A Proposed Campus Journalism Training and Seminar

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I. Title : The Project is dubbed as Project 4’s ( Strengthening, Scribes, Skills through Series
of Training)
II. Description: This is a two- day school- based training and seminar intended for the student-
writers of the Express Aguilleon , the Official School Publications of Grace Mission College
School. It aims to build young journalists’ writing skills in news writing, editorial, feature
writing , science and health writing and sports writing
III. Proponents: Joanne L. Ico Charlene Maamo
Senior High School Teacher II Junior High School Teacher III
School Paper Adviser School Paper Adviser
IV. Target Beneficiaries: The participants of this two- day seminar and training are the fifty (50)
aspiring young journalists who successfully passed the screening based from submitted
V. Focal Persons : The focal persons of this activity are the proponents with the assistance of
Ms. Maybel Magnaye Head Teacher III of the English Department and Mr. Francis Jeff
Naron, Master Teacher II of the Filipino Department with Mr. Cheth D. Santiago the
school Director. They are the over all in – charge of the said activity.
VI. Proposed Dates: it is slated on July 26 -27 , 2020 Sunday and Monday
VII. Proposed Venue: The venue of the activity is at the AVR ( Audio- Viisual Room)
VIII. Rationale:

The power of then pen has been instrumental in defending the independence of the nation. History
narrates how the writings of the Filipino patriots helped the country in ensuring its freedom against
conquerors and even against abusive leaders. Hence, the nation puts premium to the power of the pen
through campus journalism.

The Department of Education (DepEd ) recognizes the vital role that journalism plays in the
development of the learners not only within the four corners of the room but even in the life ahead. As
such, the power of the pen is recognized through the provision of Republic Act. 7079 also known as
Campus Journalism Act of 1991 . It is through this lens where students are molded and made socially
aware of the issues confronting them , the school and the society where they live.

In this light, Grace Mission College School ceaselessly supports this move of the national
government to give birth to the new breed of Filipino journalists. It resulted to the establishment of the
Aguilleon Express is a miniature in itself of Philippine Journalism. It is here the future journalists of the
nation are molded and responsible journalism is likewise exercised.

For more than a decade, GMCS continuously sees journalism as an avenue towards students’ holistic
development. Its graduates are the living testimonies how campus Journalism had molded them to
become competent and productive citizens of our society. Truly, it has provided young writers wonderful
opportunities to grow personally, socially and academically through the provision of training and
seminars inside the campus and in joining healthy journalistic competitions from CSPC to NSPC. Indeed,
many of our successful people are once products of campus journalism.
Now the school press conference has always been annual event of the DepEd , GMCS deems it
necessary to once again harshness the potentials of its students in writing different articles to annually
publish a school publication both in English and in Filipino. Many students have innate capacities and
passion for writing that need only to be ignited in order for them to write and compete in different levels
of competitions.

Mindful of this scenario the proponents conceptualized this two-day seminar workshop in campus
journalism for aspiring student- journalists. It is believed that through this proposed training, students
abilities in writing will be further developed and it will equip them with the needed knowledge and skills
they needed to advance in the competitions from the school level up to the national level. It is within the
context that this two-day seminar workshop was conceptualized.

IX. General Objective

Generally, the two-day journalistic training and seminar- workshop aims to build aspiring
young journalists with the needed technical know- how in writing different articles thus,
making them competitive in joining in different levels of journalistic competitions. It was
conceptualized with the end in mind of coming up with a school paper before onset of the
second semester.

Specifically, at the end of the two-day journalistic training and seminar workshop, the
participants are expected to:

a. Equip young journalists with the basics of writing different journalistic articles both in
English and in Filipino.
b. Submit different journalistic articles manifesting one’s interest , writing style and
excellent articles in writing news, editorial, feature , sports and science articles;
c. Build young journalists in preparation to the forthcoming Division Schools Press
Conference (DSPC) and ;
d. Write articles for the school publication in both mediums

X. Implementation Strategies
The proponents will spend time for the planning of the proposed journalistic training and
seminar- workshop. When the final draft is crafted, they will solicit the approval from the
immediate head and then to the authorities concerned at the Division office. They will also
sending letters to the target speakers . When approval is secured and the project proposal is
signed, they will communicate with the target participants through a meeting. Before the
target of training, venue and other matters concerning the conduct of the project will be
prepared and doubled check . The training matrix will be followed. School head and
department heads will monitor and evaluate the training with the assistance of the school
paper advisers.

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