Chemistry Answer

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Chemistry Answer

Section A

1. i ) Iodine,napthalene
ii ) Cooper
iii) Solid
iv) Copper

iv ) Cu 2+/ Cu+
b) i) T1
ii) heat is absorbed to overcome the
intermolucar attraction between
particles.Therefore the temperature
constant even though heating continues.
iii) the particles will more faster

2. a ) cation
b ) sulphate ions
copper (II) ions
c ) Na 2 So 4
d ) i) H2 SO 4+CaCO 3 =CaSO 4 + H2O + CO
ii) 1 mol of H2SO4 reacts with 1 mol of CaCO
to produce 1 mol of CaSO 4,1 mol of
and 1 mol of CO2.
iii) CaSO4
iv) no of mol (H2SO4)=volume x
= 10 cm 3 dm 3 x0.5
mol dm-2
= 0.005 mol
v)1 mol H2SO4=1 mol of CaSO4
no of mol CaSO4=0.005 mol
mass of CaSO 4=0.005 mol x
=0.005 mol x 136
=0.68 g

3. i) oxygen gas
ii) 4OH –(ag)=O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) + 4e –
iii) Cu 2+(ag) + 2e- =Cu (s)
iv) The intersity of the blue solution
as copper (ii) ions are discharged at the
cathode causing a drop in the number
copper (ii) ions in the solutions.
b) i) Cu (s) = Cu 2+ (ag) + 2e-
Cu2+ (ag) + 2e- =Cu (s)
ii) The intensity of the blue solution
iii) For one copper (II) ion discharged to
a copper atom at the cathode,one
atom at the anode will dissolve to
form a
copper (II) ion

4. a) Group 1
c) The valence electron in a potassium
is located further away from the
than in a sodium atom.Here,it
weaker attraction from the nucleus and
more easily released from the atom.
d) i)2 Na (s) + Cl 2 (g) =2Na Cl (s)
e) Na (s) + H2O

5. Table below show the description and

observation of two experiment I and II.
a) Based on experiment I:

i) 2Mg(s)+O2(g)→2MgO(s)

ii)No. of mol of Mg(s)= 3g

2mol of Mg→2mol of MgO
0.05 mol of Mg→0.05 of MgO
Mass of MgO=3g X (24+16)

iii) MgO(s)+2HNO3(aq)→Mg(NO3)2+H2O

b)Based on experiment II

i) X=CuO P=CO2
ii)If 6.2g of copper (II) carbonate had

a)Mol of CuCO³= 6.2

1molCuCO3→1mol Co2
Volume of CO2=0.05 X 24dm³

6) a) i) solid to gas
ii) sublimation
iii) heat is absorbed . The particles of solid Q
absorbed heat and vibrate faster to form gas.

b)i) solid Q : slowest , particles not moving

gas Q : fastest , particles moving at high
ii) solid Q : highest density
gas Q : lowest density

c)The movement of gas molecules is random and

non-directional . This causes the gas molecules to fill
up available space . This enables the molecules to
difuse upwards to the test tube B.

Section B
7)a)One mole of a substances is the amount of the
substances that contain as many particles as the
number of atoms in exactly 12.000 g of carbon-12.
The number of atoms in 12.000 g of C-12 is
6.02×10²³ . This number is call the Avogadro
constant .
b)i) The molar volume of a gas is the volume
occupied by one mole of the gas .
Examples : 1 moles of hydrogen gas (2g) or 1 mole of
carbon dioxide gas , CO2(44g) occupies a similar
volume of 22.4dm³ at STP and 24dm³ at RTP
ii) The molar volume of a gas at STP 22.4dm³mole
and at RTP is 24dm³ mole

c)Relative molecular mass of benzene , C6H6

=(12x 6)+(1x6)=78
Relative formula mass of Cu(NO3)2
Relative molecular mass of CnH2n+1COOH
=(12 x n)+ 1(2n+1) +12+16+16+1
= 12n +2n+1+45

d ) i)
Element C H
Percentage 85.8% 14.2%
Mass(g) 85.8 14.2
NO. of moles of 85.8= 7.15 14.2=14.20
atoms 12 1
Simplest ratio of 7.15= 1.00 14.20=1.99
moles 7.15 7.15
The empirical formula is CH2

ii)Let the molecular formula of X be(CH2)n.

Then (12+2)n=70
The molecular formula isC5H10

e)i)Relative molecular mass of CO(NH2)2

The molar mass of CO(NH2)2 is 60 g per mol

ii)Relative molecular mass of NH3 at STP

=0.5 mol x 22.4 dm³ per mol

8)a)i) 2Zn(NO3)2(s)→2ZnO(s)+4NO2(g)+O2(g)
ii) The reactants taking part in the reaction.
The products formed in the reaction.
The physical states of all the reactants and
iii) A brown gas with a pungent smell is released.
The gas turns moist blue litmus paper
A colourless gas is also released.
This gas relights a glowing wooden

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