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Falkis, Stephanie

Period 8
1 Feb. 2011
Chapter 18
Study Guide

1. Although tobacco was a New World plant long used by Amerindians,

Although tobacco was a New World plant long used by Amerindians, it was becoming a new market
among seventeenth-century Europeans, despite individuals like King James I of England that deemed it harmful.
2. Chartered companies were...
Chartered companies were made to promote national claims without government expense by giving groups
of private investors monopolies over trade to their west indies colonies in exchange for annual fees.
3. Which of the following does not describe the Dutch West India Company?
In contrast the Dutch West India company chartered by the Dutch government in 1621 to carry their
conflict for Independence from Spain to Spain's overseas possession. The company was very successful.
4. The expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies required...
The expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies required a sharp increase in the volume of the slave
trade from Africa.
5. Which area best illustrates the dramatic transformation that sugar brought to the 17th century Caribbean?
The effect on slavery best illustrates the dramatic transformation that sugar brought to the 17th century
6. In the seventeenth-century Caribbean, indentured servants cost___ as slaves.
In the seventeenth-century Caribbean, indentured servants cost less than, or one half the price of slaves.
7. The cultivation and production of sugar can best be described as...
The cultivation and production of sugar can best be described as straightforward. 14-18 months the cane
was ready to be cut, and roots made more shoots that could be harvested every 9 months. It was a complex
investment because it needed expensive crushing equipment.
8. How did France and England expand their Caribbean holdings?
France and England ignored the treaty of Tordesillas to invade the Spanish territory in the Caribbean in
order to expand their holdings.
9. The French plantation economies were considered “more diverse” because they also produced...
The French plantation economies were considered “more diverse” because some planters also raised
provisions for local consumption and crops such as coffee and cacao for export.
10. Sugar plantations caused environmental damage through...
Sugar plantations caused environmental damage through soil exhaustion from lack of crop rotation,
deforestation, domesticated animals, and new plants.
11. Where would slave children most likely be found working?
Slave children would most likely be found weeding the crops.
12. On most islands, the percentage of slaves in the population was...
On most islands, the percentage of slaves in the population was 90 percent or more.
13. In the eighteenth century, West Indian plantations were controlled by a plantocracy,
In the eighteenth century, West Indian plantations were controlled by a plantocracy, the relatively few elite
plantation owners from Europe.
14. Men outnumbered women on Caribbean plantations because...
Men outnumbered women on Caribbean plantations because slave ships brought twice as many males as
they did females from Africa.
15. “Drivers” were typically...
“Drivers” were typically privileged male slaves.
16. Plantation slaves were motivated to work hard...
Plantation slaves were motivated to work hard to evade punishment.
17. Manumission permitted slaves to...
Manumission permitted slaves to purchase their freedom.
18. Life expectancy for nineteenth-century Brazilian male slaves was...
Life expectancy for nineteenth-century Brazilian male slaves was 23 years.
19. Most slaves died of...
Most slaves died of disease.
20. Which was NOT a method used to curtail African cultural traditions by European planters?
A method used to curtail African cultural traditions by European planters was taking an army of 150,000
African slaves to become loyal to the Islamic Morocco.
21. Among the planter elite in Saint Dominigue, where would free blacks rank in the social heirarchy?
Among the planter elite in Saint Dominigue, free blacks ranked in the third class right below the less-well-
off Europeans, which trailed the wealthy owners of large sugar plantations.
22. Which maroon community first signed treaties recognizing their independent status as runaway slaves?
Jamaican maroons, after withstanding several attacks by the colony’s militia, signed a treaty in 1739 that
recognized their independence in return for their cooperation in stopping new runaways and suppressing slave
23. To reduce the risk of overseas trading, companies...
To reduce the risk of overseas trading, companies depended on the new economic systems of chartered
companies and the monopolies granted by mercantilism.
24. Merchamtisim is..
Merchantism is a group of polices adopted by European states to promote their citizens overseas trade and
accumulate capital in the form of precious metals, especially gold and silver. Mercantistic countries strongly
discouraged citizens from trading with foreign merchants and used armed force when necessary to secure exclusive
25. The English Navigation Acts in the 1600s were meant to
The English Navigation Acts in the 1600s were meant to confined trade with its colonies to English Ships
and cargoes.
26. While the British system of mercantilism was defined by the Navigation Acts, the French system used laws
known as: ...
While the British system of mercantilism was defined by the Navigation Acts, the French system used laws
known as the Exclusif.
27. The “clockwise” network of trade in the Atlantic was the...
The “clockwise” network of trade in the Atlantic was the Atlantic Circuit.
28. The second leg of the Atlantic Circuit, transporting slaves across the Atlantic to plantation colonies, was known
as: …
The second leg of the Atlantic Circuit, transporting slaves across the Atlantic to plantation colonies, was
known as Middle Passage.
29. During the first 150 years after the European discovery of the Americas, how many Africans were transported in
the Atlantic slave trade?
During the first 150 years after the discovery of the Americas, 800,000 Africans were transported in the
Atlantic slave trade.
30. During the “sugar boom” from 1650 to 1800, ___ slaves were transported.
During the “sugar boom” from 1650 to 1800, 7.5 million slaves were transported.
31. What was the principal cause of mortality aboard the Atlantic slave ships?
Disease was the principal cause of mortality abroad the Atlantic slave ships.
32. Africans who provided slaves to Europeans most often preferred to receive in return...
Africans who provided slaves to Europeans most often preferred the greatest demands for textiles,
hardware, and guns. Cowrie shells also were important to them because it was their currency.
33. The African state most dependent on the slave trade was...
The African state most dependent on the slave trade was Dahomey.
34. Most slaves taken away from Africa were...
Most slaves taken away from Africa were male.
35. In the eighteenth century, what was the major source of slaves in the interior of the Bright of Biafra?
In the eighteenth century, kidnapping was the major source of slaves in the interior of the Bright of Biafra.
36. The greatest source for slaves for the Atlantic trade was from...
The greatest source for slaves for the Atlantic trade was from Africa.
37. Generally, the Atlantic African slave trade was based on a partnership between...
Generally, the Atlantic African slave trade was based on a partnership between European and African
38. Most slaves in the Islamic world were...
Most slaves in the Islamic world were women.
39. Islamic law prohibited the enslavement of...
Islamic law prohibited the enslavement of Muslims.
40. The majority of African slaves in the Islamic world were...
The majority of African slaves in the Islamic world were cavalry and foot soldiers.
41. Both Muslims and Europeans obtained slaves from sub-Saharan Africa, but...
Both Muslims and Europeans obtained slaves fron sub-Saharan Africa, but they were used for different
purposes: Atlantic slave labor for cash crops; Sub-Saharan soldiers, servants, concubines, etc. Also many the
Atlantic took many more slaves.
42. Which of the following is not true of the population loss in Africa as a result of the slave trade?
Three instances that are true of the population loss in Africa as a result of the slave trade: 1)Even at the
peak of the trade in the 1700's sub-Saharan Africa's overall population remained very large 2) Localities that
contributed heavily to the slave trade, such as the lands behind the slave coast, suffered acute losses. 3) The ability
of a population to recover from losses was related to the proportion of fertile women who were shipped away.
43. Which of the following is true regarding the Atlantic slave trade?
The Europeans made enormous wealth off of the sugar plantations and tobacco plantations. Trade in the
Atlantic began to rival that in the Indian Ocean Basin. The trade of silver to East Asia laid the basics of a Pacific
Ocean economy.

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