Maquette Lesson Plan Edwardsj 1

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Jewel Edwards 

ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet  

Title of Learning Segment: ​Maquette Project   
Grade or Class: ​5th Grade  
Prior Knowledge:  
● Material exploration  
Central Focus/Big Idea: ​This lesson will challenge students to build a 3D 
Learning Segment Overview: ​Students use wire, tape, and modeling clay 
to create a maquette. Students will be able to create a structure to support their miniature model. 
Goal to transform 2D materials into 3D forms.  
Intro/ Motivation/Engage/Research:  
● Introduction to the artist Lyndon Barrois and his creation of maquettes.  
● Discuss ways maquette are used in art. Present key vocabulary. 
● Demonstration on maquette structure building using wire and tape. 
● Students will sketch and brainstorm ideas.  
Time needed: 30 minutes 
Instruction process/Procedure/Explore/Guided Practice:  
● The instructor will briefly review the printmaking demonstration 
● Students will start on their maquette structure.  
Time needed: 45 minutes 
Present/ Respond and/or connect/present:  
● Students will share their progress on their maquette and give constructive feedback.  
Time needed: 15 minutes  
Summative Assessment/ Evaluation/Closure:  
● TAG: Tell, Ask, Give with Partners  
Time needed: 15 minutes  
Standard  Learning Objective  (Summative) Assessment  
NVAS: # &text  VA:Cr2.1.5a: Experiment and  Self-reflection: 2 Stars and a Wish 
Artists and  develop skills in multiple art-making 
designers balance  techniques and approaches through 
experimentation  practice. 
and safety, 
freedom and 
while developing 
and creating 
SCVAS: # & text  NH.2.2:  
2: I can use different  I can make art by combining two or 
materials,  more art materials 
techniques, and 
Jewel Edwards 
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet  

processes to make 
Academic Language Demands, as applicable: 
● Language Function​ ​One​ LF essential for students to develop & 
practice. Use Standard and Objective ​action verbs​, e.g. analyze, 
compare/contrast, interpret. 
○ Students will be able to describe the printmaking 
● Vocabulary  
○ Structure 
○ Maquette 
○ Technique  
● Discourse ​How will you develop students’ academic discourse (putting the words to 
work/responding) and/or syntax (symbols, etc.)? 
○ In my maquette, I built a structure to create ________.  
● Practice  
○ 2 Stars and a Wish. The student will self critique their work by writing two things 
that were successful and one thing they can improve on.  
Key Materials  
● Wire 
● Pliers  
● Masking Tape 
● Modeling Clay 
Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L. Segment 
Standard  Objective  Formative Assessment 
Standard 2: I can use  NH.2.2:   Exit Ticket- Students can write 
different materials,  I can make art by combining two  down something that they learned 
techniques, and processes  or more art materials  from this project.  
to make art. 
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)  
1. The instructor will introduce the lesson by showing the artist Lyndon Barrois and his 
creation of maquettes. Discuss ways maquette are used in art. Present key vocabulary. 
Demonstration on maquette structure building using wire and tape. 
2. Students will sketch and brainstorm ideas. Ask questions and give more detailed 
3. Students will construct their wire structure, then wrap the tape around the structure.  
4. Students will place modeling clay around their structure to finish their maquette (animal, 
person, object..etc) 
5. In partners, students will share their progress on their maquette and give constructive 
6. Self-reflection: Students will complete TAG with a partner to reflect on their final work.  
Theory/Theorists/Research Connections: ​State the theory/theorists whose thinking influenced 
yours for this learning segment. E.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Lowenfeld. Cite sources. These are the two 
that you referenced in your Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks 
Accommodations ​Universal Design for Learning used in this art lesson.  
● Representation:  
Jewel Edwards 
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet  

o video and in-person demonstration 

o examples of maquette structures  
● Engagement:  
o In groups, students will talk about their maquettes.  
● Expression:  
o students will do the 2 Stars and a Wish as a self-reflection  
● Individual students with special needs:  
o Color-colored signage for art materials  
o Break down instructions into small steps and one-one 
o Limiting classroom distractions 
Resources/​ ​Books, dictionary, articles, websites cited correctly using APA 
Artifacts/teacher or student-made ​Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc. 
- PowerPoint Presentation on Maquettes 
Reflection (Internship I only)​ ​What went well? Not so well? Next time I will do this differently…  

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