Lecture 02

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Michael Levy, Ph.D.

• Office: 513-8289
• email: mglevy@ncsu.edu
• Office hours: By appointment – set up via
• Quizzes - none
Characteristics of Protozoa
• Unicellular
• May reproduce asexually or sexually
• May involve alternation between asexual
and sexual multiplication (Apicomplexa)
• May involve one or more hosts
• May require development in environment
• Multiplication generally occurs in all hosts
• Often have a resistant cystic form
• Host specificity may be absolute or not
depending upon particular parasite
• Antigenicity and metabolism (and
susceptibility to drugs) often varies
between stages

Eimeria, Isospora, Cystoisospora,

Neospora, Sarcocystis,
Toxoplasma, Babesia,
Cytauxzoon Plasmodium,
Leucocytozoon, Hemoproteus,
• Alternation between sexual and asexual
• May involve one host (homoxenous) or
2 or more hosts (heteroxenous)
• Generally proceeds in one direction
• May or may not be host specific
• May or may not be host site specific
• May or may not require development
outside of host
Three parts of life cycle
• Merogony/Schizogony - asexual
development yielding merozoites
• Gametogony - sexual development
involving gametes and fertilization
producing oocyst
• Sporogony - development of infectious
sporozoites within oocyst - when in
environment requires O2, H2O, Temp.
Sporulated Eimeria oocyst
Coccidial oocysts
Apicomplexa life cycles
• Homoxenous - Direct life cycles: Eimeria,
Isospora, Cryptosporidium

• Heteroxenous - Sarcocystis, Toxoplasma,

Plasmodium, Babesia, Hemoproteus,
Leucocytozoon (Cystoisospora),
Neospora,Cytauxzoon – may use
vertebrate or arthropod as definitive host
Eimeria in Cattle
• Many species infect cattle
• Highly host specific
• E. bovis and E. zurneii are among most
• Tissue location, oocyst morphology, site of
lesion important diagnostic aides
• Pathology dependent upon host age, prior
infection, infective dose, ‘stress’
Eimeria bovis
• 1st generation meronts in endothelial cells
of posterior half of sm intestine
• 2nd generation meronts in cecal and
colonic epithelium
• Gamonts in epithelial cells of cecal and
colonic glands
• Ingestion of 1000 oocysts has potential to
yield 3.2 x 1010 parasites
• Hemorrhagic diarrhea, anemia,
weakness, weight loss
Eimeria bovis pathology
• Pathology due to gamonts
• Begins ~ 18 d PI
• Diarrhea, tenesmus, fever, congested
mucosa, often edematous and
• Death 3-4 weeks PI
• Partial immunity following recovery
Eimeria zurneii infection
• 1st generation throughout sm intestine
• 2nd generation ileum, colon cecum
• Gamonts colon and cecum
• Pathology due to asexual stages
• Death beginning 7 days of onset of
symptoms - may not be passing oocysts at
this time
Management of coccidiosis
• Partial immunity develops with continuing
• Immunity species and strain specific
• Young animals and animals with little prior
exposure most at risk
• Pathology proportional to infecting dose
• Moisture, oxygen, proper temperature
required for oocyst sporulation
• Therefore young animals, animals under
crowded conditions and animals under
‘stress’ most susceptible to clinical
• Spring and Fall times of greatest risk
• Many animals harbor subclinical
infections which may or may not affect
• Treat prophylactically - medicated feed
or water
• Once coccidiosis develops difficult to
manage as sick animals reduce intake
of food/water
• Treatment of individual animals difficult -
response to treatment may be delayed
Coccidiosis in Sheep
• Eimeria orinoidalis
– 1st generation giant meronts
Giant meronts gametocytes
Prophylaxis of coccidiosis in
• Lasalocid Bovatec® 1 mg/kg per
day, maximum 360 mg/day
• Decoquinate Deccox® 22.7 mg/100
lb. daily for 28 days
• Monensin Rumensin® 100 to 360
mg/head per day
Treatment of coccidiosis in
• Amprolium Corid® 10 mg/kg daily
for 5 days
• Sulfaquinoxaline 2.72 mg/kg daily
for 3-5 days
• Sulfamethazine 110 mg/kg daily
for 5 days

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