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Lab - Es
stablishing a Co
onsole Session
S w
with Terra Term

Part 1: Ac
ccess a Cisc
co Switch thrrough the Se
erial Console
e Port
 Connect to a Cisco
o switch using
g a serial cons
sole cable.
 Estab e session using a terminal emulator, su
blish a console uch as Tera T
Part 2: Diisplay and Configure Bas
sic Device Settings
 Use show
s commands to display
y device settings.
 Config
gure the clock
k on the switc
Part 3: (O
Optional) Acc
cess a Cisco ng a Mini-US B Console C
o Router Usin Cable
Note: Use
ers on Netlab or other remote access eq
quipment sho
ould complete
e only Part 2.

nd / Scenarrio
Various models
m of Cisc
co routers and
d switches are used in netw
tworks of all tyypes. These d
devices are mmanaged
using a loocal console connection
c or a remote con
nnection. Neaarly all Cisco ddevices have a serial conssole port
to which you
y can conne ect. Some ne
ewer models, such as the 11941 Integrate ed Services R
Router (ISR) GG2 used
in this lab, also have a USB console e port.
In this lab
b, you will learrn how to access a Cisco device
d via a d
direct local co nnection to th
he console po ort, using
a terminal emulation prrogram, Tera Term. You willw also learn how to config gure the seriaal port settingss for the
Tera Term m console con nnection. Afte
er you have es
stablished a cconsole connection with th he Cisco devicce, you
can displaay or configurre device settings. You will only display settings and configure the e clock with th
his lab.
Note: Thee routers used d with CCNA hands-on lab bs are Cisco 1 1941 ISRs witth Cisco IOS Release 15.2 2(4)M3
(universallk9 image). The switches used
u are Ciscco Catalyst 29 960s with Ciscco IOS Relea ase 15.0(2) (la
image). Other
O routers, switches, and
d Cisco IOS versions
v can be used. Dep pending on the model and Cisco
IOS versio
on, the comm mands availabble and outputt produced m ight vary from m what is show wn in the labss. Refer
to the Rou
uter Interface Summary Ta able at the end of the lab fo
or the correctt interface ide
Note: Make sure that the switch and
d router have been erased
d and have no
o startup conffiguration. If yyou are
unsure, co
ontact your in

Required Resources
 1 Rou
uter (Cisco 19
941 with Cisco
o IOS softwarre, release 15 or comparable)
5.2(4)M3 univversal image o
 1 Switch (Cisco 29
960 with Cisco
o IOS Release 15.0(2) lanb
basek9 image
e or compara
 1 PC (Windows 7, Vista, or XP with
w terminal emulation pro
ogram, such as Tera Term
 Rollov
ver (DB-9 to RJ-45)
R console cable to co
onfigure the sw
witch or route 45 console po
er via the RJ-4 ort
 USB cable to configure the
Mini-U e router via the USB conso
ole port

© 2013 Cisco and

d/or its affiliates. All rights reserve
ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
Page 1 of 11
Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

Part 1: Access
A a Cisco Sw
witch thro
ough the Serial Co
onsole Po
You will connect a PC to a Cisco sw
witch using a rollover
r conso
ole cable. Thiis connection will allow you
u to
access the command line interface (CLI) and display settings or configure the switch.

Step 1: Con
nnect a Cisc
co switch and
a computer using a rrollover con
nsole cable.
a. Connect the rollove
er console ca
able to the RJ-45 console p
port of the sw
b. Connect the other cable end to the serial CO
OM port on the
e computer.
Note: Serial COM ports are no longer availab ble on most ccomputers tod
day. A USB-to o-DB9 adapteer can be
used with the rollov
ver console cable
c for cons
sole connectioon between th
he computer a and a Cisco d
e USB-to-DB9 9 adapters ca
an be purchassed at any co mputer electrronics store.
Note: If using a USSB-to-DB9 addapter to conn OM port, you may be requiired to install a driver
nect to the CO
for the
e adapter pro
ovided by the manufacturerr on your com mputer. To dettermine the C
COM port use ed by the
adaptter, please se
ee Part 3 Step
p 4. The correect COM port number is req quired to connect to the Cisco IOS
devicee using a term
minal emulato
or in Step 2.
c. Powe o switch and computer if th
er up the Cisco hese devices are not alrea
ady on.

Step 2: Con
nfigure Tera
a Term to es
stablish a console
c ses
ssion with th
he switch.
Tera Term m is a termina
al emulation program.
p This program allo minal output of the
ows you to access the term
switch. It also
a allows yo
ou to configurre the switch.
a. Start Tera
T y clicking the Windows Sta
Term by ask bar. Locatte Tera Term
art button loccated in the ta m under
All Prrograms.
Note: If the program is not insta
alled on the sy
ystem, Tera T
Term can be d
downloaded ffrom the follow
wing link
by selecting Tera Term:

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d/or its affiliates. All rights reserve
ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
Page 2 of 11
Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

b. In the
e New Connec ction dialog box, click the Serial
S radio b
button. Verify that the corre
ect COM port is
selectted and click OK to continuue.

c. From the Tera Term Setup men nu, choose the Serial portt… to verify th he serial settings. The defaault
meters for the console portt are 9600 bau
ud, 8 data bitss, no parity, 1 stop bit, and
d no flow conttrol. The
Tera Term
T default settings matc
ch the consolee port settingss for commun nications withh the Cisco IO
OS switch.

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d/or its affiliates. All rights reserve
ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
Page 3 of 11
Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

d. Whenn you can see

e the terminal output, you are
a ready to cconfigure a Ciisco switch. T
The following console
example displays the
t terminal output
o of the switch
s while itt is loading.

Part 2: Display
D an
nd Config
gure Basic Device
e Settings
In this sec
ction, you are introduced to
o the user andd privileged e
executive mod des. You will determine the e
Internetwoork Operatingg System (IOS S) version, dis
splay the clocck settings, an
nd configure tthe clock on tthe

Step 1: Display the sw
witch IOS im
mage version.
a. After the
t switch ha
as completed its startup pro
ocess, the fol lowing messa
age displays. Enter n to co
d you like
e to enter the initi
ial configu
uration di
ialog? [yes
s/no]: n
Note: If you do nott see the abov
ve message, please conta
act your instru
uctor to reset yyour switch to
o the
initial configuration
b. While
e you are in th
he user EXEC
C mode, displa
ay the IOS ve
ersion for your switch.
ch> show version
o IOS Softwa
are, C2960 Software (C
ersion 15.0(2)SE, RELE
WARE (fc1)
nical Suppor
rt: http://
right (c) 19
986-2012 by
y Cisco Syst
tems, Inc.
iled Sat 28-
-Jul-12 00:29 by prod_

ROM: Bootstrap program

p is C2960 boot loader
LDR: C2960 Boot
BOOTL B Loader
r (C2960-HBO
OOT-M) Vers ion 12.2(53

ch uptime is
Switc s 2 minutes
em returned to ROM by power-on
em image fil
le is "flas
put omitted>

h IOS image version
v is currrently in use by your switcch?

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d/or its affiliates. All rights reserve
ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
Page 4 of 11
Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

Step 2: Con
nfigure the clock.
As you lea
arn more aboout networkingg, you will see
e that configu
uring the corre
ect time on a Cisco switch can be
helpful wh
hen you are trroubleshootin
ng problems. The
T following g steps manua ally configure the internal cclock of
the switch
a. Displa
ay the currentt clock setting
ch> show clock
30:05.261 UT
TC Mon Mar 1 1993
b. The clock
c setting is
s changed in the privileged
d EXEC mode
e. Enter the p
privileged EXE
EC mode by ttyping
enablle at the userr EXEC mode e prompt.
ch> enable
c. Config
gure the clockk setting. The
e question ma ark (?) provide
es help and a
allows you to d
determine thee
expeccted input for configuring th
he current tim
me, date, and year. Press E
Enter to compplete the clockk
ch# clock set ?
:mm:ss Curr
rent Time

ch# clock set 15:08:
:00 ?
-31> Day of
f the month
NTH Month of the yea

ch# clock set 15:08:
:00 Oct 26
6 ?
993-2035> Year

ch# clock set 15:08:
:00 Oct 26
6 2012
*Oct 26 15:08:000.000: %SYS
DATE: Syste
em clock hass been updated from 000:31:43
M Mar 1 19
993 to 15:0
08:00 UTC Fr
ri Oct 26 2 012, config
gured from console by
d. Enter the show clo
ock command
d to verify tha
at the clock se
etting was updated.
ch# show clock
Switc c
8:07.205 UTC
C Fri Oct 26
2 2012

Part 3: (O
Optional)) Access a Cisco Router
R Using a Mini-USB C
Console C
If you are using a Ciscoo 1941 routerr or other Cisc
co IOS device
es with a mini-USB consolle port, you ca
an access
the devicee console porrt using a mini-USB cable connected
c to the USB portt on your com
Note: Thee mini-USB coonsole cable is the same ty ype of mini-U
USB cables th at are used w with other elecctronics
devices, such
s as USB hard drives, USB
U printers, or USB hubss. These mini-USB cables can be purch hased
through Cisco
C Systemss, Inc. or othe
er third-party vendors.
v Plea
ase verify thatt you are usin
ng a mini-USB B cable,
not a micrro-USB cable, to connect to
t the mini-US SB console po ort on a Cisco
o IOS device..

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d/or its affiliates. All rights reserve
ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
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Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

Note: You u must use either the USB port or the RJ-45
R port, an d not both sim
multaneously. When the U
USB port
is used, it takes priority
y over the RJ--45 console port
p used in P Part 1.

Step 1: Set up the phy
ysical conne
ection with a mini-USB
B cable.
a. Connect the mini-U
USB cable to the mini-USB
B console port
rt of the routerr.
b. Connect the other cable end to a USB port on
o the computter.
c. Powe
er up the Cisco
o router and computer,
c if these devicess are not alrea
ady on.

Step 2: Verrify that the USB conso
ole is ready.
If you are using a Micro
osoft Window a the USB console port LED indicato
ws-based PC and or (labeled EN
N) does
not turn green, please install the Cis
sco USB cons
sole driver.
For a Microsoft Window ws-based PC connecting to a Cisco IOS S device with a USB cablee, a USB drive er must
be installe e. The driver can be found on with th
ed prior to use he related Cissco IOS devicce. The
USB drive er can be dowwnloaded fromm the following
g link:
Note: You
u must have a valid Cisco Connection Online
O (CCO) account to download this file.
Note: Thiss link is relate
ed to the Ciscco 1941 router; however, th
he USB conso ole driver is n
not Cisco IOS
S device-
model speecific. This US SB console driver only worrks with Ciscoo routers and switches. Th he computer rrequires a
reboot after finishing thhe installation of the USB driver.

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Page 6 of 11
Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

Note: Afteer the files are

e extracted, th
he folder conttains instructiions for installation and rem
moval and ne ecessary
drivers forr different ope
erating system
ms and architectures. Plea ase choose th he appropriatee version for yyour
When the
e LED indicato
or for the USB
B console porrt has turned g
green, the US
SB console po
ort is ready fo
or access.

Step 3: (Op
ptional) Ena
able the COM
M port for the Window
ws 7 PC.
If you are using a Micro
osoft Window
ws 7 PC, you may
m need to p
perform the fo
ollowing steps to enable th
he COM
a. Click the Windows
s Start icon to
o access the Control Pane
b. Open the Device Manager.
c. Click the Ports (CO
OM & LPT) trree link to exp Cisco Virtual Comm Port00 icon displa
pand it. The C ays with a
w exclamationn point attache

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Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

d. To res
solve the issu
ue, right-click the Cisco Virtual Comm Port00 icon a
and choose U
Update Drive
e. Choose Browse my
m computerr for driver so

f. Choose Let me pic

ck from a lis
st of device drivers
d on my
y computer a
and click Nex

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ed. This docume
ent is Cisco Publiic. P
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Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

g. Choose the Cisco Serial driverr and click Next.

h. The device
d driver is installed successfully. Ta
ake note of th
he port numbe er assigned aat the top of th
ow. In this sammple, COM 6 is used for co ommunication n with the rou
uter. Click Clo

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Lab - Establis
shing a Cons
sole Session
n with Tera Term

Step 4: (Op
ptional) Dete
ermine the COM port number.
a. If you need to deteermine the CO OM port numb ber, open the Control Pan nel and selectt the Device M
Searcch for the Porrts (COM & LPT)L heading, expand it, annd determine the COM porrt number currrently in
use. In this example, Cisco Serrial (COM 6) was w selected for connectio on to the router because a Cisco
USB console
c er is in use. If you use a rollover console
drive e cable, or an adapter from
m a different
manufacturer, the naming conve ention reflects
s this informa

b. Open Tera Term. Click

C the Serial radio butto
on and choose
e Port COM6 6: Cisco Serial (COM 6). T
This port
should now be ava
ailable for com
mmunication with
w the routeer. Click OK.

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age 10 of 11
Lab - Establishing a Console Session with Tera Term

1. How do you prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing your Cisco device through the console port?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the serial console connection as compared to the USB
console connection to a Cisco router or switch?

Router Interface Summary Table

Router Interface Summary

Router Model Ethernet Interface #1 Ethernet Interface #2 Serial Interface #1 Serial Interface #2

1800 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(F0/0) (F0/1)
1900 Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(G0/0) (G0/1)
2801 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/1/0 (S0/1/0) Serial 0/1/1 (S0/1/1)
(F0/0) (F0/1)
2811 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(F0/0) (F0/1)
2900 Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(G0/0) (G0/1)
Note: To find out how the router is configured, look at the interfaces to identify the type of router and how many
interfaces the router has. There is no way to effectively list all the combinations of configurations for each router
class. This table includes identifiers for the possible combinations of Ethernet and Serial interfaces in the device.
The table does not include any other type of interface, even though a specific router may contain one. An
example of this might be an ISDN BRI interface. The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be
used in Cisco IOS commands to represent the interface.

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