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Shanti Dwi Kartika

Research Centre of the General Secretariat of
the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia


Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. The state should protect the people and pay more attention to
disaster management through legal instruments. To anticipate the disaster, the government has is-
sued a legal policy in the form of Law Number 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Management. However, dis-
aster management has not been effective. Therefore, it is important to understand about regulatory
aspect of disaster management and legal issue in the implementation of disaster management. This
study determined that the recent law of disaster management has been well improved following the
previous law. In its implementation, there are still problems such as disharmony legislation in dis-
aster management, overlapping authority and lack of inter-institutional coordination followed by
overlapping authority, disoriented working procedures of disaster management and disaster manage-
ment to uncontrolled funding. It’s necessary harmonization of the legal system, institutional streng-
thening of the national disaster management agency and amendment of Disaster Management Act.

Keywords: disaster management, legal, regulatory


Indonesia merupakan negara yang rawan bencana. Negara harus melindungi masyarakat dan memberi-
kan perhatian lebih pada penanggulangan bencana melalui instrumen hukum. Untuk mengantisipasi
bencana, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan hukum dalam bentuk UU No. 24 Tahun 2007 ten-
tang Penanggulangan Bencana. Namun, penanggulangan bencana belum efektif. Oleh karena itu, pen-
ting untuk memahami aspek regulasi dalam penanggulangan bencana dan permasalahan hukum dalam
pelaksanaan penanggulangan bencana. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa hukum penanggulangan bencana
yang baru telah lebih meningkat dari pada hukum penanggulangan bencana sebelumnya, terjadi bebe-
rapa permasalahan dalam implementasinya seperti diharmoni peraturan perundang-undangan, tum-
pang tindih kewenangan dan koordinasi antar-kelembagaan, tata kerja dan pendanaan dalam penang-
gulangan bencana. Atas dasar itu, perlu dilakukan harmonisasi dalam sistem hukum penanggulangan
bencana, penguatan kelembagaan badan nasional penanggulangan bencana, dan perubahan UU Pe-
nanggulangan Bencana.

Kata kunci: penanggulangan bencana, hukum, peraturan.

Introduction fires (11.6%), and drought (7.9%).2 Basically, the

Indonesia is a disaster-prone country, be- disaster that often occurs is a manifestation of
cause the characteristics of geological, geo- a combination between nature prone to physical
graphical, and sociological put Indonesia as the system vulnerabilities that exist in Indonesian
area that are rich in disasters.1 Based on data society, social system, culture, and politics.3
from the National Agency for Disaster of the The disasters can have a big impact on the eco-
Republic of Indonesia, 2175 disasters that oc- nomy, social welfare, and politics of a country.
curred until November 2016, such as floods
(31.3%), typhoons (20.8%), landslides (17.3%), The National Agency for Disaster of Indonesia Republic,
“Perbandingan Jumlah Kejadian Bencana per Jenis Ben-
cana 1815-2016”, available on the website http://dibi., accessed on January 9, 2017.
1 3
Iwan Subiyantoro, “Selayang Pandang Tentang Benca- Christiana Yuni Kusmiati, ”Menuju Perbaikan Manajemen
na”, Jurnal Dialog Penanggulangan Bencana, Vol.1 No.1, Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia”, Jurnal Adminis-
2010, Jakarta: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, trasi Publik, Vol. 4 No. 2, October 2005, Bandung: Uni-
page 44. versitas Katolik Parahyangan.
Regulatory Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia 97

This indicates that the government has an im- hierarchy (arrangements), so the lower prevail-
portant role in disaster management despite ing norms, based on norms derived and higher,
disaster management is the responsibility of all whereas the higher prevailing norms, sourced,
elements of society. and based on the norms of higher again until a
For that reason, the government has in- norm cannot be traced further and hypothetical
troduced policies and regulations related to the and fictional is basic norm (grundnorm).7
handling of the disaster. To provide a legal basis The legal system is the result of the har-
in disaster management, the government has monization process of some elements and fac-
formed and issued the enactment of Law No. 24 tors are processed by and uphold paradigms,
of 2007 on the Disaster Management (Disaster principles, norms, and legal methods are cer-
Management Act). This law has been in effect tainly as previously agreed. Harmonization of
since enacted on April 26, 2007 and became the this law shall refer to the legislation, the defini-
main source of law for the implementation of tion and scope, institutional integration, as well
disaster management. There are several laws as codification and unification efforts. Dishar-
and regulations related to disaster manage- mony in the Indonesia legal system is influenced
ment, whether that specifically regulate di- by several factors. There are the differences
saster management as stipulated by law Disas- between the various laws or regulations, con-
ter Management Act and other legislation relat- flict between the law by implementing regula-
ed to the disaster. However, disaster manage- tions, difference between legislation with poli-
ment has not been effective. One base issue of cies of government agencies, difference bet-
ineffectiveness of disaster management is the ween legislation with jurisprudence and the
lack of policy and regulation at the national le- court decision, policies of the central govern-
vel regarding the handling of the disaster.4 ment agencies are conflicting, the difference
Legislation relating to disasters, among between the policies of central and local go-
others, the Disaster Management Act highly as- vernment agencies, the difference between the
sociated with legislation governing the use, provisions of the law with the formulation of a
management, and conservation of natural re- certain sense, and clash between the authority
sources. According to Bayu Dwi Anggono, need of government agencies because of the division
harmonization between the Disaster Manage- of authority that is not systematic and clear.
ment Act with sectorial legislation because the Background illustrates that Indonesia has
law is closely related to other legislation gover- a high level of vulnerability to disasters and the
ning natural resources so that there are over- government has issued a legal policy in the form
laps and inconsistencies.5 This harmonization is of legislation. But in practice, the regulation of
required in order to avoid overlapping regula- disaster management has not been effective.
tion and harmony between legal norms in regu- This study deals with legal issues of disaster ma-
lations as the legal system in the national legal nagement in Indonesia, which is: what the re-
frameworks.6 Based on this theory, Hans Kelsen gulatory aspect of disaster management and
argues that legal norms tiered and layered in a what the legal issues in the implementation of
disaster management. This study is intended to
Heru Susetyo, “Urgensi Undang-Undang Penanggulangan
examine and analyse the regulatory aspects of
Bencana di Indonesia,” Lex Jurnalica Vol. 3 No. 1, April
2005, Jakarta: Universitas Esa Unggul, page 24. disaster management. This study is expected to
Bayu Dwi Anggono, “Harmonisasi Peraturan Perundang-
increase knowledge about disaster management
undangan di Bidang Penanggulangan Bencana,” Mimbar
Hukum, Vol. 22 No. 2, Juni 2010, Yogyakarta: Universi- and harmonization of regulations. Other than
tas Gadjah Mada, page 373-390.
Sapto Budoyo, ”Langkah Sistemik Harmonisasi Hukum
dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan”, Maria Farida Indrati S, 2007, Ilmu Perundang-undangan
Civis, Vol. 4 No. 2, July 2014, Semarang: Universitas I: Jenis, Fungsi, dan Materi Muatan, Yogyakarta: Kani-
PGRI, page 608. sius, pages 41-42.
98 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

that, this study is expected to be a reference aster management system nationally or disaster
for stakeholders, especially parliaments, go- management system.10 Other than that, the
vernments, and national disaster management disaster management system still materially
agency to making policies and regulations of the sectorial, fragmented, and focused on the
disaster management, including to revise the emergency response before the enactment of
Disaster Management Act. the Disaster Management Act. The regulations
of disaster management have indication of con-
Discussion flict because of overlapping arrangements, in-
The Regulatory Aspect of Disaster Manage- stitutional, and authority resulting in inconsis-
ment tencies and multiple interpretations in the le-
The national political law should be able gislation. Therefore, the normative disaster ma-
to encourage and fill all the elements in the nagement should be regulated.
national legal system. The national legal system To meet legal requirements and improve
is an integral unity in the development of the disaster response pattern, the Government and
law, which consists of lawmaking, legal sub- the House of Representatives of the Indonesia
stance, legal executing, and law enforcement.8 Republic have enacted Disaster Management Act
It is means the dimensions of state administra- on April 26, 2007 to be the legal basis for dis-
tion, demanded optimal roles and responsibili- aster management in Indonesia. The Disaster
ties of the state to protect its people, either in Management Act is a decision between the Par-
the form of protection to life and the lives of liament and the President as the legal policies
the people including protection against natural of the results of the political process for dis-
disasters.9 aster management in Indonesia. Disaster Man-
In addition, the need for the presence of agement Act essentially regulates the imple-
legal instruments in disaster management is in- mentation of disaster management, the founda-
fluenced by the momentum of natural disasters tion of norms and values, institutions, distribu-
period 1989 to 2007 and human factors such as tion of authority, and law enforcement. After
vertical conflict that occurred in some areas. the enacted Disaster Management Act, disaster
The disasters often occur in Indonesia affected management has ad new dimension in the pat-
by the hazard pose risks and social conflict. This tern and system of disaster management in In-
is the legal political factors that affect the es- donesia. There is a change in the system of
tablishment of the political of law of disaster disaster management in Indonesia after enacted
management. Disaster Management Act as shown at Table 1.
The occurrence of disasters and the need Table 1. Comparative Perspectives of Old and
for a comprehensive legal instrument of disaster New System of Disaster management
is influenced by the condition of Indonesia Old System New System
Generally appli-
which at the time was not yet has a basic policy cable and binding
in the form of legislation in a coherent and Legal basic Sectoral on all depart-
comprehensive set of disaster management and ments, public and
policy framework that is no longer relevant in tal organizations
the context of democracy and an autonomy. Mitigation, emer-
This occur has been aware of the Indonesian Emergency gency response,
response rehabilitation and
people will need to have a comprehensive dis- reconstruction
Disaster man- National Board
Riri Nazriyah, ”Peranan Cita Hukum dalam Pembentukan Institute agement coor- for Disaster Ma-
Hukum Nasional,” Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, No. 20 dination body nagement BNPB),
Vol. 9, June 2002, Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Indone-
sia, page 137.
9 10
Shanti Dwi Kartika, “Politik Hukum Penanggulangan Ben- Syamsul Maarif, “Bencana dan Penanggulangannya dari
cana,” Jurnal Kajian, Vol. 20 No. 4, December 2015, Ja- Aspek Sosiologis,” Jurnal Dialog Penanggulangan Benca-
karta: Pusat Pengkajian Pengolahan Data dan Informasi, na, Vol. 1 No. 1, Tahun 2010, Jakarta: Badan Nasional
Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI, page 335. Penanggulangan Bencana, page 4.
Regulatory Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia 99

Old System New System nal and regional level, and involves the active
(Bakornas PB), Provincial Disas- participation of society. The establishment of
implementing ter Management
coordination Agency (BPBD
the Disaster Management Act is influenced by
unit (Satkor- Provinsi), disaster the changes that occur in the community re-
lak), and im- response agencies lated to the disaster emergency response be
plementing of district/city
units (Satlak) (BPBD Kab/ Kota)
seen from risk management, protection of go-
Role of civil Actively involve vernment into protection as human rights for
society community the people, and disaster management as the re-
Responsibility of sponsibility of the state be run disaster manage-
Division of Most of the the central
responsibili- central go- gover-nment, ment as a shared responsibility of all elements
ties vernment provincial and of the nation. It expands disaster management
district to public space by changing all aspects of poli-
Not to be part National Action
of develop- Plan for Disaster cy, institutional, coordination, and mechanisms
ment planning Risk Reduction that give more space for public participation,
aspects a. Disaster ma- non-governmental organizations, businesses,
Development nagement
Planning plan and the international community.
b. Regional Ac- The Disaster Management Act mandates a
tion Plan for paradigm shift in disaster management in Indo-
Disaster Risk
Reduction nesia, namely of emergency response turns into
Risk analysis risk reduction. This means that the paradigm
Mitigation (combining vul- shift from emergency response into disaster risk
approach nerability and ca-
pacity) reduction with risk management, then the ele-
National Plat- ments of the emergency response phase as pre-
Forum coope- Not available
form disaster need to be prepared in an integrated
ration among
stake-holders Provincial Plat- manner with an emphasis on prevention and
Responsibility preparedness elements.11 Disaster Management
Budget allo- Depending on the Act comprehensively identify the disaster as an
of the central
cation level of disaster
government event or series of events that threaten and dis-
Referring to the
Fragmented guidelines made
rupt the lives and livelihoods caused by three
for Disaster factors, namely natural factors, non-natural
and sectorial by BNPB and BP-
BD factors, and the human factor which is then re-
Disaster aspect
ferred to as a social disaster. By regulation, the
should be consi-
With Spatial Not to be as- disaster caused by these three factors are legis-
dered in the pre-
Linkage pects
paration of spa- lation disaster field, aspects of legislation zon-
ing and environmental, legislation decentraliza-
Source: Bappenas RI
tion and specificity, sectorial legislation, and
Table 1 shows that disaster management in In-
legislation supporting of disaster mitigation.
donesia experiencing a paradigm shift since the
There are based on The Constitution of 1945
enactment of the Disaster Management Act. Di-
which is the highest hierarchy of legislation of
saster management is no longer on all aspects
the Republic of Indonesia. On this basis, the
of emergency response, but also emphasizes all
fifth legal arena for this disaster spread on
aspects of disaster management which includes
the pre-disaster mitigation, emergency response some legislation at the level of legislation. For
in times of disaster, and post-disaster rehabili- 11
Shandra Lisya Wandasari, ”Sinkronisasi Peraturan Perun-
tation and reconstruction. The disaster manage- dang-undangan dalam mewujudkan Pengurangan Risiko
Bencana,” Unnes Law Journal, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2013, Sema-
ment involving all stakeholders from the natio- rang: Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang, page
100 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

it, is necessary to harmonize and changes to setting in some legislation. The constraints fa-
Disaster Management Act which is based on the ced in the implementation of the Disaster Mana-
dynamics of legal norms. gement Act, namely: first, before the enact-
ment of the Disaster Management Act has no
The Legal Issues in the Implementation of Dis- legisla-tion governing disaster relief efforts in
aster Management related sectors which have consequences secto-
There are several issues arising from the rial responsibilities; and second, found indica-
disaster, among other disasters are difficult to tions of legislation both at the centre and in
predict, the equipment used to secure and eva- areas relating to disaster relief efforts are still
cuate disaster victims is still limited and the showing symptoms overlap, conflict, inconsis-
lack of coordination between the central go- tency, and multiple interpretations.
vernment and local governments in disaster ma- In its implementation, there are still
nagement is not maximized and optimized, di- problems such as disharmony legislation in dis-
saster management is still using the paradigm aster management, overlapping authority and
which is partial, the government has not pro- lack of inter-institutional coordination, and
perly carry out its function in the protection of working procedures of disaster management and
victims. Besides set in the Disaster Management disaster management funding. The first problem
Act and its implementing regulations, the dis- of the implementation of disaster management
aster is the substance that is tangent to the set- is disharmony regulation in disaster manage-
ting in some legislation. Based on the legal as- ment. This regulatory harmonization needs to
pect of the Disaster Management Act, this act be done, because it has elements of Disaster
serve as a legal basic that is lex generalist and Management Act disorders with some sectorial
comprehensive for disaster management with laws and authority vested in them, such as the
all regulatory and policy implementation. How- Law Number 27 Year 2007, the Law Number 7
ever, the law is dynamic following the develop- Year 2012, the Law Number 26 Year 2007, and
ments and changes, including in terms of dis- the Law Number 31 Year 2009. It means the
aster, so there would be possible legal issues in substance of the legislation relating to disaster
the implementation of the Disaster Management management, such as natural resources, the au-
Act. thority of government, institutional, financial,
Disaster Management Act is classifying di- and environmental.
saster into three groups, namely natural disas- Against this legal issues need to be har-
ters, man-made disasters, and social disaster. monized by the dynamics of legal norms. This
Disaster Management Act gives a new dimension harmonization is necessary for the implementa-
to disaster management in Indonesia, which was tion of the Disaster Management Act has been
followed by the enactment of legislation that linked with several other legislations although
implementation of Government Regulation not specifically regulates disaster management.
Number 21 Year 2008 on the Implementation of Other than that, regulation of disaster manage-
Disaster Management, Government Regulation ment is necessary for the harmonization of the
Number 22 Year 2008 on Financing and Manage- laws of disaster management have an element
ment of Disaster Assistance, Government Regu- of disharmony with some sectoral laws, include-
lation Number 23 Year 2008 on the Participation ing the authority in it. Harmonization is needed,
of International Institutions and Foreign Non- because the Indonesian legal system is plural
Government Institutions in Disaster Manage- can trigger disharmony legislation.
ment, and Presidential Decree Number 8 Year Harmonization undertaken should refer to
2008 on the National Disaster Management the legislation, the definition and scope, insti-
Agency. Besides set in the Disaster Management tutional coherence, the efforts of codification,
Act and its implementing regulations, the di- and unification. This harmonization can’t be
saster is the substance that is tangent to the separated from rechtidee and staat fundamen-
Regulatory Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia 101

tal norm, for later study the vertical and hori- ministries and agencies should do the National
zontal synchronization as a form of harmoniza- Agency for Disaster of Indonesian Republic. The
tion. Synchronization is carried out in accord- presence of this Instruction may be interpreted
ance with the theory of the hierarchy of legal as a statement of inability to coordinate all
norms (stufenbau theory). A legal norm is sour- components of disaster, able to coordinate and
ced and based on the norm across it and down willing coordinate.
into the rule below it. A legal norm has a This misalignment results in a clash of au-
validity period depends on the norms laws that thority and lack of institutional coordination is
are in it. The positive law is arranged in a logi- responsible for dealing with disasters. This is
cal hierarchy pyramid. The hierarchy of legal due to sectoral laws granting authority to the
norms articulated in the hierarchy of legislation institutions to deal with the disaster, while the
in Indonesia as stipulated in the Law Number 12 National Disaster Management Agency is man-
Year 2011. Hierarchy of legislation puts NRI dated to coordinate the ministries, agencies,
Constitution of 1945 as the highest legislation in and local governments in disaster management.
Indonesia. On that basis, the legislation in the This has an impact on the working procedures
field of disaster management refers to the NRI and disaster relief funding, because ministries,
Constitution of 1945. agencies, and local governments will have the
Implementation of disaster management working procedures of disaster management
ultimately implemented by government regula- along with funding.
tions and ministerial level decisions and institu- The other regulatory problems of disaster
tions. In the execution of the respective min- management are working procedures and fund-
istries and agencies make their own rules, as ing which of disaster management are related
derived above legislation on it. These conditions to Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Go-
gave rise to potential inconsistencies in the im- vernment and Law Number 33 Year 2004 on Fis-
plementation of disaster management. How- cal Balance between the Government and the
ever, disharmony legislation in disaster mana- Local Government. Both of regulation is not set
gement, it makes overlapping authority and lack mandate for local government in the disaster
of inter-institutional coordination of ministries/ management, even in Law Number 23 Year 2014
agencies that run the disaster management au- on Regional Government also does not give au-
thority as has been derived from sectorial laws thority to the local government in disaster man-
as their roles, responsibilities, and functions of agement. This resulted in the disaster manage-
the sector. ment has not become the principal mandate
This means the problem arises when the funding for activities disaster management be-
alignment and coordination across sectors to comes stepchild in the financial balance of de-
realize the disaster. The National Agency for velopment. Disaster management funding in
Disaster of Indonesian Republic difficulty carry- areas not included in the main priorities. The
ing out the mandate to coordinate ministries same thing affairs division between central and
and agencies, when traced it seems originated local government in the implementation of the
from Presidential Decree Number 8 Year 2008 disaster management is often considered to be
on the Establishment the National Agency for unclear. Besides these laws, Government Regu-
Disaster of Indonesian Republic. The institution- lation Number 22 Year 2008 on Disaster Manage-
nal problems continue with The Presence of ment Funding and Government Regulation Num-
Presidential Decree Number 4 Year 2012 on Dis- ber 38 Year 2007 on Government Affairs Division
aster Management Flood and Landslide (Instruc- of the Provincial Government and local govern-
tion 4/2012). Substance Instruction 4/2012 ba- ment, district/ city, or between the Provincial
sically reaffirms coordinates the functions of Government and the Government of Regency/
102 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum
Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017

City are still not significant. One of the legal in- substance as well as in the implementation and
struments used are Government Regulations enforcement.
Number 44 Year 2012 on the Emergency Fund. But it’s in implementation of disaster
Regulation needs to accommodate the use of management has regulatory problems. Problem
emergency funds-practice emergency response solving from the legal issue in the implementa-
led to the status of emergency preparedness tion of disaster management is needed to be
and emergency transition, considering the im- harmonized by the dynamics of legal norms in
plications there. accordance with the theory of the hierarchy of
This means that the disharmony in dis- legal norms. It means to solve these problems,
aster when viewed from factors causing dishar- necessary harmonization of the legal system and
mony by LM Lapian Gandhi. The differences the legislation for the creation of a system that
between the various laws and regulations, the is more comprehensive disaster management,
difference between law enforcement regula- compile and collect the legislation that has
tions, and the clash of authority from stake- been there for more convenient reference in
holders because of the division of authority that disaster management, and create a database of
is not systematic and clear are pull factors that legislation.
cause the lack of disaster management regula- It is also necessary for the institutional
tions. Other than that, a prerequisite for effec- strengthening of the national disaster manage-
tive disaster management that is the direction ment agency and amendments of Disaster Mana-
and political commitment is reflected in the gement Act. It needs to be done in the context
policy constitutional, statutory, regulatory re- of risk management based disaster manage-
gions, executive development policy, as well as ment. For that, the national disaster manage-
sectorial elements. This means that the lack of ment agency should be given to strengthening
disaster management regulation influenced by the institutional form: first, strengthening the
legal substance, legal structure, and legal cul- role of the national disaster management agen-
ture. cy in cooperation and coordination with the mi-
Without a clear policy, would not be the nistries/ agencies and local governments in the
norm that can be used to determine the goals implementation of disaster management, se-
and motivate political-bureaucratic behaviour condly, strengthening the function of coordinat-
to achieve it. Therefore, the legal policy of the ing, implementing, and command, and thirdly,
disaster can be assessed and evaluated on poli- strengthening capacity through availability of
cies related to the disaster. Disaster Manage- human resources, budget, facilities, and infra-
ment Act enacted in hopes of becoming a strong structure as a supporting system in disaster ma-
legal foundation in disaster management, over- nagement. In addition, there should be also the
coming the weakness of inter-sector coordina- structuring and setting the working relationship
tion, encourage synergy of the various parties in between the national disaster management
disaster management, disaster management and agencies with the regional disaster management
to realize a more systematic, integrated, and agency to strengthen the capacity of national
coordination. This means that the Disaster Man- disaster management operations. To harmonize
agement Act can’t see as the imperative norm of disaster management, the government can
or necessity (das sollen) but it’s should be a do to enforcement the regulatory and
subsystem which das sein.12 This act is deter- strengthen the institutional. These efforts can
mined by politic, in the formulation of the legal be done by using a harmonized approach for
legal codifica-tion and unification of disaster
management, cross-sectoral approach in
Martha Pigome, “Implementasi Prinsip Demokrasi dan organizing and carry-ing out disaster relief, as
Nomokrasi dalam Struktur Ketatanegaraan RI Pasca
Amandemen UUD 1945”, Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. well as community participation approach
11 No. 2, May 2011, Purwokerto: Faculty of Law Univer-
sitas Jenderal Soedirman, page 339.
Regulatory Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia 103

Conclusion ne 2002. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Law Uni-

This study found that the recent law of versitas Islam Indonesia;
disaster management has been well improved Maarif, Syamsul. “Bencana dan Penanggulangan-
than that the previous law. However, in its im- nya dari Aspek Sosiologis.” Jurnal Dialog
Penanggulangan Bencana. Vol. 1 No. 1.
plementation, there are still problems such as
2010. Jakarta: Badan Nasional Penanggu-
disharmony legislation in disaster management, langan Bencana;
overlapping authority and lack of inter-institu-
Pigome, Martha. “Implementasi Prinsip Demo-
tional coordination, and working procedures of krasi dan Nomokrasi dalam Struktur Keta-
disaster management and disaster management tanegaraan RI Pasca Amandemen UUD
funding. 1945”. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum. Vol. 11
No. 2. May 2011. Purwokerto: Faculty of
Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman;
To solve these legal issues, necessary har- S, Maria Farida Indrati. 2007. Ilmu Perundang-
undangan I: Jenis. Fungsi. dan Materi Mu-
monization of the legal system and the legisla- atan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius;
tion for the creation of a system that is more
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and collect the legislation that has been there Bencana. Vol. 1 No. 1. 2010. Jakarta: Ba-
for more convenient reference in disaster man- dan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana;
agement, and create a database of legislation. Susetyo, Heru. “Urgensi Undang-Undang Pe-
It is also necessary for the institutional streng- nanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia.” Lex
thening of the national disaster management Jurnalica Vol. 3 No. 1. April 2005. Jakar-
ta: Faculty of Law Universitas Esa Unggul;
agency and amendment of Disaster Management
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Bibliografi: 2016”. available on the website http:// accessed Jan 9. 2017;
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an Pengolahan Data dan Informasi. Sekre-
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