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27/9/2020 pref_1_Listening 2.

1: Revisión del intento

Diana Marcela ROJAS CORTES


Comenzado el domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2020, 00:01

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2020, 00:03
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 12 segundos
Cali cación 100,00 de 100,00 1/3
27/9/2020 pref_1_Listening 2.1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Listen carefully and answer the questions.

Puntúa 100,00 0:00 / 0:00

sobre 100,00

a. What do the letters NBA mean ? 

National Basketball Association 

b. Which of these countries has never won the football World Cup? 

Japan 

c. When were the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia? 

2000 

d. What kind of ball do they use in the game of rugby? 

Oval ball 

e. How often do the Winter Olympics happen? 

Every four years 

f. Where does the sport of judo come from?

Japan 

g. How many spots are there in a dice? 

21 spots 

h. Who starts a game of chess? 

The white player 

i. Why are there 52 cards in a normal pack? 

No one knows  2/3
27/9/2020 pref_1_Listening 2.1: Revisión del intento

j. How does a soccer player referee signal the end of a game? 

Giving three long blows with his whistle 

k. How much does an ice hockey match last? 

60 minutes 

l. What color is the shirt worn by the race leader in the Tour of France? 

Yellow 

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◄ pref_1_Grammar 2.1 pref_1_Reading 2.1 ► 3/3

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