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‘The Autobiography of a Sex


‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

   *e!t+!elling author an !ex

 ,orker ,ho!e out!poken -ie,! of
!ex ,ork a! an orinary %areer
%hoi%e ha-e !tirre %ontro-er!y in
%on!er-ati-e "nia
  &.000 %opie! in &00 ay!
Jameela ha! !o far earne /000
rupee! (S1&/.0) from book !ale!

   2" ha-e ,ritten thi! book for

other !ex ,orker!3 " ,ante to talk
about it to remo-e the !tigma2
Nalini Jameela (50) hol! her book
Jameela !ai
'"Tnheia Anu !ttoabteio ogfr #apehrayl ao f$ ae S

%exm Wbeorr &ker ' i0n0 t5he !outhern

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

Say! 433 6arri! a profe!!or at #erala'! 78 ni-er!ity9 2Thi! i!

not a -i%tim'! book3 :ne of the mo!t !triking thing! about the
 book i! the %onfien%e an inner !trength that exue! from it3;

" am nalini3 Wa! born at #alloor near Amballoor3 " am forty+nine

 y!peainrn! eorl<3< = %onemne the ,ork %alling it a ;prurient


$e!pite mixe rea%tion! from -ariou! %ir%le!=!ol &.000

%opie! in &00 ay!=3 >ater ,ithre, the fir!t -er!ion of the
memoir an re,rote it3 Toay a! We!tlan *ook! bring! u! J3
$e-ika?! @ngli!h tran!lation of the memoir

No, Jameela !hare! !pa%e on the ,ebpage of #erala+ba!e $

>iterary Agen%y ,ith !u%h eminent name!

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

She al!o !peak! a! a aughter ,ife mother an

frien an a! a publi% figure ,ith a name an a
fa%e rather than remaining anonymou!3

The photograph on the ba%k %o-er !ho,! a plea!

ant firm an faintly !miling fa%e B thi! i! the tone
of the memoir a! ,ell3

 "n bri!k an matter+of+fa%t !enten%e! fille ,ith

noun! an -erb! rather than aCe%ti-e!
‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

hapter 9 A Ne, Job

;" !tarte !ex ,ork after my hu!ban'! eath ,hen
hi! mother began emaning a really large !
from me aily to !upport my %hilren333 7y mother+
in+la, a!ke for fi-e rupee! e-ery ay<

Sex ,ork pai more than !he ,a! earning a! a fa

%tory ,orker

;Dou'll ha-e to 'go along ,ith' a man !he replie3

No one ,oul openly mention !leeping together or

6er fir!t %lient i! a poli%e offi%er but ,ith the

 beating! that follo, in the poli%e !tation the next
morning !he experien%e! the ouble !tanar! of
life a! a !ex ,orker
‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

hapter 9 The %ompany 6ou!e

;fl"en, g beny efara!lt3 t"h uo!!ee , toer !ee

hnap hpoym ea ym! othnaety
 -ery regularly3<

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

hapter 9 At 7angalore

;my hu!ban'! younger brother =,a!

!ening plenty of money ba%k home3 So they
ha e%ie not to a%%ept my money3<

;"t ,a! painful to %ut my tie! ,ith them for

goo but they ,ere li-ing ,ell an " foun
!ome happine!! in that<

;No, that re!pon!ibility ha ene "

began to think of other option! in%luing
that of lea-ing the trae<
‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

 After t,o more marriage! an ,ith t,o

more aughter! Jameela fin! her!elf
 ba%k in the profe!!ion B but thi! time
  , it h a h o u n in #oEhikoe?!
* a n g la  e !
!e o f h e r
h  o lo n y
= 3

She Coin! an organi!ation of !ex

 ,orker! !peak! out in publi% an
make! o%umentarie! on their li-e!3

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

hapter 9 Fehabilation
;A Gue!tion often rai!e 33of our 'rehabilitation'333 "
 ,ant to a!k the!e people ,hether they ha-e e-er
trie to fin out about !ex ,orker!' family tie!
!o%ial tie!3 "! it po!!ible to buil afre!h their
ome!ti% tie! an !o%ial tie! through rehabilitationH
 Won't thi! merely lea-e the !ex ,orker all the
more i!olate an helple!!H<

;We eman that !ex ,ork be e%riminaliEe3 333 *y

'e%riminaliEing' ,hat ,e mean i! thi!9 if t,o
people ,ant to ha-e !ex by %ommon %on!ent if thi!
i! in no ,ay a nui!an%e to other! then it !houl not
 be Gue!tione3

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

2Autobiography of a Sex Worker2 ha! brought a

egree of fame money an re!pe%t3 Jameela'!
+year+ol aughter Seena marrie an pregnant ,ith
her fir!t %hil i! happy
 ,ith her mother'! fame3

2@arlier people u!e to !ay that be%au!e my mother

i! a pro!titute " mu!t al!o be one3 *ut no, ,hen
they %all me Nalini Jameela'! aughter " feel -ery goo2
Seena !ay!3

Neither Seena nor her !i!ter >atha ha-e follo,e

their mother'! foot!tep! although Jameela !ay! that !he
,oul not ha-e !toppe them from be%oming pro!
titute! if they ha
 ,ante to3

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

The book i! not a !ala%iou! a%%ount of !exual exploit! B e-en

 ,hile ,riting of an en%ounter ,ith a tantri% !he only !ay! that
he ,ante ;the !tanar !ort of !ex< B nor i! it a !tory of

  J a m ee la i ! f i rm a b o u t h e r n e e
t h e ru le !9 ; " , ou l n ? t , i g g l e m y
f o r  i g n it y  a n  a b o u t ! e tt i g
h i p ! o r a r m ! to % a t % h a n y o n e<3

 Detthere i! a Guiet anger again!t the hypo%ri!y of a !y!tem

that %riminali!e! !ex ,ork an puni!he! the !ex ,orker ,hile
letting off the %lient

again!t the !o+%alle ;rehabilitation< that oe! not re%ogni!e

that !ex ,orker! al!o ha-e familie! per!onal li-e! an
!truggle! that are a! real a! anyone el!e?!

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

Iro!titution i! outla,e but "nia ha! more

than  million !ex ,orker! li-ing on the fringe!
of !o%iety3 They ha-e fe, right! an abu!e by
 both %u!tomer! an the poli%e i! %ommon

ommer%ial !ex i! one of the main ri-er! of the

!prea of 6"4A"$S

7any pro!titute! are pu!he into the trae by

traffi%ker! an by po-erty an !ome in%luing
thou!an! of girl! !muggle in from Nepal ea%h
 year are hel a! !ex !la-e! for a e%ae or more

‘The Autobiography of a Sex Worker'

Thank Dou

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