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Body of Law/Legal

Gerald A. Bunga., S>H., LL.M
Match these bodies of lav (1-3l •ih thei‹ definitl0Fs (a-r).
1 cNl Inn a area 0f the lax «tich deals x/hcrimes and their punishments,
fees anJ/0f IMpfiSOneent (aIS0 @nal lav)
2 f@fllfl0fl l8g b I) l9$âl Sy3tgM d9V9lO@d ff0M R0Mâ2 Modified Isv, establistea ¿ a
state (0f Its fg§UIâtl0fi: 2) âf9â 0f the lav c0fi0Brned wltfl fl0ñ•CfiMlñâl
Nâtt9fS, II@IS ând feITledl9S
3 ctlmiwl lav c legsl s/stem xhich is the foundatl0F Of Ie legal s\stemS 0f M0St
Engliskspeâkin$ C0Vfltri9S 0f the • 0rId, sa@d 0fi CVStOMS, U@{e aFb C0Vft
aecisDnS (zIS0 fas0 I8fi, judg64II8d6 lafl)
Edit dengan WPA Office
based on bound by codified custom disputes legislation
! non-criminal precedents provisions rulings

The term ‘civil law' contrasts with both 'common law’ and ‘criminal law’. In
the first sense of the term, civil law refers to a body of lau/ 1) written
legal codes derived froic fundamental normative principles. Legal 2)
are settled by refefence to this code, which has been arrived at through
3) . Judges are 4) the wriRen law and its 5)
In contrast, common law was originally developed thfough 6) . at a
tn›e before laws were written down, Common law is based on 7)
created @ judicial decisions. which means that past 8) are
taken into considefation when cases are decided. It should be noted
that today common Id’n is also 9) , i.e. in
written form.
In the second sense of the term, civil law is distinguished from criminal
and refers to the
body breach of
Which body of law, civil law or
common law, is the basis of the
legal system of Indonesia?

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