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Four Bodies Found in Burned Carriage

SHARN—City Watch are investigating as homicide the burned-out shell of a carriage found at dawn Zor on northern Razzell Street in the Granite Halls
Watch sergeant Garrick Draum said four bodies—three adult male humans and one female shifter—were seated in the carriage. Traces were attached
to the carriage, but no horses were present, he said.
The carriage itself was badly charred but cool to the touch. The flames didn’t spread to any nearby buildings, Draum said.
“I find it a little hard to believe that, even in the wee hours of the morning, no one saw a carriage fire in the middle of the street,” Draum said. Shops
along Razzell Street—mostly antiquities dealers—were shuttered, and the street gets little night traffic.
The Blackened Book branch of the Sharn Watch is trying to ascertain the identity of the passengers in the carriage, Draum said. And the City Watch is
trying to find eyewitnesses who saw the carriage or the fire; those with information should speak to the City Watch on patrol in Granite Halls or speak to
a sergeant on duty at the Watch’s Sword Point garrison.

Land Grants Delayed for Warforged Veterans

WROAT—Warforged barrister and advocate Hectran petitioned the crown on Zor to begin an official inquiry into “shameful” delays in processing
warforged applications for a variety of land-grant programs for military veterans.
“My people served with honor and distinction in some of Breland’s most trying times,” he said. “But the small-minded prejudice of petty bureaucrats is
preventing them from serving the realm with distinction in peacetime as well.”
In the petition, Hectran listed more than four hundred warforged veterans whose applications for land grant programs, mostly the Heroes of Breland
decree in 996 and the Farm Productivity Act of 997, have been in limbo. Few warforged can even obtain acknowledgement that their applications have
been received, he said.
“The Treaty of Thronehold guaranteed full rights for our warforged citizens,” Hectran said. “The king should root out those in the government who don’t
support the Treaty and the rights it promises all of us.”
Hectran’s petition next goes to the Parliament, where the Select Committee on Warforged Relations will consider it. After advisory votes from both the
committee and the full Parliament, it then goes to the throne for action.
Retired General Avask Orakanoll, who advocated strongly for the Heroes of Breland land-grant decree, said that any inquiry into the administration of
the land grants will turn up a “viper’s nest.”
“It’s not really an anti-warforged issue—at least not to the degree that Hectran says it is,” Orakanoll said. “The land grants aren’t happening for anyone—
the whole system is corrupt. Local lords are doing everything they can to get their hands on fallow or vacant land themselves.”

Crowds Expected for Morgrave Graduation

SHARN—Next Zur is graduation day for many of Morgrave University’s students, bringing thousands of well-wishers to the University District and
throughout Upper Menthis Plateau.
City Watch Commander Silaena Cazal said extra patrols would be deployed to manage the teeming crowds throughout the weekend, but that residents
should expect to be rubbing shoulders with visitors.
“I’ll note that Sharn has several laws on the books to punish overly festive carousing, and I intend to enforce them,” Cazal said. “And the Watch will be
particularly vigilant about petty street crime. We’re not going to have a repeat of last year’s disorder.”
University District residents reported widespread pickpocketing, confidence games, and assaults during graduation week last year.
Most of the traditional academic colleges honor their graduates in a common ceremony in the Great Hall of Aureon at noon. This year’s keynote speaker
is Daerin Ollio, noted for his exploration of the mysterious dragon continent of Argonessen.
A few colleges run on different schedules. The arcanist and theological colleges, for example, awards degrees to their graduates in
Graduate of Morgrave University Foils Terrorist Plot to Topple Dalaran Tower –See B1

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