A Lone Wolf'S Cry: Anything

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[ Hyeon’s POV ]

“He has lost quite a lot of blood,” the doctor told me while taking care of my angel,
“you need to take care of him well, make sure he takes his medicine and focus on making his
system stronger. He is quite weak.” The doctor sighed.

“A little deeper cut and it would’ve been his ruin, if you value your lover then you
should take care of him my Lord.”

“Of course, I will take care of him.” This was something that I didn’t predict, all I can
do now is to take care of him until all the loneliness disperses.

The doctor left and I was all alone with my love. Should I create a name for him? No, I
shouldn’t do that. I must keep myself patient and composed. I must be the man that I have
always aspired to be. He didn’t want this, he only wanted the pain to end and I am here just
sitting beside him as I watch his poor wrist and body. I should make the pain end, and I know
that I will.

After a day, he woke up. I couldn’t face him as I was ashamed of myself, I should’ve
taken better care of him.

A servant approaches me with a worried face. I am scared again.

“My Lord, your lover seems to not want the meal prepared for him. He doesn’t even
take a bite, or even just one grain of rice,’ the servant had told me while panting, “what should
we do my Lord? He will die at this rate.”

“Tell the servants in his room to leave, I will be the one feeding him. And from now on
no one is allowed to come near him nor enter his room, is that understood?” I said.

“Of course my Lord, I shall tell them at once,” she runs off to the room.

Lover, huh? I wish he was, but I will surely make that true. I walk to his room and all I
can hear from there is his sobbing. It breaks my heart to see him like that. I didn’t want him to
feel pain anymore, what am I doing?

I entered his room, and he looked at me with a mix of hatred and sadness from his

“My love,” I uttered as I walk close to him, “is the food not to your liking? Should I
prepare something more tasty? Tell me anything you want.”

This was my first time seeing him again after that incident happened. I tried to smile as
much as I could. I just want him to depend on me and just focus on loving himself more than

“Why didn’t you let me die?” His voice cracked and so my heart, “this wasn’t
necessary, look, I don’t know why you’re doing this bullshit all for me but I don’t want it, I don’t
want this. Just leave me alone and find another toy you can play around with.”

He was shouting. I was shocked by how he interpreted these things. Is that what it
really looked like? That he was just a toy for me?

“A toy? My love, I do not even dare think of that. You are the most precious thing in
this world and I cannot even ask for more,” I held his hand tightly but not too much that it
would hurt, “you are mistaken, just let me prove it to you, please.”

[ Jae’s POV ]

His voice was shaking. I think I scared him. But as much as I want to comfort this
teary-eyed man right in front of me, squeezing my hands while holding it right next to his face, I
still can’t trust him. You see, this is the struggle of being someone that cares about people so
much but at the same time has trust issues. I’m not going to deny it, I just function like that.

I snatched my hand away from his hand. I think I scratched his face.

“Please leave, I want to be alone and think through some things first.” I told him. Then
I laid down and turned my body away from him.

He didn’t say another word and all I heard were footsteps as it dwindled. The door
closed, and so I began inspecting the room. I am definitely getting out of here tonight.

There was a big window and this palace-like place was pretty low in the ground too,
but it was too much of a risk to escape right in front. The smaller window could fit me too, I
think it leads me at the back of this place. I still have to scout this place for some days before I
escape so I don’t get caught like an idiot.

I still don’t know what to do after escaping, maybe suicide. Am I addicted into
committing suicide? Maybe I am mentally not okay. I also still can’t escape like this, my body is
too weak and I can’t run, my wrists hurt like hell. Maybe I can adapt in life here as a normal
citizen, if not then I have no other choice.


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