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1. LOOK UP these expressions in the dictionary.

2. LOOK! It´s raining.
3. You LOOK tired.
4. I don´t like the LOOKS of it.
5. LOOK OUT! The traffic lights are changing.
6. He LOOKS like his father,
7. What are you LOOKING FOR?
8. Who´s LOOKING AFTER the baby?
9. A group of LOOKERS-ON are watching the workers.
10. Have you read “LOOK BACK in anger”?
11. LOOK AT me and don´t say a word.
12. Have a LOOK at her report.
13. He´s very proud of his good LOOKS.
14. We´re LOOKING FORWARD to your visit.
15. They LOOK DOWN on your neighbors because of their old car.
16. He LOOKS better today.
17. This suit LOOKS well on you.
18. They must LOOK INTO the possibility of reducing expenses.
19. LOOK before you leap.
20. I said he was a fool and he looked daggers at me.


1. …the CLOSE texture of wood.

2. A very CLOSE fit can be assembled by hand.
3. It´s very CLOSE in here, open the window.
4. …a CLOSE passage.
5. …a CLOSE secret.
6. …a CLOSE friend.
7. ,,,a CLOSE translation.


Son secuencias de sustantivos sin palabras estructurales en donde la ultima palabra es la mas
importante y las anteriores la califican.

“US energy consumption” significa …el consumo de energia en EEUU

1. Municipal Solid Waste Classification Methodology.

2. Scanner Motion Control Arm
3. Head Underground Mine Worker Safety Protection Procedures.
4. Hospital Employee Relations Improvement Program
5. International Space Station Astronaut Living-Quarters Module Development Project.
6. Employee Compensation Level Evaluation Procedures.
7. Military Trainee Firing-Range Regulations Orientation Manual.
8. Public Operation Transportation Vehicles.


Señale la idea principal en español y traduzca el párrafo

Naval architecture is an engineering discipline that deals with the engineering design, process,
shipbuilding, maintenance, and operation of marine vessels and structures. Naval architecture
involves basic and applied research, design development, design evaluation, construction, trials,
operation and maintenance, launching among other activities.

Ship design calculations are also required for ships that are modified by means of conversion,
rebuilding, modernization or repair. Naval engineering also involves the formulation of safety
regulations and damage control rules and the approval and certification of ship designs to meet
statutory and non- statutory requirements.

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