Nama: Annisa Anastasya Taufiq Kelas: X Mipa 1: 6. Put The Verbs in Bracckets With "Should" or "Should Have"

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6. put the verbs in bracckets with “should” or “should have”.

1. The pupils are bored with the English lesson. The teacher
(make) should makes the lessons more interesting for pupils.
2. Look at the vase. It’s broken into peaces now. You (be) should
have be careful. It was an expensive Chinese vase.
3. Watch out! A car is coming. You (be) should be careful when
you cross the street.
4. You (not give) shouldn’t have given the baby a pen to play with.
It’s too risky.
5. The man is coughing a lot. He (not smoke) shouldn’t have
smoked so much.
6. You (consult) should consult a dictionary if you don’t
understand the meaning.
7. If you had told me about your promblem, i would have been glad
to help you. You (not give) shouldn’t have given up easily.
8. My car drove into back someone else’s car. I (not drive)
shouldn’t have driven the car too close.
9. The wrote the word “analyze” with “s”, which was UK spelling.
They (write) should wrote the word with “z” in US spelling.
10. I didn’t order fried rice for my lunch. They (give) should have
given me fried noodles.

7. match the sentences in the left column with the rest in the
right column.

1. My purse has been stolen d. You should have been careful in

such a crowded place.
1. My eyes hurt very much e. You shouln’t spend so much
time in front of a computer.
2. The driver in front of me a. She should have given me a
stopped suddenly and i warning.
drove into the back of his
3. The notice says that the B. It should be open by now.
store opens at nine. It is
still closed.
4. The speed limit is 55 miles C. He shouln’t be driving over the
an hour, but Tom is driving limit.
at 70

8. complete the dialogues with approviate expression in column B.

No. A B
1. “where’s Mrs. Atika?” a. Should attend
“Mrs. Atika? She is in b. Should be attending
classroom, teaching.” c. Should have attending
“what? She c. Should have
attending a very important
meeting. Every teacher is
waiting for her.”
“let me call her”
“thank you”
2. “What time is it?” a. Should land
“it’s 10 p.m.? i hope b. Should be landing
everything goes well.” c. A have landed
“What do you mean?”
“It’s is 10 p.m. the airplane
hasn’t landed yet.”
“You’re right. The airplane
b. Should be landing now.”
“I hope for nothing but a
safe flight.”
3. “You c. Should not have a. Should not move
moved here.” b. Should not be moving
“Really? I don’t think so.” c. Should not have moved
“How come you’re moving
here? Aren’t you going to
Gajah Mada University next
“You’re right. But it’s so
hard to resist!”
4. “I’m not feeling well.” a. Should not eat
“Did you go to Gerald party b. Should not be eating
last night?” c. Should not have eaten.
“i did. I c. Should not have
eaten spicy food.”
“I think so”

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