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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

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Research on multilevel information loss of the sharing process for

safety information
Lianhua Cheng, Huimin Guo *, Changhui Wang, Shugang Li
College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xían University of Science and Technology, Xían, Shaanxi, 710054, China


Keywords: To reveal the mechanism of information loss in the flow of safety information, and to derive an evaluation
Safety information method for describing this information loss, this paper analyzes the flow of safety information based on research
Information sharing in safety informatics and cognitive psychology. Theoretical analysis shows that the flow of safety information can
Information cognition
be divided into four stages: transformation, transmission, perception, and cognition. This paper describes a
Adaptive agent
Information loss
simplified model of the flow of safety information based on these four stages. Then, the concept of adaptive
subjects is introduced, and the sources and losses of safety information are explored. In addition, a model of
safety information flow loss is constructed. This model is used to analyze the connection between the information
loss at each stage of the sharing process, and then a “ladder hierarchical” model for the loss of safety information
is developed. Comprehensive analysis of this ladder hierarchical model of safety information leads to a formal
mathematical model of safety information loss. Finally, according to the various development stages of the safety
information sharing process, four key factors that affect the multilevel information loss of the safety information
sharing process are extracted by the hierarchical method.

1. Introduction necessary for developing the elements of process safety management.

Therefore, studying the process and mechanism of safety information
Numerous studies have shown that safety is closely connected to losses can reduce the occurrence of unsafe behavior and further prevent
human health, loss prevention, environmental protection, sustainability, accidents.
and cleaner production (Wang and Wu, 2019). According to research in To date, there has been relatively little research on safety informa­
cognitive psychology, human behavior is the external expression of an tion in the safety field, and the little research that has been conducted
internal cognitive process (Neisser, 1977; Anderson, 2016). The essence has not yet formed a complete system. Most scholars focus on the con­
of human behavior errors is, therefore, the fault of human information struction of safety information system platforms and consider the
processing (Rasmussen, 1986). Work safety practice shows that when application of information technology. Basic research on safety infor­
individuals judge whether their behavior is safe, the process is usually mation theory is relatively inadequate (Huang et al., 2015), with safety
based on their own cognition of surrounding safety information (Wu, information flow and its losses particularly in need of further study. Wu
2017). However, there is an unavoidable loss in the flow of safety in­ (2017) focused on the process of safety information cognition, and dis­
formation. When the loss of safety information affects the ability of the cussed seven key events and five-level distortion in the process of safety
subject to judge and make decisions on the safety situation, the possi­ information flow. In addition, Wu and Huang (2019) established a new
bility of behavioral errors often increases, potentially leading to acci­ accident causation model based on information flow. Zhao and Zhou
dents. Underwood and Waterson (2013) concluded that factors such as (2012) believed that a lack of safety information would directly or
information loss have a major effect on system safety, and a high pro­ indirectly lead to the occurrence of accidents and affect the development
portion of accidents are caused by information loss. Lei et al. (2019) of accident scenarios, and proposed the accident-causing theory and
highlighted that the accurate, smooth flow of safety information in a mathematical model of safety information loss. Li et al. (2017) built a
system is very important for overall safety. And Liaw (2019) maintained general model of safety information flow based on the information
that process safety information provides the fundamental information sharing process, and proposed a multi-level safety information

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Guo).
Received 2 April 2020; Received in revised form 25 May 2020; Accepted 23 June 2020
Available online 4 July 2020
0950-4230/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Cheng et al. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

asymmetry accident-causing model. Luo and Wu (2017) explored the “information,” which represents the structure, state, behavior,
delay and attenuation of related safety information based on the general and future trend of the information source, is meta-information.
method of information dissemination, and revealed the underlying Simple meta-information is not real-time information, and only
mechanism for the loss and attenuation of safety information. It is clear that meta-information which can be separated from the charac­
that the layer attenuation or loss of safety information is the funda­ terized information source is real-time information in the process
mental cause of the injury accident. But the researchers did not make of the information flow (Miao, 2010). The “real information” that
any breakthroughs in the mechanism analysis of safety information characterizes the source is the original information at the
science. Therefore, it is theoretically and practically significant to beginning of the information sharing process.
establish and discuss the foundation of safety information science (Luo (2) Safety information subject. The safety information subject refers
and Wu, 2019). to the recipient of safety information, equivalent to the concept of
The above studies are significant in understanding the process of a “sink” in the information dissemination mode of the commu­
safety information flow and preventing the occurrence of safety infor­ nication field. In contrast, however, the safety information flow
mation loss, but most research is not specific to the classification of the involves more content, and is not a simple information trans­
safety information sharing process and pays insufficient attention to the mission in the information dissemination mode. For example,
self-adaptive ability of information subjects. Additionally, there is a lack after the information flow has been completed, the information
of descriptive methods of safety information loss, meaning that no cor­ receiver can serve as a new information source, sharing and
responding evaluations can be performed. Therefore, to enrich the exchanging the information they have obtained, and this process
relevant theories and methods of safety information flow and provide a can be repeated.
theoretical basis for enterprises to make better use of safety information, (3) Information carrier and carrier information. Information carrier
this paper divides the process of safety information flow into specific is the medium that carries information in the information
stages based on previous research, describes a model of losses in the flow dissemination, and is the material basis on which information is
of safety information, and introduces methods for the expression and attached, that is, the entity used to record, transmit, accumulate
evaluation of safety information loss. and save information. However, the carrier information is a
specific entity, such as safety instructions, detection data, and so
2. Safety information sharing process and model construction on. The source information needs to be converted into carrier
information that can be transmitted by the information carrier:
At present, the research on safety information has not formed a subsequent information flow can only occur through information
unified conceptual definition, but its essence is consistent in the field of carriers. If information about the state of equipment is converted
safety. Li and Chen (2007) believed that safety information is a general into detection data carried by the information carrier, the infor­
term for information that has an impact on word safety. It is a specific mation can be transmitted and subsequent information-aware
form that reflects the differences between safety things and their cognition can be performed. Information carriers can be
changes, including warning information, production status information divided into general carriers and special carriers. General carriers
and safety instructions, etc. Zhao and Zhou (2012) put forward that refer to physical entities such as paper and microchips. Special
safety information is all relevant information that can be known to carriers include material wave signals such as sound waves and
humans, machines, and the environment in human production activities light waves. Natural language and various artificial languages (e.
and can affect the occurrence and development of accidents. Sun and Hu g., notes, engineering symbols) are special information carriers.
(2014) believed that safety information is a collection of relevant data in (4) Perceptive information. In the process of information perception,
the production and life, with the purpose of eliminating hidden dangers the safety information subject perceives the stimulation of sound
of accidents, reducing accident losses, promoting work safety and waves, odors, and light waves (detection data, device sounds, and
ensuring life safety. Wang and Wu (2017) defined the safety information abnormal odors) transmitted by the information carrier through
as the self-display of the future safety status. Luo and Wu (2018) pointed the eyes, ears, nose, and other senses. This stimulation is then
out that safety information is a kind of resource which can reflect the transmitted to the sensory center of the brain. Visual information,
emergence, development and change of all safety activities or things in auditory information, and olfactory information received by the
the field of safety, and the purpose of safety information is to protect information subject at this stage are forms of perceptive infor­
human’s physical and mental health. From the perspective of system mation (Huang et al., 2018).
safety, safety information refers to the safety status and changes of the (5) Cognitive information. The safety information subject detects,
system. screens, and converts perceptive information via the function of
the brain and its knowledge reserve, and then forms an overall
2.1. Analysis of the safety information sharing process understanding of the structure, state, behavior, and future trend
of information sources. At this time, the result within the brain is
The process of information exchange and the flow among the ele­ cognitive information. Cognitive results such as “unsafe behavior
ments within the safety system are complex (Cheng, 2015). According to of human” and “unsafe situation” are usually formed in the brain
analysis of the safety information cognitive model and the safety in­ according to the received perception information, and constitute
formation flow model, the process of obtaining and cognizing safety a kind of cognitive information. Through a transformation pro­
information can be summarized as the “information source–information cess, cognitive information can be communicated and shared in
channel–information subject” event process chain. In this chain, the the form of the language of the safety information subject. The
information source is the origin that generates safety information. The information then enters the next process of safety information
information source needs to be converted into information forms such as flow.
data, sound waves, and light waves and passed through the information
channel to be further perceived by the safety information subjects. 2.2. Model of safety information sharing process
Finally, the safety information subjects detect and transform the
perceived information through complex physiological and psychological From the above description and analysis, it is clear that the safety
processes to form cognitive information. information flow is a process whereby safety information is passed from
the information source to the safety information subject through a
(1) Information source. Information sources in the safety information certain transmission channel, and is recognized by the safety informa­
flow can be people, machines, and organizations; the tion subject (Cheng et al., 2019). In this paper, the work safety

L. Cheng et al. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

information sharing process is considered as the research object, and the many factors. Identifying the characteristics of safety information
actual work safety process is integrated to form a theoretical model of and the real-time changes in rules is very complicated, as is
the safety information flow, as shown in Fig. 1. expressing this information in a way that can be perceived by
The safety information flow can be divided into four basic processes: humans. Information standardization, signal strength, signal
transformation, transmission, perception, and cognition. Furthermore, redundancy, and the perception threshold of the safety informa­
the transformation and transmission processes can be referred to as the tion subject should all be considered in the process of safety in­
external flow phase of the safety information, with the perception and formation transformation. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid losses
cognition processes forming the internal flow phase of the safety infor­ during the process of safety information transformation.
mation. Note that the safety information subject is the cognizant of (2) Losses during safety information transmission. There is a lot of
safety information. In the cognitive process, the safety information signal noise in the process of safety information transmission.
subject has the ability to continuously learn and accumulate experience, Thus, the chaotic crossover of channels and collisions mean that
and the cognitive information mode of the subject can change according information transmission can easily become confused. In addi­
to accumulated experience. Additionally, the safety information subject tion, poor channel capabilities affect the information trans­
has innovative thinking consciousness, i.e., a certain foresight, and can mission rate, resulting in distortion of the transmission of
make appropriate adjustments to the information cognitive results. That information. Therefore, the process of safety information trans­
is, the safety information subject is an adaptive agent (Cheng and Guo, mission often results in information loss and attenuation.
2017). The losses in the safety information flow studied in this paper are (3) Losses during safety information perception. The safety infor­
mainly the information losses in the process of safety information ex­ mation subject obtains information by perceiving data, sound
change between the information agents within an enterprise. waves, and light waves carried by the information carrier. The
perception of information includes two aspects. First, the safety
3. Loss and analysis of safety information flow information subject directly performs sensory functions (such as
observing, listening, touching) for perceptual recognition, which
3.1. Losses during safety information flow is affected by the individual sensory threshold, and the infor­
mation subject is often unable to fully sense the safety informa­
The safety information flow can be roughly divided into two cate­ tion. Second, according to their own knowledge and skills, the
gories: the safety information flow generated by safety items related to information subject perceives and obtains information by means
the safety information subject, and the information exchange between of specific information equipment. The information subject’s lack
safety information subjects. Limited by the physiological and psycho­ of knowledge and skills, as well as insufficient software and
logical conditions of the safety information subjects, as well as the in­ hardware facilities to obtain safety information, results in safety
fluence of factors such as the information environment at the time, the information perception losses.
process of information flow inevitably suffers losses (Li et al., 2018; (4) Losses during safety information cognition. The information
Chaxel and Russo, 2016). In this paper, the information losses during the subject needs to recognize safety information based on existing
flow of safety information are defined as the losses caused by the knowledge reserves. However, the constraints of the information
transformation, transmission, perception, and cognition processes of subject’s knowledge structure and cultural level will bias the
safety information. According to the relevant research on two modes of perception of safety information (Clark, 2015). Moreover, the
safety information flow and information cognition (He and Fang, 2006; safety information cognitive process is not isolated, but is a sys­
Cen et al., 2016), and combined with the actual information flow situ­ tematic and holistic approach based on the existing psychological
ation in the work safety, a loss model for the flow of safety information is state of the information subject. Influenced by a series of psy­
constructed, as shown in Fig. 2. chological factors and relevant experiences, the safety informa­
Losses in the safety information flow make it impossible for the in­ tion subject perceives things in different ways, that is, they have
formation subject to obtain complete cognitive safety information. This “limited theory” and “selectivity” in the process of information
affects the judgment of the information subject, triggers unsafe cognition (Kanheman, 2003). The above factors mean that safety
behavior, and may eventually lead to accidents. A more serious loss of information cognition often produces information loss.
safety information results in a greater possibility of accidents.
4. Formal expression of safety information flow losses

3.2. Analysis of safety information flow losses 4.1. “Ladder hierarchical” model of safety information flow losses

(1) Losses during safety information transformation. The process of Block diagram models, logical models, and other conceptual models
safety information transformation refers to the transformation of provide a formal expression of the research object by revealing its main
source information into carrier information. This process involves

Fig. 1. Simplified model of the safety information sharing process.

L. Cheng et al. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

Fig. 2. Loss model of safety information flow.

concepts, definitions, and logical relationships. The “ladder hierarchi­ rectangular frame is used to represent the information status in the
cal” model described in this paper is a conceptual model. To construct a process of safety information flow (see Fig. 3), and the dotted frames
ladder hierarchical model of safety information loss, the following indicate the adaptive ability of the information subject to modify and
conclusions based on the analysis of safety information flow and loss are adjust the information. A higher information flow conversion rate in a
summarized. certain stage of the safety information flow produces a higher rectan­
gular frame margin of the information status in the next stage. Thus, a
(1) The safety information flow includes four stages: transformation, ladder hierarchical model of safety information flow loss is gradually
transmission, perception, and cognition. Among them, the formed, as shown in Fig. 3
transmission process is different from the signal transmission
process in the communication field. Safety information trans­ (1) Information loss may occur at each stage of the safety information
mission refers to the communication process between informa­ sharing process. T1 (Transformation), T2 (Transmission), P
tion subjects and the transmission of safety instructions. (Perception), and C (Cognition) represent the information con­
(2) Information loss may occur at each stage of the safety information version rate of the four stages. The conversion rate at each stage
sharing process. The information losses from each stage cannot ranges from 0 to 1.
simply be superimposed, but will affect each other, that is, the (2) The information loss at each stage affects subsequent stages,
information flow in the next stage is based on the effective in­ forming a complex serial relation. That is, the total safety infor­
formation from the previous stage. mation loss is calculated by multiplying the conversion rate of
(3) The safety information sharing process involves sources, chan­ each stage.
nels, and subjects. Among them, the safety information subject is (3) As the safety information loss increases, the cognitive result of the
an adaptive agent who displays innovative thinking conscious­ information subject deviates further from the original informa­
ness during the safety information cognitive stage, and has a tion of safety items, and makes it more likely that accidents will
certain foresight ability. Thus, the information cognitive results occur.
can be adjusted appropriately. (4) The safety information subject adjusts the received safety infor­
mation based on the perceived result of the information, thus
Based on the above understanding and related descriptions, a offsetting some of the negative impacts of information loss. That

L. Cheng et al. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

safety information subject.

4.3. Case application

There was an especially serious gas explosion accident at the Jilin

Babao Coal Industry Company, China, in 2013. The accident investiga­
tion report showed that, less than one day before the incident, three gas
explosion accidents had occurred in the mine without causing any ca­
sualties, and so construction continued. The fourth gas explosion
occurred in confinement, resulting in numerous casualties. Leading up
to this, six hermetic workers refused to take risks because of their feel­
ings regarding the previous three gas explosions. This formation of
cognitive information allowed them to avoid injury. For the perception
and cognitive processes of these six employees, the values of P, C, and μ
in Eq. (2) can be taken as 1, whereas for other employees, these values
are taken to be less than 1.
On April 1, 2013, the managers of the mining company ordered
workers to enter the underground area to deal with a fire without being
completely clear about where the fire actually was. As a result, 17 people
Fig. 3. Ladder hierarchical model of safety information flow loss. were killed in another gas explosion. Imperfect monitoring information
meant that the area of the fire was unknown, resulting in information
loss and further casualties. Therefore, according to the formal mathe­
is, on the basis of a small amount of safety perception informa­
matical model shown in Eq. (2), there were different levels of informa­
tion, it is still possible for the information subject to correctly
tion loss in each stage of the dynamic information flow process in the
recognize the information. When the information loss is partic­
underground area, especially under the influence of the poor psycho­
ularly significant, the information subject may also re-recognize
logical and emotional state of the managers, and there was serious safety
the safety information.
information loss in the cognitive stage. The information loss in each
stage affected that in subsequent stages, resulting in the cognitive result
4.2. Formal mathematical model of safety information flow loss
that the safety information had seriously deviated from the dynamic
information in the fire area. The managers of the mining company made
Mathematical models can generally be divided into “conceptual
judgments based on severely distorted safety information, and mis­
models,” “formal models,” and “application models” (Huang, 2015).
judged the safety of underground mines. Under the influence of certain
Conceptual models indicate the names of various factors that affect the
risk-taking and luck-related factors, the unauthorized sending of
research target, that is, they only describe which factors are related to
personnel into the underground area to deal with the fire eventually
the research target. According to the multi-level information flow loss in
caused a fatal gas explosion accident.
the process of safety information sharing studied in this paper, the
The above analysis of a typical accident case verifies the rationality
multi-level information flow loss is related to the four processes of safety
and practicability of the ladder hierarchical model and the formal model
information transformation, transmission, perception and cognition.
of safety information flow loss. Thus, the formal expression method has
Thus, a conceptual model of safety information flow loss can be estab­
strong practical significance.
lished as follows:
L = F(T1 , T2 , P, C) (1) 5. Influencing factors of safety information loss

where L represents the degree of safety information loss, T1 is the safety At present, most of the related researches on the sharing process of
information conversion rate, T2 represents the safety information safety information sharing explore the influencing factors from the in­
transmission rate, P represents the safety information perception rate, formation itself, the information environment, and the information
and C represents the safety information cognition rate. subject, which is consistent with “source-channel (information
When people have a certain understanding of the research objec­ environment)-information subject” event process chain. On the basis of
tives, they can usually put forward formal mathematical models. Formal related research, this paper used a step-by-layer method to analyze the
mathematical models can give formal mathematical expressions, but the development stages of the safety information sharing and sharing pro­
specific functional forms or detailed parameters of such mathematical cess, and gradually analyzed the specific sharing process and event
models are not determined, so they are staged results from qualitative development chain of safety information, as shown in Table 1
research to quantitative research. In each stage of the information
sharing process, the information obtained is always less than or equal to (1) Safety information environment. The flow of safety information
the information in the last stage, so the value of the information con­ sharing is affected by the environment factors such as the severity
version rate is within the closed interval [0,1]. From this, the following of signal noise, channel capacity, etc. When the safety informa­
formal mathematical expression of the safety information loss can be tion environment restricts the flow of safety information, making
obtained: safety information ineffective or unable to complete the flow,
L = 1 − η × T1 × T2 × P × μ × C (2) safety information loss will occur. The safety information envi­
ronment significantly affects the processes of transformation and
where η is the correction coefficient for the information characteristics, transmission of safety information. Therefore, enterprises should
which is related to information characteristics such as the complexity, optimize the working environment and maintain a good infor­
specific sharing process, and methods of safety information; this mation transmission environment. In addition, simplify the safety
parameter has a value of 1 when there is no correction. μ is the adaptive information transmission link and set up dedicated personnel to
correction coefficient for the cognitive stage of the information subject, handle the safety information to minimize the loss of information
which is related to the adaptive information correction ability of the flow.

L. Cheng et al. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67 (2020) 104223

Table 1
Hierarchical analysis of safety information sharing process.
Development level and stage External level Internal level

transformation transmission perception cognition

Event development chain Safety information transformation Safety information transmission Safety information perception Safety information cognition
Critical factor Safety information environment Safety information capabilities,
Safety information quality
Safety information characteristics

(2) Safety information capabilities. Safety information capability is a proposed corresponding methods of expressing these losses.
subjective condition that the information agent must possess. The
lack of information capability of safety information agents mainly (1) The safety information sharing process was analyzed, and a
affects the perception and cognition process of safety informa­ simplified model of the safety information sharing process was
tion, resulting in the loss of safety information flow. Safety in­ constructed. According to the relevant analysis and simplified
formation capabilities mainly include the ability to identify, model, the safety information sharing process can be divided into
acquire, understand, accept, and organize storage of safety in­ external and internal phases, and can be further divided into four
formation. So, the information agent’s ability to acquire, accept, basic processes of transformation, transmission, perception, and
and store information is the main factor affecting information cognition.
transmission. Enterprises can improve employees’ safety infor­ (2) The information loss in each stage of the safety information
mation knowledge and skills through professional training, and sharing process was analyzed, and a loss model of safety infor­
enhance the ability training and experience accumulation of in­ mation flow was constructed. The loss of safety information is
formation transmission agents. caused by the failure and errors of certain information flows. The
(3) Safety information quality. The cognition of information by loss of safety information at each stage affects that in subsequent
safety information subjects is a comprehensive overall cognition, stages. Through analysis, it was found that the safety information
often showing “limited rationality” and “selectivity”, which af­ subject is an adaptive agent. In the process of information
fects the safety information cognition process and leads to the loss cognition, the cognitive result of safety information can be
of safety information cognition. The factors affecting the overall adjusted appropriately by the information subject.
cognitive process of the information subject are collectively (3) The degree of safety information loss affects the safety risk level.
referred to as safety information literacy. The safety information To evaluate the degree of information loss in the process of safety
quality involved in the information flow mainly includes safety information flow, a ladder hierarchical model and a formal
information awareness, safety information-related knowledge mathematical model of safety information flow losses were con­
and skills and safety information emotions. Thus, enterprises structed. In addition, safety information environment, capabil­
should strengthen the safety information training of employees, ities, quality and characteristics four key factors that affect the
improve employees’ cognitive ability to the safety information multilevel information loss of the safety information sharing
and judge the sensitivity of information, and maintain a rational process.
state as always as possible at work to ensure the stability and
effectiveness of the information processing. Author statement
(4) Safety information characteristics. Safety information character­
istics include the basic attributes and the quality characteristics of I have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of
safety information. Analyzing the information sharing process of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the
safety information sharing and combining related research, it is work;
believed that variability and timeliness are the main basic attri­ I have drafted the work or revised it critically for important intel­
butes affecting the safety information sharing, and the quality lectual content;
characteristics are mainly reflected in the interactivity and stan­ I have approved the final version to be published;
dardization of information. Thence, enterprises should formulate I agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that
safety information transmission standards based on the actual questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
work requirements, standardize information, and unify semantics appropriately investigated and resolved.
as much as possible. At the same time, increase information All persons who have made substantial contributions to the work
acquisition channels to ensure the timeliness and standardization reported in the manuscript, including those who provided editing and
of safety information. writing assistance but who are not authors, are named in the Ac­
knowledgments section of the manuscript and have given their written
In summary, in the external flow stage of safety information sharing, permission to be named. If the manuscript does not include Acknowl­
the safety information environment, such as channel capacity and signal edgments, it is because the authors have not received substantial con­
noise severity, affects the transformation and transmission of safety in­ tributions from nonauthors.
formation. And during the internal flow stage of safety information
sharing, the safety information ability and quality of information subject Declaration of competing interest
affect the perception and cognition process. In addition, the timeliness
and normative characteristics of safety information affect the whole The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
safety information sharing process. The above factors may cause the loss interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of safety information flow. the work reported in this paper.

6. Conclusion Acknowledgement

Based on the actual characteristics of the process of safety informa­ This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science
tion flow, this paper has discussed the problem of information loss and Foundation of China (51974238). We thank Stuart Jenkinson, PhD, from

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