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Reflection Post Curriculum PE PD

Aims of the day:

As the day commenced, the PE learning area leader had some goals to achieve by the end of
the day. These included
- Clean the online google drive so that all teachers can access the same information
and it is clear

- Ensure that all teachers agree on teaching the same topics (sports and theory topics
are the same for every class doing the same topic)

- The sports/ activities covered provide students with variety and opportunity to
participate while still delivering consistency to lead to year 12 subjects

- Ensure that all curriculum content descriptors are being explored effectively

While we were in the early discussion stage of the session, there was a lot of debate around
the types of sports the staff should be exploring with their students
- Some staff were on board with ultimate Frisbee
- Some were on board with soccer
I suggested that soccer is a great sport as it is easy for students to continue out of school but
is a harder sport technically and is not as transferrable and some other sports
Frisbee is an unfamiliar sport for everyone, so it levels the playing field and increases
participation. This way some of the stronger athletes will find this game just as challenging
as students who may not be as confident in team sports.

The staff were open to my discussion points and this brought on a debate. The conclusion of
this debate was that indoor soccer could be played in early year levels, making the area
smaller, enabling the skills to be more closed skills. While ultimate Frisbee would stay as a
core sport for senior school.

We the split into small groups to look into curriculum. Our group was ensuring that the
current PE program explores each content descriptor required in the Australian Curriculum
by the end of year 10. Through some discussion and exploration of previous unit plans and
assessment pieces in the current google drive, our group identified content descriptor:
"Examine the role physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport play in the lives of
Australians and investigate how this has changed over time (ACPMP104)" was not being
effectively explored. We brainstormed some ideas how we could explore this, alongside the
current year 9/10 PE courses. I suggested an Indigenous games unit. Another suggestion was
an Issues Analysis.

Where to now?
After the PE PD day, I did some further research on potentially doing a project with the
school that would involve the creation of an Indigenous games unit. I have signed up to an
AARE Seminar, with Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney, to engage in some further research.
This process has highlighted some gaps in the Australian Professional Standards that I will
continue to develop over my placement such as
- 1.4 and 2.4

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