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4.1 Objectives
After conducting this experiment, students are expected to be able to apply Superposition,
Thevenin, and Norton Theorem in experiments.
4.2 Basic Theory
4.2.1 Superposition Theorem
The superposition theorem is a derived result of the superposition principle suited to the
network analysis of electrical circuits. The superposition theorem states that for a linear system
(notably including the subcategory of time-invariant linear systems) the response (voltage or
current) in any branch of a bilateral linear circuit having more than one independent source
equals the algebraic sum of the responses caused by each independent source acting alone,
where all the other independent sources are replaced by their internal impedances.
To ascertain the contribution of each individual source, all of the other sources first must be
"turned off" (set to zero) by:
• replacing all other independent voltage sources with a short circuit (thereby eliminating
difference of potential i.e. V=0; internal impedance of ideal voltage source is zero (short
• replacing all other independent current sources with an open circuit (thereby eliminating
current i.e. I=0; internal impedance of ideal current source is infinite (open circuit)).
This procedure is followed for each source in turn, then the resultant responses are added to
determine the true operation of the circuit. The resultant circuit operation is the superposition
of the various voltage and current sources.
The superposition theorem is very important in circuit analysis. It is used in converting any
circuit into its Norton equivalent or Thevenin equivalent.
The theorem is applicable to linear networks (time varying or time invariant) consisting of
independent sources, linear dependent sources, linear passive elements (resistors, inductors,
capacitors) and linear transformers.
Superposition works for voltage and current but not power. In other words, the sum of the
powers of each source with the other sources turned off is not the real consumed power. To
calculate power we first use superposition to find both current and voltage of each linear
element and then calculate the sum of the multiplied voltages and currents.
4.2.2 Thevenin Theorem
As originally stated in terms of DC resistive circuits only, Thévenin's theorem (aka
Helmholtz–Thévenin theorem) holds that:
• any linear electrical network containing only voltage sources, current sources and
resistances can be replaced at terminals A-B by an equivalent combination of a voltage
source Vth in a series connection with a resistance Rth;
• the equivalent voltage Vth is the voltage obtained at terminals A-B of the network with
terminals A-B open circuited;
• the equivalent resistance Rth is the resistance that the circuit between terminals A and B
would have if all ideal voltage sources in the circuit were replaced by a short circuit and
all ideal current sources were replaced by an open circuit.
• if terminals A and B are connected to one another, the current flowing from A to B will be
Vth/Rth. This means that Rth could alternatively be calculated as Vth divided by the short-
circuit current between A and B when they are connected together.
In circuit theory terms, the theorem allows any one-port network to be reduced to a single
voltage source and a single impedance. The theorem also applies to frequency domain AC
circuits consisting of reactive and resistive impedances. It means the theorem applies for AC in
an exactly same way to DC except that resistances are generalized to impedances.

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4.2.3 Norton Theorem

In direct-current circuit theory, Norton's theorem (aka Mayer–Norton theorem) is a
simplification that can be applied to networks made of linear time-invariant resistances, voltage
sources, and current sources. At a pair of terminals of the network, it can be replaced by a
current source and a single resistor in parallel. For alternating current (AC) systems the theorem
can be applied to reactive impedances as well as resistances. The Norton equivalent circuit is
used to represent any network of linear sources and impedances at a given frequency.
To find the equivalent, the Norton current Ino is calculated as the current flowing at the
terminals into a short circuit (zero resistance between A and B). This is Ino. The Norton
resistance Rno is found by calculating the output voltage produced with no resistance connected
at the terminals; equivalently, this is the resistance between the terminals with all (independent)
voltage sources short-circuited and independent current sources open-circuited. This is
equivalent to calculating the Thevenin resistance.
When there are dependent sources, the more general method must be used. The voltage at
the terminals is calculated for an injection of a 1Amp test current at the terminals. This voltage
divided by the 1 A current is the Norton impedance Rno. This method must be used if the circuit
contains dependent sources, but it can be used in all cases even when there are no dependent
4.3 Equipments
The equipments used in this experiment are:
1. laptop/PC
2. Multisim software.
4.4 Circuit Diagram and Procedures

a b

Figure 4.1 Circuit Diagram of Superposition Theorem Experiment
1. arrange the circuit as Figure 4.1a in Multisim software;
2. if the circuit is correct, adjust the voltage V1 according to the instructions;
3. write the amount of current on Table 4.1 point a;
4. arrange the circuit as Figure 4.1b in Multisim software;
5. if the circuit is correct, adjust the voltage V2 according to the instructions;
6. write the amount of current on Table 4.1 point b;

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7. arrange the circuit as Figure 4.1c in Multisim software;

8. if the circuit is correct, adjust the voltage V1 and V2 according to the instructions;
9. write the amount of current on Table 4.1 point c.
4.5 Experiment Data
Table 4.1 Data Table of Superposition Theorem Experiment
Rangkaian V1 V2 I
a ON Short
b Short ON
4.6 Analysis
Give analysis for experiment above!
4.7 Conclusions
Give conclusion for experiment above! (conclusion must be connected with objectives)!

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4.8 Questions
Give the correct answer for these questions!
1. Calculate the current of Figure 4.1c using: a) the Superposition Theorem, b) Norton's
theorem, and c) Thevenin's theorem!
2. Calculate the error in percentage between the simulation results and the calculation results
using each of the methods above!
3. What is the difference between Thevenin and Norton circuits?
4. Mention the application of the Thevenin and Norton circuits to the electric power system!

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