tie the dominatrix to the
a. Ejem: to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other
long, thin material, or to (cause to) hold together with a long, thin
piece of string, material.
1307. Link: hopefully they'll find a link to the accomplice.
a. Ejem: a connection between two people, things, or ideas.
1308. Vindicate: and we must take advantage of this in several ways:
first, to vindicate an image
a. Ejem: to prove that what someone said or did was right or true,
after other people thought it was wrong.
1309. Visa: when i get back, i'll get you an american visa.
a. Ejem: an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you
to enter or leave a particular country.
1310. endorsement: of the inventory by the customs office shall be
equivalent to authorization
a. Ejem: the act of saying that you approve of or support something
or someone.
1311. Tour: the tram tour will start in a few minutes.
a. Ejem: a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you
look around the place or area and learn about it.
1312. View: i was afraid to let her out of my sight.
a. Ejem: an opinion, belief, or idea, or a way of thinking about
1313. Spokesperson: a spokesperson from the sheriff s office will be
joining me.
a. Ejem: a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or
1314. Willingness:your willingness to help us will decide that.
a. Ejem: the quality of being happy to do something if it is needed.
1315. Vote: they even have the right to vote now.
a. Ejem: to express your choice or opinion, especially by officially
writing a mark on a paper or by raising your hand or speaking in a
1316. Letra x

1317. Xara: set of legal norms of muslim law, extracted from the
quotations from the koran. Several islamic states base their legal action
on religious compliance with xara.
1318. Xenophobia: hate against foreigners, based on aggressive
nationalism, / violence exercised against people belonging to another
ethnic group.
1319. Xarca:in morocco, sharecropping or agricultural association
between the tiller or cultivator and the owner of the field, who share the
1320. Xenelasía :according to the dictionary of usual law. Lev that
prohibited foreigners from entering rome and greece. | in modern
international law, the power that each belligerent is attributed to expel
enemy subjects residing in their territory, not to opt for internment in
concentration camps. Freedom, subject to surveillance or periodic
presentation to the authorities, is also considered as the greatest
concession, and as a maximum rigor, retention as hostages and
execution as reprisals or without justification.
1321. Xenophilia :word not accepted by the academy, even when it is in
common use in spanish. It means affection and cordiality towards
foreigners. It is, therefore, the opposite pole of xenophobia (v.).
1322. Adir: this verb is used to add inheritance, which means to admit it
or accept it.
1323. Trusteeship: (public international law) international regime of
administration and surveillance of territories by virtue of special
1324. Advocatorum error litigantibus non nocet: latin phrase that means:
the error of the lawyers does not harm the litigants. This aphorism does
not currently have application in law.
1325. Advocatus: latin voice that means "the call". Where the term
lawyer has its origin.
1326. Advocatus ecclesiae: latin phrase that means "lawyer of the
1327. Affiliation: legal and formal relationship, through which individuals
establish and recognize personal or institutional relationships.
1328. Related: it is said of the relatives not for blood reasons, but for
acts of law (example: marriage).
1329. Agio: speculative gain on the value, titles of credits, currencies and
wealth. Taking advantage of the needs and the crisis or oscillation of
prices or of the market itself, to seek excessive profit and an abusive
profit on the part of the agiotista.

1330. Xenophobia: hate, repugnance or hostility towards foreigners.

Such aversion is very typical of those countries that flaunt extreme
1331. Xenophobic: exalted nationalist who suffers from xenophobia (v.),
who maintains a living hatred against foreigners, whom he despises as
inferior, from within borders.
1332. Xenography :study and knowledge of foreign scriptures. Science
that studies the characters used by all written languages, living or dead.
1333. Xeij :sheikh; muslim governor or feudatario that governs the
territory lacking autonomy | the feala. Kind of justice of the peace among
the moroccan moors. It has jurisdiction to resolve the conflicts raised for
reasons of irrigation, pastures, boundaries and other questions of the
field between the individuals of a tribe.

1334. Letra y

1335. Lying: one person lying. It is said of the way to have carnal
1336. Yantar: (history of law) tribute or tax that the peoples of spain had
to pay for the maintenance of authority or lord, when he passed through
1337. Yuan: generic name of the legislative body of the republic of china
or taiwan. The constitution of the republic of china has a central
government with a cabinet and 5 sections - the executive yuan, the
legislative yuan, the judicial yuan, the examination yuan and the control
yuan - they are the highest organs of the national administration.
1338. You have been convicted of: you have been, convicted of.
1339. Recumbent :it is said of the person who lies or is lying on the
ground. It refers to the victims of assaults and is an obligatory mention in
the process of removing a corpse. It is said of the inheritance that the
heir has not yet decided on acceptance or repudiation. | it is said of the
succession in which the partitions between the joint heirs and the
payment of the legacies have not been made. (v. Legacy inheritance.
1340. Lie:finding a subject lying or lying on the ground or on the ground.
| being a corpse in the grave or grave. | having carnal access (dec. Right.
1341. Deposit:site where a rock, mineral or fossil is naturally found. It
offers importance in mining law.
1342. Yanacona :indian at the service of the spanish colonizers.
1343. Yanaconazgo or yanaconaje :institution that was in force during
the time of spanish domination in america. The yanacona had to work all
year for the benefit of the encomendero, and the latter had the obligation
to provide their basic needs for food, lodging and clothing, as well as to
indoctrinate the indians in the catholic faith and provide them with due
assistance in case of illness, disability or old age.
1344. Yanaconize :lotting the land to distribute it as sharecropping
among the yanaconas, indians of peru and bolivia.

1345. Yantar :tribute, in kind generally and sometimes in money, that

the inhabitants of the towns and of the rural districts were obliged to
extinguish the sovereign and the feudal lords when they were traveling
by them or while they remained in them.
1346. Yapa :in america, gift or small gift to the buyer.
1347. Wilderness :uncultivated or infertile, said of the fields. | deserted.
| desert.
1348. Yugada :surface that a team usually plows on a day. In other times
it served as a real estate measure in rural areas. Today it is equated to
32 hectares. | yoke of oxen.
1349. Yoke:in addition to a wooden instrument that serves to unite, by
the neck, the animals of labor of draft, the gallows under which the
romans forced to parade, by humiliation, their defeated. | bridal veil at the
catholic religious ceremony. | marriage itself as an institution. | servitude.
| assessment. | tyranny. | slavery (dec. Right. Usual). Food: it is the duty
of sustenance, habitation, clothing and medical assistance that the
spouses, ancestors and descendants, as well as the siblings, have under
mutual conditions.
1350. Search: recognition that the defendant makes in his answer to the
demand for the plaintiff's claim.

1351. Alterius culpa nobis nocere non debet: legal axiom that expresses
the fault of one should not harm another who had no part.

1352. Appeal: (procedural law) it is said of the impugnatory rights in

which the questioned resolution must be reviewed by the hierarchical
superior of who issued it.

1353. Assembling assets: crime consisting of transmitting the assets

fictitiously so that the creditors cannot collect their debt.

1354. Both effects: in procedural law, this is the name of the

consequences of the appeal granted to an appeal, since according to
escriche, it suspends the jurisdiction of the judge or higher court of first
instance, and returns the case to the superior court.
1355. Amicus curiae: the amicus curiae (friend of the court or friend of
the court) is a latin expression used to refer to presentations made by
third parties outside a dispute, who voluntarily offer their opinion
regarding some point of law or other related aspect, to collaborate with
the court in the resolution of the subject matter of the process.

1356. Yoke:pair of oxen or horses that are used in field work and rural
hauling. | yugada or plowed land in one day.
1357. Yuras:from the roman expression a iure (outside the law), a
customary matrimonial form known in the middle ages: marriage to yuras
1358. Young :adj. Young; offending juvenile delinquent.
1359. Youthful :adj. Juvenile; offending juvenile delinquent.
1360. Letra z
1361. Judicial area: common expression in the military jurisdiction, to
designate the area where the council of war exercises jurisdiction.
1362. Prohibited area: strip of national territory of one hundred
kilometers along the borders and fifty on the beaches, in which, for no
reason, foreigners and foreign companies may acquire direct control.
1363. Zoophilia: (criminology) sexual aberration, consisting of being
sexually satisfied with animals.
1364. Zabalmedina: zalmedina (v.).
1365. Zabarcera:retail reseller of fruits and other edibles (dec. Right.
1366. Zacapela: fight with scandal.
1367. Zafar:get a boat out of the stranding or stranding (v.).
1368. Dodging :escape a risk. | avoid an encounter. | get rid of bad or
annoyance. | excuse yourself from something (dec. Right. Usual).
1369. Zanguanga:fiction of illness or impediment for not going to work. It
is a serious lack of employment, although, due to trial difficulties, it does
not stop being exploited with profit.
1370. Ditch:resolve a conflict. | overcome complicated litigation or
business with some settlement formula.
1371. Czar:name of the former monarchs of russia and bulgaria.
1372. Zarevitz:heir to the crown of a tsar (v.).
1373. Tsarism:the absolutist and despotic regime that characterized the
russian tsars.
1374. "zollverein":german word. Customs union (v.), and especially the
one formed in the 19th century by various germanic states that led to
imperial unification.
1375. Zone: list, strip, band. | land or farm with a strip shape or
characterized by some special circumstance. | name of various
administrative divisions.
1376. Widening area:that included within the future urbanization, but
more or less next, of a town or city, and itself when the works or the
constructions have begun. It usually enjoys legal benefits, such as a
reduction or exemption from taxes, against the lack of general public
services or less comfort in this regard.
1377. War zone:the one submitted to the authority of the supreme chief
or general-in-chief, and where the military command exercises all
powers, including administrative ones.
1378. Influence zone:group of nations on which a great power exerts
pressure, which has important economic and strategic interests in such
1379. Arras: pledge or signal that is given as security of the fulfillment of
an agreement that is later reflected in a contract. Institution of civil law
(c.c. arts. 1477 to 1483), which may be confirmatory or retracting.
1380. Lease: a rental contract by which the use of a good is transferred
to a person so that they can dispose of it for a specified period of time
and with the periodic payment of an amount of money.
1381. Autopsy: thorough examination of the body by a specialized
professional to determine the signs and causes of death, the autopsy is
carried out by court order. The word necropsy is also used.
1382. Mediated author: (criminal law) the agent who, in order to commit
a crime and in control of the circumstances, uses the activity carried out
by an imputable person or a person outside his criminal rear zone:in the
course of a war, the war that is most sheltered from war risks, excluding
those of aviation and rocketry, from which there is no longer any place
safeguarded on the earth's surface.
1383. Tolerance zone:concentration or grouping, more or less
consented by the police, health and general administrative authorities, of
prostitution houses and places of vice, generally on the outskirts of towns
or in the slums of cities.
1384. Free zone:the name of free zone or free port is given to any
territorial area to which, for special reasons, generally of local interest,
customs or administrative franchises have been granted.
1385. Industrial zone:sector, usually peripheral with respect to major
cities, where there are numerous manufacturing establishments, which
determine special regulations regarding safety and avoidance of
inconvenience; even though it does not fit in it, for those who later build,
a restrictive claim for farms in operation.
1386. Maritime zone:the space or strip of sea that surrounds the coasts
in the extent determined by international law, or in the extent that certain
states claim, as long as no conflict with a more powerful one arises. In
such an area. Each state organizes the surveillance, arranges the uses,
exercises the fiscal and health police and acts criminally or grants
1387. Military area:the reserved for purposes of national defense or
offensive bases that are installed in each territory. It usually determines
prohibitions of entry to unauthorized civilians and for flight by civil aircraft
and foreigners of any kind.
1388. Controversial zone:in times of forts and walls, the space close to
one or the other in which restrictions were imposed to build and other
questions, to allow such fortifications adequate fires and views.
1389. Urban zone:in wesley's sociological concept, the area of the city
characterized by a certain phenomenon: shops, factories, residences,
immigration, wealth, poverty, crime. | in urban and municipal focus, the
total perimeter of the existing or planned building, with the consequent
attention in terms of water, electricity, gas and telephone provision
services, as well as in terms of paving and public transport services. It
also determines, when general communication routes cross the towns, a
trend that avoids modern roads, an important restriction in speed, due to
the greater number of pedestrians and for their safety.
1390. Zurupeto:unregistered stockbroker. | intruder notary.
1391. Ad rem: latin phrase that serves to express the right you have to
the thing.
1392. Ad solemnitatem: it is the formality imposed by law for the validity
of the legal act, and not only for its proof.
1393. Addictio in diem: for roman law it was an accessory pact of the
sale contract, by which the parties agree that the seller will have, until a
certain day.
1394. Agnados: in roman law all those who are subject to the parental
authority of the same father are designated.
1395. Executor: executor of the last will of a deceased. The executor
may be testamentary, by judicial appointment or for some other legal
1396. Alea: latin word that means fortune or luck, from which it comes
randomly. Alea is therefore synonymous with chance.
1397. Allegation: means the act generally carried out in writing, by
means of which the lawyer of a party, explains the reasons of fact and
law in defense of the legal interests of his sponsored in a civil or criminal
process. / oral or written exposition.
1398. Treachery: consists of the commission of a crime by means that
ensure its execution without the risk that may come from the victim.
1399. The information provided: may consist of a letter with a legal
opinion, a testimony not requested by any party or a legal report on the
matter of the case. The decision on the admissibility of an amicus curiae
is generally left to the discretion of the respective court.
1400. Anticresis: right by which the debtor delivers a property to his
creditor in guarantee of a loan in money, granting the creditor the power
to exploit it and receive its benefits.
1401. Unlawfulness: everything contrary to law. Rocco points out that it
is the intrinsic nature of crime. All action is unlawful when it conforms to a
legal type and there is no justification, giving rise to guilt.
1402. Nullibility: (civil law). It is the figure that, according to ennecerus,
occurs when a legal transaction is considered valid for the moment, but it
can be declared null by judicial sentence based on a nullity action (sic).
1403. Analysis of evidence: methodology consisting of examining the
importance and value of any indication or evidence in a criminal act.
1404. Rigged execution: it is said of the instruments by virtue of which
one proceeds by the executive route against the obligor.

1405. Appeal: (procedural law) appeal that is filed to challenge a

resolution, order or sentence, before a higher instance requesting that it
be revoked or annulled, paralyzing the entry into force of the force of the
1406. Warning: requirement made by the judge to execute what he
orders, requiring a fine or a sanction; it is also the written disciplinary
measure that the judge or the superior calls the attention of an assistant
to proceed in a manner.
1407. Unlawful appropriation: (criminal law) improper ownership of a
movable asset delivered for its care or deposit, with the obligation to
return it to its owner.
1408. Tariff: valuation or rate; official rate that establishes the rights to
be paid for various administrative or professional acts or services; like
court letters.
1409. Arbitration: conflict resolution system between contractors to
avoid the intervention of a judge and leave the decision to impartial third
1410. Archiving: usual voice in forensic terminology, which indicates
that the file must be stored or saved upon completion of the action or
1411. Res judicata authority: procedural effect of the executed
judgments, that is, those that have definitively resolved a dispute.
1412. Cars: gathering of the different pieces that make up the judicial
file, as well as of all the actions taken in the process, giving rise to the
phrase "appear in cars or cars" which means that something is proven in
the case.
1413. Endorsement: contract by which a person provides to answer for
someone's obligations towards a third party.
1414. Appraisal: valuation of a set of assets.
1415. Farewell notice: (single house). Demand the vacancy of the
leased property, in the face of the urgent need and the manifest will of
the owner to accept it, thus exercising the right to use and enjoy its
1416. Zafo:who does not win or lose in the game.
1417. Zalmedine or zabalmedine:among the arabs who invaded spain
for eight centuries, the first authority of a population. | in aragon and in
the middle ages, a christian magistrate with civil and criminal powers.


1st lectured peace court - paruro headquarters

Proceedings : 00024-2010-0-1011-jp-fc-01
Matter : foods
Specialist : manuel sanchez kcana
Defendant : shock ramos, wilber
Applicant : zuñiga rooms, martina


Resolution no. 10

Paruro, thirty september

Of the year two thousand and ten.-

having seen: from the study of cars, the existence of a substantive legal
relationship of an alimentary nature is appreciated, which has subsequently
been adapted to a procedural legal relationship, between the plaintiff martina
salas zuñiga and the defendant wilbert choqque zuñiga, and taking into account
that the specific purpose of the process, as provided in article iii of the
preliminary title of the code

Civil procedure, is to resolve a conflict of interest with legal relevance; the

procedural season has arrived in which the judge must issue her final opinion
on the merits of the litigation, in effect:

Of demand: it is a matter of auto the demand of fojas three and following, filed
by martina salas zuñiga on behalf of their youngest son crhistian choqque salas
against wilbert choqque zuñiga about food provision.

Request: the plaintiff's claim is that the defendant in his capacity as father and
obligated go with the sum of three hundred nuevos soles, on a monthly basis.

Fundamentals of demand fact:

From the study of the lawsuit, the plaintiff states that she had a romantic
relationship in 1997, when she was in the second grade of secondary
education, and as a result of this relationship, they procreated the eleven-year-
old minor crhistian choqque salas , the one forced from conception, and then
the birth of his son neglected his obligations, leaving them in moral and material
abandonment, he went to work in the city of puno, which is why in 1998, before
the local the demuna de paruro, signed a conciliation act, where he voluntarily
recognizes the minor child and pledged for food the sum of fifty nuevos soles on
a monthly basis, an act that was not fulfilled until february 2009, where he
recently made a deposit for the sum of two hundred nuevos soles,to date the
plaintiff has another family burden a daughter, with the activities she carries out
as a housewife, does not allow her to meet the minimum requirements of her
son, on the other hand, the defendant, despite having a stable job, has not
complied with going financially to his youngest son, so he requests that in court,
grant the requested alimony.

Demand law fundamentals:

It protects its claim in the provisions of articles 92, 94 and following of the code
of children and adolescents; articles 472, 474, 477, and 481 of the civil code,
and by article 561, subsection 2 of the civil procedural code.

Jurisdictional activity:
The claim was admitted for processing as it appears from resolution number
one dated eighteen may, two thousand and ten on page eight and following,
rated positively, and the defendant was transferred for a period of five days, in
compliance with the provisions of the article 430, and 554 of the civil procedure
code, further specifying that the summons must comply with attaching to their
answer the special annex required by article 565 of the legal norm invoked
above, it is clear that the defendant has been personally notified at his home
real in accordance with the record of sixteen sheets, who has not complied with
acquitting the transfer of the demand in the corresponding procedural
opportunity, having declared the defendant rebellious through resolution of
seventeen sheets, and appointed date for a sanitation hearing,conciliation,
evidence and sentence according to the record of pages sixty-six and following,
the court declares the process sanitized, the conciliation could not be promoted
due to the plaintiff's failure, however the defendant informed the court that he is
in poor health , for having suffered an accident with electrical energy when he
was working, the result of which he lost three fingers both of the upper and
lower extremities, this fact, makes him prevent him from working regularly, in
addition to having another family burden, a wife and four children, the court
takes into account, the controversial points are fixed, the evidentiary means
were admitted and acted for their corresponding assessment, it was arranged
that the cars be put on the table to pronounce sentence.evidence and sentence
according to the record of sixty-six and following pages, the court declares the
process sanitized, the conciliation could not be promoted due to the plaintiff's
failure, however, the defendant informed the court that he is in poor health, for
having suffered an accident with electrical energy when he was working, the
result of which he lost three fingers both in the upper and lower extremities, this
fact, makes him prevent him from working regularly, in addition to having
another family burden, a wife and four children, the court takes into account, the
controversial points are fixed, the evidentiary means were admitted and acted
for their corresponding assessment, it was arranged that the cars be put on the
table to pronounce sentence.evidence and sentence according to the record of
sixty-six and following pages, the court declares the process sanitized, the
conciliation could not be promoted due to the plaintiff's failure, however, the
defendant informed the court that he is in poor health, for having suffered an
accident with electrical energy when he was working, the result of which he lost
three fingers both in the upper and lower extremities, this fact, makes him
prevent him from working regularly, in addition to having another family burden,
a wife and four children, the court takes into account, the controversial points
are fixed, the evidentiary means were admitted and acted for their
corresponding assessment, it was arranged that the cars be put on the table to
pronounce sentence.the court declares the process sanitized, the conciliation
could not be promoted due to the plaintiff's inconsistency, however the
defendant informed the court that he is in poor health, having suffered an
accident with electrical energy when he was working, the result of it lost three
fingers both of the upper and lower extremities, this fact, makes it prevent him
from working regularly, in addition to having another family burden, a wife and
four children, the court takes into account, the controversial points are fixed, the
evidence was admitted and acted for its corresponding evaluation, it was
arranged that the cars be put on the table to pass sentence.the court declares
the process sanitized, the conciliation could not be promoted due to the
plaintiff's inconsistency, however the defendant informed the court that he is in
poor health, having suffered an accident with electrical energy when he was
working, the result of it lost three fingers both of the upper and lower
extremities, this fact, makes it prevent him from working regularly, in addition to
having another family burden, a wife and four children, the court takes into
account, the controversial points are fixed, the evidence was admitted and
acted for its corresponding evaluation, it was arranged that the cars be put on
the table to pass sentence.however, the defendant informed the court that he is
in poor health, having suffered an accident with electrical energy when he was
working, as a result of which he lost three fingers from both the upper and lower
extremities, this fact, makes it prevent him work on a regular basis, in addition
to having another family burden, a wife and four children, the court takes into
account, the controversial points are established, the evidentiary means were
admitted and acted for their corresponding assessment, it was arranged that the
cars be placed at the table to pass sentence.however, the defendant informed
the court that he is in poor health, having suffered an accident with electrical
energy when he was working, as a result of which he lost three fingers from
both the upper and lower extremities, this fact, makes it prevent him work on a
regular basis, in addition to having another family burden, a wife and four
children, the court takes into account, the controversial points are established,
the evidentiary means were admitted and acted for their corresponding
assessment, it was arranged that the cars be placed at the table to pass makes it prevent him from working on a regular basis, in addition to
having another family burden, a wife and four children, the court takes into
account, the controversial points are established, the evidentiary means were
admitted and acted for their corresponding assessment, it was arranged that the
cars are put on the table to pass makes it prevent him from working
on a regular basis, in addition to having another family burden, a wife and four
children, the court takes into account, the controversial points are established,
the evidentiary means were admitted and acted for their corresponding
assessment, it was arranged that the cars are put on the table to pass

Considerative part:
Of the link between the obligor and the food:
First.-that, taking into account the merit of the copy of the certificate of the birth
certificate of three sheets, whose ownership corresponds to the minor child
cristian choqque salas, the same family bond between the defendant and the
child is appreciated, therefore determines the maintenance and obligation of the

Of the mandatory to provide foods.

Second.- regarding the people obliged to provide food, article 474 of the civil
code states that food must be reciprocally: the ascendants and descendants;
this norm establishes the relationship of the people obliged to provide alimony,
the legal obligation is always reciprocal, which means that any of the subjects of
the contemplated family legal relationship can be either a creditor or a
maintenance debtor. On the other hand, in relation to minors, the code of
children and adolescents refers in article 93 that "it is the obligation of parents to
provide food to their children". It is therefore concluded that the obligation to a
minor corresponds to both the father and the mother.

Conditions to provide food.

Third.- for this, it is necessary to observe what the law determines as conditions
for fixing the maintenance, so article 481 of the civil code states: “food is
regulated by the judge in proportion to the needs of those who already ask for it.
The possibilities of which must give them, also taking into account the personal
circumstances of both, especially the obligations to which the debtor is subject.
"it is not necessary to rigorously investigate the amount of income that must
provide food." there are two assumptions that the judge must have to set the
maintenance first and then the amount thereof, criteria that also turn out to be
the controversial points, the same that were estimated in audience as:

One.- state need of the nutritionist.

Two.- economic capacity of the defendant.

Of the probation means:
Fourth.- the burden of proof constitutes a means of encumbrance on the person
alleging a fact, so that its non-compliance determines the acquittal of the
contrary; in that understanding, the judge is at liberty to admit any evidence that
he deems useful to clarify the truth and to appreciate it according to the rules of
logic and common experience, since it is a logical and motivated conviction,
based on objective evidence; article 196 of the civil procedure code, except for
a different legal provision, the burden of proving corresponds to those who
affirm facts that make up their claim or who contradicts them alleging new facts;
article 197 of the same legal body mentioned above. All the evidentiary means
are evaluated jointly by the judge, using their reasoned assessment for this.

Food needs.- fifth.-

For the purposes of setting the monthly amount in favor of the child who is
being fed, it must be particularly taken into account that the plaintiff has stated
in her lawsuit and in accordance with the birth certificate of three, that the child
is currently twelve years old, who is studying, entering the adolescent stage,
whose requirements must be enough, therefore the defendant is obliged to go
with a monthly maintenance pension, in order to cover their basic needs for
food, education, health, clothing, housing, ability to work, and others according
to their age, the same that are evident, and do not require proof, in addition, on
the other hand, it must be said that the minor is in full growth, needs an
adequate standard of living for their physical, mental, spiritual
development,moral and social, so it requires the permanent support of its
parent, given that the expenses made by its parent are diverse, and are not
sufficient to be able to pay for them .-

Sixth.- of the rebellion and financial capacity of the defendant.

• By resolution number two dated fourteenth of july of the year two
thousand and ten, on page seventeen, the defendant has been declared
a rebel, while after the term granted by the court in order for him to acquit
the transfer of the claim, he has not in fact, there is a sixteen-page
notification notice.
• Although it is true that i filed his appeal, as he works on pages forty-
three, but he did so out of time outside the period granted by law, and
extracting from the content of said brief, it emerges that the defendant
would grant as alimony the sum of fifty nuevos soles , sum that also
undertook before the demuna of the province of paruro twelve years ago
-1998, however, despite being a small amount, it was not complied with
on a regular basis, it is considered as the defendant's own version, at the
hearing (folios 67) , it has deposited approximately the sum between five
hundred to six hundred nuevos soles, which makes it presume that it
only fulfilled for one year the commitment assumed, in addition to having
another family charge, and now it intends to deposit the sum of sixty
nuevos soles for food, which must be taken into account.
• Article 461 of the civil procedural code applies to the present case, which
establishes "the declaration of rebellion causes relative legal
presumption regarding the truth of the facts set forth in the
application ...", this being so, the court must agree that the facts stated
by the plaintiff in the lawsuit they are in part certain, that since the birth of
the child nutritionist, has been the object of
Moral and material helplessness on the part of its parent.-
• However, it must also be taken into account that the defendant has
another family burden, a wife and four children who are in his care,
accrediting for it with the documents of sheets (57, 58, 59), in addition to
the fact that these minors are studying (pages 60-61), admitted as ex
officio evidence, although it is true that he has other children, it is no less
true that his youngest son crhistian choqque salas also has the same
rights as his other children, and must be cared for in equality of
conditions, and now is when you require the support of your parent to
meet their needs according to their age,
• On the other hand, it is pertinent to mention that the defendant suffers
from relative disability, due to the fact that he has lost three fingers, one
on the upper limb, and two on the lower ones, as thus has been
presented at the hearing, also showing with the medical certificate of
fojas sixty-five, however, although it is true that he is relatively incapable,
however this does not make him less, he has not been declared
incapable of work, since he still has all five senses, he has physiological
and psychological movement, he is young, and liable to work, so it is
concluded that he is fit to work, of course with limitations due to his
relative incapacity, especially as he has referred to, he dedicates himself
to agriculture, from which he receives his economic income, which must
keep in mind: so the court taking into account the above,fix the amount of
the alimony in an equitable, proportional and prudential way.
• In addition, although the plaintiff has requested an amount as a request
for the lawsuit, however, she has not proven the defendant's financial
income, since whoever affirms a fact must prove it, which must be taken
into account, also in accordance with the provisions of article 423, first
paragraph of the civil code, where it states that it is the duty of the
parents “to provide for the support and education of their children, in that
understanding, the obligation of maintenance is for both parents”, so with
the economic income that is also says the plaintiff, will serve to meet and
meet the needs of her youngest son.

Seventh.- in strict compliance with the rules that guarantee due process, the
defendant has been given the possibility of answering the claim, contradicting it
or not, precisely in compliance with the principle of the right of defense enjoyed
by the parties, however and despite the time elapsed it has not done so,
however, according to the plaintiff's version, on the date and time scheduled for
the sole hearing, the defendant attended outside the court's facilities, but did not
enter its interior, and thus be able to listen to his own version of the obligor ,
having to continue with the aftermath of the procedure, this situation must be
appreciated by the staff of the court.

Article 412 of the civil procedure code establishes the imposition of the payment
of costs and costs of the process by the expired in process, in the present case
given that the defendant has food liability, and finds sufficient reasons to litigate,
he must be exempt from the payment of the costs and costs of the process.

Resolutive part:

For these considerations, with the conviction and certainty granted by the facts
and evidentiary means, administering justice on behalf of the nation, the judge
of the justice of the peace lawyer of paruro: failure: declaring fundada in part the
demand for folios five and following, filed by martina salas zuñiga on behalf of
her youngest son crhistian choqque salas against wilbert choqque ramos on
food supply; therefore: i order and i order that the obligor complies with
attending as food the sum of one hundred new suns in a monthly form, of their
economic income of the defendant, in favor of his son crhistian choqque salas,
of faithful compliance consent and / or executed that the present judgment
remains, without costs or costs; likewise, the defendant is informed that, in the
event of non-compliance with alimony, will proceed with the provisions of law
28970, law on the registry of delinquent food debtors, nationwide. Take reason
and make yourself known.

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