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(Cognitive Learning)

Classroom Assessment Defined

Classroom assessment can be defined as the collection, interpretation and use of information to help teachers
make better decision. Thus, assessment is more than testing and measurement (McMillan, 1997)

Four Essential Components of Implementing Classroom Assessment

There are four essential components of implementing classroom assessment. These are purpose, measurement,
evaluation and use.
Regardless if assessment has already been done before, during, or after instruction, clarifying the specific
purpose of gathering information is still needed. Why is assessment being done?
Possible reasons of doing assessment are (1) to monitor student learning – measurement what students have and
have not learned and grade them; (2) to provide feedback to students’ performance; (3) to motivate the students by
giving them positive reinforcement.
Measurement, as defined in Table 1.1, is a systematic process of obtaining a numerical description of the degree
to which an individual possesses a particular characteristics. Also, measurement is the process by which attributes,
traits, behavior or characteristics are determined and differentiated.
A variety of techniques such as test, ratings, observations and interviews can be used to measure a defined trait
or learning target.
After gathering information through varies techniques, value judgment on said information needs to be given.
This process is called evaluation. Evaluation involves the interpretation of what has been gathered through
measurement, in which value judgments are made regarding performance.
The final stage of implementing assessment is the use of the evaluation. The use of test scores and other
information closely tied to the decisions one must make to provide effective instruction, and to the need of students
and parents.

Purpose and Functions of Assessment

There are four purpose of assessment according to Wyatt (1988). These are:
 to inform the teacher about students’ progress;
 to inform the students about their progress;
 to inform others about the students’ progress (parents and future teachers); and
 to provide information for the public.

These purpose can be summed up into three: assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as
learning (Earl, 2005).

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