Christian Morality Session 1

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Humanity is faced with ‘big questions’; How should we live? What is goodness? Why should we act morally?

 How do we know what is right or wrong? What kind of life leads to real,
and eternal, happiness? For Catholic Christians, faith in Jesus Christ is expressed in lives of loving service as his disciples.

“ Christian morality helps us discover how we should live our lives as a result of our faith in God’s word which has been revealed to us. Christian Morality can be summarized in
the word responsibility. There are two components to this term: response and ability. To what do we respond? Christian life is a response to God’s freely given love and gift of
salvation offered to us through Jesus Christ. ‘Following Christ is thus the essential and primordial foundation of Christian morality’ (Pope John Paul II, The Splendour of Truth,
#19). Christian morality comes to the forefront when people say yes to God, when they freely respond to God’s love. The essence of Christian morality is, simply, love. Reflect on the
words of Jesus: ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your sould, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second
resembles it: you must love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mt 22:37-39).

The second aspect of Christian morality is the ability to respond to God, the ability to love, the ability to say to say yes to God. This is also a gift, also freely bestowed on us. It is part of
what it means to be a human being. Human persons have basic dignity which flows from our being created in God’s image (with a soul); this implies that we can think and love and be in
relationship to others in community. Our conscience aids us in a life directed to God and other people.”
[Michael Pennock, The Seeker’s Catechism: The Basics of Catholicism, Notre Dame Ind.: Ave Maria Press, 1994,  p 43-44]

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