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Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE... https://poli.instructure.


Fecha de entrega 7 de jul en 23:55 Puntos 150 Preguntas 6

Disponible 4 de jul en 0:00 - 7 de jul en 23:55 4 días Límite de tiempo 90 minutos
Intentos permitidos 2

1 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Volver a realizar el examen

Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 88 minutos 112.4 de 150

Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 7 de jul en 23:57 al 8 de jul en 23:59.

Puntaje para este intento: 112.4 de 150

Entregado el 7 de jul en 19:58
Este intento tuvo una duración de 88 minutos.

Parcial Pregunta 1 15.3 / 20.4 pts

I. Read the sentences and choose the correct option to
complete them. (Lee las frases y escoge la opción correcta para

1. I go to restaurants because I

prefer to eat at home.

2. My father gets angry when he has to

for my mom too much time.

3. How much does the ticket cost?

4. Why don’t we go shopping on Sunday? That is the only day

I have.

5. Buying technology can be very expensive, but you can still find

if you take your time.

6. I would like to get some first. I am

very hungry.

2 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

7. I do not understand why people get

for parking. They should simply follow

the rules.
8. When you meet someone, it is nice to start a conversation to

avoid a experience.

9. Danger is everywhere. I know that in any country or city you are,

you need to be careful because robbers might

your things.

10. I need to decide to get a taxi to

get to my destination.
11. Some accidents take place because people chat or get on the

Internet while they are the street.

12. Fast food is really delicious, but it is better not to eat it because it

is not .

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

off prices

Respuesta 6:

3 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

main dish

Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Respuesta 11:


Respuesta 12:


Pregunta 2 17.1 / 17.1 pts

II. Read the text and choose the best option from the box to
complete each idea. Use capital letters only when needed.
(Lee el texto y escoge la mejor opción de la caja para completar
cada idea. Usa mayúsculas sólo cuando sea necesario).

4 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Lucy is a woman. , she does

not go to restaurants because she has a lot of work and always arrives
home late feeling tired. However, today she has a day off and her

sister wants her to go and test a new recipe that the

best restaurant at Chapinero neighborhood is offering. Lucy is planning

to go there because that restaurant has a lot of

dishes full of chili and . Besides, the space is

beautiful, the is comfortable, and the service is

because waiters serve the food just 2 minutes after

they order that. What is more, the prices are , and

the atmosphere is relaxed. Lucy is sure that going there is a


Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:

5 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...


Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Parcial Pregunta 3 27.5 / 37.5 pts

III. Read the letter to Carol from her sister and complete it with
the correct option in each case.
(Lee la carta para Carol de su hermana y complétala con la
opción correcta en cada caso).

Dear Carol,

I hope you are okay. I a new life in a

very different city from our hometown, but I like

. many

things I want to tell you. Let’s start with transportation.

a little complicated because

a bus stop or train station near my

house. As a consequence, have to walk

for an hour to get a bus or a train. Everybody has a car in

6 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

city! The food is okay, but fruit and

vegetables as varied and cheap as in

our country. Lulo and guanabana don’t exist here. Entertainment is

great! is a fun city. People

doing different activities all the time and

they really enjoy . Tell our mom that she

doesn’t have to worry about me because there aren’t any insecurity

problems here. place is safe and people

are never scared. At this moment, while I am writing this message to

you, I in the park and I can see that

children are playing safely, elderly people are walking peacefully, and
teenagers are listening to music and texting through their cellphones on

the . You don’t have to put your things

away to protect yourself because crimes and robberies are not

common. You have to come and visit me.

Miss you and love you very much,

Written by Otero, M., May 28th, 2019

Respuesta 1:

am starting

Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

There are

7 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Respuesta 4:

It is

Respuesta 5:

there is not

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Respuesta 11:


Respuesta 12:


Respuesta 13:


Respuesta 14:


8 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Respuesta 15:

street’s city

Parcial Pregunta 4 11.25 / 18.75 pts

IV. Read this tourist information about Wales and then do the
exercises. (Lee esta información turística sobre Wales y después
haz los ejercicios).

Taken from Face2Face Elementary – Workbook – Reading portfolio 8

V. Match each idea with the corresponding place from the box. Pay
attention to spelling and capitalization. There are two places you
DO NOT need to use.

9 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

(Asocia cada idea con el lugar correspondiente de la caja. Ponle

atención a la ortografía y a las letras mayúsculas. Hay dos lugares
que NO necesitas usar).

Taff Millennium Stadium Offa's

Dyke Snowdonia
Snowdown Llangorse Lake Llandudno

1. This city is in the north and there are nice beaches there.

2. Climbing or traveling by train are to options in this place.

3. You can go to soccer games or listen to live music in this place.

4. There is a lot of fish in this place.

5. The capital city of Wales is in this place.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

Millennium Stadium

Respuesta 4:

Llangorse Lake

Respuesta 5:

Offa's Dyke

10 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Parcial Pregunta 5 15 / 18.75 pts

Parte 3: READING
VI. Match the places in column A with the corresponding place
number from the map in column B.
(Asocia los lugares de la columna A con el número del lugar
correspondiente del mapa en la columna B).


The Black Mountains



11 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...


Parcial Pregunta 6 26.25 / 37.5 pts

VII. Listen to the conversation between a man and a woman at a
store and select the correct option to answer the questions.
(Escucha la conversación entre un hombre y una mujer que se
encuentran en un almacén y selecciona la opción correcta para
responder las preguntas).

0:00 / 2:34

1. How many times has she visited Everest Store before?

2. Why is she buying a hat?

3. Why does she need a new toaster?

4. Why is she buying a DVD? Because she wants it as a present for her
daughter's birthday.
5. Why does she decide to go to the 6th floor first?

VIII. Listen to the conversation again and mark the sentences True
(T) or False (F) based on each speaker’s intervention.
(Escucha la conversación nuevamente e indica si las oraciones
son Verdaderas (T) o Falsas (F) con base en lo que dice cada
1. The woman doesn’t know where everything is located in the store.

12 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

2. They are having the conversation on the second floor. F

3. The kitchen appliances are found on the third floor.

4. If you need to buy a TV, you have to go to the fourth floor.

5. The woman’s husband was the one who broke the chair. T

Respuesta 1:

A few times.

Respuesta 2:

Because her sister needs one for a wedding.

Respuesta 3:

Because her old one doesn't work anymore.

Respuesta 4:

Because she wants it as a present for her daughter's birthday.

Respuesta 5:

Because she needs to get more information.

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:

Respuesta 8:

13 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.
Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENE...

Respuesta 9:

Respuesta 10:

Puntaje del examen: 112.4 de 150

14 de 14 07/07/2020, 7:59 p. m.

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