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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 6533-1 (1989): Code of practice for design and

construction of steel chimneys, Part 1: Mechanical aspects
[CED 7: Structural Engineering and structural sections]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
":-"~.: IS 6533 ( Part 1) : 1989
(Reaffirmed 1995)

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
Fourth Reprint SEPTEMBER 2003

UDC 697.8 [ 669.14 ] : 006.76

© BIS 1990
NEW DELHI 110002

September 1990 Price Group 8

A~It,"LJ~Il:-" I ~'). I
,)\ I ')l~I·.lt I ~91
( First R."u;oll)
(,.,. 15, c. .·11-1.1 ) - Subsritute the following Cor the existing
tom.II: -l
'8 • [~~~)
Modify abc cldillilioa liveD for parameter D under tbe above Connula IS:
D. dillDClaof.taek at the exit of tile Chlmocy in m.

Reproaraplay Uait,81S. New Delhi,lndia
Structural Engineering Sectional Committee, 5MBDC 7


Thi~ Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) ( First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards
on 20 April 1989, after the draft finalized by the Structural Engineering Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1971. On suggestions by practising engineers and
representatives of various organizations in the country, the Sectional Committee decided to
bifurcate the standard in t\VO parts, separating structural aspects from the mechanical aspects
a, follows:
Part 1 Mechanical aspects, and
Part 2 Structural aspects.
The present practice of design of steel chimney recognizes the influence of aerodynamic shadow
on the height of chimney and this aspect has been taken into account in this revision in addition
to the consideration of regulations on atmospheric pollution.
Design and construction of chimneys has become specialized field with scope for the further
research and modifications. Therefore, attempt has been made in this standard (Part 1) to
cover only the basic requirements. The designer should use his discretion in the use of research
data available.
Appendix G of the earlier version of the standard had dealt with the calculation of dispersion
in atmosphere of emission of uust and sulphur dioxide from power and steam generating chimneys
only. In this standard ( Part 1 ) a more generalized approach for the determination" of height of
chimneys in relation to concentration of pollutants has been included keeping in view an
acceptable air quality standard at the ground level.
In the preparation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from BS 4076 : 1978
'Specification for steel chimneys', covered by the British Standards Institution, UK.
Indian Standard

( First Revision)
1.1 This standard (Part 1) covers design, 4.0 For the purpose of this standard termlno-
construction, maintenance and inspection of 10BY as defined in 4.1 to 4.21 shall apply. For
mechanical aspects of steel chimneys. The definitions not covered in this part, a reference
mechanical aspects include lining, draft calcula- shall be made to Part 2 of the standard.
tions, considerations of dispersion of pollutants
and ash disposal. 4.1 ActualDraft
2 REFERENCES The suction produced at the base of a chimney
minus the drop in draft due to frictional resist-
2.1 The following Indian Standards are anee in ftue gas passages.
necessary adjuncts to this standard:
4.2 Blaakiag Off Plate
IS No. Title
An imperforate plate fitted immediately
IS 6 : 1983 Specification for the mode- beneath the inlet of a chimney to prevent the
rate heat duty fireclay re- waste gases reaching the lower portion of the
fractories, group 'A' (fourth chimney.
4.3 Boller EfticieDcy
IS 8: 1983 Specification for high heat
duty fireclay refractories, The ratio of heat used in the boiler to the
group 'B' (fourth revision) available heat.
IS 460 Specification for test sieves: 4.4 Boiler-Mounted ChilDDey
( Part 1 ): 985 Part 1 Wire cloth test sieves
( thirdrevision ) A chimney supported by a boiler and its
IS 460 Specification for test sieves:
( Part 2) : 1985 Part 2 Perforated plate test 4.5 Drart Loss
sieves ( thirdrevision) Drop in static pressure of gas between two
IS 2042 : 1972 Specification for insulating points in a system.
bricks (first revision) 4.6 Efflux Velocity
lS 4041 : 1987 Glossary of terms relating The speed of discharge of gases from the top
to refractory materials (first of the chimney.
revision )
4.7 Flux GISTemperature
IS 8829 : 1978 Guidelines for micrometeo-
rological techniques in air Temperature of flue gas at the chimney outlet.
pollution studies
4.8 Forced Dr.ft
3 STATUTORY PROVISIONS System which maintains the products of
3.1 Compliance with this code does not relieve combustion, when flown to or through it, at a
anyone from the responsibility of observing pressure above atmospheric.
provisions as may have been promulgated by 4.9 Ground Leyel CODceDtratloD
any statutory bodies and/or observing provincial
building by-laws and the civil aviation require- Concentration of air pollutant in ma/ m l in the
meats pertaining to such structures. breathing zone.

II 833(r. 1): 1Mt
4.10 Helilit of 01.., SECTION 1 DESIGN
It i. the di.tance between the centre lineof 5 GENEllAL CONSIDERATIONS
the incomiD-' lue Itreem to tbe top or the
chimney. Howeyer the heilht of chimney 5.1 Claal8eatioD of ClallDDeys
for atmospheric dispersion modelliol sball be
taken al the distance between the afound level On the basis of types of construction of the
and the chimney'. top. shaft, the chimneysare classified into two types,
4.11 Horlzolltal To, Plate Dame]y, self.supportins and guyed. The chimney
may be lined either over the entire or part
A horizontal calt iron plate fitted to the top heiaht depending upon the temperature and/or
or the structural shell coveriDI tbe area agressiveness of the flue gases. The inlet for
between it and the liners. the flue gases may be below or above the
4.12 Ia." Draft
ground level.

System which maintains the products of com- 5.2 SelectioD of Chi.Dey

bustion, when flown to or throUlh it, at a pro-
aressively increasiDI sub.atmospheric pressure. 5.2.1 In the selection of chimneys, advantages
and disadvantages of steel chimneys versus
4.13 M. . Rate of EalllioD chimneys with other construction material, such
Emission of pollutants from a chimney in terms be reinforced
as cement concrete/masonry should
considered with reference to overall
of mass per unit of time. economy. Some of the important advantages
4.14 Nataral Dnft and disadvantages of chimneys of different
materials of construction are as follows:
Draft created in the boiler unit due to chimney
only. a) Steel chimneys are ideally suited for
process work where a short heat up
4.15 CbilDDey Diameter period and low thermal capacity are
Internal diameter at the topmost opening of required whereas it encourages acid
the steel shell. condensation and corrosion hence smut-
ting and reduction in the life of chimney;
4.16 Oatpat EIlcieDcy
b) Guyed steel chimneys are better suited
Ratio of energy equivalent of draft per kg of where the supporting capability of the
pses produced by artificial draft to the energy soil is low whereas it involves regular
equivalent per kg of pses or the additional maintenance of guy wires anchor points
heat carried away by the flue ps due to natural and other fittings in addition to difficulty
draft. in finding suitable anchor points of guys
at ground;
4.17 PI•••
c) Reinforced cement concrete chimneys
The trajectory of the movement of pses dis- are more expensive than other forms of
charged from a chimney. construction up to about 4S m height
4.18 Refractory Work but above this, they are very competitive.
Above 65 m height, they are more readily
All terms relating to refractory work shall be acceptable because of their flexibility of
in accordance with IS 4041 : 1987. shape and flue layouts, in addition to
the absence of any limitation on size; and
4.19 Siopial Cap Plate
d) Brick chimneys are suitable in clay
A sloping cast iron plate fitted to the top of industries for use with intermittent kiln
the structural shells covering the area between firing and with very high exhaust gas
it and the liners and incorporating cravats temperatures. They are cheaper for
through which the liners protrude. smaller heights but require regular atten-
tion and, therefore, involve higher
'-.20 Theoretical Draft maintenance cost.
The suction that would be produced at the
base of a chimney with no ftue losses. 5.%.% Some of the important factors to be
considered in choosing the chimney are as
4.21 Tun Don Ratio of Boller follows:
Ratio of fuel firing at maximum and minimum a) Characteristics of the equipment for
loads. which the chimney is designed, including

IS '533 ( Part 1 ) : 1 .
Dumber of units, type, etc. taking into information:
account future expansion of units if the
proposed chimney is to cater for these a) Draft required by the plant;
units also; b) Efficiency of the source generating flue
b) Type or fuel used; gases;
c) In the case of boilers, surface area, out- c) Fuel adopted ( provisions in boiler desian
put efficiency, draft required, etc; to fire any inferior Brade rue 1 in future
shall also be considered );
d) Mode of operation;
d) Excel. air~requirement;
e) Temperature of the flue gas before enter-
ing the chimney and its likely variation; e) Sito data (ambient air temperature,
f) Composition of the flue gas, its specific barometric pressure );
weight, quantity of dust data about the f) Flue ps temperature;
aggressiveaess of the gases. These factors 8) Flue sas velocity;
decide the type of lining; h) Proposed type of construction of the
g) Local statutory regulations relating to chimney;
height, dispersion of pollutants, provision j) Natural or mechanical draft;
for earthing, aviation warniDI lamp,
health, etc, and k) Lenph of horizontal flue run; and
h) The mode of erection of chimney. m) Tum-down ratio.
5.3.2 The basic dimensions of steel cbimney
S.3 Bulc 01. . .108. from consideration of strensth and stability
shall satisfy the relevant provisions of Part 2
!.3.1 The basic dimensions of the chimney, of this standard.
namely, the height and clear diameter or cross-
sectional area of individual flues or in multi- 5.3.3 As a guideline, the nominal dimensions
flues stacks depend upon the following of steel chimney are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Reeo._._ Heillat to DllIDeter aatlo of Steel ChbBey

Nominal DI_eter of Cbl._, HelPt of SteelSlla't

em m
,.-________ A _ _ _ _ ~
- A -_ _ _ _
Unlined Lined 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 110
80 SO x
100 60 x
120 80 x )(

140 100 x X
160 120 X )( x x
180 140 x x x )( x
200 160 x x )( x
220 180 )( x
240 200 X x
280 240 x X
315 275 x )(
355 315 X )(

400 360 )( )(

450 410 )(

~OTE - ')( , denotes more commonly used dimensions.

IS 633 ( PUll) : UB
5.3.4 The clear diameter of the chimney is the b) Draft losIes through the ducts dd in mm
nominal diameter of the shell if the chimney of water column may be calculated as:
is unlined or partially Uned. For fully lined 4j1VI.
chimney, the clear diameter of the chimney dd - 2gD I • pi
will be the clear diameter of the lining at the
to,. The Cully lined chimney. shall have a c) Draft'losses in bends db in mm of water
mInimum clear diameter of SOO mm. If, for column may be calculated al:
technological reaSODS, it is necessary to have
a amaller diameter, the top openiol shall be
reduced by CODstructina the passale locally.
d,,- KIV'
2g . F,
d) Draft loues due to sudden chanle of
5.3.5 The chimney shall be at leut 5 m taller sections de in mm of water will depend
than the tallest buildiDI in a surrounding area upon the dearee of sharpness, form of
of 1SO m radius unlel. other replatioDS do Dot section and the ratio of area of the
necessitate a taller chimney (I" also 7 ). section after and before the chanse.
Also, if the chanle in section is padual,
6. CALCULATIONS that is, if enJaraement or contraction is
'.1 The draft IOIIeI in combustion chamber ~dualt the loss will depend on the
.HI vary dependiDI on the actual deliln and IDcluded anale. It may be calculated
this may be worked out based on aerodynamic .s follows:
calculations. Hence. the draft IOSleI at the
exit Bailie of the combustion chamber or the 1) J.--;1. P,
when the chanle
of sectio~ is abrupt, and
boiler should be provided by the customer. for
it will not be pouible to standardize d.aft
JOIIe. for varioul types of combustion
chamben, boiler capacities, etc. The total loss
wiD be the sum. of the losses at the exit ftanae
2) d• .... K,K.V.'
~. when the chanle

of the boiler and the losses in p-ecipitatorl and of section is Iradual.

the coDnectiDI duet., in case of coal fired boi- e) Draft loss due to kinetic enerlY at the
lers and the loss at the exit lanle of the boilers exit:
plus the losses in the connection ducts in case y.
of oil and pa fired boilers. These losses plus the
1011 in the cbimnex shall be considered alODa
dll. - 2, ·p,
with the draft available OD accountof forced or '.3.1 Lelends used in the above formulae
induced draft systems while mDI up the height. are explained as under:
The losses across the precipitators will also
have to be liven by the customer. 4.,4.,
'-2 Jasl. DI. .eter of tile CldJuey
4." d.and
dk - draft losses as explained above, in film
The inside diameter of the chimney in m is of water column;
calculated a. follows: / == fanning friction factor;
D-£ /4U"" H - height of the chimney in m;
'V KY. I - Length of the duct in m;
D - diameter of the chimney in m;
Q ==r quantity of the aas in ml/sec, and
- shaft diameter in case of cylindrical
J'01 ::.: velocity of the flue gas at exit chimney and average diameter in case
point of chimney in m/sec. of conical chimney of smaller height:
e However, the diameter shall be so chosen that D1 == diameter of the duct in m, if circular
the velocity will not exceed, under any in cross-section; or
circumstances, 30 m/sec.
2AB 1ef rect
A+B ie
ansu ar In cross sect on
The optimum faDle of velocity may be taken
as IS to 20m/sec.
with A and B as dimensions;
,.3 Dnft~ V - velocity of gas in m/sec;
The followiDa draft losses shall be considered: Vt - velocity of las in the ftue duct in
a) Draft losses through the chimney d. in m/sec;
!DID of water column may be calculated V. - velocity of. sas in m/sec after the
as: change in section;
4/HY' XI .a coefficient of friction as obtained
tI. - 2,D ." from File 1;

,A leI - 1'ea 18 1(1 - 0'75

10 Kl - 0"5 1£ Kl - 1"65
X rId
OJ' fF K. - , •• )( tid

I , ---- ~

1G K) 0"72 X ,/0 1K KI - 1-5
'" K. - 1'5


1H K 1 - "8


IS 'S33( Part I): I .
K. - coefficient of friction due to sudden a) To protect the chimney shell from heat,
chanle in section as obtained from
Fi,. 2; b) To act as a protective coveriDI thus
reduciDI corrosion, and
K. - factor for Iradual chanle in section
as obtained from FiS. 3; c) To maintain the temperature of the flue
I - acceleration due to gravity in m/sl ; pses.
I.Z Materials
FI - average density of fuel ps within the
chimney, in ducts, in bends or at the 1.2.1 ~"b,ick,
exit; as appropriate in kg/mi.
These are made in radial form to suit the
'.4 The draft induced by the chimney, d. in chimney dimensions. Firebricks having an
mm of water column is: alumina content between 28 and 32 percent are
d.-H(pa-pg) satisfactory for the majority of applications.
These bricks are set in mortar made from
where ground fireclay or in a suitable fire cement.
ptJ - density of air at ambient tempera- This type of linial fulfils requirement 8.1(b)
ture and pressure in kllml , and and to a certain extent requirements 8.1(a)
Pg = density of gas at average tempera- up to a temperature of about 1 2000C but
ture and pressure within chimney its high density makes it of little use in respect
in kg/ml . of requirement 8.1(c). Its strength and hard
6.5 The draft available in the chimney as surface would give protection to the steel from
calculated in 6.4 should take care of all the abrasion when this has to be considered.
draft losses as calculated in 6.3 (adjusted
for the usage of forced draft and induced draft Suitable bricks shall have the following
fans). The height and diameter of the chimney properties:
should be so chosen as to obtain the necessary a) Thermal con- : About 1·25 WI
draft and the necessary exit velocity. ductivity (mK)
7 DETERMINATION OF HEIGHT OF b) Bulk density : Not less than 2 000
CHIMNEY kg/rna
7.1 The height of chimney chosen shall satisfy c) Cold crushing : Not less than 14
the requirement given in 6.5. strength N/mm'
7.1 The influence of aerodynamic shadow on d) Coefficient of ex- : Up to 3-3 x lO-er'K
the height of the chimney shall be assessed in pansion
accordance with Annex A.
e) Aluminium oxide : 30 percent, Alin
7.3 While deciding the actual height of the . • ( AI!O. )
chimney, consideration of dispersion of pollu-
tants on the height of chimney as covered in f) Acid solubility : 2-0 percent,Alax
IS 8829 : 1978 shall be taken. In the absence g) Spalling resis- : 15 cycles, Min
of availability of sufficient data regarding tance
meteorological techniques in air pollution
study, methodas given in Annex B shall be taken b) Approximate : 20 percent, Max
into account. This Annex also covers recom- porosity
mended height of stacks for process gases from
pollution consideration for iron and steel j) Refractoriness : I 300°C, Min
industries in particular. under load
7.4 The final adoptable height of the chimney
shall be based on all the factors covered in 7.1 k) Warpage : 1 mm, !tIQX
and 7.3. m) Size tolerance : ± 1-5 percent
SECTION 2 LINING AND INSULATION Mortar for fireclay bricks ( hard fired ),
mixed with blast furnace slag cement in the
8 CHIMNEY LINING ratio 80 : 20, should have the following
8.1 General properties:
Lining for steel chimney may be required for a) Aluminium oxide 20 percent, Min
one or more of the following purposes: ( AIIO,)


Oel I
K2 0.6

AJ 0·1
o (»-2 0·'o-e 0.. '·0 oV 10 20 30 40
-.!l ... IN O£GREES~
A2 -C(


b) Ferric oxide 2·5 percent, Max the following chemical composition:

( FetOI ) a) Sio, 25 to 26 percent
c) Pyrometric cone 28, Min
equivalent, Stand- b) AIIO. 12 to 14 percent
ard cone No. c) FeJO. 2·0 percent, Max
d) Dry shrinkage 2'5 percent, Max d) Cao 48 to 50 percent
at 110°C
8.%.1.3 In case the chimney bas to discharge
r) Fired shrinkage 2'5 percent, Max gases from processes or incinerators at a tempe-
at 1 2S0°C/2 hr rature higher than 1 200°C, special duty lining
f) Grading o to 1 mm bas to be used as given in IS 6 : 1983 and IS 8 :
-95 percent, Min 1983.
passing 1 mm 8.1.1 Insulation Refractory Bricks
These bricks are used for achieving all the
-so percent, Min three functions of the insulation. These bricks
passing 0'09 are available in three grades suitable to tempe-
rom sieve ratures 850, 1 250and 1 500°C. These bricks shall
g) Workability Good conform to IS 2042 : 1 972. The application is
similar to that of firebricks. Insulating bricks Blast furnace slag cement should have shall . however, fulfil the followingproperties.
Service Temperature
· , 1 200°C .
--- .---~

a) AI.O, 30 to 33 percent t" ,

b) Porosity, percent 60,~in 72,Afin

c) Cold crushing strength, N/mmr 3'S, Min 0·8, Min ",- ..
d) Bulk density, kg/ml • 1 000, Max 630 to 735
e) Thermal conductivity, w/(mk) 0-31 at hot face temp 0'2 at ~60~C ~~.{.- ·
of 600°C . ~

f) Size tolerance ± 2% or ± 2 mm ± 2% or ± 2 mm
18 '533 ( pan 1): ~
Lilht weipt mlulatina bricks shall have the 1500C (that is in the neipbourhood of dew
following propenies: point ). They are set in aD acid resistiul cement

r- SerJlc, A
.,_ _..-..__ r"""",,,.,
- - -..~

1200ec AI", 1 0500C Mi"

a) Al.o. 28 perceDt, MI"
b) Pe.O. 2·S percent, Mta
c) Pyrometric CODe equivalent 29, MI"
Standard cone ( ASTM ) No.
d) Dry shrinDle ( %) 3, Max at l100C
e) Fired sbrinDle ( %) 3·5, Max at 2h 3, Max (dry and fired)
f) OradiDI, mm oto 1 (95% palsiD8 oto 1 ( 95% passins
O·S mm sieve ) O·S mm sieve)
I) Workability Good Good

L2.3 Solid Gr. Dlltomtlc,oUl ( Mol. ) Brlckl and, as the object is to ,resent an impervious
linin" severe ftuetuatl0DS of temperature
The bricks are made to suit the diameter of should be avoided, otherwise the rilidity or
chimney and in suitable thickness (Ienerally, the lining may cause it to fracture and become
between 76 to 114 mm) to suit the degree of less efficient. It follows that this class of
iIlIulatioD required. This type of brick is set brick is suitable for requirement in 1.1 (b) in
in mortar made from the brick material ground circumstances for low ftue las temperature.
to powder form with the addition of Portland
or hilh alumina cement, accordiDI to the brick It is practicable to use hiJhly vitrified clay
manUfacturers. bricks or vitriled firebrIcks. resistant to
temperature up to S40·C and 1 100°C,
Thil clasl of lininl would cover requirements respectively.
in 1.1 <a> and (c) and dependiDI upon the type The acid relistiDI bricks and cement should be
of ps, requIrement in 1.1 (b) within the chosen specifically to resist the acids known or
temperature raDle 150 to aooGe. expected to be prelent in the ftue gases.
When dry, this material hal low coefficient of Suitable bricks shall have the following
expansion and is resistant to temperature properties:
chanles. leiDI hiahly water.absorbaDt, these Type 2
bricks should be atored in dry surroundiDls;
brick linin" should be dried out slow)y and a) SpalliDI resi•• 2 M'"
preferably, maintained at an elevated tempera- taace ( cycle)
ture thereafter. b) Cold cruahilll 50 Min 25M;n
strenath, N/mm'
Suitable brieks shall have the followiDI
propertios: c) Water absorp- 2 to 4 8 Max
tioD, percent
a) Thermal conducti· Not Ifeator thaD d) Acid reli.. 99 Mill 96 Min
vity 0-23 W/(mk); taDce
b) Bulk deality Not leu tbaD 100 e) Bulk deDlity, 2 200 Min 2400 to 2 SOO
kl/ml , klIma
c) Cold crUlhiDI Not lesl thaa 4-6
ItrenJth N/mml , f) Size toler.. :l: 2 ± 2 or :I: 2 mm
rance, percent
d) CoellcieDt or 2-0±O·1 x IQ-l/K.
liDear ezpulioa and Mortar for acid proof bricks should
have tbe followiDI propenies:
e) Modulus of 0-90 N/mml
rapture a) -AltO. 10 percent
b) FiDaell All paSSiDI throulh
1.2.4 ~c'tllWll"", BrIe'" 1 mm sieve eon-
(ormiDI to IS 460
nele bricb an uecI whe. the he lUI' are ( 'art I or Part 2 ) :
hiply acidic or areat teIDperature It or below 1985

c) Firina shrillk- 2 percent MtIX, at The thermal ex~llIiOD of IOlid pad, diato-
ale I . .C maceous earth bricksor of CODcrete made from
d) Acid solubility 1-5 MfIX similar material. "eiD,low, IeCtioD heip'a ...)'
be Ireater, and for lmall chimneys, a 110iol of
8.2.5 SDlldOr., Dltltontl.JceoUl Co"cr,t, these materials IBly be tatea almOit to the top
or the shell without dividilll it iDto aectioal.
The agrepte Cor solid arade diatomaceous Due consideration Ihould be live. to the re-
concrete is or the same materials as the bricks beat shrinDle of theae materiall.
mentioned above, in appropriate Iradinss, and
is mixed with high alumina cement. The The upper ponion of sucha liaiDI i. lubject to
concretecan be precast in shapes as required, damal' by weather and it should, theretor.,
cast ill Ii'" or placed by the 'luDDinl' procesl. terminate at a distance below the top approxi-
The thickness of the monolithic lillin_ sball, mately equal to the diameter of the Ibell, the
in no case, be less than SO mm. A minimum lining beiDI completed with All enpneerial
cover of 25 mm shall be provided to anchorales brick or dense firebrick, joiated with. suitable
where corrosive conditions exist. mortar. It is recolDlDended that the top aartace
of the IiDialShould be suitably protectedfrom
This class of linin. has a low cacftl- the 'weather_
cient of expansion and would Cover require-
ments or Ll <a> and (c) and, de~DdiDI upon 8.3.3 BrlckwD'1c
the type of ps, requirement of8.1 (b) in the
temperature raDle 150 to 870·C_ Shaped bricks shall be used for chimDeya up
to .. min intemaldiameter, or wbeD Dec.aary to
8.2.' R'fractory Coner,t, meet tbe service requiremeDtl, aad the leneral
contour of the brick work sball correspond
A refractory concrete lininl may be formed with the curvatureof the chimney shell. Joints
in situ or applied by the 'sunniag' process. In shall be properly filled and shall be as tbiD U
use, it is similar to a firebrick linin, and fulfils possible. Mortar shall not be placed betweea
similar requirements. the bricks and the steel shell and there ahall
8.1.7 Sandlind C,ment Mixtures be DO cavity between them and the sbell.
These are suitable for lininas constructed by Normally the nominal thieba. or the brick-
the luaninl process, more Imerally for use in work shall be Dot leIS than 114 IDID ( " , Note)
the low temperature range, and shall be taken to the top of chimney mell
operatinacODditions are such tbat the I_,
8.2.8 Other Materials of the wbole chimney is not required.
Other Iinins materials may be required for use NOTE - Brick linin.. not less than 76 mm tbick
in special circumstances and these shall be are pcrmiuible ror chimneys not more than 7. nun
in internal diameter. by a,lIemeat between tbe
applied in accordance with the manufacturer'. parties concerned.
1.3.4 SMplHH'tl", R"",
a.3 Deslp aM C• •netlo.
Where IUpportiDI riDls are used, the 8nt
8.3.1 G,,,,I'QI course oC brick above each riDI shall project
at lcall 10 mID, 10 u to protect the rial
The interior surface or the steel sbell shall be and allow any coadeasate to r.ll clear or
clean and sbatl be free from loose rust and the linial below. The steel riDI sball extead
scale. for example by wire brushiDI, im- iDward frOID tbe shell 10 as to reach at least
mediately before applying the liniol. 0·6 times the thickness of the liniq. A typical
arranaeIDent of providiDI top plate aael top
1.3.2 TIJIrmtll Expan,ion stilener is shown in FiJ. 4.
The thermal expansioD of the liniD, shall be 1.3.5 0"""
provided for, in the delilD. Refractory and OpeniDIS for flue and access doon into the
acid resistant lininls shill be divided into cbilDney linin, shaD be properly formed with
sections; a suitable heiaht of section is 6 ID. arches or SUitable supports to sollts. Thres-
Each section of the lining shall be supported by bolds, heads aDd jambs sban be suitably insula-
an internal steel rina securely attached to the ted to prevent deterioration.
chimney shell. A space for expansion sball be
Jeft above the top of each section so that it 1.3.' lim", Support
remains clear of the rins above. The expansion
space shall be filled. with refractory fi~re. Where lininls are not fixed apinst the shell,
mineral wool or other phable, non-combustible the supports sball be desiped Dot oal, to
filling_ allow for relative movemeots due to tempera-

IIOH ------12





All dimensions in mrlllmetres.

ture changes but to secure the lining safely less than 2S mm of cover to all mesh and
apinst forces due to oscillation and deflection studs.
of the structure so as to prevent damage to
either Jining or structure. Arrangement for The lining may be applied with the chimney
replacement of linings will often be necessary shell in a horizontal position, the latter being
and the desiSD shall facilitate this. rotated durin, forming, if desired to avoid the
use of shuttering.
8.3.7 Conical Btue Sections 8.3.9 Guniting
In chimneys having a conical base section, the Guniting shall be done commencing from the
lining should not be less than 229 mm thick, bottom and progressing upwards, It shall also
as far as is practicable; the internal diameter be ensured that this is done in narrow strips so
will normally be equal to that of the lining that in one operation the lining is complete
above. The space between the lining and the to that width, The height of each band depends
steel shell shall be filled with: on the diameter of chimney, the thickness
a) brickwork; or of the insulation and the materials used, so that
initial setting does not start before the strips
b) lean concrete ( between 8 to 10 : 1 ) using are completed.
a heat stable aggregate, such as brick
rubble, or At the end of the day's work, all incomplete
lining shall be removed with the trowel and left
c) a suitable combination of <8> and square to the chimney and at the level where
(b) above. the full thickness of the insulation exists. Studs
8.3.8 Refractory and Insulating Concrete Lining of 3'15 mm diameter and length equal to half
the thickness of guniting should be spot welded
It is not lencrally practicable to line chimneys to the inside surface of the steel chimney at
of less than 1 m shell diameter with brick- 500 mm distance, staggered both ways, on to
work or Bunned linings after erection: in such which welded wire fabric of mesh ISO mm
cases, castable refractory mixes of various square shall be welded, acting as reinforcement
compositions may be used. for guniting,
Castable linings shall be secured to the 9 EXTERIOR INSULATION
chimney shell by a suitable anchorage. Such 9.1 GeDeral
anchorage may consist of steel mesh, concen-
tric with the shell, fixed by supports welded In order to minimize loss of heat from a
to the shell at approximately 600 mm centres, chimney and to maintain the temperature of
or mushrooms of Y-shaped studs at about the steel shell above the acid dew point level,
450 mm centres. The lining shall provide Dot external insulation may be fitted.

IS f533 ( Part 1 ) : 1_

The amount of insulation required to maintain T.llte 2 Loll Vat. . •U' for 1DRI.u.
the temperature or flue pies above the acid Materials
dew point depends upon:
(C1tlu.r,9.1 )
a) the effectiveness of insulation,
b) the velocity of the flue pses, and
c) the inlet temperature of the flue pses. 11p. of ftlekae•• O~....II A,..
mm nil U Val...
For wind load calculations, the chimney dia- WI ( •• K)
meter D shall be taken over all the external Aluminium 6. air lap 3-4 to 4-5
cla ddiD8. F9r section modulus, D shall be mea- Aluminium 18. air lap 2-6 to 4-0
sured over the steel shell. 2-3
MiDcral wool 25
It bas been found from observation and calcu- Mineral wool SO 1-15
lations that the effectiveness of insulation is as Mineral wool 7S 0-7
shown in Table 2. It is essential tbat the grade Mineral wool 100 0·5
of insulation selected is suitable to maintain the Expanded mineral SO 1-15
temperature of the inner surface of the chimney Expanded minoral 75 0-7
above the acid dew point under normal opera- Expanded mineral 100 0·5
ting conditions.
Expanded mineral 150 0-35
The velocity of the flue gases shall be as high
as practicable to ensure their rapid passage
through the length of the chimney. Ideally, the c) The claddings shall be made in strakes,
velocity should not fall below 4·5 mls when using a number of equal plates per strake.
under light load but a lower velocity is some- All seams sball be connected by alumi-
times unavoidable. If the velocity of the gases nium alloy rivets at not more than 100
is too low, they will Dot completely fill the bore mm centres. Vertical seams of each strake
at the top of the chimney, cold air will enter OD shall be set at the mid point of the strake
the windward side, descend the chimney for beneath.
some distance and thus cool the surface of the
chimney to be low acid dew point. This effect is d) The cladding shall be fitted with its
known as 'cold air inversion' and may be over- internal face 6 mm away from the exter-
come by fitting a top core to the chimney. Oas nal face of the chimney shell, or as near
velocities above about 3S m/s may create pro- as possible to clear rivet heads in the
blems due to acoustic effects but these are out- steel shell, this distance being maintained
side the scope of this standard. It should be by continuous circumferential spacers of
noted that, however effective the insulation may 6 mm thick asbestos tape coincident with
be, if the flue gas entry temperature is too low, the horizontal joints of the aluminium.
condensation and acidic corrosion will take The asbestos tape shall be cemented into
place. position by means of sodium. silicate or
other suitable adhesive. The ends of the
A number of insulation methods may be used horizontal rivets in the aluminium sheets
which fall basically into the four types describ- serve to retain the asbestos tape in posi-
ed in 9.2 to 9.5. tion after erection. The circumferential
asbestos spacers divide the 6 mm air
9.2 AlumlDiulD CladdiDl space between the steel and the aluminium
into sections not more than 1-5 m apart,
Aluminium cladding ( sheet steel or other forms thus reducing convection heat losses.
of cladding may be suitable in some cases) is
an effective form of insulation because of its e) When the length of the sections of shell
high thermal reflectivity, and it shall be applied between flanges is not a whole multiple
as stated below: of the strake width, only one make-up
strake per section of chimney shall be
a) The exterior of the steel shell shall be used.
treated as described in 13 of Part 2 of
this standard using a good quality heat f) All projections shall be clad. Cleaning
resistant aluminium point. doors and other points where access is
b) The cladding shall consist of aluminium required shall be 'boxed in' with remova-
sheet not less than 1·6 mm thick with ble aluminium panels.
symmetrical ftange covers made in halves
from aluminium sheets which shall also s) The cladding shall be sealed to prevent
be not less than 1·6 mm thick. ingress of moisture.

11I833 ( Pat I ) a 1_
h) Bach upper .trUe of aluminium shall claddial u clescribed ia '.2 but omittiDI the
lap over the lower strate by a minimum air pp. The miDeral wool mattreu sball be
or 25 DUD. The vertical lealDS similarly arraDleci and hed so that it does not slip.
shall bave a minimum lap of 25 mm.
9A " I I SkIll Clal_,
j) To permit the examination of steel shell
of the chimney without relDoviol the
claddiol, 150 DUD square openinp, loca- The space between the outer shell and the liner
ted at carefully selected points and of a double skin chimney can be filled with
covered by removable weatherproof mineral wool, expanded mineral, or other suit-
aell approximately 230mm square. shall able insulator. Unles. a special heat resistinl.
C provided. Suitable positions are: steel is used for the liner, the temperature
limitation of Table 3 of Part 2 of the standard
i) Diametrically opposite to any inlet, applies. It is essential that there shall be no
aDd metal to metal contact between the liner and
the outer ahell, otherwise 'cold spots' occur on.
ii) Approxilllately 1·25 m frOID the top of the liller, thus reduciallocal areal to below the
tb.e chimney. acid dew point level aad racilitatiDI acidic
conden.tion and corrosioD.
t) After erection, the claddia. may be
deareaaecl and painted with a clear It shall be so arraDled that iDIUlatiDI flilina.
lacquer. cannot IUbside or settle to cause uninsulated
m) The aluminium claddiDI may be applied
on lite either before or .rter the chimney
is erected, or at the manufacturer's works.
'.5 M.ltl-n.e 01...,
If the aluminium is applied at works or 9.5.1 The multi-tlue chimney is an effective
08 lite before erection, Ireat care shall method of maintainin, the velocity of the flue
be taken Dot to damase tbe aluminium pses at various operatins levels and of provid-
llaeetl. If a sheet becomes damaled, it ina adequate insulatioD.
shall be removed and replaced with a
Dew sheet. Rivetinl a patch of alumi- 9.5.2 The liners in a multi-flue chimney may be
nium over the damaled area is DOt contained in a structural shell of steel, brick, or
acceptable. reinforced concrete, in a shaft within the
Itructure of a buildinl or in an open load
D) Great care sball be taken to ensure that beariaa frame built from steel sections or
dillimilar metals do DOt come into reinforced concrete. Normally, each liner is
contact with each other. If it is essential connected to one combustion unit so that the
in the desip that two dissimilar metal. optimum ps velocity can be achieved in all
haw to be cODnected, a suitable DOD- operatiDI CODditioDI.
coadactive aDd water impervious film or
&pDt IhaD be placed between them. '.5.3 The temperature or the inner surface or
the liner can be maintained either by wrappinl
the exterior or the liner with a mineral wool
,.3 MIMnI W.I ~tIea mattress or by Illial the space between the
liners and the structural shell with an expanded
Wrap,iol the steel shell with a suitable sracle mineral, or both.
of IDlDcral wool fibre insulation material of
suftlcicat thickness provides IDOre effective '.5.4 When a ,ranular mater ial is used as an
insulatioa thaD aluminium claddiDI witb the insulant, it is essential that a pte valve be
usual (I mm air pp. Thicknesses of over 50 mm provided for itl removal aDd tbat a notice be
are applied in two separate Iayen, tbe outer a.ed adjacent to the pte valvewarniDI of the
layer beiDa titted 10 that the vertical aDd the danlers of operation by unauthorized personnel.
horizontal joints are ltallered from the joiots
of the inner layer. 'tural
.5.5 frame,
If liners are supported by an open struc-
it is csscntial tbat they are adequa-
If the anile joininl the flanle of the chimney tely insulated and protected Crom the weather,
section projects past the outer face of the Suitable IDCthods are outlined in 9.2 and '.3.
mineral wool, it shall be wraDDed with aD addi·
tional layer of mineral .001 the same thick- 18 ASH DISPOSAL
Dess for at least 75 IDID 08 each side of the
tlaale joint. As mmeral wool bas to be protec- 11.1 Typical arra RIC ments for the disposal
ted from the weather. a cODveaieat way of or ash in chimney have been dealt with in
doilll this is to cover it with an alumiaium ADnese.

IS '533 ( Part I ) : 1_
( Clauses 7.2 ad 7_3 )
A-I.I The height of the chimney shall not be
less than the height of the zone of turbulent air

layers formed due to unevenheights of buildings .. ... ...
'- ., '....
near the chimney_ For the purpose of calcula- 8C2·IM_

tion of the minimum heipt of chimney for - --
lce~inl its plume above the turbulent zone, the WIND NARROW BUILDING
foJlowiDI procedure shaJI be adopted:
a) The types of lurroundiul buildiDI struc-
tures arODI the direction or wind may be
divided into two ,roups:
1) Narrow Blllldlng, where B < 2·5 H.;
8> 2-5H
2) Wide Building, where B > 2-5 H••
B -= width in metres of tbe buildinl B - Width of buildin. in metres
in the downwind direction, and
H. - or buildinl in metres
HB - height in metres of the buildiDI.
b) The relative orientation ofbuildiDIS aloDI
direction of wind may be divided iato A·2 AERODYNAMIC SHADOW
four groups:
1) Independent Narrow Building (Type 1)- A-2.1 This is the zonedownwind of the chimney
A narrow building in the downward in which any release of pollutant may be entra-
direction or which there is DO other pped into the eddies. These are illustrated ill
building or obstruction up to a dis- FII. 5.
tance of6 H._
2) lndepe.dentWid, Sui/dilll (Type 2)- A·2.2 Heilbt of aerodynamic shadow is obtain-
A wide buUdinl in the downward ed as follows:
direction of which there is no other 1) For Type 1 H. - 0-36 B + 2-5 H.
building or obstruction up to a dis-
tance of 4 H•• 2) For Type 2 H. - 0·36 B + 1'1 H.
3) Nturow Building B,Itl"tl Ano'''', Bulldin, 3) For Types 3 and 4 H. - 0'36 (B + X)
or Obl'r"ctioll ( Ty" 3 ) - A narrow +H.
buildiDI iD the downward direction of
which there is another buildin. or where
obstruction at a distance X such tbat
H. < X < lOB•. H. - heiaht in metres of aerodynamic
4) Wid, Buildin, B,hind A"o''''r Buildi", or
shadow; and
Ob,truction ( Typ, " ) - A wide build- No =- bciaht in metres of obstruction or
ins in the downward direction of which buildina in downwind direction.
there is another buildina or obstruc-
tion at a distance X such that H. A·3 DesilD hei,ht H of chimney shall be
< X<8H., Ireater than H. for all tbe types calculated
X - distaace in m at which another
buildinl or obstruction is Joca- H - Calculated heipt in m or the
ted. chimaey.


B~2-5H8 6He
H ~Hs O· 368+ 2- SHe


B>2-5 He


H ~HS O· 368+ 1·7HB

WiNO .....




IS '533 ( Part 1 ) : 1989



B - width of buildin, in the downwind direction, m X - distance at which another building or obstruc-
HB - heiaht of building where the stack is installed, m tion is located, m
H - calculated of chimney, m No - height of obstruction or building in downwind
HI - heisht of aerodynamic shadow, m direction, m
U0 - ejection velocity through stack, m/s

( Claus' 7.3 )

8-1 HEIGHT OF STACK M - estimated mass rate of emission of

pollutant in gIs,
8-1.1 Tall stacks are necessary to disperse F - dimensionless coefficient of rate of
pollutants into the atmosphere in order to precipitation
maintain an acceptable air quality standard at
the ground level. Height of stack is a function ( For gases, F = 1, and
of various factors, for example, mass rate of for dust F == 2 if efficiency of dust cat-
emission, eftlux velocity, temperature of ching is above 90 percent
effluent, topographical conditions, metero- 2-5 if efficiency of dust catch-
logical conditions of the area where stack is ing is 75 to 90 percent
located and lastly, the air quality standards
that must be maintained. Based on these para- 3-0 if efficiency of dust catch-
meters, assuming a relatively flat terrain and ing is below 75 percent),
temperature of eftluent equal to .the atmos- C =- maximum permissible ground level con-
pheric temperature, the height of the stack is centration of pollutant in mg/ml
determined from the following formula: standard temperature and pressure ( stp)
(may be taken as 0-5 mg/ml unless
H - [ AM~D.J
otherwise specified in relevant health
standards ),
V - Estimated volume rates of emission of
where total flue gases, rn8/sec, and
H - calculated height of stack in m D = diameter of stack in m,
A :II coefficient of temperature gradient of 8-1.2 Recommended height of stacks from the
atmosphere responsible for horizcnril consideration of pollution of iron and steel
and vertical mixing of plume plant units is given in Table 3.
( For tropical zone A-280, and B-l.3 Recommended mininmum efflux veloci-
Cor semi-tropical zone A == 240), ties are given in Table 4.

Taltle 3 alco--._ StaMart a,lpt of Stacb ( lor Proeeu G... ) fro.
eo.ltlerad_ of PaU1Itloa for ko. . . Steel Pint Ualtl

( CI.III, B-l.2 )

81 No. V.1t H".t (.) a...rb

I Sfnterial plant 100 to 1$0 Dependin. on SO. loadin. of
exhaust ..S
2 Blut furnace - stOvel fiG to 70 Check calculations lor unburnt
carbon monoxide, if any
3 Steel meltia. ahop:
a) CODverter.oxYPD blown 100
b) Opea heartb, oxy..n blown 100
c) Electric Irc furnaCi 30 Dilcharae point is kept It least
3 to 4 m hilher than the
bilhclt point of tbe roof
Rolli... mill:
Scar8Da machine
ble ReheatiDl
Sualdn. pit
60 to 70
1, Discharae point i. kept at Ie••t
3 to 4 m bilher tban the hip
elt point of roof. For picklin.

d) ... annealin! furnace 45 with hydrochloric or sulph-
e) Continuoul p ckliD.line 40 uric acid, the efficiency of
f) Hot dip ..Iv.niliol line 45 clanin. shall be not less than
95 per<:ent
5 Rotary kUns:
a) For line eo to 80
b) For dolomite 60 to 80
6 Coke oven 100 For discharain, combustion
products of battey.
7 Thermal power plant 120 to 180 For coal fired boiler, fly ash is
the main hazard. Heiaht may
be checked with SO. loadin.
of las also.

Table 4 Reco......aW MIalmulD EtBax Veloclda from Air

Poll.tloa Polat of VIe.
( Clause B-l.3 )

II S,It•• V.loclty
No. m/s
t Natural draft system 6
2 Forced drart system:
.) Chimne,s up to 20 m 6
b) Chimneys from 20 to 45 m heilht 9
c) Chimneys over 45 m heilht 12
3 Induced draft system 7'S
4 Other waste pses and exhaust of industrial IS
ventilation system
Thermal power plants 2S

NOTE - Use of any weather cowl on the top of stack which restricts the vertical motion of plume is not
recommended. If it is absolutely essential to restrlet entry of rain water into dust system, special weather cowls
\\hich will restrict the entry of rain water but allow the pses to meve vertically up\\'ards with the recommended
cfttux velocity may be permitted.

1IJ8D(PutI): ~
B-2•. . . , tile P " , pollutat cIoa Dot exceed the air quality
B-11 De formula is applicable oaly in CUll Ituclardl.
of tall stacks, the plume from which is free 11-2.3 11ae IonmaIa UI1IIDei the temperat.. or
from interference with the air currents produc- the sue. to be eqaal to the .~eric
ed by nearby tall buildinp. temperature. The resDltut hapt or Rack is
8-"2.2 De formula assumes OBI, a sinale source sliptly OD the hillier side.
of air pollution. Where several ltacb are 8-2.4 The IDUim.... coDceatratio. u calcula-
located close to each other, the _Iue of H ted above is reached at a diItaDce X m frOID
obtained from the formula has to be increased the chimney, approximately livea by X .. 20 H
such that the total arouDd level concentration where H is the heiabt of the chimoey in ID
at a place from all the stacks for any particular above the arouad leyel.

( CIa." 10.1 )

cr GENDAL be disposed or
by ,rovicliDI a hopper on the
foundation itself as Indicated in Fi,. 1.
C-l.l In any coal fired boiler, a particular
percentage of ash which escapes aloDI with C·2.2.1 This consists of a hopper with • pte
the flue sas will be precipitated due to chanlC at the bottom which whea a particular welpt
in the direction of lue, at the bottom oftbe or volume of ash is collected, will automatical-
chimney. This will require periodical disposal ly open and discbarac tbe ash into the pit at
depending upon the quantity of ash. For small the bottom. This ash caD be disposed of by
boilers, quantity will be very small and this mechanical, pneumatic or hydrauDc systems,
will not require elaborate arraDlements while dependiq on the system adopted for the
for medium and hiah capacity boilers. the disposal of the ash from the combustioD
quantity will be considerable and will require chamber.
separate arranaements for disposial the ash. C·2.2.2 In tbe case or the mechanical system,
a cODveyor will be provided in the pit so that
ca ASH DfSI'OSAL SYSTEMS the ash can be rcmovccl aDd loaded in the
C-2.1 In case or bi,ser boilers where the trucks outside.
quantity is more, a separate arranlement has C-2.2.3 In the pneumatic system, asb will be
to be provided and usually this will be a removed b1 ejector or suc:kiDa by compressed
hopper at the bottom of the cbilDDty and just air and dlscharaed into the maill ash disposal
below breach opellinss left Cor lue eoaaee- system.
tion. De typical arranaement of tbis is
indicated in Fil. 6. C-2.2.4 ID the case or hydraulic system, eDouah
quantity or water will flush the asb iDto the
C-2.2 In the case or small boilers, the alh may main ash disposal system.

IS '533 ( Part I ) I 1119


50mmf/j GI PIPE
150mm APART

/sHP,l_.. . . . . . liNING






IS 6533 ( Part 1 ) : 1989

AUlOMATIC Rmut.. . .


L----l\r----t- --J.,r--_J

19 of Indian Standard.

BIS is a statutory Institution established under the Bu,.8U of indian Standants Act, 1986 to promote
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and attending to connected matters In the country.


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Amendments are issued to standards 8S the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments Is reaffirmed when such review IndI-
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. SYBDe 7 ( 2609 )

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